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REFERENCEClass 917 •-473... Book Ji2&..<strong>1888</strong>-89From THE LIBRARY FUND



G. K. B R O W N & CO.,11© Estill Street,Also a Complete Line of Stationery and Cigars.NEW STORE AND PRESH STOCK.GIVE US A TRIAL.^JAMESTOWN^JAMESTOWN, N. Y.!©#,©«#,C. M. DOW, PresidentC. H. GIFFORD, Vice President,M. M. SKIFF, Cashier.DIRECTORS:Porter Sheldon,AV. N. Gokey,John J. Aranderburg,M. M. Skiff,John T. Soderholm.S. B. Broadhead,C. H. Gifford,J. B. Ross,C. M. Dow,Stocks, Grain, Provisions $ Petroleum ^ ^ g $ £ ^ M & J g % g iWe solicit and will receive no business except with the understanding that the ACTUAL DE­LIVERY of property bought or sold upon orders is in all cases contemplated and understood.Special attention paid to out of town orders by mail or telegraph.P. 0 box 247. Telephone No. 185.


VISIT THEBOSfc• . . 208 MAIN STREET, . . .FOB A CHOICE SELECTION OFDRY GOODS AND MILLINERY.We keep constantly on hand a full line of the newestgoods and guarantee satisfaction to every customer.Ail INSPECTION INVITED.ONE PRICE OJNLY.JAMESTOWN DRY GOODS 'JO., (Limited)w. J. Mclaughlin. f. w. lovick.CHAUTAUQUA COUNTYJAMESTOWN, N.'Y.RESOURCES.Loans and Discounts,REPORT FEBRUARYU. S. Bonds and Pre iumsBanking HouseDue from U. S. Treas.,Cash with Banks,Cash on hand,$729,059.0670.480.0014,008.172,979 4464119.0U61,317.42$941,963.0914, <strong>1888</strong> (Condensed).LIABILITIES.Capital,Surplus and Profits,Circulation,Deposits,J100.000.0041.684.72S2.200.00748,078.37$941,963.09ROBERT NEWLAND, President.F. A. BENTLEY, Vice President.GEO. S. GIFFORD, Cashier.JAMES HOLMES. TONSORIAL ARTIST.Cor. Main and W. 2d Sts.,Prendergast Block.FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT.

F R E D E R I C K A. FULLER, JR.,'213 xycain. Strteet.D>ESTABLISHED IN 1841RICH JEWELRY. ELEGANT TABLEWAREIn Gorham's Sterling Silver and Meriden BritanniaCompany's Silver Plate,ARTISTIC I'OROELAINS, FRENCH CLOCKS, BRONZES,FINE DECORATED CUTLERY.FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY.\ . . . THE JAMESTOWN • . • *Paper Pattern Bazar,PAPER PATTERNSTHAT WILL FIT YOUPERFECTLY.All. kinds of Paper Patterns Drafted and cut from theexact measure for Ladies' and Children's wear, eitherplain or elaborate. Also patterns for underwear. Wekeep a supply of the latest fashion books constantly onhand for customers to select their designs from.UMBRELLAS AND PARASOL RE-CO VEREDAND MUFFS RE-LINED.PLEASE CALL ONHUCrs. EMXHiTT STILSON,107 E. 3d St. (up stairs), JAMESTOWN, N. Y

jamestown CROCKERY STORETHE PLACE TO BUY:Because we import and buy frommanufacturersdirectAND YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OP GET­TING FRESH GOODS AND ATTHE LOWEST RATES.Remember we sell Decorated and Plain China, Glass andFine Potteryware, Silverware, Lamps, Tinware, OilCans, Woodenware, Stonewrare, Clocks, LookingGlasses, and other House Furnishing Goods from the Lowest tothe Finest Qualities.100 MAIN STEEET,HARRIS, UNDERWOOD & DOERING.* * FIRST * *NATIONAL BMK,JAMESTOWN, N. Y.DIRECTORS:F. E. Gifford, Orsell Cook, Sardius Steward, Wm. Broadhead,L. B. Warner, Edward Morgan.Capital, - $153,300. Surplus - $80,000.OFFICERS :F. E. Gifford, President ; Edward Morgan, Cashier ; J. W. King,Asst. Cashier ; Frank Merz, Teller ; Lewis A. Fenton, Clerk.


^lacLepc.Abbreviations, 9 Common Council and Stand-Alphabetical List of Names 9-192 ing Committees, 203Alterations and too late for Fire Wards and Alarms, 206regular insertion 8 Location of Fire Hydrants, 205Business Directory, ly4-202 Streets and Avenues, 204City Government, 203jjublishers'>j7^rmGu.rtcemervlOur Directory for the year ending September 1, <strong>1888</strong>,contains the names of 6,651 persons, which multiplied by 3gives our city a population of 19,953.Thanking our advertisers and the public generally forthe support accorded us, we are,Respectfully,F. H. & W. A. WHITE.J. H. JONES,L I V E R Y ,Sale and Boarding StableOPEN DAY AND NIGHT.115 E. Third, Oor. Springw m m m m107 Main Street,J A M E S T O ^*Z IT,nsr. -z\

D O N O T F O R G E TTHAT THE PLACE TO BUY FOURBoots, Shoes, Rubbers,TRUNKS AND SATCHELSIS A T3STO- 2 1 9 MA.I1J S T R E E T .Ladies and Gents Fine Shoes a Specialty.SOLE AGENTS FOR THE JAMES MEANS $3.00AND $4.00 SHOES.Or. -W. lasTGLA-LILiS 6z OO.,C. H. CUTLER, Manager, 219 MAIN STREET.« G . F. C L / i R K E , *Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all Kinds ofFancy and Common Baking,CONFECTIONERY 0 ICE CREAM.13 E. SECOND STAll Orders Promptly Filled. Telephone No. 145.LIVERY OO BOARDING STABLE.GEO. T. ARNOLD,Proprietor,FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS AT MODERATE RATES—TEL­EPHONE CONNECTION.18 W. 3d St., Opp, Sherman House, JAMESTOWN, N. Y,

^Alterations and too late for Regular insertion,.Anderson John M livery foot ofTaylor r 16 FilmoreArnold H N bkkpr 18 w 3d bds216 e 4thBarton J L painter b 716 MonroeBemus Dudley green grocery 14e 3d bds 311 PineBright Geo S business mgr MorningNews 5 w 2dClark A M Mrs r 10 ChandlerCloys Harry H bkkpr 10 w 3d r327 Lake View aveFalconer Allen elk Am Ex Co 7 e2d b Osmer Place w 3dFlisher J B oil producer r AshvilleavFreed Nils lab r 114 SampsonHarderburg Henry livery oppNational hotel e 2dHisted Jas W barber 2 w 3d bdsCommercial hotel w 3dJones Clement B att'y b Hall aveSarah J widow of Albert rHall avKeeler Conrad wks Martyn Brosb 836 Prendergast avJeremiah wks Penn gas cob 836 Prendergast avJosephina weaver e 1st b836 Prendergast avMary widow r 836 PrendergastavLawson May Mrs millinery 115 sMain r doLgunjstrom Emil Flab b 648 e 6thMansfield P H trancient barn 106w 4th r 6 MarvinPalmer Marvin P physician 23 e3d r 812 MainRawson Clark dentist b 416 w 3dReed C elk 21 e 3d r doM Mrs bakery 21 e 3d r doRiley L L r 20 MarvinWeinburgh Arthur upholsterer b•110 CherryWelch E P elk 211 Main bds 38RathboneC. F. FLETCHER. G. G. HALL.F L E T g & E R &. IjiLL,-DEALERS IN-S T A P L E A N D F A N C YG R O C E R I E S ,204 MAIN STREET,JAMESTOWN, N. Y.

J A M E S T O W NCITY DIRECTORY,<strong>1888</strong>-9.F. H. & W A. WHITE Publishers,12 AND 14 WEST 3D ST.,J AMESTOWN. N. Y.ABBREVIATIONS.agtagent Boreeast propr proprietoral „ alley estestate rresidenceasstassistant extextension rrrearavavenue lablaborer retretailbdsboards mech mechanic ststreetbetbetween mgr „ manager S or ssouthbkkpr book-keeper mkrmaker s esouth eastblkblock mnfr manufacturer s w southwest«Ik _ clerk nr „ near secysecretarycorcorner Nornnorth supt superintendentdept department n enorth east treas treasurerdistdistrict n w., north west W orwwestdlrBusiness classificationdealerwilloppbe foundoppositeafter alphabetical arrangementwhol wholesaleofdo ornames."See precedingditto prestpages for....presidentfull indices to contents of the work.wksworksALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMESAbbott, C. S., of Allen Bros. Adv. Agency, 108-10 E. 3dbds Osmer Place, 417 W 3dAbrahamson, Andrew G., painter, r 27 W 10thAndrewH. wks Warner's mill, bds 27W10thAxel G. teamster, r 5 S MainCharles, upholsterer, bds 30 ChapinC. F. of Felch, Read & Co., dry goods, 207Main, bds 27 W 10thFritz, bed spring mkr, bds 50 PetersonHulda, domestic, 339 E 4thJohn, lab., r 30 ChapinJoseph, lab., r 50 Peterson

Go to H. M. Gage for Furniture.10Abrahamson, Laura, Mrs. dressmkr, 5 S MainMary, spinner, bds 30 ChapinAcherson, Chas., shoemkr, bds 312 CherryThomas, shoemkr, bds 312 CherryAckeroyd, Ed., warp twister, bds 10 ArnoldAcox, Clara B. Miss, wks Gokey's, bds 37 WlOth, 2d floorEmily, Mrs. widow of Grant, r 37 W 10th, 2d floorFrank, carpenter and painter, bds 37 W 10thOlive M. Miss, bds 37 W 10th, 2d floorAdams, Alonzo C. mech., r 517 MainCharles, carpenter, bds 20 AlpacaLaverne, carpenter, 83 HazzardMaud L. Miss, marker at Gokey's, bds 517 MainR. firm of Furman & Adams, painters, r PalmerAgren, August, baker Clarke's bakery, E 2d, r 27 StoweAhlgren, Andrew P. cabinet mkr, r 27 StoweAhlstrom, Arvid, varnisher, 112-14 E 2d, bds "WescottC. A., of Ahlstrom & Co., piano factory, 112114 E 2d, r 125 FultonHenry, piano mkr, 112 and 114 E 2d, bds 172AllenJohn, bkkpr 112-114 E 2d, bds 172 AllenM. N., commercial for Ahlstrom & Co.,pianos, 112-114 E 2d, r 138 WarrenAhrens, Geo. H., real est agt, over 203 Main, r 362 E 4thSadie, bds 362 E 4thS. E., Mrs., widow, bds 362 E 4thAikens, Erastus, farmer, r 325 HazzardAiken, F. M., oil producer, 19 W 2dAkin, Carrie E. Miss, teacher high school, bds 545 E 5thCenath, Mrs. r 622 PineCorie J. Miss, teacher high school, bds 545 E 5thJennie Miss, r 624 PineAikin, Perry, boarding house, 16 InstituteAkstiett, Chas. W., wks at bending wks, r 254 CrescentAlberg, John, chair mkr, 37 Taylor street, r 250HazzardAlbrant, Jno., Brooklyn Novelty, S Main, r 11 MambertFinest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.

When you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.A 11Albrant, Mollie, Mrs. dressmkr, 2 S Main, r 11 MambertAlden, Addelaide J. Miss, elk Sharpe's, bds 602 MainHarry W., elk 216 218 Main, r 40 MarvinHenrietta O. Miss, elk Sharpe's, bds 602 MainJ. B., clothier 215 Main, r 153 ChandlerWashington, r 602 MainAldrich, Geo., finisher,bds 103 S MainJohn J., furniture dlr 108 Main, r 62 AllenJohn Jr., bkkpr 108 Main, bds 62 AllenRalph W., cabinet mkr, r 34 HazzardAlfreds, Henry, boat builder, bds 207 W 3dAllar, August, lab., bds 1001 Prendergast avAllen, A. E.', mgr opera house, bds 107 WarrenMrs. E. P., r 302 SpringEmma K. Miss, spinner Broadhead's mills, bds1001 Prendergast avFrank, bds Allen houseH. F., capitalist, office 81 Allen blk, r 405 W 3dLewis F., Allen Bros, advertising agency, bds 419Osmer PlaceLyman, wks Central houseJno. R., cabinet mkr, r 117 WarrenRudolph, stone cutter, r 1001 Prendergast avW. L., carpenter, r 65 CentreAllenson, Andrew P., lab., r 163 BarrowsAllison, Wm., loom fixer, r 110 BarrowsAlmon, John E., teamster for Gokey, r 115£ E SthAlmquist, Andrew J., painter, r 502 AllenAlmy, Jewett M., elk 10 W 3d, bds 316 W 4thAlton, J. Chas., painter, r 11 KentMary A., Mrs. dressmkr, r 11 KentAltiee, Sam H., gas mnfr, r 649 Prendergast avAlvord, Sarah M., Mrs. bds 119 FairmountAmes, Adrian S., tallyman at freight depot Erie R. R., r102 FalconerElla, Miss dressmkr, bds Ashville avGeo., traveling salesman, r 100 E 8thPrudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders inPhotography.

Upholstering done t« order at Gage's.12Ames, Lucy, Mrs. bds 142 Forest av.Lydia, Mrs. r 869 e 2dMary, dressmkr, bds 40 TaylorNettie, Miss bds 100 e 8thAmidon, A. A., lumber inspector, r 38 Broadhead avHanna, bds 44 Broadhead avAnchor, Chris, factory hand, bds 43 CharlesHans, factory hand, bds 43 Charles-Anderson, A., lab., r 371 BakerAbraham, lab., bds 382 WillardAdolph, lab., bds 49 AndersonAlbert, lab., bds 524 WillardJ. Albert, train hand B. & S. W., bds Buffalobet. Pren. av and MainAlbert G., lab., bds 711 w 8thAlfred, carder, bds 131 BarrowsAlfred, mason, r E 2d, E JamestownAmanda, domestic, 54 Allen" domestic, Humphrey house" weaver, bds 69 Tower" weaver, bds 318 Forest av" domestic 52 Lake View av" domestic, 245 Crescent" domestic, 25 FairmountAmel, wood carver, 10 E 2dAndrew, sawyer, r 12 Walnut" wks Ford's table fact'y, bds 11 Stowe" lab., bds 254 Forest av" factory hand, r 234 Forest" carpenter, r 103 Willard" ax grinder, r 28 Willard" J., lab., r nr W 8th bet Main andMarvinAndrew J., lab., r 541 Allen" J., cabinet mkr, r 505 WillardAnna, weaver, bds 10 EagleAnnie, weaver, bds 183 BarrowsFDRNITDRE--13 and 15 East Third Street.

