Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council

Planning Schedule Date: 10/08/2004 - Stroud District Council


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<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>Date</strong>: <strong>10</strong>/<strong>08</strong>/<strong>2004</strong><br />

the bend. This has been caused by the existing new development because insufficient parking<br />

has been allocated - appreciate that new development complies with government guidelines on<br />

reduced parking standards but in effect they are unrealistic and lead to indiscriminate parking on<br />

other existing congested roads in the vicinity. We understand from an Environment Agency<br />

officer that the existing new development is undesirable so close to the canal side because of<br />

flooding problems - this part of the canal sometimes floods because of its bottle neck effect as it<br />

feeds into the river just further along in Frome Gardens. Further development will exacerbate this<br />

situation. Should the development be allowed, we would like to request significant contribution<br />

towards the cost of the provision of a ramp for disabled and other users of the right of way over<br />

the nearby canal footbridge (Rights of Way have commissioned drawings and are currently<br />

consulting with the EA who have no objection in principle). We note this area has already been<br />

cleared, in fact SDC Environmental Health Officer was obliged to attend the site last week<br />

because of nuisance caused by the way the developer was disposing of the debris and we hope<br />

that this time he will wait for permission to be completed before commencing building.<br />

Environment Agency<br />

The Environment Agency objects to the application as it is within an area at high risk of flooding<br />

and is not supported by a flood risk assessment that demonstrates the proposed residential<br />

development will not cut off future residents from dry land, place extra strain on emergency<br />

services and put lives at risk.<br />

Cotswold Canal Trust<br />

Object:<br />

The proposed dwellings, numbers 33 to 39 on the plan, are situated very close to the canals and<br />

will overshadow and crowd it.<br />

The canal and its surroundings are designated by your <strong>Council</strong> as an Industrial Heritage<br />

Conservation Area in order to preserve its historical structures and setting. Extending the recent<br />

modern, "out of keeping" development along this line would be totally contrary to the purpose of<br />

the IHCA.<br />

Should such an application be permitted it would be expected that a substantial Section <strong>10</strong>6<br />

agreement should be sought to contribute to the restoration of the canal in agreement with the<br />

Canal Company, Canals Trust and British Waterways.<br />

Neighbour Contributions<br />

Letters of Objection<br />

Mr S Emery, 49 Westward Road, <strong>Stroud</strong><br />

• Loss of privacy - any permission will breach writers rights that are protected by Article 8 of<br />

the European Convention on Human Rights.<br />

• Intensity of development too great for the site.<br />

• Will cause noise and nuisance.<br />

• Overbearing.<br />

• A haven for wildlife.<br />

• Will remove one of the last areas of undeveloped land on this stretch of the <strong>Stroud</strong>water<br />

Canal.<br />


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