DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...


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26 Doña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>Academic Probation II. If, however, the student fails to maintain a semesterGPA of at least 2.0 while on Academic Probation I, the student will beplaced on Academic Probation II. Students who are already on AcademicProbation II will remain in that status as long as the cumulative GPA is stillless than 2.0. The following stipulations apply to those on Academic ProbationII:1. The student cannot enroll in more than 7 hours of coursework duringthe semester.2. The student and the advisor will enter into a contract approved by thevice president of Student Services that places further stipulations onAcademic Probation II.The vice president of student services may place the student on AcademicSuspension should the student not adhere to the stipulations of the contract.The student must maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher until the cumulativeGPA reaches a 2.0, at which time the student is placed on regularstatus. A student unable to maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher whileunder Academic Probation II will be placed on Academic Suspension.Continuing in Probationary Status. Students may continue to enrollwhile on Academic Probation I or II provided they maintain a semester GPAof 2.0 or higher. They are continued on that same level of Academic Probationif they withdraw from the university while on Academic Probation.Removal of Academic Probation. Such academic standing is removedwhen the cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or higher, with the following exceptions:(1) a transfer student may not remove probation by summer workalone; (2) if an I grade is removed after the student has enrolled, the newgrade’s effect on academic standing is based on its inclusion with gradesfor the term for which the student is enrolled; (3) exercise of the AdjustedCredit Option does not change academic status until subsequent grades areearned.Academic Suspension. When a student does not achieve a semester 2.0GPA or higher, and the cumulative remains below a 2.0 while under AcademicProbation II, the student is placed on Academic Suspension. Studentsare not allowed to take NMSU courses while on suspension but must sit outa minimum of one semester and then petition the vice president of StudentServices to be removed from Academic Suspension. At this time, the suspensionstatus will be evaluated for possible removal. Should the suspension belifted, the student is placed on Academic Probation II until such time thatthe cumulative GPA equals or exceeds a 2.0. At the discretion of the vicepresident of Student Affairs, the student will enter into a contract approvedby the vice president of Student Services and the student’s division dean,which sets stipulations for removal from suspension. Failure to adhere to thecontract will return the student to Academic Suspension.Under certain conditions, a student may be re-admitted to NMSU with provisionalregular status while under Academic Suspension when satisfactoryprogress has been demonstrated at another college or university (see theNMSU Undergraduate <strong>Catalog</strong>). Credits earned at another university or collegewhile under Academic Suspension from NMSU or another universityor college, will be accepted at NMSU only after the student demonstratessatisfactory progress over a period of two semesters after being re-admittedor admitted to NMSU. Acceptance of transfer credits that count toward degreerequirements is still governed by the rules established by the student’srespective college or campus.Effect of Summer Attendance. Students suspended at the close of thespring semester may have their Academic Suspension rescinded if theyattend any of the following summer sessions at NMSU or one of its communitycolleges. Such attendance must raise the cumulative GPA to 2.0or better.A certification of eligibility to attend summer sessions at NMSU after aspring semester Academic Suspension is available to the suspended studentwho wishes to attend summer sessions at other institutions.Disciplinary Probation and Suspension<strong>DACC</strong> / NMSU expects all students to conduct themselves as responsiblecitizens on campus and in the community. Repeated misconduct and majorviolations will cause the student to be subject to immediate suspension orexpulsion from <strong>DACC</strong> / NMSU.The general rules and regulations applicable to students are in the “StudentCode of Conduct” contained in the Student Handbook.Privacy RightsThe following information has been designated as directory informationand is subject to release to the public under the Buckley Amendment (PL98-380), The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974: student’sname, address, E-mail address, telephone listing, date and place of birth,major field of study, classification, participation in officially recognized activitiesand sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, datesof attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previouseducational agency or institution attended by the student.Other information regarding disclosure of student data is posted in the<strong>DACC</strong> Student Services area in compliance with the Act. Requests for withholdingdirectory information must be filed in writing with the NMSU Registrar’sOffice by the third Friday of class.Social Security Numbers in Student RecordsSocial security numbers are collected from prospective and current studentswho wish to be employed on campus or apply for financial aid. Suchstudents are required by law to provide their social security number foradministrative use. Further, the university is mandated by federal tax regulationsto provide tuition and fee payment information to the student and theInternal Revenue Service, so that applicable educational tax credits may becomputed. The social security number will be necessary to submit this taxreporting. The social security number is a confidential record and is maintainedas such by the university in accordance with the Family EducationalRights and Privacy Act (FERPA).Graduation RequirementsThe ultimate responsibility for planning an academic program in compliancewith university, college, and departmental/program requirements restswith the student.Students planning to graduate must clear all of their accounts with the<strong>DACC</strong> Cashiers Office. Delinquent accounts due to outstanding balancesfor tools, books, and personal materials should be cleared in the communitycollege’s Cashiers Office, DAMA-118.Graduation with HonorsThe requirements for designation as a Crimson Scholar Graduate are listedon page 23 in the section titled, “Recognition for Academic Achievement.”The designation Meritorious Graduate is awarded to the top 15 percent ofthe students receiving associate degrees within each college in any oneacademic year provided 45 or more credits have been completed at NMSUor <strong>DACC</strong>.To Graduate with a CertificateStudents must successfully complete the total program as outlined in thecourse catalog and have a GPA of 2.0 or greater. Any incomplete grade mustbe made up before the student is awarded the certificate. A certificate fee of$10 is to be paid at the <strong>DACC</strong> Cashier’s Office, DAMA-118.To Graduate with an Associate DegreeTo earn an associate degree, students must complete a minimum of 66 semestercredits and have an average of two grade points per credit in allcourses taken at NMSU or any of its community colleges (individual programsmay have other GPA requirements). However, English 111G, Rhetoric

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