Bring the Baby to the Ground Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Anderson, Anna, weaver, bds 441 Baker" weaver, bds 245 Crescent" domestic, 311 W 4th" domestic, 304 E 3dAnnie, domestic, Sherman houseAnna, domestic, 410 W 5th" spinner, bds 316 Forest" M., domestic, 217 E 6th" S., weaver, bds 235 Barrows" r 535 AllenArrid, bds 8£ CheneyArthur, stationary engineer electric light wksbds 213 W 3dAugust, elk Scofield & Dinsmore's, bds 213W3dAugust A., foreman Lunquistfs furniture factory,bds 648 E 6thAugust C, elk 205 Main, bds 213 W 3dAugusta, domestic, Swedish orphanage E 2d" J., dressmkr, r 405 CherryAugust P., lab., r 519 PineAugust P., factory hand, r 16 JonesAugustus A., cabinetmkr, r 224 CrescentAxel, lab., bds 303 WillardAxel W., painter, bds 145 BarrewsBetsey, Mrs. r 318 Forest avCarl A., ax mkr Carpenter's factory, bds114 BushCarl M., tinner12 Main, r 426 BakerChas., shoemkr, r 20 Cross" factory hand, bds 316 Forest" R. R. section hand, r 223 Steele" drayman, r 30 Colfax" agt., bds 24 Harrison" shoemkr, bds 7 Hanley" tinner, r 426 Baker" teamster, bds 19 BarrettManufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.13

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.14 AAnderson, Chas., wks Ford's table factory, bds 11 Stowe" sander, bds 422 Allen" lab., r 86 Eagle" lab., bds 542 Allen" cabinetmkr, r 309 Willard" A., boss spinner, bds 131 Barrows" A., machinist, bds 163 Barrows" A., door and blind mkr, bds 505 Willard" E., wks Hall's chair factory, r 218Winsor (up stairs)Chas. E., dentist, Gifford blk, bds 12 Arnold" F., stonemason, r 463 WillardC. J., shoemkr, 113 E 2d, bds 20 CrossChas. J., mechanic, bds 235 Barrows" J., lab., r 145 Barrows" J., lab., r 31 Tower" M., packer, r 52 Kinney" Oscar, machine hand, r 120 HazardC. P., wks boiler shop, bds 393 BakerChristine, dressmkr, bds 608 AllenChristine, widow of Andrew, r 113 WillardE. Christene, Mrs. r 648 E 6thChristine, Mrs. widow of John, r Buffalo betPrendergast av and MainClara, weaver, bds 318 Forest av" A., weaver Broadhead's mill, bds 28ScottClara C, elk Hatch's variety store W 3d, bdsBuffalo, bet Prendergast av and MainClara C, spinner, bds 52 KinneyClause, planer, bds 542 AllenClaus, lab., r 20 EllicottClause F., mech., r 536 AllenCris, factory hand, bds 318 Forest avDavid, lab., bds 30 ChapinDavid W., painter, bds 12 ArnoldEdward, elk 11 E 2d, bds 636 Prendergast avFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

Best work in the City. Prudden & Dunlhue, Photographers,2 I West Second St.A 15Anderson, Edward, jeweler, 33 CharlesElbert, boiler mkr, bds 103 S MainElias, r 183 BarrowsElias, lab., r 453 WillardElla, domestic, 202 Forest avElmer, factory hand, JonesEmil C, finisher, bedstead factory, bds 62RathboneEmily, domestic, 32 ProspectEmily, mill hand, bds 207 EllicottEmma, domestic, 30 Lake Yiew av" weaver, bds 441 Baker" C, weaver, Broadhead's factory, bds24 ThayerErick L., shoemaker, bds 648 E 6thF. G., factory hand, r 48 CharlesFrank, miller 22 S Main, bds 145 Allen" coachman, 30 Warren" Elmer, bds English" planer, bds 214 Barrows" carpenter, bds 20 AlpacaFred, lab., r 314 Forest avFred, warp dresser, r 428 WillardFredrika, dressmkr, r 315 W 4thGeo., miller 22 S Main, bds 145 AllenGust, cabinet mkr, r English" sander, bds 608 Allen" blacksmith, bds 30 Colfax" shoemkr, bds 20 Cross" tailor, 102 Main, r 38 PetersonGusta, domestic, 219 Footes avGusta, wks shoe factory, bds 316 ForestGustaf, painter, bds 18 Sherman" tailor, r 38 Peterson" laD., r 70 Benson" A., lab., r 7 BarrowsHanna, seamstress, bds 38 PetersonWe have the Best Light in New York State.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Endless line of Book Cases at Gage's.16Anderson, Hanna, widow of Andrew, r 299 Willard'" seamstress, 206 Main, r 38 PetersonHelen, wks Hall's mills, bds 224 Crescent" mill hand, bds 20 Ellicott" spinner, 219 ProspectHenry G., barber, 34 Main, bds 242 ForestHerman, lab., r 93 TowerHilda, bds 299 Willard" C, domestic, 412 Spring" S., wks Broadhead's mills, bds nr W8th bet Main and MarvinHilma, domestic, 204 W 6thHulda, domestic, 522 E 2d" M., bds 299 Willard" S., weaver, bds 52 KinneyJ., lumberman, r 412 BakerJack, dyer, r 163 BarrowsJas., blacksmith, wks boiler shop, r 833 PrendergastavJennie, spinner, bds 422 AllenJohn, painter, bds 453 Willard" lab., r 163 Barrows" cabinet mkr, bds 214 Barrows" driver, 22 E 3d, r N Main, city limit" N Main, opp cemetery" grinder, Carpenter's ax factory, bds 34ThayerJohn E., painter, Norquist's factory, E 2d,bds 114 BushJohn, tinner, r 350 Baker" factory hand, bds 112 William" factory hand, bds 44 Forest" A., carver, Martin's lounge factory, bds500 W 7thJohn A., cabinet mkr, r 422 Allen" A., of Swedish furniture mnfg co., r328 Footes avChamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.

Prudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype In this City.Anderson, John A., carpenter, r 62 Rathbone*" B., carpenter, bds 12 Arnoldw B.; ax grinder, r 35 Anderson" E., boiler mkr, r 288 Willard" G., piano mkr, r 47 Wescott" J., farmer, r 524 Willard '" J., tailor, bds 38 Peterson" M,, sawyer, r 50 ChapinJ. P., carpenter, bds 254 Forest avJ. P., saw mill employee, r JonesJ. P., factory hand, r 393 Baker •Jonas, lab., r Highland av" P., stone mason, r 14 Chapin" W., stone quarry, r 235 Barrows• " W. Jr., teamster, bds 235 BarrowsJosephine, domestic, 324 Footes av" domestic, 43 Fairmount avJosephina W., weaver, bds 52 KinneyJosie, domestic, 144 WarrenLena, domestic, 800 Prendergast avA. Leonard, tailor, bds 12 ArnoldLida, domestic, 332 E 3dLoss,'teamster, r 145 AllenLottie, weaver, Hall's fact'y, bds 245 CrescentLouise, dressmkr, 10 E 2dLouesa, domestic, bds Buffalo, bet Prendergastav and MamLouise, weaver, bds 430 Allen" domestic, cor Main and W 5th" domestic, Allen house" domestic, 251 BarrowsLouis P., wks bedstead factory, r 24 W 10thMagnus, butcher, 11 E 2d, 718 E 2dMaria C, r 405 CherryMary, r 316 Forest" Mrs. widow of John, r 245 Crescent" wash woman, r 12 WalnutPrudden & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers, Cor.Second and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block.17

For Office Furniture go to B. M. Gage.Anderson, liary E., Iressmkr, 10 E 2dMathilda, weaver, bds 17 TowerMelker J., wks at Carpenter's ax factory, bds23 W 10th .,Minnie, domestic, 208 LafayetteNels, night watchman, bds 24 ForestNewark, lab., bds Hall avOscar, lab., bds 8£ Cheney" shoemkr, bds 5 Hanley- " lab., bds W Sth bet Main and MarvinOtto, wks in l>edstead factory, bds 25 W 9thOtto, fresco painter, bds 15 BakerNels P., lab., r 131 BarrowsPeter, lab., r Hall avP. J., machines*, bds 119 WillardS. E., jeweler, 6 Main, r 33 CharlesS. J., tailor, r 32 InstituteSophia, domestic, 53 ProspectSophia, cook, 417 SpringSwan, teamster, r 608 AllenSwan, grinder, bds 238 Forest avSwan, lab., 110 Forest avSwante, cabinet mkr, r 85 TowerTela, weaver, bds 31 TowerWm., lab., bdsnr W 8th bet Main and MarvinWm., wks at Norquist's factory E 2d, r 46Thayer, basementVictor, painter at Shearman Bros., bds 26Rathbonefinisher, bds 121 SteeleAndrews, Lewis, painter, 307 SpringMrs. S., bds 412 E 5thAndruss, G. Dwight, of firm of Fenton & Andruss, photographers,r 706 Footes avW. E. clerk 206 Main, r 354 Footes avAngwood, Wm., butcher, r 209 WarrenAngstenbergsr, Anna E., weaver, Broadhead's mills, bds826 SpringHall Backs in endless variety at Gage's.

PRUDDEN & Dl'NIHUE CAN GIVE YOU GENUINE ARISTO-TYPES. 21 WEST 2d £t.A 19Angstenberger, Frederick, cabinet -ukr. r 82fi SpringAngston, Gust, factory hand, bdf 706 New'and avAnsworth, D. C, Mrs. r 313 WarrenAplin, Horace, elk 121 Main, r 117 Hazzard" " F., printer, bds 117 Hazzard" Wm., shoemkr, r 108 SteeleAppleby, Frank H., chair mk:1, Gifford'e factory, r 214PriceAppleyard, Ada M., bds 31 Footes avEd., factory supt., r 31 Footes avJas., overseer, r 39 CentreSarah, bds 31 Footes avWm. S., bds 31 Footes avApplequist, Orren, carpenter, r 309 WinsorArcher George N printer bds Allen HouseArend, Ellen, elk 208 Main, bds 46 W 10thHelen, elk at Boston store, bds 46 W 10thNicholas, overseer of the poor, r 46 W 10thArmitage, Chas., dyer, bds Brooklyn houseSarah, Mrs., bds 304 W 3dW. B., Mrs. r 309 JeffersonArmstrong, Mary A., physician, 12 E 3d, r 311 W 4thNettie J Miss teacher bds 58 AllenR Elenor Miss bds 58 AllenT G road master Union depot r 58 AllenArnold Chas J teamster r 66 MarvinGeorge teamster r Fluvanna ave nr N Main .George T livery stable 18 W 3d r 216 E FourthJoseph farmer r Fluvanna ave W from N MainSarah Miss clerk 205 Main bds 117 E 6thArnson Benj L traveling salesman, bds 409 CherryArters Lena widow dressmkr 321 MainAsping C J L physician 18 W Second bds 400 AllenAspinall Edna weaver bds 400 AllenAtwood H S carpenter r 301 WarrenAustin Herman D clerk at and bds Sherman HouseAvery Sarah teacher com'l dept high school bds Osmer PIWE NEVER TAKE A BACK SEAT. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2d St.

Call at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.sio—t ' ' —Ayers Alson D carpenter bds 1062 N mainM Edna Miss dressmkr bds "Ernestine S Miss " bds "Ida H Miss teacher bds "James D carpenter r 1062 N MainJ Henry cloth presser Broadheads bds 1062 N MainLizzie M dressmkr bds " *Ullman S candy mkrTousJey's 20 E Third r "Babcock John D of Shaver & B Central Flouse Brooklynsquare• Mary Mrs r 210 ChandlerWm B of Hetchner Wayte & B r 44 Prospect aveBackus Abba wid of D C r 200 W FifthChas D grocer 342 E 3d r 323 LincolnBadger Gilbert S news man bds 237 CrescentLillian M bds 237 CrescentSidney E elk at Hevenor & Bro.'s r 237 CrescentBadgley Eliza nurse wid of Nathan r 69 RathboneBaeder Jacob r 714 W 4thBailey E C r 312 Prendergast aveClayton E of Morgan Maddox & Co bds 312 PrendergastaveEdward P bkkpr 131 Winsor bds 312 Prend ayeJames M bartender Commercial Hotel r 206 E 3dMary L shoemks bds Fenton PlaceMilton traveling salesman r 112 ChurchRobert G freight agt Nypano r 610 JeffersonSamuel J chief of Police r 231 CrescentThomas H weaver r 141 WarrenWm S bkkpr Journal Printing Co bds 112 ChurchBaird A J bds 10 WalnutGeorge W bds 10 WalnutGeorge W butcher bds 819 Prendergast aveBaker A wks Broadheads bds National hotel• Chas r 418 E 5thPeople's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.

WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUEGROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.B 21Baker Clayton W carpenter bds-HallockE C shoemkr r 45 HarrisonFred J student bds1503 E SecondLida Mrs Kindergarten bds 327 XincolnRichard H Mrs r'503 E SecondR I Mrs bds 401 Prendergast avStephen A carpenter r HallockS Chas painter bds 45 HarrisonS Winsor bkkpr at Cotton mills bds 503 E SecondBalcom R W carpenter r Palmer•Bane Beaumont sign pajnter 216 WarrenBarber E J Mrs r 3l4 W SecondJessie 12 W 1stLuna M widow of Horace W r 24 DexterLutie Miss bds 314 W SecondBarker Bertha bds 551 E SecondChas L real est dlr r 112 KentEmeline widow of Wilford W millinery of B &, -Partridge bds Humphrey HouseEdward W real est agt r 551 E SecondHattie Miss elk 205 Main bds 241 FultonJ Mrs bds 551 E SecondJames G railroad yard man r 109 Park.Mary Miss elk 203 Main bds 323 MainMary B Miss r 203 W SecondMelvina F Miss r 203"W SecondBarkman August axe mkr Jamest axe wks r 24 ThayerJohn blacksmith Jamest axe wks r 121 BushNellie widow of Andrew bds 121 BushBarlow Byron A attorney 217 Main r 324 Footes aveByron A Jr cutter 210 Main bds 324 Footes aveEdith M Miss music teacher bds 324 Footes aveBarnes Edward farmer r Curtis nr city limitsFrank cartman for Morgan Maddox & Co r 737E SecondGeo Wm finisherat Martin Bros bds 811 LafayetteLewis W boiler mkr 8th St bds 811 LafayetteYOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D St.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street,22 BBarnes Thomas physician bds 211 Prendergast aveBarrett Edward W elk 107Mainbds Hotel EverettMichael ticket broker 107 Main bds Hotel EverettBarringer David bds 504 E FifthBarrows H R elk 211 Main r 17 CrossH A r 132 AllenH R mech r 17 CrossNellie R bds 219 ChandlerR J lumber dlr r 219 ChandlerBarry Michael D grocer 845 E Second r doW wks Enterprise laundry 4 S Main bds 34 HazzardBarth Frederick furniture finisherat Morgan Maddox &Co's r 212 FultonFrederick Jr musician bds 212 FultonHerman printer bds 212 FultonKate forelady Gokey's bds 106 HazzardLeonard musician bds 212 FultonBartleson Nils lab r 245 BarrowsBartlett N P widow of J O millinery 102 E Third r212 PineBarton A Ray bds 20 MechanicBassett Abby L widow of Geo A r 233 FultonGeo Herbert gardener bds 233 FultonHenry A machinest bds 233 FultonBashline James M cashier 121 Main bds Osmer PlaceBastein L H boat builder r 12 Whitley avBatcheller Levant B wks Hall's mills bds 316 W FourthBates Con spinner bds 37 CentreIra C elk r 800 Prendergast avBauer Fred saloon 22 E Third bds 628 Prendergast avJohn G furniture mnfr r 628 Prendergast avLouisa B weaver Broadhead's bds 628 Prend avBaxter Nathan lab r 620 PineBeard John bkkpr bds Commercial hotel W ThirdBeardsley Elmer elk 5 S Main r 13 Forest avBeatty Bertha B dressmkr bds 201 CherryElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

CALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ARIS TO TYPES.sPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Beatty Elisha traveling salesman r 201 CherryEtta P milliner Mrs Bartlett's bds 201 CherryJennie R widow of Austin dressmkr r 618 SpringMable L milliner at Mrs Bartlett's bds 201 CherryBeaumont Kate milliner 301 Main bds 304 W ThirdBeaver Felix Nypano employee r 138 Steele. Helen nurse bds 138 SteeleJas warp dresser bds 138 SteeleBeck Annie J bds 618 JeffersonChas C boat builder r 618 JeffersonChas M furniture finisher r 56 Broadhead avBecker Adah M retoucher at Monroe's photo gallery bds800 N MainBecker Annette S bds 800 N MainAustin A elk Hevenor & Bros bds 800 N MainChas H agt White's sewing machine r 800 N MainFrank fireman C L R Rbds Commercial hotel w 3Llewllyn S bds 800 N MainBecket, Wm wks Broadhead's bds National hotelBeckman John E machinist r 414 W 5thBeckstrand Charles dyer r 476 WillardJohn D axe grinder r 29 BensonBeebe John B mech r 844 E SecondWm wks Water Co bds National hotelBeedlong J E seamstress r 11 Newland avBeerg Peter railroad section hand r 5 WatermanBelknap Giles P lab r Hamilton nr railroadHarry P shoemkr Gokey's bds Hamilton nr R RBelote Cora domestic 39 Allen blkCora R domestic Munroe houseBeman J M traveling salesman r 411 LafayetteBemus Blanche elk at Hevenor Bros bds 401 LafayetteE H prop spring bed factory bds 30 FairmountFred C street car conductor bds 401 LafayetteMaud widow of Matthew bds 117 BarrettRobertson W elk Wright's grocery r 401 LafayetteTELL THE STREET OAR CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OFFAT NO. 21 WEST 2D ST.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.23

Windsor Folding Bed, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.24 BBemus Wm Marvin physician over 10 E Third r 167Chandler; Wm P physician 10 E Third r 303 E. SecondBendall Alfred C hostler r 31 MarvinBender Dr Robt vet surgeon 104 E Second r 56 HarrisonWill blacksmith 110 E 2d r 111 E 2d •, iBenedict Willis O lawyer of Sheldon Green Stevens & Brooms 301 JeffersonSarah J r 752 E SecondBennett, Ella millinery 321 MainEmma millinery 321 MainFred C elk freight office Nypano bds 610 JeffersonJas S bds 38 W 10thJno H lab 450 WarrenLizzie cook Sherman houseThos F shoemkr Parks & Hazzard's r 23 MarvinBenson Anna wks shoe factory bds 229 Steele.Andrew axe grinder r 36 BensonAugust lab. r 323, WillardAugusta laundress at 705 Main bds doBernard H carver r 229 SteeleBert teamster bds 209 Forest avBlenda domestic 4 Lake View avChas mason 47J Footes avClyde teamster bds 209 Forest avDaniel farmer r 4 HamiltonD J teamster r 209 Forest avE H cabinet mkr EnglishElmer E lab. Steele bds 319 CherryFrank D lab bds 228 WarrenFred carver bds 229 SteeleGeo S farmer 228 WarrenGust H stone mason r 616 E 6th (up stairs)H widow 22 Allen blockJas painter r 847 Prendergast av (up stairs)James H painter r 114 KingWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

