Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council
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Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 It is recommended the Committee Resolve not to Refuse the application subject to the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement. The heads of the Agreement to include: 1. The applicant to undertake the works and mitigation methods comprised in the applicant's submitted Environmental Statement and Further Information. 2. That the development is phased so that work occurs in the following sequence: (a) The new playing field at the King George V playing field is constructed before the new stadium is brought into beneficial use and all community facilities are made available for use prior to the bringing into use of the new stadium and work commences on the demolition of the existing stadium site (The Lawn). That works be allowed to proceed on the existing site where materials are to be recycled in the construction of the new stadium and do not prevent the pitch at The Lawn for being used. (b) A management plan for the extended King George V playing field is produced and agreed. The plan to include booking arrangements and long-term maintenance of the facility. The commuted sum for maintenance to be £12,000.00 unless agreed to the contrary with the Head of Development Services in conjunction with Nailsworth Town Council. (c) That during the course of construction works on the new stadium site 'The Lawn' be made available for use by the existing users of the playing field at Nortonwood and the School, until such time as the new facilities are available for use. (d) A Bond or similar financial arrangement to be provided by the developer / applicant to provide for sufficient funds for the restoration of the New Stadium Site to its existing condition should the development permitted not be completed within twelve months of the cessation of any construction works. (e) An area of land of sufficient size to provide a MUGA be set aside from development within the site, generally in accordance with the details submitted by the applicant, and upon notification in writing by the Local Authority such land is made available for public use. SITES INSPECTION PANEL The Panel were joined by Councillor Mrs Wood and Councillor Jones. They inspected the site and were made aware of the respective positions of existing residential and commercial property. They were able to view the proposed highway works and suggested traffic calming measures. The position of the new footway linking the area outside the school to the new stadium was noted. The size and position of the new roundabout was viewed. The Panel took the opportunity of walking the playing field site and considering the relationship of the works to the existing properties and the landscape. The details of the topography were visible and the effect of the shadowing study was considered. The location of the embankment where most of the wildlife issues related to was pointed out. The repositioning of the playing field for the school was made known as well as the area which does not form part of this application but will not be developed to enable a possible MUGA to be created in the future was pointed out. The Panel viewed the KGV site and could see the area of land it is proposed to extend for a playing field. The position of the hedgerow was considered and the cut and fill operation required was shown on the plans. Members were able to consider the nature of the highway network leading to this part of the site. The Highway Authority representative confirmed there were no highway objections to the proposals and that the scheme met technical requirements and had been considered in terms of a safety audit. Questions were raised regarding the size and nature of the roundabout and whether it would be possible for it to be planted. 82

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 The Environmental Health Officer attended and confirmed his views were already outlined in the report submitted to Members. The Town Council representative spoke in favour of the development and confirmed the Town Council had been interested in the area as a whole for a long time. When the secondary school was closed it was realised more and more residential development was taking place without any further community facilities. The area developed by JJH Homes was a playing field and that area has been lost to residential development. There was a mandate from the community when a petition of over 1400 people was signed to try to prevent the college site being developed for residential purposes. A priority was to see the football club remain in Nailsworth. They are the only social facility providers, not just for sport but also for social amenities, they provide bingo for the old people and as there is no public house in this area social contact takes place within the clubs buildings. The idea to move the football club was somewhat pushed upon the Town Council but the main aim was to keep it in the town and to try to persuade the college that something could be done but that all fell through. After this the football club began negotiations with the County Council and the Town Council retained an interest to ensure there would still be sufficient community facilities. This has been undertaken for the last few years. They feel there will be sufficient community facilities with the development and the use of the school and KGV site. The Town Council have also remained abreast of the environmental statement and have employed a consultant to review these on their behalf. As a result some of the subsequent measures of mitigation such as the reduction in lighting has been as a result of this advice. It is hoped the scheme will be approved as there is benefit to Nailsworth. People are working hard to bring in funding to the area and the scheme. In relation to that part of the scheme for the extension of the KGV site measures have been discussed with the County Council for traffic calming but the main area of concern does not come from the use of the playing fields but the use of this road (Park Road) as a rat run to the commercial units. The extension of the KGV site is not a matter the Town Council required but was as a result of Sport England's' requirement to make up for the potential loss of any playing pitches generally. It is not proposed to extend any of the other facilities such as the changing rooms in this area. The invited Ward Councillor, Councillor Jeffreys, wished to defer any comments until the time of the Development Control meeting. After discussion Members were of the view the proposals were acceptable but some expressed concern regarding the nature of the highway engineering works proposed at Norton Wood. In compiling this recommendation we have given full consideration to all aspects of the Human Rights Act 1998 in relation to the applicant and/or the occupiers of any neighbouring or affected properties. In particular regard has been had to Article 8 of the ECHR (Right to Respect for private and family life) and the requirement to ensure that any interference with the right in this Article is both permissible and proportionate. On analysing the issues raised by the application no particular matters, other than those referred to in this report, warranted any different action to that recommended. 83

