Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors

Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors

Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors


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Trademark List.® The following registered trademarks are usedunder license from Steelcase DevelopmentCorporation: Accelerate, Addition, Ally,Answer, Anthem, Arrondi, Avenir, Ballet,Brayton International, Brayton TextileCollection, Breton, Broadmoor, CaneCreek,Canto, Chancellor, Collegium, Company,Concentrx, Conjunction, Context, Criterion,Crushed Can, Decorum, Designtex, Details,Drive, Elective Elements, Ellipse, EmberChrome, Emerge, Etude, Exclamation Mark,Firstfile, Gentry, Ginkgo, Ginkgo Biloba,Hardwear, Ideo, Internode, Jersey, Kart, Kick,LaCosta, Latour, Leap, Let’s B, Lucy, Lyra,Lytyn, Manhattan Product Configuration,Maxstacker, Media Dock, Metro, Migrations,Miko, Montage, Novasuede, Oriana, Paladin,Paperflo, Parade, Paradigm, Pathways,Perfect Match, Player, Power Pincher,Protégé, Raf System, Rally, Rapport,Relevant, Reply, Revest, Secant, Segment,Sensor, Series 9000, Springboard, Steelcase,Steelcase Design Partnership, SteelcaseWorkplace Performance, Stow Davis,TeamWork, Technique, Treehouse, Trilogy,Turnstone, Underscore, Valencia, Vecta,Vectaflex, Werndl, Wizard, and Workflo.® The following is a registered trademark ofLeviton Manufacturing Company, Little Neck,NY: Decora.® The following is a registered trademark ofMicrosoft Corporation, Redmond, WA:Microsoft.® The following is a registered trademark ofPanduit Corporation, Lockport, IL: Panduit.® The following is a registered trademark ofTrav (Press), Cuneo, Italy: Assisa.® The following is a registered trademark ofVirtual Ink Corporation: mimioActive.® The following registered trademarks are underlicense from Wilkhahn Furniture Products:Avera, Confair, Senzo, Versal, and WilkhahnFS.. The following trademarks are used underlicense from Steelcase DevelopmentCorporation: 4 o’clock, à la carte,Active/Passive Shelf, Activity Products, Adia,Alcove, Alerion, Alexander Street Collection,Aliso, Allegro, Alongside, American Elect,American Tradition, Anson, Arbor,Archipelago, Archive Collection, Arriva, Ascot,Astor, Austin, Avalon, Barrymore, Berwick,Bira, Bix, Bonn, Boomerang, Booth, Bradbury,Breadbox, Brio, Buxton, Cachet, Callahan,Camber, Canopy, Cappucino, Catalina, CbP,Chester, Chorus, Chronos, Churchill, Ciao,Clarendon, Classic Rectangular, Clou,Collaboration, Collins, Cologne, Colorbox,Common (Shelf), Commons, Community,Community Base Planning, Convene, Convey,Cortex, Cosima, Croix, Cubby, Cubis,Cushion, Customiz, Dataduct, Datum, Debut,Deck, Dedoes, Detour, Detriana, DNA,Domain, Donovan, Dorchester, Downspout,Drop Top Hutch, Duospace, Eastlake,Eastridge, Eco, Ella, Elsa, Emmy, Encounter,Enea, EnSync, Ensemble, Entourage,Environmental Impact, Equinox, Escapade,Et Al, E-table, Everest, Exponents, Express12,Extreme Conditions, Fillmore, Flat Top, Fling,Flip Top, Footnote, Fortuna, Frontier, Futu,Fuji, Galilie, Galveston, Garland, Ginger,Glenwood, Go Wall, Greco, Greenbrier, Grip,Groove, Group Work, Hannah, Hatch,Hatchback, Hatteras, Health Design, Herren,Hitch, Huddleboard, Impact, Incognito, Indy,InfoWizard, InterAct, IOS, I-Solve, Jacket,Jenny, Jetty, Juice, Kelly, Kendo, Kiana,L’Attitude, Lazlo, Lean Too, Lemon, Lift-N-Slide, Lotus, Lyric, M/O, Malibu, Manhatten,Mansfield, Martini, Masque, Mingle, Monarch,Monteray, Montreal, MyWizard, Nadia, Nickel,Nine, Ontrak, Onyx, Outlook, Paloma,Parliament, Parts Advantage, Pasio,Passarelle, Patriarch, Patterson, Payback,Peek, Pendio, Personal Border, Pier Top,Pipe, Pisa, Playback, Portal, Progeny,Quotient, Radio, Rag Top, Rei, Request,Reunion, Rhine, Rialto, Ricetta, Riser, RizziArc, Rocco, RoomWizard, Rover, Runaround,Runner, Sage, Satellite, Scribe, Shadow,Shield, Shortbed, Skinny, Sidebar, Sidewalk,Sieste, Sine, Smoke, Snug, Softwork, Sonata,Spinz, Sportswear, St. Clair, Stafford,Stationkits, Stiletto, Stuttgart, Super Shelf,Surprise!, Swathmore, Switch, Tableau, Taco,Template, Terrazzo, Tessare, Theorem, Tonga,Topaz, Topo, Top Spin, Touchdown,Translations, Train, Trolly, T-Wall, Umbrella,Underline, Unison, Uno, Utility Bar, Venetia,Walden, Warehouse, Wellaver, Whittier,Windsor, and Wizard WebSigns. The following is a trademark of MicrosoftCorporation, Redmond, WA: Windows. The following is a trademark of Ultrafabrics,LLC, Elmsford, NY: Ultraleather. The following trademarks are used underlicense from Wilkhahn Furniture: Cana, Linus,Logon, Picto, Range, Stitz, Thema, Timetable,and Tubis...

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