ONE PRICE FOR ALL AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D ST.B 25Benson Jennie wks Gokey's bds 229 SteeleJohn B actor r 216 SteeleJohn O ax mkr r 382 WillardLena domestic 7 CrossMina L dressmkr bds 228 WarrenOlof sawyer bds 423 AllenWm H teamster bds 209 Forest aveBenstroin Charles J shoemkr r 208 BarrettBentley Anna Mrs r Norton aveC Eugene carpenter r 8 RathboneFred vice prest Chaut Co bank r LakewoodBerg Axel painter bds 303 Willard" H r 28 WillardAlice domestic 339 E 4thAnna domestic 20 MechanicAndrew F painter r 323 WillardClara E widow of Sam r 616 Prendergast avC O bakery 302 E SecondChas miller 18 E 1st r 29 KinneyJohn blacksmith bds 13 TowerMatilda domestic 12 Lake View avPeter Mrs washwoman r 5 WatermanWm painter r 616 Prendergast avBerger Edward moulder bds 434 BakerFrank machinest 11 Shearman place bds 28 MainBerggen Carl W grinder Carpenter's ax factory bds 23StoweBerglund Charles W wool dyer bds 225 BarrowsClause V bed spring mkr bds "Clause W carpenter bds "Lars O carpenter r 41 WescottBergman August W lab r 285 WillardCharles band sawyer r 47 EagleJohn carpenter bds 309 WillardBergren C Anton wks Wm Hall & Co bds 24 ScottCarrie Mrs r 24 ScottBerggren Kristeen Miss domestic 121 WeeksALWAYS GO TO THE LEADING GALLERY. 21 WEST SECOND STPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's,26Bergson Oscar E grinder Jamest axe wks bds 2S ThayerBergstrand M O baker 302 E SecondBergstrom C A tailor 102 Main r 2 WalnutEmma factory hand bds 48 CharlesNels E lab r 80 EagleBergquist Andrew lab r 530 Allen.• Caroline S spinner bds 530 AllenEmmy Miss elk 205 Main bds 126 WarrenGustaf piano mkr r 527 AllenGust R lab r 25 PetersonJohn lab bds 16 EagleJosephina M weaver bds 530 AllenP J cabinet mkr r 126 WarrenSamuel cabinet mkr r 16 EagleWilliam cabinet mkr bds 16 EagleBergwall An tone engineer at J T Wilson's r 764 E SecondJoseph A printer 4 W Third r 764 E SecondBermingham James brakeman r 932 E SecondBerry H Orton saloon kpr E Second r 245 FultonCarlton A plumber etc Warner blk r S63 Prend aveJ D feed and sale stable 210 Pine r 221 CrossmanL A elk 203 Main bds Commercial Hotel W3dBerquist Olof painter bds 709 Newland aveAmanda wks shoe factory bds Highland aveA V tailor r 12 CrescentCharles finisher r 73 Jones aveJohn factory hand bds Highland aveMary domestic 30 WarrenWilliam tailor r 324 ForestBenchley Hayden musician r 32 EllicottHiram machine hand EnglishJohn J sawyer 32 EllicottBeurstrom John J packer at chair factory r 130 FultonBillings Abner H farmer r 854 Prendergast aveGust lab bds 346 BakerHarrison carriage painter r 412 WashingtonJ C Mrs r 208 JeffersonEndless line of Book Cases at Gage's.

MAKE YOUR ENGAGEMENTS WITH PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE FORFIRST CLASS WORK.Billings P S Mrs washwoman r 346 BakerS Mrs tailoress r 412 WashingtonBilquist Chas factory hand bds 260 ProspectHilda factory hand bds 260 ProspectJ no lab r 260 ProspectBingham Chas V deliveryman 714 Main bds doBird Washington gardener r 25 Ellicott" Mrs washwoman r 25 EllicottBishop Chas L antiquarian bds 304 E ThirdColeman E bds 304 E ThirdElijah r 304 E ThirdMatthew shoemkr r 85 HazzardBissell Jennie I spinner at Wm Hall & Cos bds 966 MarvinBixby Sophia Mrs r 710 Lafayette (up-stairs)Bjork Charles lab r 36 WillowLena C Mrs r 249 EnglishBjorkman Alfred ax mkr r 47 WescottBjurstrorn Jacob lab r 28 WinsorNils planer r 107 WillardWm lab bds 28 WinsorBlack Charles sawyer bds Monroe liouse Brooklyn sqT Henry gardener r 31 ProspectBlackmar A W harnessmkr bds Newton avFrank bds 417 E SecondFrank W bds Newton avH L Mrs r 417 E SecondBlackstone Carrie bds 309 E SecondGeo bkkpr r 37 CollegeJessie bds 309 E SecondWin of Vandergrift mfg co r 309 E SecondBlair Wm S steamboat fireman r 719 Cherry (up stairs)Blakesley Adda nurse 129 KingEd wool sorter r 110 mechanicEmery J telegraph operator r 116 CrossWm S carpenter r 129 KingBlanchard A F physician 34 MainBertha Mrs seamstress 26 Allen blkOUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASSWORK.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.28 BBlanchard Franc C widow of Dr H C bds 821 E 2dR N physician 4 E Second r 10 ChandlerRobt F grocery 19 Fenton PlaceSilas letter carrier r 300 PriceBlatz Geo F baker 10 Main r 14 MarvinJennie F bds 14 MarvinBlauvelt Jessie Belle dressmkr bds 67 W TenthBlinn A C carpenter bds 14 FairmountBliss Jno cabinet mkr r 77 Jones aveNellie H bds 77 Jones aveBlodgett Arthur 59 ProspectClarence cutter 59 ProspectFrank M express messenger W F & Co 67ProspectGiles B r 124 KentIda domestic National hotelBlood Wm J upholsterer r Fairview avBloith Thomas dyer r 15 BarrowsBlong Mary waiter Sherman houseBlomstram A shoe shop 27 S Main r 209 BarrowsBloomstran A shoemkr r 301 BarrettBloomquist Albert finisher r 22 WaterAxel carpenter r 89 EagleChristine L domestic 213 W SecondFred compositor bds 222 BarrowsHilda 222 BarrowsJohn cabinetmkr r 57 EagleJohn P r 86 EagleJonas P stone mason r 222 BarrowsOtto farmer at Swedish orphanage bds doPeter stone mason r 216 BarrowsWm elk bds 222 BarrowsBloom Chas carpenter r 602 WinsorBly S A Mrs r 356 E 5thBlystone Grace C bds 51.1 E SecondJ H r 511 E SecondOlive elk 103 Main bds 135 ChandlerUpholstering done to order at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MO TION, CALL ON US.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.B 29Blystone Rosamond bds 511 E SecondW I mattress factory Steele r 40 CrossBoberg Alma stitcher bds 23 EagleOlivia weaver bds 23 EagleSvening cabinet mkr r 23 EagleBoddy John T crayon artist r 15 LincolnBogenshutz Jno machinist r 57 Footes aveBogrey Minnie domestic 333 E 4thBolton Henry C r 710 LafayetteS N bds 127 ChandlerBooman Jno meat market 1 Winsor r 3 WinsorBond John D lab bds Mullen avWm E night watchman at Broadhead's r Mullen avBonner Jas M musician bds 609 SpringBoone Mertie tailoress r 115 FultonBootey Edward B harness store 26 S Main r 105 BarrettEdward R of Bootey Fowler & Weeks attys r 4ChandlerElizabeth teacher J TJ S & C I bds 45 BarrettJno harness store 26 S Main r 45 BarrettBottsford Fred E elk bds 15 W SthM H collector r 304 W ThirdM H Mrs r 304 W ThirdWm H carriage trimmer r 15 W 8thWm R bkkpr Chaut co bank bds 304 W 3dWarren T bds 117 E 5thBottini Antonio fruits and nuts 104 Main r 29 MainBounds Jas M traveling salesman r 100 E 8thBourdo Nelson cooper 11 WebsterBowdish Geo tinner bds Allen houseBowen Andrew J carriage mkr r 703 WashingtonE S carpenter r PalmerHeman A printer r 741 E SecondWm D Nypano flagman r 315 E 6thW Manley reporter Jamestown Journal r 731 E 2Bowman Thos J merchant r 617 Prendergast avBoyd Chas cigar mkr bds 143 BarrettIF YOU WANT A VIEW OF YOUR HOUSE LEAVE YOURORDER AT PR UDDEN & D UNIHUE'S.

Go to H. M. Gage for Furniture.30Boyd Jane Mrs domestic 131 S MainMary Mrs 122 ForestWm engineer knitting mills r 208 SpringBoyle Ella Mrs carpet sewer at Sharpe's r 201 Cherry(up-stairs)Boyval Wm lab bds 111 CampBradburn Chas E of Cole & B 3 Brooklyn sq r 301 \WarrenBradley Gamble mech 116 BarrowsS C Mrs r 4 Little WaterBradshaw Louisa S bds 112 W 7thR C flourand feed 24 E 3d r 419 W 3dWm A of Allen Preston & Co r 35 LakeView avWm A Jr accountant bds 35 Lakeview avWm T coal dlr 19 E First r 112 W 7thBradway Frank carpenter bds 10 BakerBrady Robert blacksmith r 310 PineRobt Mrs boarding house r 310 PineBraley Herbert r 161 AllenBranch Hira K night watchman Peterson & Bush's millr 231 CrescentBrandin Gustaf carpenter 18 ShermanBrandt Jno A butcher 630 E Second r 642 E SecondBrant Josephine M domestic 101 W 5thBranney Caroline widow of E tailoress r 217 E 8thBratt Anthony r 261 WarrenBailey P teamster r 261 WarrenDennis lather r 59 WaterORlabr 11 a HazzardPeleg lab bds 59 WaterBrattburg John elk 15 E Second r 448 WinsorBreed Chas A lumberman r 156 ChandlerD C of Breed furniture co r 36 AllenEllen bds 156 ChandlerFranklin E drayman r cor E 2d and ChamplinGertrude bds 156 ChandlerChamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE MAKE THE ONLYARISTOTYPE.B 31GENUINEBreed Herman teamster 309 MainIda May bds 36 AllenJ C Mrs r 214 ChandlerMartin J roadmaster C L R R r 810 N MainL Anna B bds 36 AllenBresnahan Ellen Mrs r 794 E Second (up stairs)Bricker Mrs bds 508 E FifthJ carpenter r 508 E FifthBriggs Arba farmer r N Main opp CemeteryCharles designer r 16 AlpacaDavid war j) dresser r 2 EagleDavid stableman 211 Cherry bds Monroe houseFred carpenter Hall & Co r 9 FranklinJames dyer r 110 Footes avJohn loom fixer r 114 HarrisonMary O Miss elk 714 Main r doRiley warp dresser r 5 ElkSamuel of Wm Hall & Co r 24 CrossJ Sherwood billiards 11 W Third r 30 FairmountWilliam dyer Broadhead's mill r 17 W 8thW C student bds 351 E FourthBrightman Fredrick A attorney bds Central houseBriner Nathan engineer r 529 E 5thBristol Eva Miss elk 205 Main bds 237 Lake View avHoratio N draymen r 425 Lake View avJennie E Miss bds 425 Lake View avLewis E bds 425 Lake View avM S Mrs r 140 Footes aveBristow Frederick auditor C L Ry r 609 PineBroadbent B A wool fuller r 37 CenterJames r 37 CenterBroadhead Almet N of Wm B & Sons r 508 MainJames A warp dresser bds 102 Broadhead avJohn L bkkpr rJonas blacksmith r " "Mary E weaver bds " "Mertie M 30 WarrenPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, NO. 21WEST 2D ST. NEW ALLEN BLOCK.

FDRNITDRE--13 and 15 East Third Street.32 BBroadhead Seldon B of Wm B & Sons r n e cor Pineand E FourthS Flora 30 WarrenWilliam of Wm B & Sons r 30 WarrenW A elk bds 102 Broadhead avWright D elk bds "Brockman Mary widow of A r 220 E FirstBrockway George teamster bds 59 MarvinMarcus confectioner r 47 HazzardWalter B elk 2 E Third bds 47 HazzardBrogren Morris tailor r 248 Forest avBromdahl Gust shoemkr r 706 Newland avBrookins Bridman G teamster bds 102 BuffaloCordelia M widow of Benj C r 102 BuffaloBrooks Edwin A job printer 29 Main bds Hotel EverettJohn teamster Martyn Bros bds 820 Prend avNelson L miller r 220 FultonBrower Mary A widow of D H r 913 Prendergast avBrown Aaron A carpenter r 227 KingAxel painter bds 742 E SecondAlice Miss music teacher bds 110 E ThirdAlice R Miss r 610 CherryAlfred lab bds 356 BakerA F Allen r 311 W ThirdCatherine widow of Andrew r 405 Footes avCharles newspaper correspondent bds 29 HarrisonCharles carpenter bds 742 E SecondCharles E painter r 14 StoweCharles M r 52 ProspectCharles N of Jamest plush mills r 305 W ThirdCharlotte widow of James M r 116 E FourthDonald S attorney bds 116 E FourthEd C bkkpr 116 E 4thFred Brown Bros piano mnfrs r 110 E 3dFred L piano tuner and salesman bds 610 CherryGeo factory hand bds 10 BakerGlenn K bkkpr 119 Main bds Humphrey houseFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

FRAMES, ETCHINGS AND WATER COLORS FOR SALE ATPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE'S.B 33Brown Henrie Le F postal elk r 110 CrosbyHenry bkkpr r 29 HarrisonJas mill hand 55 EllicottJames bkkpr r 27 WalnutJno A hide and leather dlr r Ashville avJonas P lab r 251 BarrowsJohn P music teacher r 610 Cherry-John T freight tallyman C L R R depot r 607WashingtonJulius N of Brown Bros piano mnfrs r 110 E 3dLavant B Mrs r 316 W 4thLouis B miller 5 & 7 Taylor bds 607 WashingtonLouise weaver bds 400 AllenMaria E widow of R D laundress r 24 CrossmanNathan retired merchant r 401 E 4thSam A elk P O r 621 Prendergast avT L barber 8 S Main r Cherry extensionWillard S prop tea store 202 Main r 13 LibertyBrownell P r 140 Footes avBruen George H elk 203 Main r 23 Broadhead avBrustrom Augusta domestic 36 AllenBryan Robert oil producer r 37 WarrenBryant Annie chambermaid Sherman houseBuchanan Fred H elk Commercial hotelBuck A W carpenter r 229 ChandlerL widow r 12 InstituteMartin E wks Ford's table factory r 12 BushBuckley Nora weaver Broadhead's bds 317 E 5thBucklin E W Jr lawyer 36 Main r KingLura A elk 205 Main bds 622 SpringLura A widow of F K bds 622 SpringWm J farmer r PalmerWm R wks saw mill r Palmer cor HallockBuddenburg Lizzie dressmkr bds 501 W 4thBugbee Albert carpenter bds 369 Footes avBull Abram sexton Lake View cemetery r 465 LakeView avPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21WEST 2D ST.

