2013–2014 BIENNIAL BUDGET - the City of Tukwila

2013–2014 BIENNIAL BUDGET - the City of Tukwila 2013–2014 BIENNIAL BUDGET - the City of Tukwila

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2013–2014 Biennial Budget City of Tukwila, WashingtonGoals & AccomplishmentsDEPARTMENT: Mayor’s Office DIVISION: 557/573FUND: Hotel/Motel FUND NUMBER: 101RESPONSIBLE MANAGER: Derek SpeckPOSITION: Economic Dev AdministratorDescriptionThis fund consists of proceeds from a special excise tax on lodging charges and is used to promotetourism (Chapter 82.08 RCW). The City has joined with the cities of SeaTac, Kent, and Des Moines topromote the area as “Seattle Southside”. A significant portion of the budgeted expenditures shownbelow are paid by other sources.2011-2012 Accomplishments♦ Worked with City departments, business community, and residents to execute a successful Rock n RollMarathon event. City received considerable positive press coverage in 2011 and generated an estimated5,087 room nights for an estimated $4,800,000 in visitor spending. Competitor Group, Inc. decided topursue a different course with both the start and finish line in Seattle, therefore no hotel motel tax fundswere expended in 2012 to sponsor the marathon.♦ Worked with the Parks and Recreation staff to promote the Backyard Wildlife Festival. Placed ads onKIRO radio and MyNW.com (1,200,000 impressions), included an article in E-newsletters (6,200impressions) that linked to Seattle Southside Visitor Services (SSVS’s) Facebook page, participated inScenic WA e-blasts (58,515 impressions), placed listing on events calendar (avg. 30,000 uniquevisitors/month), listed event within the vacation planner (150,000 printed), purchased listing inWashington Festivals & Events (120,000 impressions), placed postcards in 3,600 packets mailed,delivered handouts and posters to area businesses and senior centers, developed direct mail campaigntargeting over 75 businesses, displayed large banner in the Visitor Center, provided intern to supportthe event, and encouraged hotels to create event package & post it on their corporate websites too.♦ Continued efforts to market Seattle Southside as a premier travel destination: directly generated anestimated $12,338,300 in visitor spending for an estimated return on investment = $8.65 to $1.♦ Supported positive relationships between the travel and tourism industry, business community, andcity government. Worked with the Port and City of SeaTac to place “Visitor Info” directional signagefrom the new rental car facility to the Visitor Center; assisted state tourism office by aiding in thecreation of a Washington Tourism Alliance and transfer of the state’s tourism marketing assets to thenew organization; currently assisting WTA on a long term funding solution, and participated in earlydiscussions about formation of a local Tourism Promotion Area.♦ Continued implementation and enhancement of program performance reporting based on guidelinesprovided by Destination Marketing Association International: see following “Performance Measures”section.2013-2014 Program Goals♦ Continue to implement program performance reporting based on guidelines provided by DestinationMarketing Association International and demonstrate measurable increases in outcomes.♦ Pursue program accreditation based on guidelines provided by Destination Marketing AssociationInternational.♦ Continue efforts to market Seattle Southside as a premier travel destination as outlined in the LodgingTax Advisory Committee’s recommended annual marketing initiatives and media buy.♦ Support positive relationships between the travel and tourism industry, business community, citygovernment and local residents.♦ Implement Council direction on formation of a Seattle Southside Tourism Promotion Area.Page 253

2013–2014 Biennial Budget City of Tukwila, WashingtonExpenditure & Revenue SummaryHotel/Motel Tax Fund 1012010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2012-13 2013-14Object Description ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET % change % change10 Salaries & Wages $ 296,139 $ 310,395 $ 317,488 $ 327,988 $ 338,298 3.31% 3.14%20 Personnel Benefits 85,302 83,246 87,396 86,462 91,466 -1.07% 5.79%30 Supplies 29,307 24,464 16,000 20,000 20,000 25.00% 0.00%40 Prof Services 892,067 1,004,653 1,035,900 1,105,641 1,090,641 6.73% -1.36%60 Capital Outlays 19,064 14,461 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 0.00%00 Other - 88,779 91,442 96,191 98,598 5.19% 2.50%EXPENDITURE TOTAL 1,321,879 1,525,998 1,558,226 1,646,282 1,649,003 5.65% 0.17%REVENUEHotel/Motel Tax 458,092 555,682 385,401 538,000 565,000 39.59% 5.02%Seatac Base Costs 400,079 396,656 305,000 350,000 350,550 14.75% 0.16%Comm Srvcs-Seatac 100% 113,104 - 245,000 320,000 305,000 30.61% -4.69%Seatac Joint Media 114,603 289,540 165,000 165,000 165,000 0.00% 0.00%Kent Costs 120,000 153,340 120,000 120,000 120,000 0.00% 0.00%Des Moines Costs 17,230 13,861 18,000 18,000 18,000 0.00% 0.00%Miscellaneous Revenue 29,155 54,382 17,719 13,766 13,766 -22.31% 0.00%REVENUE TOTAL $ 1,252,263 $ 1,463,460 $ 1,256,120 $ 1,524,766 $ 1,537,316 21.39% 0.82%FUND BALANCEChange in Fund Balance * (69,616) (62,538) (302,106) (121,516) (111,687) -59.78% -8.09%Beginning Fund Balance 919,722 850,106 451,952 650,000 528,484 43.82% -18.69%Ending Fund Balance 850,106 787,568 149,846 528,484 416,797 252.68% -21.13%* Change in fund balance equals revenues over/(under) expendituresBudget ChangesBudget changes for Hotel/Motel Fund include additional funding for supplies and miscellaneousprofessional services such as on-line subscriptions, postage, registrations, and fulfillment services.Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 1012012 Non DiscretionartionartivesDiscre-Initia-Revenue Trans-2013 Non Discre-Discre-Initia-Revenue Trans-2014BudgetBacked fers Budget tionary tionary tives Backed fers Budget10-Salaries $ 317,488 $ 10,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 327,988 $ 10,310 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 338,29820-Benefits 87,396 (934) - - - - 86,462 5,004 - - - - 91,46630-Supplies 16,000 - 4,000 - - - 20,000 - - - - - 20,00040-Prof Serv 1,035,900 - 69,741 - - - 1,105,641 - (15,000) - - - 1,090,64160-Capital 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 - - - - - 10,000Other 91,442 4,749 - - - - 96,191 2,407 - - - - 98,598Total $ 1,558,226 $ 14,315 $ 73,741 $ - $ - $ - 1,646,282 $ 17,721 $ (15,000) $ - $ - $ - $ 1,649,003Page 254