<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>10</strong>/<strong>08</strong>/<strong>2004</strong><br />

It is recommended the Committee Resolve not to Refuse the application subject to the<br />

satisfactory completion of a Section <strong>10</strong>6 Agreement. The heads of the Agreement to include:<br />

1. The applicant to undertake the works and mitigation methods comprised in the applicant's<br />

submitted Environmental Statement and Further Information.<br />

2. That the development is phased so that work occurs in the following sequence:<br />

(a) The new playing field at the King George V playing field is constructed before the new<br />

stadium is brought into beneficial use and all community facilities are made available for use prior<br />

to the bringing into use of the new stadium and work commences on the demolition of the<br />

existing stadium site (The Lawn). That works be allowed to proceed on the existing site where<br />

materials are to be recycled in the construction of the new stadium and do not prevent the pitch<br />

at The Lawn for being used.<br />

(b) A management plan for the extended King George V playing field is produced and agreed.<br />

The plan to include booking arrangements and long-term maintenance of the facility. The<br />

commuted sum for maintenance to be £12,000.00 unless agreed to the contrary with the Head of<br />

Development Services in conjunction with Nailsworth Town <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

(c) That during the course of construction works on the new stadium site 'The Lawn' be made<br />

available for use by the existing users of the playing field at Nortonwood and the School, until<br />

such time as the new facilities are available for use.<br />

(d) A Bond or similar financial arrangement to be provided by the developer / applicant to provide<br />

for sufficient funds for the restoration of the New Stadium Site to its existing condition should the<br />

development permitted not be completed within twelve months of the cessation of any<br />

construction works.<br />

(e) An area of land of sufficient size to provide a MUGA be set aside from development within the<br />

site, generally in accordance with the details submitted by the applicant, and upon notification in<br />

writing by the Local Authority such land is made available for public use.<br />


The Panel were joined by <strong>Council</strong>lor Mrs Wood and <strong>Council</strong>lor Jones. They inspected the site<br />

and were made aware of the respective positions of existing residential and commercial property.<br />

They were able to view the proposed highway works and suggested traffic calming measures.<br />

The position of the new footway linking the area outside the school to the new stadium was<br />

noted. The size and position of the new roundabout was viewed. The Panel took the opportunity<br />

of walking the playing field site and considering the relationship of the works to the existing<br />

properties and the landscape. The details of the topography were visible and the effect of the<br />

shadowing study was considered. The location of the embankment where most of the wildlife<br />

issues related to was pointed out. The repositioning of the playing field for the school was made<br />

known as well as the area which does not form part of this application but will not be developed<br />

to enable a possible MUGA to be created in the future was pointed out. The Panel viewed the<br />

KGV site and could see the area of land it is proposed to extend for a playing field. The position<br />

of the hedgerow was considered and the cut and fill operation required was shown on the plans.<br />

Members were able to consider the nature of the highway network leading to this part of the site.<br />

The Highway Authority representative confirmed there were no highway objections to the<br />

proposals and that the scheme met technical requirements and had been considered in terms of<br />

a safety audit. Questions were raised regarding the size and nature of the roundabout and<br />

whether it would be possible for it to be planted.<br />


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