Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors

Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors

Transitional Specification - OEC Business Interiors


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Powerway SystemP.Powerways are alwaysfield installed in the baseof frames or in desk-heightcavities.cSpecifying, page 147Powerway systems(PW) are different frompowerkit systems (PK) andshould be used for existingcustomers at existing sites.New customers or existingcustomers with new sitesshould use the powerkitsystem. If you use powerkitand powerway systems in thesame location, you must useseparate base power-insand building infeeds foreach system.Space allows the frameto-framepower connectorcable from an adjacentpowerway to extend 3"further when a junctionpost is inserted in the runof frames.Power-in from ceiling orfloor can be connectedto the powerway in placeof the female end of aframe-to-frame powerconnector cable.Receptacles snapinto place.One set of bladesextending from thepowerway allows female endof frame-to-frameconnector cable to beattached to powerway.Frame-to-frame powerconnector cable snapsonto the next powerway inline to extend the network orto a pass-through powerconnector cable..Product DetailsReceptacles areavailable in six versions toenable you to accessdifferent combinations ofcircuits.Outlet filler plate isstandard to fully closeunused receptacle locations.Pass-through powerconnector cables areavailable to extend thepower network throughframes that do notrequire receptacles.ConnectionsPowerways aredirectional. Red stripesignals consistentorientation so installers canmake sure cables nevertwist or cross. The male endof cables must always pointtoward the source of power..110 <strong>Transitional</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> Guide

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