Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors

Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors

Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors


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Rapport 460 SeriesAdjustment FeaturesBack AdjustmentsArm Adjustments4"Lumbar adjusts bygrasping lumbar pillow andsliding up or down to adjust.4"4"Back tension adjustsby turning knob under thechair. Turn knob clockwiseto increase tension,counterclockwise todecrease.Variable back stop.Hold switch forward torecline. Lean back todesired back angle.Release switch to set tiltrange.Tip: To lock in upright position,remove weight fromback and release switch...Arm height adjustsindependently within arange of 4". Squeeze triggersin while moving armsup or down. Releasing triggerslocks arms in position.Arm width adjusts independentlyon chairs withthis option. Grasp arm andmove in or out. Arm willstay where positioned.Arms pivot independentlyon models with height-,width-, and pivot-adjustablearms. Grasp arm and pushfront to left or right. Pivotwidth adjustment is 14° inand 21° out.Arms are standard at8 1 ⁄2"H above seat. Independentheight-adjustable arms,independent height- andwidth-adjustable arms, andindependent height-, width-,and pivot-adjustable armsare optional..Surface MaterialscSee surface materials inthe electronic price list forspecific availability or referto the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for furtherinformation.Hard components(base, arms, arm caps,outer back shell, andcasters)• Monochromatic color fromlist of seating plastic colornumbers will apply to allhard components.Outer back• Plastic to match monochromaticcolor of other“hard components”• Fully upholstered backArms• Soft vinyl arm caps tomatch the monochromaticcolor of the other “hardcomponents”• Upholstered arm capsUpholstery• Fabric• Fabric with soil-retardanttreatment (option)• Leather• Vinyl (not available onfullyupholstered models)Tip: Lumbar pillow willmatch upholstery, or youcan choose the option thatallows you to specify adifferent fabric for thelumbar pillow.All Steelcase seatingwith standard upholsteryfabrics complieswith requirements of theBIFMA First Generation VoluntaryUpholstered FurnitureFlammability Standard,as well as the State of CaliforniaTechnical Bulletin117. All standard seating islabeled to be in compliancewith California TB117.Programs & ServicescSee the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for furtherdetail about programsand services offered forseating.The Customer’s OwnMaterial (COM) Programoffers the opportunity for customersto select fabrics thatare not offered through thestandard Steelcase surfacematerials program for use onSteelcase products. Throughthe COM program, Steelcasewill test your materials forapplication on Steelcaseproducts. Once approved,you can place your order.Steelcase will facilitate theentire ordering process andgive you a production schedule.Steelcase will order theCOM fabric directly from thetextile manufacturer. For upto-dateinformation regardingfabric test results for all COMfabrics and details regardingyardage requirements formost Seating lines, visit theCOM Web site. To locate theCOM Web site:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Services”• Select “Steelcase COM(Customer’s Own Materials)”from the pull-down menu• Click on the “Go” buttonSoil retardants are treatmentsthat provide long-termsoil and stain resistance to afabric without affecting theshade or the integrity of thefabric. The following SteelcaseTextiles are availablepre-treated with soil retardant.(You do not need toselect the soil-retardantoption for these fabrics andincur the $17 upcharge.)• Canzoné• Calvalcade• Jacks• Link• Regis• Roulette• Spyder• SweepstakesSoil-retardant treatment isavailable on all other seatingfabrics at an additional $17U.S. and $23 Canadian perseating unit. To order thisoption, please select “Soil-Retardant Treatment” under“Optional Accessories.”For soil-retardant treatmenton COMs, please select“Soil-Retardant Treatment”under “Optional Accessories.”Minimums or additionalyardage may berequired. Please contact thevendor directly for specificinformation.Extended lead times may benecessary for this service...Contact your SteelcaseSales Service representativeor contact Line 1 at1.888.STEELCASE(1.888.783.3522).Fire CodescSee Seating <strong>Specification</strong>Guide for upholstery fabricsavailable for use with FCSmodification. Rapport fullyupholstered models offerthe Fire Code Seatingoption on the followingupholstery fabrics only:Canzoné, Cavalcade,Hampstead, Jacks, Leather,Link, Regis, Roulette, Spyder,Sweepstakes, and Zoe.Steelcase offers FireCode Seating modification(FCS) on nearly all seatingmodels. The most rigorousfire codes in the nationhave been developed inCalifornia, and the SteelcaseFCS modification isdesigned to meet thosecodes. Fire Code Seating(FCS) indicates that a productis constructed to meetthe strict fire code requirementsof high public occupancyareas such astheaters, meeting rooms,and lobbies. The FCS standardswill meet both theState of California HomeFurnishing Technical Bulletin133 (Cal TB 133) andBoston Fire Code (BFC).Boston adopted the CaliforniaHome Furnishing TechnicalBulletin TB 133 teststandard in 1992.Local codes may havespecial requirements forupholstery.DimensionscPage 192ResourcesPrinted MaterialscRapport Brochure(S11348)Computer ToolscElectronic User Disk(S2340)—WindowscProduct Comparison CD(S10847).Seating<strong>Transitional</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> Guide 191

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