Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council


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<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>10</strong>/<strong>08</strong>/<strong>2004</strong><br />

9. The proposed development shall not be brought into use until the existing<br />

frontage boundaries either side of the vehicular access have been<br />

removed and lowered to provide visibility splays extending from a point<br />

2.4 metres back from the carriageway edge along the access centre line<br />

to a point on the nearside carriageway edge at the edge of the boundary<br />

with the applicants control in each direction. Any new boundary, fence or<br />

other enclosure shall be erected on or behind the splay lines so defined,<br />

with the area in advance maintained permanently clear of obstructions to<br />

visibility at a height not exceeding 0.75 metres above the adjacent<br />

carriageway level.<br />

Reason:<br />

To ensure that adequate visibility is provided and maintained in the<br />

interests of highway safety.<br />

<strong>10</strong>. The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a<br />

scheme for the provision of surface water drainage works and the<br />

disposal of foul sewage has been submitted to and agreed in writing by<br />

the Head of Development Services. All such drainage works shall be<br />

completed in accordance with the details so agreed and maintained as<br />

such thereafter.<br />

Reason:<br />

To prevent the increased risk of flooding by ensuring the provision of a<br />

satisfactory means of surface water disposal and to minimise the risk of<br />

pollution.<br />

11. A strip of land 8 metres wide adjacent to the top of both banks of all<br />

watercourses on the site shall be kept clear of all new buildings and<br />

structures (including gates, fences and walls) unless agreed otherwise in<br />

writing by the Head of Development Services in consultation with the<br />

Environment Agency. Ground levels shall not be raised within this area.<br />

Reason:<br />

To maintain access to the watercourse for maintenance or improvements<br />

and to provide for overland flood flows.<br />

Informatives:<br />

1. For the purposes of Article 22 of the Town and Country <strong>Planning</strong><br />

(General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003,<br />

the following reasons for the <strong>Council</strong>'s decision are summarised below<br />

together with a summary of the Policies and Proposals contained within<br />

the Development Plan which are relevant to this decision:<br />

The proposal complies with the provisions of Policies G1 of the <strong>Stroud</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> Local Plan Revised Deposit Version (as amended June 2001)<br />

which seek to ensure proposals do not adversely affect the amenities at<br />

present enjoyed by occupiers of neighbouring dwellings by reason of<br />

overbearing effect or loss of light.<br />

The proposal should be considered against Policy H14 of the <strong>Stroud</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> Local Plan Revised Deposit Version (as amended June 2001<br />

which seeks to ensure that developments are of a scale layout and<br />

design compatible with the settlement and would not cause harm to its<br />

character and appearance. The revised layout improves the proposal<br />


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