Windsor Folding Bed, H. I. Gage, Sole Agent.34 BBull Benj r 67 CentreEllen bds ", Mary "Burch Geo A carpenter r 80 HazzardGeo E r 311 LincolnGeo H farmer r 311 LincolnBurchard Lillie L Miss dressmkr bds 519 SpringBurg Chas S clerk r 35 TowerFred A shoemkr bds 35 TowerBurgess W E clerk 342 E 3d r 103 E SixthBurgun F H hostler bds Central houseBurk Wm finisherbds 10 BakerBurke Jas stone cutter r 62 Footes aveJoe clerk Hevenor Bros bds Commercial hotelKittie waitress Humphrey houseBurkland John G elk Hevenor Bros r 764 E SecondBurland Gust contractor r 211 PriceBurlin Anson A of Jamestown Wood Seat Chair Co r 310E ThirdIda Mrs bds 311 PineJohn G r 22 W 8thThirza Miss bds 310 E 3dBurnell S Mrs bds 39 FairmountBurnett Clarence H livery stable 211 Cherry bds AllenhouseBurns E C civil engineer r cor Spring and E FourthEmma Miss weaver Wm Hall & Co bds 317 E 5thFrank wks stave factory r 37 WinsorJohn billiards Brooklyn square r 33 HarrisonMary weaver at Hall & Go's r 317 E FifthMinnie B dressmkr bds 33 HarrisonRufus H gun store 20 E Second r 19 Footes avBurr Frank H traveling salesman r 216 W SeventhBurroughs Clarence W steamboat captain r 212 ClintonEphriam wks Breadheads r 7 DerbyEverett bds Lake house boat landingFannie Mrs b 727 Cherry extensionH A Mrs r 220 AllenElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE HAVE THE BEST SKY-LIGHT INTHE 8TA TE.B 35Burroughs Myrtie M Miss music teacher bds 220 AllenBurt D H confectionery 6 E Third r 358 E FourthBurtch C C Mrs r 72 AllenYale W mgr Lewis Hill chair factory r 518 PineBurtis Emma Miss nurse r 604 LafayetteWm E elk for C D Backus r 103 E SixthBush Aaron carpenter r Fairview aveAlbert lab bds "Alfred lab bds "Bert wks pop factory bds 218 SteeleCalvin mechanic r 372 Footes aveCassius A artist with North Am Photo-Copying Cor 405 CherryCharles J elk Clark Bros & Tupper bds 405 CherryDatus E r 408 WinsorEva L music teacher bds 372 Footes aveFrank teamster 500 W SixthFrank B real est agt 21 E Second r 412 WinsorFred G of Peterson & B E Second r 715 E SecondFrederick L bkkpr for Peterson & B r 408 WinsorR M Mrs r 372 Footes aveBushee Anna dressmkr 205 Main bds 213 ForestBertha milliner bds 213 Forest aveCharles shoemkr bds 311 PineLoyal engineer r 213 Forest aveButler Agnes Miss bds 226 Lake View aveFrank A tinsmith r 930 N MainFrederick M overseer for R N Marvin r 105 W 2dG J 22 BarrettH E com'l trav r 26 CharlesHetty widow of Samuel r 340 E FourthJames traveling salesman bds "Jay A elk Ingall's shoe store bds 105 WSecondLucius E chief elk Nypano freight office r 846Prendergast aveMary Miss compositor Journal Printing Co bds226 Lake View aveTHE FINEST WORK IN THE CITY IS DONE BY PRUDDEN& DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHERS,21 WEST 2D ST.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.36 CButler Mary A widow of C N r 226 Lake View aveMary A bds 105 W SecondM Eva Miss florist22 BarrettOliver B com'l traveler r 22 W SeventhSophie Miss prop green house bds 226 Lake ViewButterfield Isabella bds 147 ChandlerJ W wool sorter r 147 ChandlerSam S gardener at Spaulding's bds 12 LincolnWrothwell bds 147 ChandlerButts Andrew J elk 300 Main r 119 FairmountFrank machinist bds 12 WilliamGeo R lawyer of Woodbury & B 11 E 3d r 4 PricePearl A elk 21 W Second bds 119 Fairmount avWm bkkpr bds 511 E SecondBuxton Laura bds 12 CrescentNellie bds 12 CrescentByer Fred J elk 100 Main bds Commercial hotelByles Emeline paper box factory E 1st 27 WalnutByrnes Daniel C physician bds Osmer PlaceiCadwell Eugene bds cor Pine and E 4thFrank bds cor Pine and E 4thJno of wood seat chair co r cor Pine and E 4thCady Carson shoemkr r 34 CharlesDavid shoemkr r 34 CharlesJames J shoemkr Parks & Hazzard r 19 CrossmanPeter drayman r E JamestownS S butter buyer r 14 E 4thWellington E shoemkr Parks & H bds 19 CrossmanWillis C wks pail factory bds E 2d E JamestownCaldwell Jessie 20 W 1stCalkins A R farmer r HallockWesley lab bds Fluvanna w from MarvinCallahan Ellen elk bds 46 CentreJames plumber bds 46 CentreJno r 46 CentreKate dressmkr bds 46 CentreWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

We have the Best Light in New York State.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Callahan Lizzie dressmkr bds 46 CentreMaggie elk bds 46 CentreMary domestic 417 SpringNora domestic 328 E 4thSusie student bds 46 CentreTimothy lab 43 Allen blkWm furniture finisherbds 43 Allen blkWm M moulder Clark's foundry r 207 W 8thCalverly Geo gardener r 143 StoweCamby Joseph engineer C L Ry bds 304 W 3dCameron Fred bds 339 E 3dMay overseer paper box factory E 1st r 14 LincolnWinfield S lawyer 100 Main r 17 Fairmount avCamp A N photographer 207 Main r 210 E 4thLouis F of Camp and Fuller Sunday Sun 29 Main i539 E 5thCampbell Annie widow 33 Allen blkFrancis A farmer r Buffalo e from Lake View avFrankie tailoress 33 Allen blkGeo ax mkr bds 33 Allen blkJames cigar mkr bds 33 Allen blkJared bds 43 HarrisonKate E boarding house 207 SpringCanty D upholsterer 25 Shearman PlaceEllen bds 716 MonroeJohn upholsterer Shearman Bros bds 710 JeffersonPatrick furniture finisherbds 710 JeffersonTimothy lab r 710 JeffersonCard Geo S teamster r 833 SpringCarden John axe mkr Jamestown axe wks r 1 E 7thCardon Mike shoemkr 212 PineCarkel Geo r 34 WinsorCarroll Ella bds 18 KentMary domestic 15 HarrisonCarl Delia domestic 711 Cherry bds 301J WarrenWm paper hanger 3 Brooklyn sq bds 301£ WarrenWm wks axe factory bds National hotelCarlson Adolph F tailor 206 Main 113 ChandlerAlfred wks Hall's factory r 788 E 2dPrudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders InPhotography.37

Call at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.38Carlson Amanda factory hand bds 46 WaterAmanda F domestic 109 W 5thAndrew carpenter r 10 WebsterAndrew watchman r 49 AndersonAndrew G packer r 119 WillardAnna domestic hospital 207 Footes avAnna Lena 49 AndersonAugust cabinet mkr r 85 Tower" butcher bds 131 Allen" axe mkr r 32 Barrows" factory hand r 219 Hazzard" factory hand r 2 Charles" tailor 206 Main r 19 WinsorAugusta bds 113 ChandlerCaroline dressmkr bds 648 E 6thCharles carpenter bds 132 Sampson" shoemkr at Gokey's bds 106 E 8th" tailor r 113 Chandler" railroad section hand r 22 Alpaca" factory hand r 20 Institute" August cabinet mkr EnglishF carpenter r 611 E 8th" F painter wood seat chair co bds cor Monroeand W 5thCharles J carpenter r 58 Kinney" Jno carpenter r 6 CharlesL lab r 206 FalconerP axe mkr r 450 WillardC Edward Henry wks wood seat chair factory bdscor Monroe and W 5thC G lumberman r 223 SteeleC W tailor 112 WilliamsClare domestic 47 FairmountD r 131 AllenDaniel A lab r 575 AllenEd mill hand bds 310 Forest avElma domestic 140 Lake View avElmer A painter .bds 362 WillardEmily seamstress 205 Main bds cor Monroe and W 5thFor Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

Prudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.C 39Carlson E P lab r 219 Broadhead avFrank lab bds 362 WillardFred shoemkr bds 42 ForestGotfred carpenter bds 469 WillardGust factory hand bds 13 Charles" machine hand bds 308 Barrett" lab bds 221 Price" tailor r 19 WinsorGustave factory hand bds 635 Prendergast (basement)Hanna seamstress 206 Main bds 83 Hazzard'• factory hand bds 223 E 1stHannah tailoress Proudfit's bds 635 Prendergast av(basement)Hannah domestic 309 W 5th" weaver bds 209 ForestIda domestic 20 EllicottIda domestic 309 MainIda domestic 1 Fenton PlaceJennie domestic 654 E 6thJennie domestic 106 E 8thJohn lab r 1 Eagle" factory hand r 397 Baker" factory hand 13 Charles" carpenter r 209 Forest" lab bds 51 Tower" axe mkr r 11 Peterson" A stone mason 13 Charles" A sawyer r 151 Barrows" A carpenter r 44 Kinney" A engineer wood seat chair factory r cor Monroeand W 5thJohn F lab r 257 Barrows" F moulder r 516 Allen" S lab r 28 KinneyLeon lab bds 448 WinsorLouise domestic 200 W 5thLudwick wks spring bed factory bds 106 E 8thMary factory hand bds 209 ForestMatilda domestic 10 ProspectPrudden & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers, Cor.Second and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block,

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.40 CCarlson Matilda factory hand bds 635 Prendergast (basement)Matilda widow of Carl bds 113 BushMinnie domestic 309 JeffersonMinnie weaver bds 219 ProspectM P carpenter 512 Newland avOscar shipping elk r 362 WillardOtto butcher bds 131 AllenOtto A cabinet mkr bds 10 PetersonPeter E lab r 150 BarrowsSam A planer bds 516 AllenSamuel S furniture mnfr r 106 WillardSven tailor bds 49 AndersonVictor lab r 230 SteeleWm factory hand r 119 WilliamsCarlstrom August A painter bds 25 ColfaxChas carpenter r 14 ColfaxJennie bds 14 ColfaxCarman Erwin M cabinet mkr r 317 E 5thCarmicheal Richard dyer bds 15 BarrowsCarmody Sophia domestic 40 FairmountCarnahan James M elk 214 Main bds 309 W 5 thWill factory hand bds 40 TaylorW S gents furnisher 214 Main r 309 W 5thCarpenter Chas J of E F Carpenter & Co Taylor r 13 FentonPlaceE E printer bds 322 ForestE F Mrs r 514 E 5thE K traveling salesman r 322 ForestEli carpenter r 109 BowenJ D lab r Fairview avJulia A widow of Col Elial r 821 E 2dLucian A carpenter r 112 LincolnStephen P farmer bds 241 FultonSybbel M widow of Wm Jr r 913 E 2dWilda bds 69 RathboneCarrier H Mrs r 212 SteeleRobert A driver 212 SteeleJennie Mrs wks cotton mill bds 116 FultonLou 312 CherryHall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.

Manufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.C 41Carrier Timothy boarding house 312 CherryCarson J H bds 25 AllenCarter Arthur D prop wood working shops W 8th r 8 N HamiltonGrant moulder bds 54 ProspectHattie Miss weaver bds 54 ProspectJohn weaver r 83 WaterMartha Mrs r 54 ProspectM R widow r 318 Main'Robert A horseman r 626 SpringWm E barber 222 Main bds Commercial hotelWm r 112 CrossWm H contractor and builder r 10 HamiltonWinnie spinner bds 54 ProspectCase L Raymond cooper 9 S MainCashen John baker 20 E Third r 32 KentCasort Franklin carpenter r 16 Price second floorCass Leslie cardroom hand r 1 BarrowsCassels Maggie Miss bds 411 W 8thCaster Augusta domestic cor E Second and ChamplinCastleman Frank B carpenter r Park PlaceFrank carpenter bds 103 S MainCatlin Addie J Mrs bds 821 E SecondA R feed store 17 W Second r cor Hall ave and W 6thJohn B "Cawcrot Aquilla wool sorter r 111 SpragueCawley Edward wool washer Broadhead's r 112 LincolnMary Mrs weaver " " "Sarah A Miss weaver " " "Cease Frank A shoemkr Gokey's r 214 ClintonCederquist Emma Miss domestic 303 E SixthChadwick Alanson B lab r 46 Prospect aveChaffee James H traveling salesman r 506 Prendergast aveChambers Joseph upholsterer bds Forest av nr limitsThomas farmer r Forest av nr limitsThomas Jr upholsterer bds Forest av nr limitsChamberlain Ella Mrs bds 209 W 7thHarry restaurant 22 E 3dChandler Edward lab r 336 SteeleBest work in the City. Prudden & Dunihue, Photographers,2 I West Second St.

Endless line of Book Cases at Gage's42Chapman Agnes bds 23 Fenton PlaceAlice box mkr bds 23 Fenton PlaceEmma bds 23 Fenton PlaceJohn teamster r 842 E 2dM P mason 23 Fenton PlaceChase Edward H painter and paper hanger r 29 E 9thE H Mrs dressmkr r 29 E 9thGeo engineer r 292 HarrisonGeo stone cutter bds 10 BakerGeo E marble cutter r Footes av nr limitsLynn D carpenter r 65 HazzardMary Mrs bds 503 PineMary widow cook 86 Allen blkO F of Chase & Son 24 Main r 433 E 4thOraph Mrs bds 292 HarrisonP widow of O G r 433 E 4thChatfield Geo of Conway & C plumbers 107 E 3d* 44 TaylorChattey Sadie elk bds 311 PineChellstrom Amanda weaver bds 145 BarrowsFrank lab r 145 BarrowsCheney Frank r 626 Prendergast avLottie bds 308 WarrenMiles E lawyer 215 Main r 864 Prendergast avN physician r 308 WarrenChild Louise Mrs r 136 Footes avChindgren Albert r 16 MambertChinander N F painter bds 295 WillardChingren Abel upholsterer Jamestown lounge factory bds 22ScottChringren Charles finisher Jamest lounge factory bds 22 ScottMort widow of John r 22 ScottChristensen Carl Am Aristotype Co 110 E 3d bds Osmer PlaceChristian Fred tailor 206 Main r 124 FultonChristofferson E F cigar mkr r 21 WaterChurch Mattie Miss elk 309 Main bds cor Main and W 4thFred railroad employee bds " " "Churchill Homer C engineer Broadheads r 711 E SecondClarholm John elk 216 Main bds 28 MainClark Cary D shoemkr W Fourth r 9 KentC B shoemkr r 324 SteeleChamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.

Bring the Baby to the Ground Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.C 43Clark Cassius E of Clark Bros & Tupper 11 E 3d bds cor 4tand LafayetteE A Mrs bds 632 E 2dEgbert R railroad fireman r 51 CharlesFrank M druggist of C Bros & Tupper 11 E 3d bds 400W5thFred H machinist J H Clark's W 3 r 32 MarvinGeo shoemkr Gokey's r 36 MarvinHarrison carpenter r 117 E 2dH C r 66 HazzardIda domestic 11 Allen blkJames L weaver r 11 E EllicottJosephus H foundry W 3d r 15 HarrisonJohn harness shop bds 10 BakerJohn S hostler 19 Taylor r 616 PineMilton H hardware 10 W Third r 417 LafayetteN S widow of Wm F r 356 E FourthO B Mrs bds 426 E FifthWilliam carpenter bds rr 618 PineClarke Andrew M editor Sunday Call Woodard & C 12 WSecond r 803 Prendergast aveClarke George F bakery 13 E Second r 714 MainClary James A city editor Journal 14 W 3d r 308 LincolnClawson O A wid of C W domestic 503 E FifthClement Alice M teacher bds 103 BarrettElizabeth MSarah wid of Samuel rS Bessie teacher bds "Cleveland Charles W r 20 W SeventhClingsted clerk r 159 AllenClint Edward teamster r 121 Weeks second floorRudolph wks spring bed factory bds 121 WeeksClinton Sarah domestic 7 AllenSarah Miss domestic 406 WashingtonCluney Thos T prop White Elephant 15 E 3d r 22 Allen blkCoate,s Cassius D elk 111 Main r 304 MainE E Miss dressmkr 31 MainJennie L Miss bds 312 JeffersonL A draughtsman bds 312 JeffersonLeroy P architect r 312 JeffersonWhen you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.44Coates Sarah B wid of L bds 8 BowenCobb A B Mrs 30 WarrenGeorge B elk 220 Main bds 547 E SecondMinutia A 30 WarrenN B Mrs bds 33 CollegeOrdelloW merchant tailor 220 Main bds 413 Osmer PIW H engineer r 33 CollegeWm J mgr for F Simons grocery 708 E 2d r 547 E 2dCochrean Robert A lab r 1055 N MainCoe D C farmer r CampEdwin G carpenter r 46 MarvinHolland S elk at Robinson's E Second bds 46 MarvinS H elk r 230 ProspectCoffield Charles F lab bds 212 W ThirdRobert painter r " "Colander John axe mks Jamest axe co r 121 BushColburn C D farmer r EnglishColby Jane M Miss weaver Broadhead's bds 118 LincolnCole Albert H building mover r 42 W TenthDarius R cigar store C & Lewin 103 Main r 258 WarrenEdgar J milk dlr r 1054 N MainElisha lab 456 WarrenEva M seamstress bds 456 WarrenExperience, widow of Joseph bds 849 N MainFrank painter bds 456 WarrenIda shoemkr bds 42 W 10thJames paper hanger 113 Park PlaceJas firmof C & Bradburn 3 Brooklyn sq r 115 Park PlaceJoseph A r 849 N MainW H contractor 300 WarrenCollette O axe mkr 9 S MainCollins Delia spinner Hall's mills bds 109 WeeksGrant bds 103 SteeleJohn B prop "The Fair" 221 Main r 40 FairmountKate weaver Hall's mills bds 109 WeeksMargaret widow of Patrick r 109 WeeksMary weaver Hall's mills bds 109 WeeksColt Franklin teamster r 346 Footes avIsaact mill hand r 48 WaterColton John wks Peterson & Bush's mill r 8J CheneyFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

WE NEVER TAKE A BACK SEAT. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2d St.C 45Colson Augusta weaver Broadhead's mill bds 8J CheneyChas J wks Peterson & Bush's mill bds 8£ CheneyColstrum Chas wks Shearman Bros bds 648 E 6thComfort Stephen r 20 W 7thConant Sylvester F r 711 WashingtonUlyses D bds 711 WashingtonVirginia r 210 W 4thConbrouck Fred r 625 Prendergast av (basement)Coner Alice domestic 715 FairmountConic Wm W pail mkr Fenton & Sweet's E 2d r 109 CurtisConnell Richard upholsterer r 100 HazzardConner James S pattern mkr r 148 WarrenJno L lab r Fairview avNellie elk r 413 CherryS F carpenter r 42 CharlesConnoly John lab r 336 SteeleConover Chas bds 838 N MainConroe M C carpenter 29 MainConverse Chas L shoemkr Parks & Hazzard's r 509FalconerTsador C finisherParks & Hazzard's r 29 W 9thWm E shoemkr bds 29 W 9thConway Evelyn musician bds 107 W 3dJohn firm of Conway & Chatfield plumbers 107E Third r 611 Prendergast avKittie waiter Sherman houseOtis E law student Cook Fisher & Wade's bds611 Prendergast avThos lab Footes av nr limitsCook Almira widow of Merritt r 621 E SecondBenj W of C & Fish marble wks r 409 W ThirdErnest H well driller and engineer r 229 FultonInez M organist 1st Cong chnrch bds 409 W 3dJames painter r 756 E SecondKate bds 621 E SecondLillian teacher high school bds 621 E SecondM Alice bds 621 E SecondNick car repairer bds 70 SteeleYOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2d 8».

