Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council


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<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>10</strong>/<strong>08</strong>/<strong>2004</strong><br />

The relevant policy advice for this application is contained within policies H23 and G1 of the<br />

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan, Revised Deposit Version (as amended June 2001).<br />

Policy H23 states:<br />

"Permission will be granted for the extension of residential properties, and for erection of<br />

outbuildings incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling, provided all the following criteria area<br />

met: -<br />

1. The plot size of the existing property is large enough to accommodate the extension of<br />

outbuilding without resulting in a cramped or overdeveloped site;<br />

2. The height, size and design of the extension or outbuilding is in keeping with the scale and<br />

character of the dwelling to be extended, and its wider setting;<br />

3. Following construction of the extension, or outbuilding sufficient space is available for the<br />

parking or cars, in line with the <strong>Council</strong>s Parking Standards, in a way that does not detract from<br />

the character and appearance of the area, and<br />

4. Following construction of the extension, or outbuilding sufficient private amenity space exists<br />

for use by occupiers of the enlarged dwelling."<br />

Policy G1 states:<br />

"Permission will not be granted to any development that would be likely to lead to an<br />

unacceptable level of noise, general disturbance, smell, fumes, loss of daylight or sunlight, loss of<br />

privacy or have an overbearing effect."<br />

A letter of objection has been received from the occupier of the neighbouring dwelling. They<br />

object on loss of light to the back of their property.<br />

Stonehouse Town <strong>Council</strong>'s revised objection to the proposal is on grounds of over-development<br />

of the site and they have concerns on the impact on neighbouring properties.<br />

With regard to Policy H23, the size of this plot is relatively large and it is not felt that this<br />

development will result in a cramped or overdeveloped site. The size and design of the proposed<br />

extension is in keeping with the scale and character of the existing property. The proposal will<br />

lead to a minimal increase in the ground floor plan to that of the existing property with the majority<br />

of the development being at first floor level. The substantial rear garden would remain available<br />

to provide ample private amenity space for use by the occupiers of the enlarged dwelling.<br />

With regard to Policy G1, whilst it is possible there may be an increase in loss of light to the rear<br />

of the neighbouring dwelling, it is not felt to be of a significant level to warrant refusal in this<br />

instance.<br />

Therefore, in view of the above, Policies G1 and H23 are satisfied and permission is<br />

recommended.<br />

In compiling this recommendation we have given full consideration to all aspects of the Human<br />

Rights Act 1998 in relation to the applicant and/or the occupiers of any neighbouring or affected<br />

properties. In particular regard has been had to Article 8 of the ECHR (Right to Respect for<br />

private and family life) and the requirement to ensure that any interference with the right in this<br />

Article is both permissible and proportionate. On analysing the issues raised by the application<br />

no particular matters, other than those referred to in this report, warranted any different action to<br />

that recommended.<br />


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