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DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...


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130 Doña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>candidates who have declared their candidacy, that receive more votes then thedeclared candidate(s) shall follow the same procedure as the non-contested write-in.C. All newly elected officers will be affirmed at the last regular meeting of the AS<strong>DACC</strong>in order to start their tenure on July 1. The affirming ceremony will be conductedby the President, Vice President for Student Services, and the Student ActivitiesSpecialist at the beginning of the new school year or as determined by the VicePresident for Student Services.ARTICLE VII: Order of SuccessionSection 1: Any elected official desiring to resign from the AS<strong>DACC</strong> shall submit his/herresignation in writing to the President (with copies to the Student Activities Specialist,and the Vice President for Student Services), who shall read the letter of resignationunder “<strong>New</strong> Business” for the acknowledgment of the Associated Students.In the event of the President’s resignation, the letter will be addressed to the VicePresident for Student Services with a copy to the Student Activities Specialist. Shouldthe President, in some manner, be rendered temporarily unable to fulfill the duties anddischarge the powers of his/her office, authorities, responsibilities and duties of suchoffice, the Presidency will be turned over to the Vice President, and shall revert backto the President upon his/her declaration of fitness to serve. In the event the Presidentshould resign or be removed from his/her office, the duties and responsibilities shallbe given to the Vice President.The Vice President for Student Services, Student Activities Specialist, Executive Committee,and Senate will determine the order of succession of executive responsibility inthe event that both the President and Vice President suffer disability or in some mannerbecome unable to fulfill their responsibilities.If the Vice President resigns, procedure will be followed per Article VII, Section 1,paragraph 1. If the Vice President is recalled or in some manner rendered unable tofulfill his/her duties, authorities, or responsibilities of such office, the position of theVice President will be left to the Executive Committee to fill. An announcement willbe made within five (5) working days to all <strong>DACC</strong> Students that the Vice Presidencyis vacant. The proper procedures will be followed with a letter of petition submittedwithin one (1) week after the vacancy has been announced. These petitions will bereviewed by the Executive Committee and all candidates will be given the opportunityto speak before the AS<strong>DACC</strong>. A quorum is required to vote, and the AS<strong>DACC</strong>, by secretballot, will determine who will fill the position of the Vice Presidency. The ExecutiveCommittee shall have the power to appoint a Secretary or Treasurer in the event of aresignation, recall, or other circumstance by which the office becomes vacant.(A) Senator(s) who resigns his/her/their seat or is/are recalled will be replaced by anotherstudent in that student club. Applications for the open positions will be reviewed,and the Executive Committee will then appoint a replacement from the applications.Section 2: A two-thirds majority vote by Associated Students members is required forthe recall of any elected or appointed official. This recall would be due to the neglectof performance of duties as specified by the Constitution.ARTICLE VIII: Organizations/ClubsSection 1: To be chartered through the Associated Students, an organization shall havea membership of seven or more students, and two (2) community-service or campusprojects per semester. Organizations shall submit an application of recognition and acopy of its by-laws to the Associated Students for membership and recognition at thebeginning of each school year.Section 2: For the purpose of obtaining any needed funds, all chartered organizationsshall make a request to the Associated Students in the form of a “Request forFunding” (RFF), which must be presented to the AS<strong>DACC</strong> at least ten (10) businessdays prior the next scheduled AS<strong>DACC</strong> meeting. After the RFF has been reviewed bythe Executive Board, it is then presented to the AS<strong>DACC</strong> at the regular meeting by aSenator representing the organization, group, or person(s). At that time, a vote will betaken and the results announced. Results will be contingent upon club participation asstated above, including representation of club members at general AS<strong>DACC</strong> meetingsin addition to any AS<strong>DACC</strong> officers who may be club members as well. Any organizationfailing to conduct business in the best interest of the <strong>DACC</strong> and not abiding bytheir By-laws may be recalled from recognition with the AS<strong>DACC</strong>, thus being deniedfunds from the Associated students. Exception to this policy can be addressed to theAS<strong>DACC</strong> in a closed meeting.ARTICLE IX: BudgetsSection 1: the Associated Students Doña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> will adhere toexpenditure procedures as outlined in the NMSU Business Policies and ProceduresManual. Financial records shall be maintained by the Doña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>Finance Office. The Finance Office shall provide monthly reports of all transactions tothe treasurer of the Associated Students so that an accurate record of finances can be recordedby the AS<strong>DACC</strong>. All funds shall be distributed through the <strong>DACC</strong> Finance office.Section 2: Associated Students monies must be expended according to the followingguidelines:A. Annual expense budget will be prepared and approved by the AS<strong>DACC</strong> and theexecutive board before any expenditure can be disbursed.B. The President and the treasurer are the only persons who can sign request for funding/purchaseorders for expenditures approved by the Associated Students.C. All expenditures require the signature of either the President, the Treasurer, or theStudent Activities Specialist.D. Expenditures in excess of $250 require a request for Funding (with signatures) anda purchase order signed by the Vice President for Student Services.E. Expenditures in excess of $1,500 require competitive quotes and should be coordinatedwith the Vice President for Student Services and the Vice President forBusiness and Finance.Section 3: Associated Students of <strong>DACC</strong> shall submit an annual expense budget tothe Vice President for Student Services for use by the Associated Students of <strong>DACC</strong>.ARTICLE X: Payment to Officers and SenatorsSection 1: The Vice President for Student Services and the Student Activities Specialistshall agree on a set amount to be paid each Executive Officer on an annual basis.Payments to officers will be disbursed according to Human Resources Policy.Section 2: The Vice President for Student Services and the Student Activities Specialistshall agree on a set amount to be paid each Senator on a semester basis.ARTICLE XI: Emergency Action ClauseSection 1: The Executive Committee shall establish regular meeting times for themselvesto discuss agendas and other issues which need to be presented to the generalmembership. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act in the name ofAssociated Students in situations where the membership cannot be called into sessionand immediate action is necessary. The Executive Committee shall report any actiontaken to the general membership at the next scheduled meeting.Section 2: The President has executive power to make decisions in the name of AssociatedStudents in a situation where the Executive Committee cannot be called intosession and when immediate action is necessary. The President shall report any actiontaken to the Student Activities Specialist and the Vice President for Student Services.The President shall report any action taken at the next regular scheduled AssociatedStudents meeting.ARTICLE XII: Amendments to ConstitutionSection 1: This Constitution can be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) majorityvote of the membership of the Associated Students. The proposed amendment or revisionshall be typed and presented at the next general meeting of the Associated Students.The proposed amendment(s) or revision(s) shall not be discussed or voted upon untilthe next general meeting. If passed, the proposed amendment(s) or revision(s) will bereviewed by the Vice President for Student Services for approval or veto.Section 2: By-laws may be repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membershipof AS<strong>DACC</strong>. The proposed repeal shall be typed and submitted to the AssociatedStudent member- ship at the next general meeting. The proposed repeal shall not bediscussed or voted upon until the next general meeting. If passed, the proposed repealshall be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Services for approval or veto.

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