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.46Cook Orsell of Cook Fisher & Wade attys r 315 E 4thCooley Carrie seamstress bds 15 BarrettIsaac weaver r 48 WaterJennie tailoress bds 15 BarrettJohn Mrs bds 15 BarrettThos finisher r 614 E SecondW H finisher r 15 BarrettCoons W D popcorn vender r 200 ChandlerCoope Nathan Jr dyer r 6 Little WaterCooper Fannie M teacher bds 627 Prendergast avFred dyer r 7 DerbyHenry H mgr M Beck brewing co 22 E 3d r 419W 6thJames blacksmith 98 E 2d r 627 Prendergast avJohn F bakery the John H Tousley co 20 E 3dr 44 Fairmount avJ H physician r 116 HazzardTitus overseer Hall & Co r 48 Footes avWaytey L bds 116 HazzardWm H loom fixer r 57 CentreCoover Harrison Mrs cook Commercial hotel W ThirdCopp Helen bds 821 N MainJane widow of J M bds 821 N MainCorcilius Albert B printer bds 108 CrossmanJosephine teacher high school bds 108 CrossmanMax P baker r 108 CrossmanRose M Miss printer bds 108 CrossmanCordlyBartell wks at Hall's mills bds 143 WeeksGeo wks at Hall's Mills r 143 WeeksCork Arthur shoemks Parks & Hazzards bds cor Mainand RathboneFrederick shoemkr Parks and Hazzard's bds corMain and RathboneJoseph shoemkr Parks & Hazzard's r cor Main andRathboneMinnie V Miss weaver at Jamestown Terry millsbds cor Main and RathboneGo to H, M. Gage for Furniture.

WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.C 47Corkery Wm machine hand r Fairview aveDan factory hand r 21 SeymourTimothy upholsterer bds Fairview aveCornell Lynn F of Jamestown Lounge Co r 14 CrescentMathew painter and paper hanger r 301 Lincoln(up stairs)Thaddeus C r 563 E SecondCornish Amanda domestic 9 MarvinCotter James printer Sunday Sun bds Commercial hotelCouch Harmon A farmer Falconer nr WinsorWarren mnfr r 208 LafayetteCovey Albert M drayman r 122 CrescentMerritt W drayman r 224 FultonHarrison ax mkr r 1079 E Second .Cowden Albert tinsmith 10 W Third r 35 BarrettFrank oil operator r 143 BarrettM L Mrs cook 34 MainMillie Mrs r 108 W FourthWm H shoemkr 9 S Main r doCowdrey Joseph r 28 KentSarah E Miss compositor at Journal office bds28 KentCowey Manly head waiter Sherman houseCowing John T farmer r 401 W Sixth (up stairs)Cowles John oil producer r 136 BarrettCox Jennie factory hand bds 46 WaterRobt draymen r 17 Highland aveWilliam J of Pelton & C 24 Main and 16 W Firstr 308 West SecondCoyle Mary Miss bds 514 CherryR Rev Rector of St Peter and Pauls church Cherryr 514 CherryCraig C O porter Hotel EverettMalcom A bkkpr Chaut Co bank bds cor W 3d andLafayetteCrane Alexis of Hatch & C 10 E Third r 516 JeffersonClara M Miss bds 516 JeffersonPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE CAN GIVE YOU GENUINE ARISTO-TYPES. 21 WEST 2d St.

FURNITDRE-13 and 15 East Third Street.48Crane Wm lineman Telephone co bds National hotelCrantz C G elk r 368 BakerFrank A axemkr r 535 AllenCraven Herbert wool sorter r 110 MechanicHiram warp dresser Broadhead's bds 414 WinsorW H r 123 AllenCreal C W r 48 ProspectCreaser George warp dresser r 5 DerbyCristofferson Antone cigar mkr 2J Main r 21 WaterCrittenden Helena Miss dressmkr bds 308 PineM Mrs dressmkr r 308 PineCrocker John W agt r 111 CrossmanCrockett Flora bkkpr bds 375 Footes avCronin Lizzie waiter Hotel EverettMaggie Miss domestic 305 W ThirdNellie Miss domestic 517 Prendergast avCrooks Marietta Mrs r 615 PineCrosby Erastus elk r 140 AllenFlorence E Miss bds 429 E SixthFreeman H United States Navy r 333 E FifthMabel F Miss bds 333 E FifthMary A Mrs widow of S C r 429 E SixthWalter S United States Navy r 333 E FifthCrossgrove Emma Miss bds 324 WarrenFred O finisherbds 324 WarrenSam L finisherBreed furniture co r 111 CrosbyWalter finisher r 320 WarrenWm carver 324 WarrenCrosley Haggar Mrs weaver bds 26 MapleHenry cloth finisherbds 26 MapleCross Libbie Mrs widow dressmkr 10 Allen blkCrossman A F r 352 E FourthPhineas real estate agt E Ehird r Winsor Nfrom PriceCrouch Eugene M carpenter r 215 WashingtonG M carpenter r 16 SampsonWm carpenter r 211 AllenUpholstering done to order at Gage's..

TELL THE STREET CAR CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OFFAT NO. 21 WEST2D ST.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.C 49Croupe W II loom fixer 57 CenterCrowe John lab 222 E FirstBenj wool sorter r 119 AllenPatrick lab r 58 TaylorCrowther Chas mill hand r 9 WaterJoseph bds 115 CrescentCrum A W of Jamestown Bedstead co r 26 AllenCrumb Lena Miss domestic 43 FairmountCrumley Henry S elk 208 Main bds 304 W ThirdCulbert Lizzie bds 74 RathboneCulbertson Claude R bds 10 W EighthR Leon bds 10 W EighthCullin John factory hand 209 E SecondCulligan Kate Miss r 416 W SeventhSusan Mrs r 416 W SeventhCulver Bertha bds 117 BarrettClarence V wks Bending wks r extension CrescentH F elk r 117 BarrettCummings G W carpenter 113 E SecondCunningham Harriet A Miss bds 428 E SixthR V r 428 E SixthCurtis Chas F painter bds 401 LafayetteC S r 543 E SecondJohn foreman of dredge building bds Fluvannaw from MarvinM E Miss r 211 WashingtonR B fruit grower r Ashville aveCurtiss J Delevan of Wicks & C attorneys r 54 LakeView avCurran Mary Miss domestic 506 Prendergast aveCurrin John lab r 322 SteeleKate weaver bds 322 SteeleMary weaver bds "Thomas printer bds "Curry Catherine Miss r 11 ArnoldJames printer bds 11 ArnoldJenny sewing girl bds 11 ArnoldCALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ARISTOTYPES.PR UDDEN & D UNIHUE.

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.50 DCurry John G printer r 114 HarrisonJohn H shoemkr r 615 MainMartha A Miss bds 615 MainMary bds 11 ArnoldMary Miss milliner bds 615 MainMichael shoemkr r 411 W EighthCushman A P elk 205 Main bds 24 HarrisonGeorge W carpenter r 132 WarrenJohn M jeweler bds 132 WarrenMary E bds 132 WarrenPreston elk bds 24 HarrisonCutler Charles H mgr Ingall's shoe store 219 Main r 309JeffersonDDahl Oscar stone mason 16 BarrettDahl Victor carpenter bds 219 BarrowsDahlberg Samuel carpenter r 497 WillardDahlgren August cabinet mkr r 575 AllenDahlstead Annie bds 21 Cowden ParkMary Mrs r " "Dailey Gertie Miss milliner 208 Main bds 516 E FifthDalrymple Wm M teamster for J J Aldrich r 37 W 10thDalquist August tailor 206 Main r 559 E SecondDalton H H factory hand bds 15 BakerDanforth George F bds 210 W FourthE H dentist 14 E Third r 210 W FourthDanelson Caroline S Miss dressmkr bds 28 ThayerMary J dressmkr bds 28 ThayerSarah S r 28 ThayerDanielson Aug factory hand 18 Institute' Ellen Miss factory hand bds 18 InstituteHenry V painter bds 528 AllenHilda weaver bds 324 Forest AveCharles wood turner bds 252 Barrows" painter r 36 Kinney" A mason bds 511 WillardWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE MAKE THE ONLYARISTOTYPE.D 51GENUINEDanielson Clause A sawyer bds 511 WillardJ A quarryman bds 111 CampJ Albert shipping elk bds 172 AllenJohn lab r 511 Willard" driver bds 303 E Second" factory hand r 18 Institute" A coachman for A F Kent r 341 E 5th'' F house painter r 482 Willard" P factory hand r 426 Baker" P bds 528 AllenJonas P mechanic r 524 AllenJosephine bds 172 AllenLouise widow of Charles A r 324 Forest aveDarling Addie A Miss bds 513 SpringCharles real est agt bds 52 HarrisonJennie E Miss teacher school No 6 bds 513SpringJoel S r 513 SpringMary E Miss elk 205 Main bds 513 SpringNellie A Miss teacher in Central district schoolbds 513 SpringSam'l A bds 513 SpringDavenport R W artist bds 217 E ThirdDavey James plumber r 127 AllenWilliam porter Hotel Everett W FirstDavidson James W lather r PalmerJohn M gardener 160 WarrenDavie Will elk bds cor Main and W 4thDavis Ada 15 W SecondDallas £ carpenter r 332 Footes aveE C elk bds 10 W FourthEliza Mrs boarding house 217 E ThirdElla K photographer bds 200 AllenElmer blacksmith bds Central houseEthan carpenter r Cook aveFlora C bds 200 AllenFred T insurance agt r 36 MechanicIF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF- YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MO TION, CALL ON US. • PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Hall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.52 DDavis G carpenter r Hunt aveH A wid of Joseph r 503 PineH R carpenter r 208 Broadhead aveJ B rooms 14 E ThirdJerome F salesman bds 200 AllenJohn A street car conductor r 205 W ThirdJoseph lab bds 820 Prend AveJosiah civil engineer r 59 ProspectLewis W carver bds 200 AllenLizzie H bds 200 AllenLucian A farmer r Buffalo east from Lake View avMary F widow of John r 205 W 3dOra M foreman planeing mill r 200 AllenSimon C farmer r Buffalo E from Lake View aveW E Mrs r 718 CherryWm J mason and bricklayer r 61 RathboneWm M bkkpr a^W H Proudfit's Main r 25 FairmountDavy James plumber 11 E 2d r 127 AllenWm wool sorter r 116 CrossDawley Geo O carpenter r 35 Ashville aveMary J r 514 E 5thS B' MrsSam C farmer r 636 E 6thDay A E Mrs r 43 FairmountAllen E cutter at Wm H Proudfit's r 26 FairmountFrank A elk at Langford's E 3d bds 43 FairmountMorgan H elk at A D Sharpe's r 43 FairmountDealy A S Rev r 410 N MainDean Ben S editor Morning News r 409 W SixthC C Mrs bds 423 E FourthDan W city editor Morning News bds 409 W 6thJames cutter 210 Main bds 14 E FourthOrison F printer Journal office r 216 CrosbyPaul M printer 29 Main bds 17 ThayerWm painter r 1033 N MainDearborn Albert mechanic bds 42 Opera blkElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

MAKE YOUR ENGAGEMENTS WITH PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE FORFIRST CLASS WORK.D 53Dearborn Chas gas fitter 42 Opera blkEdith Miss weaver 42 Opera blkJohn mason r 42 Opera blkJohn A plumber and gas fitter r 3 E SeventhDearing Frank T shoemkr at Gokey's factory r 401LafayetteDeBell C H railroad brakeman bds 145 ProspectDecker Ella dressmkr r 44 HarrisonF P carpenter r 145 ProspectJ A Prof lecturer bds 40 BakerLaura dressmkr r 44 HarrisonLizzie weaver bds 44 HarrisonDeForest Geo carpenter bds 752 E SecondDeitch Theo painter bds Allen houseDeKay Mary Mrs r 764 E SecondWilliam bds 764 E SecondDeLaney Wilton H elk 205 Main r 25 BarrettDelby Benjamin engineer at 705 Main bds sameDelamar E J Mrs bds 224 CrosbyDeLing Monroe F carpenter r 28 W 9thDeLisle Wm W carpenter r 716 MonroeDempsey Anna L Miss teacher central branch school bds19 W EighthEdwin elk 11 W Second bds 19 W 8thEdwin R overseer woolen mill r 19 W EighthMary Miss bds 601 MainThomas mill hand 33 ChandlerDen Charles shoemkr bds Brooklyn houseDenslow Jennie E Miss bds 551 W ThirdWilliam R r 209 W SeventhWillard T building mover r 551 W ThirdDennison E H porter Sheaman house r 408 WashingtonDerby Agnes D bds 123 S MainJ C tailor r 236 ForestJ K retired merchant r 103 Forest aveS S painter r 123 S MainDerry Edwin L bkkpr bds — MartinWilliam r — MartinONE PRICE FOR ALL AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D ST.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.54 DDerry William Jr upholsterer bds — MartinDeveraux Cora B factory hand bds 366 Footes aveMaude M factory hand bds "W H painter r "DeVine Grace Mrs bds — RaceDevers James railroad engineer r 369 Footes aveDevoe Alonzo machinist Warner's mill r 545 E FifthDevore Chas A boat builder bds 207 W ThirdDewan Carroll E section hand C L Ry bds W 2d extensionJohn wks freight house Nypano r "Kate M Miss bds "Richard J band sawyer Martyn Bros bds "Dewey Adelbert D of J& A D real estate and loan agency11 E 3d r 863 Prendergast avD L elk 101 Main r 333 E 2dFred W printer Journal office bds 863 PrendergastavJohn of J & A D D real estate and loan agency11 E 3d r 863 Prendergast avDickey Hattie Mrs weaver Preston's woolen mill bds752 E 2dDickerson Benj S gardener r 1021 N MainEllen S bds 1021 N MainFred lab r 763 E 2d (up-stairs)Wm S gardener r 29 DickersonDickinson Chas H elk 23 E 3d r 842 Prendergast avEdward F Am Exp Agt 7 E 2d r 10 E 4thSarah teacher r 10 E 4thDickson Alfred Rev r 419 Lake View avEliza Mrs bds 66 HazzardFrank L carpenter bds 419 Lake View avLillie G teacher Dist school No 1 bds 419 LakeView avMertie M teacher bds 419 Lake View avMinnie E teacher bds 419 Lake View avWeldon A physician Tew blk cor Main and 2dr 419 Lake View avFor Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

ALWAYS GO TO THE LEADING GALLERY. 21 WEST SECOND STPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.D 55Diller B F bds Allen houseDillon John upholsterer Martin's factory r 31 DickersonPatrick wks Martin's factory bds Fluvanna avThos lab r Fluvanna avThos Jr wks Martin's factojy bds Fluvanna avDinsmore R W of Scofield & D 205 Main r 545 W 3dDoering Henry A of Harris Underwood & D crockery100 Main r 549 W 3dDolan Chas axe polisher bds 16^ HarrisonDolnan France mason r 4 WatermanDonald Maggie wks Broadhead's bds National hotelDonalon R D foreman R R r 114 SteeleDonelson Chas factory hand bds 426 BakerDonaldson Oscar stone mason r 17 CentreDonlon Delia elk Hevenor & Bro bds 114 SteeleJulia bds 22 RathboneMaggie Miss dining room National hotelW A mech bds Commercial hotel W ThirdDonovan Mary E music teacher r 625 Prendergast avDoolan Eliza J seamstress bds 611 PineDoolittle James B baker 13 E 2d r 714 MainDoren O E axe mkr r 43 Footes avDorman F A Main st green houses 866 N MainDorn Dexter D lawyer Tew blk cor Main and Secondr 75 ProspectEmma B 75 ProspectFrank J printer bds 28 HarrisonGeo A painter r 28 HarrisonDoty F Emmett foreman bakery 309 Main bds doJas artist bds 215 E ThirdDoubleday John W glass mnfr r 20 E EllicottDouglass Miss dressmkr bds 309 WinsorJas G cloth finisherPreston's mill r 16 W 10thT D boss weaver r 126 WinsorDow Charles M prest'Jamest Nat Bank 31 Main bds 40ProspectDowler Frank K blacksmith E 2d r 14 WeeksIF YOU WANT A VIEW OF YOUR HOUSE LEAVE YOURORDER AT PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE'S.

