Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council
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Site Location: Site Report: Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 Site and Proposal The site is a small single "allotment" located in Cashes Green. At the northern end of the site is a raised area of hardstanding, containing a single concrete block garage. The neighbour to the east has a dilapidated prefabricated garage accessed off the hardstanding on the site. There is a mature privet hedge on the northern boundary of the site with the passing narrow road, with vehicular accesses to both the garage and hardstanding. On the western boundary of the site is a 2 metre high close boarded fence, to the south 2 metre fence panels and to the east is a low chain link fence beyond which are two large sheds at the rear of neighbours gardens. The proposal is to construct a small, 2 bedroom, bungalow on the lower "allotment" at the rear of the site. Materials are proposed as white render with blue/black concrete roof tiles. The hardstanding and garage are to be retained to serve the new dwelling. Planning Considerations The site is located within a settlement boundary and it is considered against Policies H14, T1, G1 and G5 of the Stroud District Local Plan, Revised Deposit Version (as amended June 2001 including Housing Amendments September 2004). The relevant sections of these require that development: is of a scale, layout and design compatible with that part of the settlement in which 114

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 it would be located, and would not cause harm to the character and appearance of that part of the settlement; it would not cause the loss of, or damage to, any open space which is important to the character of the settlement; any natural or built features on the site and worthy of retention have been incorporated into the scheme; and an appropriate area of private amenity space is provided for the occupiers of the dwelling-house; appropriate levels of parking are provided in accordance with the Council's Parking Standards; and no detrimental effect results either on the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties or highway safety result. The proposal is a small scale bungalow, which is set back from the passing road a similar distance to those other properties in the surrounding area. It's scale, layout and design are in keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding settlement and it would not harm the appearance of the area. The site is a small enclosed area that is not important to the character of the settlement, nor are there any important features on the site worthy of retention. The area of amenity space provided is limited, but given the small scale of the dwelling, is appropriate to serve the future occupiers. This is all in accordance with Policy H14. Policy T1 requires designated parking to be provided to serve dwellings. In this case the existing dwelling has an area of hardstanding to the front for parking a vehicle, and the proposed dwelling is served by the existing hardstanding. Therefore one parking space is provided to serve each dwelling and it would be unreasonable to require increased provision. The proposal is in accordance with Policy T1. The eaves height of the property is 2.6 metres and taken with the existing boundary treatments, so long as the development is built at the existing ground level, no significant harm would result either by loss of light, loss of privacy or dominating effect on the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy G1. In relation to highway safety it is noted that the existing roads in the vicinity are narrow. However as at least two cars could be easily parked within the curtilage of the site and due to the increased use of the existing access it is unlikely the proposal would increase the likelihood for parking in the street particularly when there is presently no restriction on parking in this vicinity. Further the road serves a large number of existing properties and recently a new dwelling has been constructed in very close proximity. On balance the proposal would not harm highway safety to a level where refusal would be warranted solely for this reason. The proposal is in accordance with Policy G5. Permission is recommended. In compiling this recommendation we have given full consideration to all aspects of the Human Rights Act 1998 in relation to the applicant and/or the occupiers of any neighbouring or affected properties. In particular regard has been had to Article 8 of the ECHR (Right to Respect for private and family life) and the requirement to ensure that any interference with the right in this Article is both permissible and proportionate. On analysing the issues raised by the application no particular matters, other than those referred to in this report, warranted any different action to that recommended. ITEM No: 15 Application S.04/1067/FUL 115

Site Location:<br />

Site Report:<br />

<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>10</strong>/<strong>08</strong>/<strong>2004</strong><br />

Site and Proposal<br />

The site is a small single "allotment" located in Cashes Green. At the northern end of the site is a<br />

raised area of hardstanding, containing a single concrete block garage. The neighbour to the<br />

east has a dilapidated prefabricated garage accessed off the hardstanding on the site. There is a<br />

mature privet hedge on the northern boundary of the site with the passing narrow road, with<br />

vehicular accesses to both the garage and hardstanding. On the western boundary of the site is<br />

a 2 metre high close boarded fence, to the south 2 metre fence panels and to the east is a low<br />

chain link fence beyond which are two large sheds at the rear of neighbours gardens.<br />

The proposal is to construct a small, 2 bedroom, bungalow on the lower "allotment" at the rear of<br />

the site. Materials are proposed as white render with blue/black concrete roof tiles. The<br />

hardstanding and garage are to be retained to serve the new dwelling.<br />

<strong>Planning</strong> Considerations<br />

The site is located within a settlement boundary and it is considered against Policies H14, T1, G1<br />

and G5 of the <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> Local Plan, Revised Deposit Version (as amended June 2001<br />

including Housing Amendments September <strong>2004</strong>). The relevant sections of these require that<br />

development: is of a scale, layout and design compatible with that part of the settlement in which<br />


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