Digiplex™ System

Digiplex™ System Digiplex™ System


Security is our #1 priorityI’m the security operations manager for a Bay Areasemiconductor company. Our business has grown quickly,and finding quality people to keep up has been difficultbecause of competition for skilled workers. That’s onereason we value our employees and treat them like family.We have a credit union, a gym, food courts, lunch rooms.Even day care. But I think the most important thing weprovide is security. From the CEO to the youngest child inday-care, protecting people is our number one priority.We chose Kalatel’s Digiplex System because it offeredus the ability to expand easily. We started with a smallDigiplex matrix switch, one keypad, a few CyberDomesand a couple pan-tilt cameras. As we’ve grown, so haveour security needs. Without any trouble, our securitydealer tripled the capacity of our matrix switcher, addedCyberDomes and pan-tilt cameras, installed audio in theparking garages, and added two additional monitoringlocations. Our dealer even integrated our CCTV systemwith our new access control equipment. Digiplex gave usthe most features for our money when we started and letus build without buying a new system every time weupgraded. Kalatel is a safe bet.Digiplex SystemVideo Surveillance System

Security is our #1 priorityI’m the security operations manager for a Bay Areasemiconductor company. Our business has grown quickly,and finding quality people to keep up has been difficultbecause of competition for skilled workers. That’s onereason we value our employees and treat them like family.We have a credit union, a gym, food courts, lunch rooms.Even day care. But I think the most important thing weprovide is security. From the CEO to the youngest child inday-care, protecting people is our number one priority.We chose Kalatel’s Digiplex <strong>System</strong> because it offeredus the ability to expand easily. We started with a smallDigiplex matrix switch, one keypad, a few CyberDomesand a couple pan-tilt cameras. As we’ve grown, so haveour security needs. Without any trouble, our securitydealer tripled the capacity of our matrix switcher, addedCyberDomes and pan-tilt cameras, installed audio in theparking garages, and added two additional monitoringlocations. Our dealer even integrated our CCTV systemwith our new access control equipment. Digiplex gave usthe most features for our money when we started and letus build without buying a new system every time weupgraded. Kalatel is a safe bet.Digiplex <strong>System</strong>Video Surveillance <strong>System</strong>

Build a complete video surveillancesystem with Kalatel’s broad range offield-tested CCTV security productsSecurity requirements changeconstantly. It makes your job ofkeeping people and property safe a toughone. Adding a new building. Installing anew access control system. Updatingcameras and other video equipment. It’snice to know your security system canchange with you.Digiplex is a complete securitysolution from Kalatel. The Digiplexsystem offers plug-and-play conveniencewith Kalatel cameras, cross-point matrixswitchers, multiplexers, digital videorecorders, keypad controllers and alarmmanagement equipment. Kalatel alsooffers a broad line of accessories, likediscreet camera housings and videosignal devices.And Digiplex won’t slow you downwhen the time comes to expand ormodify your security system. Its modularcomponents enable you to begin with asmall system—as small as one keypad andone CyberDome—and expand thatsystem as your needs change.If security is a high priority withyour company, invest in the system thatsecures your company’s future.DVMR-16CD, digital videomultiplexer and recorderKeypad Controllers: Kalateloffers a full range of keypads, from acompact unit for controlling one pantilt-zoomcamera, to a multipurpose,variable-speed joystick keypad with abuilt in audio option—a keypad capableof controlling not only 512 cameras and64 monitors, but multiplexers, VCRs,doors, gates and turnstiles as well.Matrix Switchers: Choose from anumber of Digiplex matrix switchers—from the economical Mini-Matrix, with8 camera inputs and 4 monitor outputs,to the powerful Digiplex IV cross-pointmatrix switcher, which is expandable to512 inputs and 64 outputs.Multiplexers: Kalatel’s line ofmultiplexers includes simplex, duplex andnew Triplex models with 4, 8, 10, 16and 32 camera inputs. High-end modelsadd alarm detection and management,parallel video processing, and automationfeatures. Both color and black-and-whitemodels are available.Digital Video Recorders: Kalatel’smultiplexer line includes a combinationmultiplexer and digital video recorderthat stores recorded images on an internalhard drive. It’s a perfect replacement forVCRs in many applications.Digiplex <strong>System</strong> ComponentsIntegrated Pan-Tilt-ZoomDomes: The CyberDome is knownthroughout the industry as the mostadvanced dome camera system on themarket. It’s a key component of theDigiplex solution. Kalatel’s CyberDomecombines a high-resolution auto-focuscamera, a 360º pan-tilt assembly, and abuilt in receiver. All in a discreet domepackage. The newest CyberDomeincorporates a camera that switches fromcolor during the day to monochrome atnight to give you around-the-clocksurveillance.Receivers: Kalatel’s pan-tilt-zoomreceivers will operate most brands ofpan-tilt units. Additional receiver modelsenable you to control gates, turnstiles anddoors.Alarm Management Equipment:Kalatel’s alarm management equipmentenables you to program your Digiplexsystem to call up a camera automaticallywhen an alarm is triggered and move itto a preset position and display video ona selected monitor. It will even establisha two-way audio connection between themonitoring station and the alarmlocation. A Digiplex system can acceptup to 512 alarm inputs.Choose Digiplex, the security surveillance system that’s born to buildDigiplex is the name of Kalatel’s videosurveillance and control system. A completeDigiplex system can consist of as little asone pan-tilt-zoom camera with a singlekeypad to control it. Or it can involvehundreds of cameras being switched tomultiple screens at one or more monitoringstations. The benefit of the Digiplex systemis that you can start with one camera andone keypad and build as you grow.You don’t have to purchase a largecentral control system in the beginning.All Digiplex components have the built-inability to talk or listen in the same language.No intervening boxes are necessary. Yousimply daisy chain components togetherwith inexpensive twisted-pair cable. So, ifall you really want is a few cameras and akeypad, buy what you need now, and addequipment as your requirements change.And because Digiplex is backwardcompatible, you’ll always be able to buildon what you already have. No need toworry about changing specifications andcompatibility when you swap out a cameraor upgrade a keypad. With the Digiplexsystem and family of products, you canadapt to changing requirements with plugand-playease.