56 DCall at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.Downs Jno r 211 Broadhead avJno Jr saloon 217 Main r 211 Broadhead avMartin saloon 217 Main bds 211 Broadhead avDoyle Bridget bds 872 E 2dJas Doyle Bros rendering house off E 2d bds 872E SecondJulia widow of Jas r 872 E SecondMichael of Doyle Bros rendering house off E 2dbds 872 E SecondDracup Nat wool sorter r 13 WebsterDrake Kern W U tel operator 9 W 2d bds 15 W 2dSamuel telegraph operator bds 15 W 2dDrayton A Marie domestic 39 StoweMaria domestic bds 1058 E 2dMary Ann domestic bds 1058 E Second. Washington D C lab r 1058 E SecondWm lab bds 1058 E SecondDreager Calista A teacher high school bds 102 W 7thElla Marie artist and vocalist bds 102 W 7thWilhelmena widow of John G r 102 W 7thDrezen C A tailor 102 Main r 44 ForestChas tailor bds 44 ForestO A tailor 102 Main r 44 ForestJohn tailor r 44 ForestDriver Jane F weaver bds 238 ForestDrots Adolph axe grinder r 303 WillardAugust carder bds "Axel F painter bds "Hulda 303 WillardPeter rooms 14 E ThirdPeter A shoemkr bds 303 WillardDrum John R bkkpr Penn Gas Co r 15 W SecondDrummie Kate bkkpr 108 E Third bds 567 E SecondDschuden Charles F wks Breed furn co r 865 N MainCharles J pressman Journal office bds 865 MainClara A bds 865 N MainLouis cabinetmkr Breed furn co r 861 N MainFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, NO. 21WES1 2D ST. NEW ALLEN BLOCK.D 57Dschuden Mildred F Miss bds 865 N MainJohn bds 861 N MainJohn Jr wks Breed furn co r 21 RathboneDuane Edwin hostler bds -59 Footes aveI F r 59 Footes aveDuffy Christopher shoemkr at Goffey's r 45 RathboneMarcella Miss spinner at Hall's bds 45 RathboneMargarett " " " " " "Mary J Miss bds 45 RathbonePatrick wks Penn gas co bds Humphrey houseDugan Mauda mill employee bds 62 Footes aveDundon Robt cigar rnkr 2| Main bds Allen houseDunn Alec r 111 AllenDennis Mrs r Livingston av nr limitsHenry shoemkr bds Livingston ave nr limitsJane Mrs seamstress r 403 CherryJohn farmer bds Livingston ave nr limitsJohn D rooms 14 E ThirdJohn of Holmes D & Co 304 Main bds CommercialhotelDunham Alfred traveling salesman bds 503 PineA S bkkpr Wm Hall & Co bds cor 5th and PineFrank E agt Singer sewing machine bds 412WashingtonDunihue William J of Prudden & D photographers 21 W2d bds 315 E 6thDuprez Andrew shoemkr bds Brooklyn houseAndrew shoemkr r 617 SpringDurano Joseph r cor Pine and E 4thDurfee Clara Miss milliner 318 MainGeorge jeweler 318 MainDurham Geo Fbds 383 Footes avWilber S carpenter r 383 "Durnin Nora widow of John r 18 KentDwier Mike B shoemkr Gokey's bds 207 W 3dOUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASSWORK.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.58 EEagers Jno lab bds 10 BakerEarl Annie waiter Sherman houseEarnshaw Emma widow of Abraham r 308 E SecondJames finisherplush mills bds 109 SpragueThomas plumber r 308 E SecondEaston Ed A harness & trunks 100 E 2d r 303 Footes avMary C widow r 303 "Oscar D drayman r 87 HazzardEaton Philetns L groceries 1001 E SecondRenaldo grocer 715 Fairmount r do (up stairs)Ebel Annie E bds 916 N MainJulius G M piano mkr at Ahlstrom's r 916 N MainEchoren Lena weaver Broadhead's mills bds 632 PrendergastavEckburg Arvid finisherbds 15 Cowden ParkAugust factory hand bds 15 Cowden ParkAxel factory hand bds 15 Cowden ParkFred shoemkr bds 15 Cowden ParkEcker Laura domestic 22 W 7thEckert Mary widow 9 S MainEckloff Geo J wks furniture factory bds 616 PrendergastavEcklund Chas lab SpragueEckman Gust elk bds 27 Colfax•/. Gust F carpenter r 27 ColfaxEckwall D F r 264 Forest avEddy Ann widow of Isaac bds 417 E 5thElizabeth widow of C W r 125 S MainElizabeth A r 417 E 5thElton E Ins agt 11 E 3d r 125 S MainFrank J of Milspaw & Eddy Ins agts 303 Main r650 E SixthH P bartender Humphrey house bds 9 Footes avEdgerton Cordelia widow of Edmund r 1009 E 2dEdick Archie V bds 28 CentreVina widow of A E r 28 CentreEdmonds James livery stables Taylor and Cherry bdsSherman houseChamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.

Prudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders InPhotographyE 59Edmonds Wm M livery Taylor r cor Derby and InstituteEdson Mattie E domestic 811 Prendergast avEdwards Wm stone mason r 139 WeeksEidens Geo G carpenter r 8 Fairview avEighmy Lucy R widow of Peter M domestic Newton avEinch Wm Jno mach r 133 CampEkback August meat market 29 S Main r doEklund Amanda domestic 40 ProspectT of Swedish furniture mfg co r 104 HarrisonEkman Charles band sawyer r 541 AllenEkstrom John A cabinet mkr bds 21 TowerElf Frank W lab r 117 FalconerElickson Lottie domestic 213 E 4thEllinger Jas warp dresser r 292 HarrisonElliott Benj carpenter r 211 WashingtonDavid farmer 919 E SecondMary J wks Allen & Preston's mill bds 919 E 2dEllis A C Rev pastor M E church r 345 E ThirdEdward painter r 57 MarvinHenry carver bds Cooks avJames weaver r 141 WarrenJno machine hand r Cooks avJ S contractor and builder r HallockEllison Abner warp dresser bds 3 Appleyard PlaceElms Thos gardener r 72 PalmerEllsworth Fletcher wks street car stables bds 14 HamiltonEndress Wm F mgr electric light cor 105 W SecondEngberg John lab r 504 AllenEngelbrektsson Simon upholsterer Shearman Bros bds 34ThayerEnglish Adelia nurse 212 W SecondEngmans John F axe mkr r Willard nr limitsEngstrom John wks Lunquist's furniture factory e 2dbds 106 e 8thErickson Andrew chair mkr r new st nr KinneyAndrew lab r 50 BensonAndrew farmer r 434 WillardPrudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.60 EErickson Anna domestic cor Main and W 5thAugust overseer bds 476 Willard" wks bending wks r 21 Stowe" chair mkr bds 66 ChapinBetsey domestic 533 W ThirdCharles lab bds 463 WillardCharles wood turner bds 324 WillardCharles E r 66 ChapinCharles E blacksmith r 133 BuffaloChristine Miss domestic 114 Lake View avChristine domestic 168 ChandlerE of Swedish furn mfg co r Prospect avEdward lab bds 463 WillardEric factory hand r 215 ProspectErica domestic 316 W 4thErick cabinet mkr r Prospect avGust Anton tailor 16 Barrett" lab r 173 Allen" elk 59 Winsor bds junc Willard Kinneyand TowerGust butcher bds 246 WillardGustaf E cabinet mkr r 346 WillardHenry C carder bds 346 WillardHerman bds 66 ChapinHilma bds 215 ProspectHulda domestic bds 215 ProspectIda elk 208 Main bds 66 ChapinIda weaver Broadhead's bds cor Lafayette andIsabella avJohana widow of Andrew W r 476 WillardJohn factory hand bds Briggs nr Footes avdyer r 16 Willardoverseer bds 476 Willardsawyer bds 50 Bensonshoemkr 312 CherryA bds 434 WillardP vet surgeon bds 532 E SecondGo to H. H. Gage for Furniture.

When you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN &. DUNIHUE.Erickson Josephine bds 346 WillardKarlina domestic 402 Footes avLawrence factory hand r 210 BarrettL E of Swedish furn mfg co r 210 BarrettLouise domestic 132 AllenMathilda F 66 ChapinOscar V cabinet mkr r 317 WillardSelma bds 215 ProspectWm W carver bds 302 AllenEroe Jesse W inventor bds 24 CowanErwall Hugo lab r TewEtheridge Chas H commercial traveler bds Allen houseEverhart E B gen agt illust'd Am stock book bds CentralhouseExssley John A wool sorter bds 317 AllenPFahy Edward upholsterer Martyn Bros bds 400 W 7thKate wks Martyn Bros bds 400 W 7thMary widow of James r 400 W 7thFairbanks Edna widow seamstress 35 Allen blkFairbank Emily Mrs bds 353 E 4thFrederick W carver Morgan M & Co bds 355Lake View avH L Mrs r 353 E 4thWalter J meat market 615 N Main r 355 LakeView avFalconer Archie D law student bds 516 E 5th'Frank bds 516 E 5thHellen J Mrs r 516 E 5thFalldin Gustaf A policeman r 527 AllenIda domestic 503 E 2dKari widow of Frederick r 113 WillardFarlee Edith H music teacher bds 152 AllenFred L traveling salesman r 152 AllenFarley Rose A Miss domestic 408 W 5thFarm D A grocer 219 E 1stManufacturers brirfg your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.61

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.62 FFarman E F capitalist r 30 CrossFayette painter r 204 WarrenGrace artist bds 30 CrossFarmer Louise waiter Sherman houseFarnham Frank B mgr Penn gas co E 3d r 514 JeffersonF D traveling salesman r 513 LafayetteJohn M assessor r 402 E 4thFarrand Andrew S oil operator r 837 E 2dJ Willis student bds 837 E 2dFarrington Mary A Miss bkkpr Sun office bds 552 W 3dS R Mrs r 552 W ThirdFaulkner Henry moulder Nichols & Son r 212 W ThirdFaurot Gus barber 9 S Main bds 408 E 5thFaust Charles tailor bds 16 W SecondClara M Miss domestic 302 W 5thLouise domestic 125 S MainFay William Mrs milliner r 102 ProspectWm C bds 102 ProspectFeather George wool sorter r 317 AllenJoseph weaver r 400 AllenRichard loom fixerbds 440 AllenWilliam loom fixer r 116 HarrisonFelch John D of Felch Reed & Co dry goods 207 Mainr 617 e SecondTheodore R cashier F R & co bds 617 e SecondFellows E D hostler 100 e Second bds 211 SpringHarry tel operator W U bds 15 w SecondFelt Charles coachman 305 e 4thFelton John M bricklayer r 1009 N MainFenner Alex r 618 PineCarrie Miss domestic 715 e SecondCarra F domestic bds 26 BushHerbert E shoemkr Parks & H bds 16 w 9thJames R boots and shoes 306 Main r 510 SpringJames R Jr elk 306 Main r 606 E 6thLavine widow r 519 SpringNathaniel J boots and shoes 316 Main r 822 NMainEndless line of Book Cases at Gage's

Prudden & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers, Cor,Second and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block,F 63Fenner Sam'l elk 306 Main r 618 PineSilas of Hart & F liquors 111 e 2d r 16 W 9thFenton Alice A bds 315 e SecondA M Mrs dressmkr bds 338 e ThirdBarry B farmer r 109 Lake View avCorisend E r 315 e SecondE A driver Wells Fargo exp r 757 e SecondEd mechanic r 14 CentreElizabeth widow of Reuben E r Walnut GroveEll^tf A of F & Andruss photographers r 215CrossmanGeorge T hardware 101 Main r 404 W 5thGuy L cutter Parks & Hazzard r 215 CrossmanKatharine L Miss retoucher bds 215 CrossmanLilian picker bds — CampLouis A elk 1st Nat Bank cor Main and 3d roomsEagle Hose bunk rooms cor Main and TaylorLyford B farmer P O Address 109 Lake View avMartin L lumber dealer r 517 Prendergast avNettie M domestic 127 Forest aVRuben E of Cane Seat Chair co r Walnut GroveSeneca bds 1083 e SecondWilliam H bds 1083 e SecondFerguson Carrie F widow of Judson r 6 MarvinFlynn J teamster bds 6 MarvinGeorge C teamster bds 6 MarvinH widow of Hiram bds 819 SpringFern Mary Miss weaver Broadhead's r 409 CherryFernel Emily dish washer Commercial hotel W ThirdFerrin Sarah widow of Stephen r 615 W SeventhStephen steamboat captain r 612 W SixthThomas pilot bds 615 W SeventhFerry Burt-S elk Boston store r 42 RathboneHulda A Mrs r rr of 618 PineJohn D hostler 100 E Second bds 210 SpringS C janitor M E church r 16 CollegeT C green grocery E 3d r cor Footes av and MartinBring the Baby to the Ground Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Windsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.64Fette Chas A cigar mnfr 33 W 9th r doFiddler A F traveling salesman 194 Forest avField C T retired merchant r 332 E 4thFrank B traveling salesman 412 SpringIsabella widow of Tyler r 104 WashingtonVirginia A teacher Dist No 1 bds 104 WashingtonFinley Jas T bartender McCarth}^ house boatlandingFinnegean Elizabeth widow of Cornelius r cor 5th andWashingtonMichael C lab bds cor 5th and WashingtonFinnity Alice spinner bds 9 BarrowsFirman Ben chair factory r 103 SteeleFish John C of Cook & F marble cutter r 842 MainJoseph L bds 842 N MainMyron A milk dlr r 500 BuffaloFisher Charles O lab r 52 KinneyElmer E bkkpr bds 313 Prendergast avFred paper hanger bds Brooklyn houseHorace P of Grant & F meat market 2 Brooklynsq r 44 HarrisonJerome B of Cook F & Wade attys 201 Main r302 W 5thMary widow dressmkr 8 E SecondZ W r 313 Prendergast aveFisk Frank painter 302 MainFrank J Mrs seamstress r 302 MainFitch John C canvasser 212 PineJohn C Mrs dressmkr r 212 PineLucy B bds 4 Lake View avMary C widow of Rufus r 4 Lake View avFitten Richard dyer plush mills bds SteeleRobert " " " " «Fitzpatrick James canvasser bds 312 Pine •Flagg David shoemkr bds 10 W 4thFelix shoemkr r 10 W 4th .F Emmet crayon artist Am photo copying co r210 W 7thFURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.

THE FINEST WORK IN THE CITY IS DONE BY PRUDDEN& DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2D ST.F 65Flagg Ira machine hand r 339 AllenM A real est agt r 39 FairmountM P real est 6 W 3d r 218 W 4thFlannery Mary waitress National hotelFlannigan Bridget r 161 WarrenKate domestic 417 SpringFleming Adelbert J carpenter r 123 CrossmanFletcher A Mrs r 552 W 3dA B editor Chautauqua Democrat 12 W 2d r32 ProspectChas F of F & Hall grocers 204 Main r 556W ThirdGuy printer 12 W 2d bds 32 ProspectMinnie E teacher high school bds 552 W ThirdFlickinger Anna K wks Broadhead's mills bds Price betLake View av and Prendergast avEugene shoemkr Gokey's r Price bet LakeView av and Prendergast avHelen J wks Hall's mills bds Price bet LakeView av and Prendergast avFlink Louise widow of Carl 8 BarrowsFlorence John cooper r 306 WinsorFlewer James G mason r 13 BowenFogerty Mrs 15 SeymourFoland Kate widow of Peter wks Broadhead's r 28 W 10Folcker Carl T furniture finisherbds 16 BowenFoley Patrick C traveling salesman bds 625 PrendergastFolker August grinder Jamestown axe wks r 13 DickersonFonander Ida dressmkr bds 426 AllenForbes Ellen 17 W 4thEmily 17 W 4thFrank P printer Sunday Call bds 39 StoweJohn S night elk W & F Exp co bds 39 StoweRussell J r 39 StoweFord E E Mrs elk 135 ChandlerEdith C elk 100 Main bds 135 ChandlerGeo B of Ford & Hodgkins table mnfrs r 400 E 6thLibbie E artist bds 400 E SixthFRAMES, ETCHINGS AND WATER COLORS FOR SALE ATPR UDDEN

