Nikolaos Tetradis

Nikolaos Tetradis Nikolaos Tetradis
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Hierarchy of scalesFor subhorizon perturbations with momenta k ≫ H = ȧ/a, thelinear analysis predicts |δ⃗v| ∼ (k/H)Φ ∼ (H/k)(δρ/¯ρ).We assume the hierarchy of scales: Φ, δφ/¯φ ≪ |δ⃗v| ≪ δρ/¯ρ 1.As we are dealing with subhorizon perturbations, we assumethat the spatial derivatives of Φ, δφ, δ⃗v dominate over their timederivatives. We also assume that a spatial derivative acting on Φ,δφ or δ⃗v increases the position of that quantity in the hierarchy byone level: ⃗ ∇Φ is comparable to Hδ⃗v, while ∇ 2 Φ is comparable toH 2 δρ/¯ρ.F. Saracco, M. Pietroni, N. T., V. Pettorino, G. RobbersarXiv:0911.5396[astro-ph], Phys. Rev. D 82: 023528 (2010)N. Tetradis University of AthensThe inhomogeneity of the Universe and the cosmological model

Equations of motion for several non-relativistic speciesThe evolution of the homogeneous background is described byH 2 = 1 [ ∑a2¯ρ i + 1 ˙¯φ 2 + a 2 U(¯φ) ] ≡ 1 323 a2 ρ toti=1,2˙¯ρ i + 3H¯ρ i = − β i˙¯φ¯ρi⎛¨¯φ + 2H ˙¯φ = − a2⎝ dUdφ (¯φ) − ∑with ρ tot ≡ ∑ i¯ρ i + ˙¯φ2 /(2a 2 ) + U(¯φ).i=1,2β i ¯ρ i⎞⎠,For the CDM we set β 1 = β, while for BM, because of strongobservational constraints , we set β 2 = 0.N. Tetradis University of AthensThe inhomogeneity of the Universe and the cosmological model

Equations of motion for several non-relativistic speciesThe evolution of the homogeneous background is described byH 2 = 1 [ ∑a2¯ρ i + 1 ˙¯φ 2 + a 2 U(¯φ) ] ≡ 1 323 a2 ρ toti=1,2˙¯ρ i + 3H¯ρ i = − β i˙¯φ¯ρi⎛¨¯φ + 2H ˙¯φ = − a2⎝ dUdφ (¯φ) − ∑with ρ tot ≡ ∑ i¯ρ i + ˙¯φ2 /(2a 2 ) + U(¯φ).i=1,2β i ¯ρ i⎞⎠,For the CDM we set β 1 = β, while for BM, because of strongobservational constraints , we set β 2 = 0.N. <strong>Tetradis</strong> University of AthensThe inhomogeneity of the Universe and the cosmological model

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