2013–2014 Biennial Budget <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tukwila</strong>, WashingtonExpenditure & Revenue SummaryHotel/Motel Tax Fund 1012010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2012-13 2013-14Object Description ACTUAL ACTUAL <strong>BUDGET</strong> <strong>BUDGET</strong> <strong>BUDGET</strong> % change % change10 Salaries & Wages $ 296,139 $ 310,395 $ 317,488 $ 327,988 $ 338,298 3.31% 3.14%20 Personnel Benefits 85,302 83,246 87,396 86,462 91,466 -1.07% 5.79%30 Supplies 29,307 24,464 16,000 20,000 20,000 25.00% 0.00%40 Pr<strong>of</strong> Services 892,067 1,004,653 1,035,900 1,105,641 1,090,641 6.73% -1.36%60 Capital Outlays 19,064 14,461 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00% 0.00%00 O<strong>the</strong>r - 88,779 91,442 96,191 98,598 5.19% 2.50%EXPENDITURE TOTAL 1,321,879 1,525,998 1,558,226 1,646,282 1,649,003 5.65% 0.17%REVENUEHotel/Motel Tax 458,092 555,682 385,401 538,000 565,000 39.59% 5.02%Seatac Base Costs 400,079 396,656 305,000 350,000 350,550 14.75% 0.16%Comm Srvcs-Seatac 100% 113,104 - 245,000 320,000 305,000 30.61% -4.69%Seatac Joint Media 114,603 289,540 165,000 165,000 165,000 0.00% 0.00%Kent Costs 120,000 153,340 120,000 120,000 120,000 0.00% 0.00%Des Moines Costs 17,230 13,861 18,000 18,000 18,000 0.00% 0.00%Miscellaneous Revenue 29,155 54,382 17,719 13,766 13,766 -22.31% 0.00%REVENUE TOTAL $ 1,252,263 $ 1,463,460 $ 1,256,120 $ 1,524,766 $ 1,537,316 21.39% 0.82%FUND BALANCEChange in Fund Balance * (69,616) (62,538) (302,106) (121,516) (111,687) -59.78% -8.09%Beginning Fund Balance 919,722 850,106 451,952 650,000 528,484 43.82% -18.69%Ending Fund Balance 850,106 787,568 149,846 528,484 416,797 252.68% -21.13%* Change in fund balance equals revenues over/(under) expendituresBudget ChangesBudget changes for Hotel/Motel Fund include additional funding for supplies and miscellaneouspr<strong>of</strong>essional services such as on-line subscriptions, postage, registrations, and fulfillment services.Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 1012012 Non DiscretionartionartivesDiscre-Initia-Revenue Trans-2013 Non Discre-Discre-Initia-Revenue Trans-2014BudgetBacked fers Budget tionary tionary tives Backed fers Budget10-Salaries $ 317,488 $ 10,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 327,988 $ 10,310 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 338,29820-Benefits 87,396 (934) - - - - 86,462 5,004 - - - - 91,46630-Supplies 16,000 - 4,000 - - - 20,000 - - - - - 20,00040-Pr<strong>of</strong> Serv 1,035,900 - 69,741 - - - 1,105,641 - (15,000) - - - 1,090,64160-Capital 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 - - - - - 10,000O<strong>the</strong>r 91,442 4,749 - - - - 96,191 2,407 - - - - 98,598Total $ 1,558,226 $ 14,315 $ 73,741 $ - $ - $ - 1,646,282 $ 17,721 $ (15,000) $ - $ - $ - $ 1,649,003Page 254

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