Hall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.66Ford M L of F & Relf 6 W 3d musical instruments bdsSherman houseFosburg Anna domestic 212 W SecondAnna L domestic 516 JeffersonFoster Amy A canvasser r 201 CherryChas musician r Cleveland PlaceHomer steamboat hand r 4 InstituteFourl George,H bakery 10 Main r 107 S MainFowler James I of Bootey F & Weeks attys 38 Main r20 MechanicFox Berdine A spinner 29 EllicottBridget r 161 WarrenCassius drayman r Hallock nr limitsDiana D widow of Albert bds 110 CheneyDora bds 88 ProspectEdith B wks Gokey's factory bds 122 BowenEmma Mrs r 29 EllicottFrank M contractor and builder office 118 W 3d r122 BowenFred C elk bds 318 Prendergast avHarry R painter bds 29 EljicottHeman S carpenter r 310 Footes avHorace A collector bds 115 Park PlaceJas cooper bds 10 BakerJas F elk Catlin's feed store r 787 E SecondLaura r 13 CentreMary dining room Osmer PlaceMary J widow of S R r 8 CheneyVesta A bds 8 CheneyFrance Nettie weaver Broadhead's bds 632 PrendergastFrancis Albert brakeman C L R'y bds McCarthy houseboatlandingSmith conductor C L R'y bds McCarthy houseFrank Chas A plainer bds 252 BarrowsChas G stone mason r 252 BarrowsChristine domestic 654 E 6thDuane teamster r 239 HazzardDwight teamster 204 Main r 313 WarrenFor Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE HAVE THE BEST SKY-LIGHT INTHE ST A TE.F 67Frank Dwight D shoe store 4 S Main r 16 Prospect avEmma weaver bds 18 Kino-Geo teamster r 247 HazzardGuy elk bds 16 Prospect avHenry Rev pastor 1st Cong church r 403 E 6thJohn r 458 AllenJohn shoemkr Gokey's bds 113 BushJohn N milk vender r Baker city limitsLee bartender 14 E ThirdMathilda weaver Wm Hall & Co bds 252 BarrowsMercy Mrs r 105 ForrestThed teamster 18 S Main r 426 WarrenFranklin Albert elk 17 E SecondAlbertus wks meat market 2 Brooklyn sq bdsBush blkAndreas lab 17 e SecondEdward elk 17 e SecondEttie M cook 17 e SecondHelen C Mrs nurse bds 842 Prendergast avFransen Peter lab r 504 AllenFrazier Alex cutter 220 Main r 528 e SecondFrasier Henry C plasterer r 820 Prendergast avH C Mrs hair dresser r 820 "Fray John dyer r 9 WatermanFred Charles Oscar wks Broadhead's bds basem't 648 e 2dJohn August " " " " "John Andrew " " " " "Fredrickson Anna widow of Charles r 14 WillardGustine r 224 SteeleOscar bds "Freed J P carpenter r 30 InstituteFreeman Alonzo baker 309 Main r 26 RathboneCharles E elk at Schultz's 36 Main r 10 MarvinEdgar lab bds 324 Lake View aveHenry lab r " " "French Archie L carver bds 223 AllenMattie A widow of Milton C r 223 AllenOscar head sawyer r — WaterCALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ARIS TO TYPES.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.Fretts Daniel H Mrs r 833 Prendergast aveFrey Gottleib shoemkr r 29 W 10thFrink A A Mrs nurse bds 213 LincolnAlbert A blacksmith bds 213 LincolnWalter P mail carrier bds "Frisbee Orlando C of Shaver & Hall r 811 Prend aveWaldo E elk Sherman house cor w 3d and CherryFritch Charles factory hand bds 14 ColfaxFroding Emile baker 13 e Second r 38J Footes aveFrodeius Augusta bds 114 HarrisonCharles hostler bds Monroe houseFrost Nelson N butcher 29 S Main r 811 SpringFuller Frank A carpenter r 15 Newland avFred factory hand r 143 Footes aveFrederick A Jr jeweler 213 Main r 315 W ThirdGeorge farmer r — EnglishGuy H of Camp & F editor Sunday Sun 29 Mainr 501 ClintonH G drayman r 408 LafayetteMary widow of John r — EnglishS C widow seamstress r 66 Allen blockFulmer Anson A engineer Water Works r 509 ClintonNellie T Miss music teacher bds 509 ClintonFulton Austin J shoemkr Parks & H r 21 e 8th 2d floorFurman F S of F & Adams painters r 204 WarrenFurlow Alfred L attorney 309 Main bds 922 MainGGabb Miss wks Broadheads bdr Nationai hotelGaddis William H finisher Wm Hall & Co bds 118 CrescentGaderstrom John shoemkr 30 Main r Tew blkGaffeny Edward shoemkr Gokey's bds Fluvanna w of MarvinWilliam baker 309 MainGage Hilla M furniture 13 E Third r 142 Forest aveJohn lab r 76 MarvinGale Thomas A grocer r 23 WinsorGaliger Mary Mrs r rr 625 Prendergast aveFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MOTION, CALL ON US.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.G 69Galiger Michael bds rr 625 Prendergast aveGalligher P C of Melhuish & Co 9 W 2d bds Sherman houseThomas of G & VanDusen blacksmiths r 36 BarrettGalivan Charles cattle dealer r Livingston aveCon boats to let r 7 Ashville aveJames wks Chaut Steamboat co bds Ashville avMichael elk 7 S Main bds Ashville aveThomas cattle dealer r Livingston aveWilliam farmer r Livingston aveGallop Flora Miss stenographer 201 Main bds 203 E FourthGalloway John oil producer r 405 E FifthGalusha Mary widow of Seymour F r 537 E FifthGalvin Annie waiter Sherman houseGang John turner r 338 SteeleGans Margaret domestic National hotelGardner Charles machine hand r 11 PullmanHarry E bkkpr 9 W Third r 118 LincolnLaura widow of J R nurse r 12 W TenthM E Mrs bds 9 Footes aveWilson B butcher r cor Sprague and BakerGarfield Burt M elk 205 Main bds National hotelElikim billiard room Monroe house r 624 PineFred H division pass agt Nypano r 517 LafayetteGeorge carpenter r Park placeGarling G factory hand Nordquist r cor Dexter and FalconerGarner I Mrs milliner 208 Main bds 304 W ThirdJ C axe finisherJamest axe co bds 304 W ThirdGarnet James warp dresser r 39 Footes aveGarrett Albert C finisherParks & Hazzard's r 38 W TenthDavid warp dresser r 200 FalconerGarrs James mill hand bds Allen houseGarvey Daniel lab bds W 4th bet 5th and 6thGates Albert painter bds 57 MarvinClifton B collector Penn gas co bds 627 E SixthJoseph J chair mkr r 415 W 4thOscar S inside blinds 7 Forest ave r 44 Broadhead aveGay Burton M wks City laundry Main bds 13 W 7thLewis L wks Pennock & Son bds 13 W 7thWilliam J brick layer r 13 W 7thONE PRICE FOR ALL AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D ST.

70 GCall at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.Gayton Phineas L coachman 25 Allen bds 614 PineGechter John miller r 12 BarrettGeer E F mill hand r 19 CrescentLester C lab r 218 WinsorLouise E teacher bds 19 CrescentGeerum Maggie Miss domestic 226 CrescentGeib Fred decorator bds National hotelGeisler Simon C slater r 19 W 9th up stairsGelm Andrew P tailor 233 E 1stJohn P meat market 11 E 2d r 636 Prendergast avGeorge Fred B elk 204 Main bds 9 CrescentFrank H bkkpr Broadhead & Sons r 9 CrescentGeorgi George A piano repairer and tuner r 148 Forest avGerstle Samuel elk 216 Main bds Commercial hotelGeser James carpenter r 22 FranklinGhent Mrs mill hand r 301 WinsorGibson Hezekiah lab r Cherry extLloyd S painter and paper hanger r 1027 N MainPeter G decorator r 848 N MainGiffin Bertrand H miller bds 139 Lake View aveO Herman printer 12 and 14 W 3d bds 139 Lake V avWilliam C traveling salesman r 37 Crosby 2d floorGifford Charles H of Cane Seat Chair co r 11 W 5thEffie Miss teacher No 5 bds 213 E 3dFrank E prest 1st Nat Bank r 9 ProspectGeorge H cashier Chaut Co Nat Bank r 117 E 5thHorace H of Cane Seat Chair Co r 409 MainKittie Miss bds 213 E 3dLevi canvasser r 109 LincolnMaggie 12 W 1stMehetable widow of Elihu r 112 CurtisSamuel engineer r 218 SteeleWm S of Cane Seat Chair Co r cor Cherry and w 5thW P bargain store 307 Main r 213 E 3dGilberds James B manufacturer r 200 WarrenJames commercial traveler 100 MainGillberg Alfred lab r 209 Newland aveCharles machine fixerHall & Cos bds 209 NewlandMatilda bds 209 Newland avOscar painter bds 209 Newland aveElegant Cabinets at Gage's.


Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.72 GGoodwin Perry W lab r 429 L View avGoranson Chas A carpenter r 131 FalconerOlof M gardener r 127 StoweGordon Mary widow of Hollis C bds 1091 E 2dFred W market gardener r 1091 E 2dW M Mrs r 333 HazzardGore Augusta spinner bds 234 BarrowsGornall Ernest elk bds 219 AllenOliver lather bds 219 AllenWm of Jamestown wool spinning co r 219 AllenGossett C of C G & Son r 65 WaterChas F weigher Hall's mills bds 836 Prendergast avChristian cooper shop Water r 301 E 5thChristopher C lab r 836 Prendergast av (up stairs)Ed of C G & Son 65 Water r GarfieldEdward L cooper r 8 GarfieldErnest teamster bds 301 E 5thNancy A Mrs r 836 Prendergast av (up stairs)Gothherg Andrew cabinet mkr r 317 AllenO of Swedish furn mfg co r 317 AllenGould Fannie bds cor Cherry and W 4thF C Mrs r 101 W 3dFrank E elk 100 Main r 407 W 6thH Mrs r cor Cherry and W 4thJennie J music teacher bds 822 SpringJulia E widow of Otis S bds 822 SpringGould Wm H lightning rod dlr r 822 SpringGoulding Louisa widow of Sumner r 215 LincolnSophia E Mrs bds 112 W 7thGowan Elizabeth Mrs r Marvin n of DickersonGeo lab r Dickerson nr MarvinMartha waitress 14 S MainThos barber Knorr Bros Main bds Marvin n fromDickersonGrace Peter oil producer r 144 ChandlerGraff Amelia Mrs r 620 PineFrank lab bds 620 PineJacob V elk Erie freight depot bds 10 HamiltonJohn wks Broadhead's mill bds 620 PineWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE CAN GIVE YOU GENUINE ARISTO-TYPES. 21 WEST 2d St.G 73Graham Alonzo hostler 211 Cherry bds 210 CherryDavid carpenter r 757 E 2dJames of wool spinniug co r 96 WaterLaura cashier Hevenor & Bro bds 757 E 2dLou stableman 211 Cherry bds Stump houseNewton A bkkpr 14 W 2d r 910 MainGranat Andrew cabinet mkr r 226 BarrowsClause Wm bds 226 BarrowsGust wool sorter bds 226 BarrowsGrandin Andrew elk r 113 WillardClarence M miller 1 E 1st r 44 ProspectDaniel H flouringmill E 1st r 44 AllenTheodore E supt Chaut steamboat co r 215 W 2dGranger Byron R carpenter r 763 E 2dGrant Chas W merchant tailor 11 W 2d r 21 W 2dGeorge shoemkr 20 W Third bds 23 EagleJas M r 109 W 5thJohn M Mrs r 205 LafayetteLottie music teacher high school bds 316 W 4thRobert H of G & Fisher meat market r 100 SteeleSarah J Mrs r 13 HamiltonT C crayon artist r Catlin avWillard L steward Sherman houser. 408 WashingtonGrantier Morell E milk dlr bds 1054 N MainGrasse C W printer 13 E 2d bds 23 CentreGraves Carlisle A blacksmith cor E 2d and Cowing r 637FaiknerClara A seamstress r 61^ HarrisonGeo L canvassing agt r 220 Crossman (up stairs)Gray Earl lab bds Baker nr limitsFred cigar mkr wks 2 J S MainHarry P railroad switchman bds 222 ChandlerJas carpenter bds Baker nr limitsGreaves Robert dyer bds 15 BarrowsGreeley Jane A widow of E H r 816 N Main 2d floorGreen A Mrs r 4 Little WaterAda M Miss milliner bds 319 CherryAlbert M wks H J Newman bds 21 WeeksAnna M widow of R S r 328 L View avWE NEVER TAKE A BACK SEAT. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2D ST.

Endless line of Book Cases at Gage's74 GGreen Charles elk for Berry E Second bds 21 WeeksCharles C wool sorter Broadheads bds 328 L View avEleazer of Sheldon G Stevens & Benedict attorneys301 Main r 32 Broadhead avFred F elk 223 Main bds Commercial hotel W ThirdHomer driver Am Ex r 713 CherryH S Mrs 36 Allen blockJames teamster bds 356 BakerJohn M drayman r 21 WeeksJoseph S draymen r 319 CherryJessie Miss weaver bds 36 Allen blockLue C Miss bds 328 L View aveMary Miss bkkpr bds 311 PineMarie E Miss bds 319 CherryOrlando D bk'pr 12 Main bds 328 L View avRoy railroad employee bds 36 Allen blkW H boarding house 311 PineW S lab 36 Allen blkGreendahl Ernest elk 14 Main bds 28 MainGreenhouse Geo warp dresser r 57 CentreGreenlund Andrew factory hand r 17 Cowden ParkArthur H of Jamestown lounge co bds 321 AllenAndrew lab at bedstead factory r 716 LafayetteChristian traveling salesman r 321 Allen "',Sophia G compositor bds 716 LafayetteGreenwood Enoch of wool spinning co r 29 WaterGeorge W porter Sherman house r 70 W TenthJohn W combing boss bds 29 WaterMary A Mrs weaver bds 29 CollegeGreep John factory hand r 262 Forest avGrey Robert J gardener r — PalmerGregory Charles H prop Commercial house W ThirdGriard John drayman r cor 10th and LafayetteGriffies Harry D decorator bds 617 Prendergast avT Hicks druggist r 617 Prendergast avGriffin L M Mrs domestic 207 SpringPeter lab r 12 InstituteSusie Miss boarding house 207 SpringGriffith Albert elk 1001 E 2d r 312 E ThirdChamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.

WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.G 75Griffith Andrew cooper at Gossett's factory bds 1072 N MainFlorence bds 312 E ThirdGeorge E stockman r 260 WarrenJ Helen teacher Kindergarten bds 567 E SecondJennie Miss elk A D Sharpe's bds 811 N MainMark A carpenter r 811 N MainMarriet bds 312 E ThirdMartin farmer r 1072 N MainMary Miss dressmkr r 209 W ThirdMerritt F carpenter r 815 Prendergast avRiley A bkkpr Journal printing co bds 815 Prend evSarah Miss elk 103 Main bds 625 Prendergast avGriggs R C real est agt Hall blk cor 3d and MainW Eugene clief elk C L Ry office r 14 FairmountGrimshaw Kate widow of J G r 794 E Second 2d floorGrip Charles W mail carrier bds 154 BarrowsGriswold Daniel lumber dealer r 10 ProspectGron Charles of G Bros livery 100 E Second r 211 SpringErise A engineer r 15 Whitley avFred of G Bros livery 100 E Second r 210 SpringH machinist r 136 Footes avGronberg Jennie C Miss domestic bds 909 N MainGroom Maggie E spinner bds 1 BarrowsMary winder bds 1 BarrowsMinnie spinner bds 1 BarrowsGross printer Wart Nya Hem bds 112^ ChandlerRichard S barber 101 Main r 10 E SecondGrove Lecta Miss dressmkr r 102 E ThirdMartha E widow r 102 E ThirdMaude Miss dressmkr r 102 E ThirdGrover Elisha B liquors 16 E Third r 10 CrosbyJames B bkkpr r 36 Prospect avWarren elk 16 E Third r 115 LincolnGruber Albert C blacksmith r 205 W ThirdGuenther Adam printer 14 W Second r 308 Lincoln 2 floorHenry of John A G & Son cigar mnfry 14£ E 3dr 821 SpringJacob cigar mkr 14£ E Third bds 124 E SecondJohn A of J A & Son 14£ E 2d and J A G saloon124 E Second r 124 E Second 2d floorYOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D St.

Go to H. M. Gage for Furniture.76 GGuild Lina Miss dressmkr 102 E ThirdLuela dressmkr bds 311 PineGust Charles lab r Fenton PlaceGustafson Aaron painter r 251 BarrowsAaron E of Swedish furn mfg co bds 251 BarrowsAlfred lab r 48 CharlesAlma T Miss weaver Broadhead's bds 130 FultonAlvira Miss domestic 210 W FifthAndrew cabinet mkr bds 430 AllenAnnette Miss domestic 11 W EighthCarl mill hand r 209 Newland avCarlina bds 223 SteeleCharles J factory hand r 306 SteeleCharles J carpenter bds 86 EagleFrank axe grinder r 25 PetersonFrank finisher r 327 WillardGustaf O elk 32 Main bds 247 WillardHaning carpenter bds 244 Forest avHilma bds 591 AllenIda chambermaid Sherman house W ThirdJosephine Miss domestic 611 WashingtonLena widow of Nels r 251 BarrowsLouise Miss asst Matron Swedish Orphanage E 2dMary domestic 213 W ThirdMary Miss domestic 301 JeffersonVictor mill hand bds 209 Newland avVictor factory hand r 215 ProspectVictor lab r 591 AllenGusterson Mary Mrs cook St Charles hotel 109 E ThirdHHaag Amel tailor bds 114 SampsonAxel well driller bds 30 ColfaxHaas George J mason bds 1101 N MainPeter G " r " "William " bds " "Hackett John lab r 32 Ashville aveHaeglund Ida factory hand bds 119 WilliamHagar D Clark artist 309 Main bds cor Allen and MapleHaggarty John yard man bds Hotel EverettFURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.