A watchful eyeWhether it’s used for parking lot surveillance orto record events in a day-care facility,CyberDome helps your people feel safer. Andpresets, camera tours and on-screen titles helpautomate your work.Digiplex <strong>System</strong> CapacitiesKeypadcontrol locations 64P/T/Z domereceiver sitesand512Monitoroutputs64Remotecontrolmultiplexer64RemoteVCR control 64Connect your system toother security products easilywith Digiplex interfaceequipmentKalatel interface equipment enablesDigiplex components to communicatewith your access control system or withmultiplexers and VCRs from otherleading security vendors. Withoutexpensive software interfaces, you cancreate an integrated security system that’seasy to use and maintain.Control your videosurveillance system from adesktop PC with Paragon Your security staff won’t have tomemorize camera numbers and sitelocations with Paragon, the PC-basedcontrol program for the Digiplex system.Paragon uses easy-to-recognize icons torepresent cameras, entry points andalarms in your video surveillance system.With Paragon, you can control matrixswitchers, multiplexers, VCRs—evenindividual pan-tilt-zoom cameras—withpoint-and-click ease.Put worldwide control in thepalm of your hand withDigiplex RemoteIf you’ve got more than one site tosecure, Digiplex Remote makes your lifea whole lot easier. Digiplex Remotegives you full control of all remotesecurity installations from a centralstation PC. Controlling cameras,switchers and multiplexers at remote sitesis point-and-click easy with DigiplexRemote’s Paragon-based interface.Digiplex Remote delivers video between22-28 frames per second over ISDNlines. This is 3.5 to 9 times faster thancompeting video transmission systemsthat deliver 3 to 6 still images per secondover standard phone lines.Complete your systemwith Kalatel supportThe whole Kalatel team isbehind you when you choosea Digiplex system. We workhand in hand with yoursecurity dealer, providingtraining and support so he orshe can design the system toyour specifications and ensurethat your system operatessmoothly after theinstallation. We’ve beendoing it for more thantwenty years. And customerslike IBM, John Deere, UPS,Boeing, General Motors—toname just a few—know wedo it better than anyone elsein the industry.Alarm inputs512Switchedaudio locations 512RemotesurveillancesitesUnlimitedBuilt for growth companiesWith the Digiplex <strong>System</strong>’s modularcomponents, you can start with a system assmall as one keypad, one CyberDome andone monitor. You can expand your systemto almost any size.Control centralWith your KTD-304 keypad, you can control cameras,monitors, multiplexers, VCRs, alarm management, and twowayaudio. You can even control doors, gates and turnstiles.

Digiplex <strong>System</strong>Video Surveillance <strong>System</strong>Start smallYou can start with a Digiplex system as small as one keypad and one CyberDome …… add additional equipment as your needs growAdd a Digiplex matrix switch, multiplexer, fixed cameras,receivers and other video surveillance equipment to meet yourgrowing needs ...… integrate your Digiplex system with alarm or access control equipmentKalatel manufactures a number of interface devices that enable your Digiplex systemto communicate with alarm and access control equipment or video surveillanceequipment from other leading vendors ...… add local or remote computer controlWith Kalatel’s Paragon graphical user interface you can control your entire securitysurveillance system from a desktop PC. With Digiplex Remote, you can controlsurveillance systems anywhere in the world.Call Kalatel today!Your Kalatel dealer has moreinformation about Digiplexmatrix switchers, multiplexers,keypads, cameras and more. CallKalatel at 800-343-3358 for theaddress and phone number ofthe Kalatel dealer nearest you.• CyberDome:A high-speed videosurveillance dome system.• Digiplex Remote:A worldwide video surveillancesystem with an easyto-usegraphical interface.• MobileView II:A mobile digital videorecorder for transit andother mobile applications.The security system that comes with a company“Customer focused.” … “Userfriendly.” … “Excellent people.” …“A company that cares and will doanything to maintain a relationship.” …“Kalatel stands behind its products.”These aren’t our words. Anindependent research firm asked Kalateldealers and Kalatel users what theythought about our company and ourproducts. These are the words of peoplewho use Kalatel equipment.When you telephone Kalatel,expect to talk to a real person who willput you in touch with the right Kalatelemployee. Whether it’s demonstratingour products, providing customprogramming or coordinating an onsitevisit from your Kalatel dealer, we’llbe there.And our technical staff workshand-in-hand with your security dealerto ensure your continued satisfaction.P.O. Box 3004-225Corvallis, OR 97339728 Wake RobinCorvallis, OR 97333toll free (800) 343-3358tel (541) 754-9133fax (541) 754-7162www.kalatel.comSANDA 079907

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