MAKE YOUR ENGAGEMENTS WITH PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE FORFIRST CLASS WORK.H 77Haggas Annie Miss bkkpr bds 26 MapleGrace Mrs r 26 AllenLeseh loom fixer r 32 MapleHaglund Andrew J painter r 244 BarrowsJennie weaver bds 244 BarrowsHagren Ellen weaver bds 18 KingJohn Mrs r 18 KingEllen Mrs r 118 WilliamHagstrom Christine domestic 409 Prendergast avHal berg Hanna domestic 28 MainHenry wks Wm Hall & Co r 286 HarrisonHale Clarence S machinist Clarks foundry r 719 CherryHelena J Miss elk A L Moore grocery bds 810 SpringHerbert C driver Am Ex 7 E Second bds doJohn W policeman r 810 SpringHall Aaron architect 301 Main r 186 Forest avAda C bkkpr bds 101 Broadhead aveArthur wks Cotton mill bds 116 FultonChristine nurse r 217 Footes aveCortez elk 208 Main bds 311 Prend aveCyrus M painter bds 1015 "Edith domestic 52 HarrisonEdward C mgr Postal tel co r 226 AllenEdward L of Shaver & H r 202 Forest avEdwin A mechanic r 11 Allen blockElliott C of Wm Hall & Co worsted mills r 127Forest avEmily P widow of John A r 128 Forest avErie of Jamest Plush mills r 323 E 4thFred P of Journal printing co r 212 W SecondGeo Gilbert of Fletcher & H grocers 204 Main r 537East FifthHarry H elk r GrantHarry wks plush mills bds 109 SpragueHenry P physician and surgeon W 3 r 213 W 3dHerbert H wks melange works r 32 WaterJames cotton mill hand r 18 W SecondJames Mrs bds 339 E FourthALWAYS GO TO THE LEADING GALLERY. 21 WEST SECOND ST.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.78 HHall John Mrs r 226 AllenJohn P carpenter r 514 Newland avJohn Thomas manufacturer r 109 SpragueJohn W carpenter bds 24 CowanJoseph lab r 101 Broadhead avLewis chair mnfr r 72 AllenMaria widow of W C J r 139 Forest aveMorgan architect bds 186 Forest avO K bkkpr telephone exchange bds Humphrey houseSarah Mrs teacher bds 304 Prendergast avVan W wks Smith electric light co r 819 LafayetteWilkinson mnfr r 109 SpragueWilson of Jamest plush mills r 109 SpragueHalladay Jennie Miss elk bds 406 WashingtonHallberg Gust W lab r 51 TowerHalleck Walter F retired U S Army Officer r 13 FultonWalter S elk 221 Main bds 13 FultonHaller Anna Mrs r 128 AllenLaura Miss milliner 115 E Second bds 128 AllenHalley Agnes Miss spinner bds 46 Opera blockHenry mechanic wks Breed furn co r 46 Opera blkHalliday Herbert D elk 2 Brooklyn sqr bds Monroe houseJohn N care Fire Police rooms E ThirdHallock Anna J Mrs wash woman 839 Prendergast avWilliam A Rev r 155 Forest avHalsall George bkkpr of Jamest wool spin co r 25 WaterHalsey Harriot R widow of A E bds 607 PineHalstead Frank barber Sherman house r 206 E ThirdThomas twister at Alpaca mills r 13 ScottHallstrom Christine widow of John r 408 WillardHaltien Jennie Miss wks Gokey's bds 20 W 2d extHamberger Andrew butcher 17 E ThirdHambleton Geo W machinist bds 109 Forest avHamel Chas restaurant Hotel Everett r No 2 Tew blkEmma Mrs milliner Tew blk cor Main and 2dHamill W H shoemkr Gokey's bds 214 ClintonHamilton Albert shoemkr Gokey's bds 439 WinsorAlmon B r 642 E SixthElegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.

OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASSWORK.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.H 79Hamilton Arvid L shoemkr r 439 WinsorChas wks spring bed factory bds 439 WinsorClara L music teacher bds 642 E SixthGarda weaver Hall's mills bds 439 WinsorGeo L elk 211 Main bds 642 E SixthJohn shoemkr Gokey's r 439 WinsorHammarquist Chas elk 18 E 2d bds 635 Prendergast avOtto tailor Proudfit's r 635 Prendergast avHammarstrom Carl r 418 BakerChas shoemkr bds 219 ProspectChas O blacksmith r 300 BarrowsHammermiller Lewis car inspector bds 210 CherryHammond F H railroad brakeman r 47 ProspectL lumberyard r 67 Footes av —-Hanchett Bertha music teacher 143 AllenDon artist bds 143 AllenFrank E bkkpr bds 44 WaterL L r 44 WaterWm Mrs widow 143 AllenTheo D of Jamestown lounge co r 143 AllenHanley Margaret Mrs washwoman r 78 SteeleMary E weaver bds 78 SteeleHannon Thomas wks C L Ry co r cor W 5th and MonroeHansen Caroline Miss domestic 311 W SecondHans P shoe shop 4 W Third r 840 SpringHanson Albert agent r 406 WarrenAdolph lab r 68 TowerAlbert warp dresser r 89 HazzardChris factory hand bds 25 ColfaxClara A domestic 423 E FourthCris upholsterer r 361 BakerHenry teamster bds 209 Footes avJames lab bds 41 W NinthJames engineer r 36 CentreJohn wks bedstead factory r 41 W NinthLew factory hand bds 43 CharlesNels P carpenter r 22 W Second extPeter factory hand r 17 Cowden ParkManufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.80 HHardaman Robert dyer r 124 WinsorHardcastle Lillie Miss weaver Braadhead's bds 819 PrendHarkness B F mechanic r 10 SampsonHarland Geo H elk 119 Main bds Hotel EverettHarmquist Alfred factory hand bds 706 Newland avHarrington Andrew Murray ins agt 7 W 3d r 311 W 4thA Noah musician bds 107 W ThirdAugustus S carpenter r 304 Footes avCharles H chair mkr 24 Main r 107 w ThirdEdward J" lab bds 17 LincolnGeo H wks Martin's lounge factory bds 123CrossmanIsabel organist bds 311 W 4thLeonard C wks Ford & Hodgkin's table wksbds 17 LincolnLucy bds 28 HazzardMaggie weaver 18 EllicottMildred B bds 304 Footes avH Wheaton wks Ford & Hodgkin's table wksr 17 LincolnHarris Alfred T elk A D Sharpe's bds 43 Fairmount avCatherine E widow of John r 12 W 7thChas barber 4 S Main bds Central house0 P of H Underwood & Doering crockery 100Main r 512 E SecondGeo A elk A D Sharpe's bds 43 FairmountJno soap mnfr r 216 SteeleJno L r 316 E 4thMilo mnfr 20 Taylor r 303 E SixthTheodore barber cor Main and 2d bds 208 W 2dWm H barber cor 3d and Main r 839 N MainHarrison Cornelius M baggageman Erie depot bds 214W EighthDavid loom fixerHall's mill r 112 CrescentHenry W agt Wells Fargo & Co exp r 141ChandlerJas J train baggageman C L R'y bds 214 W 8Windsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.

Bring the Baby to the Ground Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.H 81Harrison Joseph warp dresser Broadhead's r 649 E 6thL D horse dlr bds 220 WarrenLee F horse dlr r 220 WarrenWm H baggage master C L Ry co r 214 W 8thWm H Jr elk Hevenor & Bro bds 214 W 8thHart Horace of H & Fenner liquors 111 E' Secoud bdsJamestown house cor E Third and PineHartley Albert warp dresser bds 10 ArnoldGeorge overseer Broadheads r 15 WinsorJoseph wool sorter bds 10 ArnoldJ W machine hand bds 10 ArnoldRebecca weaver bds 10 ArnoldWilliam warp dresser bds 10 ArnoldZilla weaver bds 10 ArnoldHartson Charles C carpenter r 119 KentEveline widow of Samuel r Mullen avGeorge L engineer C L Ry r 29 BushHarvey Cyril W plasterer bds 14 HamiltonEdward S variety store 302 Main r 513 E FifthHarwood Charles M lab r 440 BakerJohn W weaver bds 245 Crescent 2d floorRichard gardener " " "Haekins Ama widow of James bds 16 BushHastings Ara L Miss bkkpr 15 W 2d bds 119 WarrenEmerick stone mason r 419 WarrenJohn M dressmkr 13 W SecondLudwig factory hand r 38^ Footes avMaud dressmkr 15 W SecondHatch A A Mrs bds 204 W SixthCharles A nurse r 65 RathboneDavid B art emporium 8 W Third bds doDelos W traveling salesman r 607 PineFred E of H & Crane druggist 10 e 3d r 204 w 6thJulia E dressmkr bds 422 WarrenM D Mrs bds 302 W FifthSamuel carpenter r 1009 N Main 2d floorSolomon G gardner r 422 WarrenVernell A reporter 110 Main bda 6 InstitutePrudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.

.2 HFine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.Hand William machine hand bds 108 KingHawk Jennie B domestic cor Pine and E FourthHanna chambermaid Sherman house W ThirdHawkins Edward carver bds Lake house boatlandingJohn cabinet mkr r 74 SteeleHaycook Joseph shoemkr r 39 MarvinSamuel shoemkr Parks & Hazzard r 26 BushWilliam shoemkr r — SpragueHayes Carrie domestic 536 E SecondJohn section hand bds — Fairview avJohn D lab bds 607 W SeventhKatherine J domestic 114 Forest avHaynes Eugene engineer B & S W R'y bds HumphreyhouseMaria Mrs bds 32 KentPhebe E widow of Dr A r 780 E SecondWilliam J wks Broadhead's bds 32 KentHays Henrietta L Mrs bds 401 E FourthHayward Benjamin W of H & Peterson livery — Washingtonr 211 W SecondJames S with H & Peterson bds 211 W SecondOrin B grocer cor 3d and Wash'tn bds "Hazeltine Abner attorney 219 Main r 7 AllenAlbert F elk 200 Main bds 309 JeffersonDaniel C liveryman 126 E 2d r 36 CrossGilbert W physician surgeon and druggist 21E Second r 416 LafayetteHerman factory hand bds 305 Newland avH M Miss bds 401 Prendergast avJohn stone mason r 305 Newland avLaban physician and surgeon cor Main and 3dr 320 E ThirdMinnie weaver bds 305 Newland avRichard F r 15 LincolnSamuel lab r 313 Newland avHazzard Addison W elk 109 Main r 318 Prendergast avAlbert P elk 131 E First bks 525 E SecondElla chambermaid Sherman house W ThirdFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

Prudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders InPhotography.H 83Hazzard George lab r 50 PalmerMilo teamster bds 19 BarrettRobert T of Parks & H shoe mnfr 131 E Firstr 525 E SecondHeald Jno weaver bds 311 AllenThos warp dresser r 311 AllenHealy Herbert A elk 10 E 3d r 105 W SthJesse M builder r 308 W 5thMaggie waiter Hotel EverettWalter F elk 10 E 3d bds 308 W 5thHearrick Geo R mech r 847 Prendergast avHeath Charles H bkkpr Wells Fargo Express r 328 AllenIra A r 821 N MainLizzie Miss factory hand r 206 SpringSidney J street car conductor r 201 CherryHeathcote Walter machinist 25 Footes avHeaton Agnes Miss dressmkr Tew blockRiley carpenter r 24 ProspectSarah A Mrs laundress r rr 618 PineHebner Charles H merchant 303 Main r 113 KingMyrtle elk 303 Main bds 113 KingWm elk 303 Main bds 113 KingHedges Mrs W S bds 401 Prendergast avHedin Andrew O lab r 496 WillardCharles ax mkr r 554 AllenHedlund Eric blacksmith 216 E 1stFrank carpenter bds 382 WillardHedman Chas F carriage mnfr 30 S Main r doHedstrom John A tailor 102 Main r 314 BowenHegeman Elbert A bds 818 Prendergast avElizabeth M widow of Jno r 818 Prendergast avJoseph R traveling salesman r 218 CrescentHegg Amel O tailor 17 E 2d r 114 SampsonAndrew chair mkr r 81 TowerHegstrom Anna domestic 323 F, 4thoNils finisher r Briggs nr Footes avHeimberger Andrew butcher r 116 WilliamHeineman Louis liquor store 12 E 3d bds Sherman houseWhen you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

84 HCall at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.Heintz John barber 100 Main bds Darling alley bet 6thand 7thHeldal Svan J tailor 210 Main r 303 GrantHeliker Chas F painter r 311 E 6thHellgren Axel bottler 22 E 3d bds 488 WillardFred packer bds 488 WillardJohn teamster r 488 WillardWm Engineer r 313 WillardHelling Henry baker 13 E 2d r 14 E 3dHellstrom Chas J carpenter r 530 WinsorJohn S carpenter r 530 WinsorOlof r 275 WillardHembree Ellen weaver bds 168 AllenHemmerstrom Chas shoe mkr 9 E 2d r219 ProspectHendrickson Charles dyer r 462 WillardCharles lab 146 BarrowsHenderson C C tinner r 17 AlpacaC Frank plumber 17 AlpacaClara 20 W 1stCornelia S bds 114 Forest avLucia T bds 114 Forest avWilliam W of H & Putnam drug store 203Main r 114 Forest avHendricks John r 433 E 4thHenessy Nellie Mrs bds 234 CrescentHenry Arthur J of Burliri news co 8 E 3d r 817 N MainMartin teamster bds 10 BakerWm D Rev r 102 ProspectHenshaw Rosetta bds 74 SteeleHenson Christopher blacksmith E 2d bds 134 FultonHerby John wagon mnfr. cor 4th and Washington r 31Fairmount avHermanson Charlotte widow of Andrew F r 430 AllenHerrick Abbie L Miss bds 545 E 5thAnna widow of Wm bds 129 KingAnson L salesman r 545 E 5thChas W elk Chaut Co Nat bank bds 545 E 5thHiram V bkkpr 13 Forest av r 625 FalconerWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

Prudden & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers, CorSecond and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block,H 85Ilerschauer Herman r 613 SpringHertz John elk bds 44 BarrettHervey Geo W bds 16 LincolnHetchnor J F of H Wayte & Babcock mnfrs 113 Footesav r 216 FultonHevenor Anna Miss elk Hevenor Bros bds 406WashingtonHarvey of Hevenor Bros r 29 AllenJohn elk Hevenor Bros bds 309 Lake View avRichard of Hevenor Bros r 309 Lake View avHewitt F A Mrs r 329 E 4thW M r 8 HazzardHey John finisher r 19 MambertStephen ax mkr bds 85 HazzardHibbard Earl factory hand bds 126 Footes avE W engineer r 22 Ashville avFrank B engineer r 24 Ashville avFrederick M owner and patentee of Asbestosroof paint 309 Main r 850 N MainHenry engineer r 252 HarrisonJerome painter r 126 Footes avJosie 20 W FirstKittie Mrs 20 W FirstOliver D Rev bds 850 N MainN Van carver bds 126 Footes avHicks Burrows J cutter r 121 Lake View avHiggins Lizzie domestic 7 AllenMaggie M Miss domestic 204 LafayetteHildum Edward B carpenter r 14 CrossmanHileman F agt Am stock book bds Central liouseHill Anna Miss dressmkr r 14 W 7th up stairs: Camelia mill hand bds 37 EllicottCharles F carpenter r 37 EllicottEdward wks coal yards r — PalmerEmma mill hand bds 37 EllicottElizabeth seamstress 12 E SecondGeorge E stone cutter 115 Park PlaceGrace M spinner bds 40 BarrowsJames teamster r 66 Footes avWe have the Best Light In New York State.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.86 HHill Levi P grocer 9 W Third r 639 Prendergast aveLizzie C domestic 923 MainNelson H attorney H E Third r 44 Lake View aveNellie Miss domestic Lake house boatlandingNellie Mrs housekeeper Sherman houseThomas dyer r 287 HarrisonViola A widow of Wm H r 214 LincolnWilliam wool washer r 9 BarrowsHiller Achsah teacher high school bds 105 W SecondBartle R messenger Am Ex co bds 913 E SecondFrank lab r 415 W FourthJay lab bds 39 RathboneJohn D Mrs r 105 W SecondWm night watchmanWarner's mill bds 415 w 4thHilton David warp dresser r 115 CrescentJames S elk bds 115 CrescentHimebaugh J M of H Bros spring beds r 135 ChandlerWm L of H Bros spring beds r 420 WinsorHines Anna waitress Humphrey houseMichael porter Humphrey house r 837 Prend aveHind Asa boss spinner r 151 BarrowsHindle Earnest loom fixerbds 109 KidderFred wool sorter r 109 KidderHinman Henry finisher r 223 AllenHitchcock Albert shoemkr bds 851 Prendergast aveAlbert G shoemkr r 41 RathboneElsie Miss elk 207Main bds 846 Prendergast avEva Mrs r 384 Footes avEva Miss dressmkr 17 Main bds 384 Footes avHenry C traveling salesman r 17 CrossJ Frank bkkpr r 327 Lake View avWalter shoemkr r 851 Prend av 2d floorHitchiner Ada Miss mill hand bds 216 FultonAlfred engineer bds 216 FultonFrank warper cotton mill r 628 E 6th basem'tFred mill hand bds 216 FultonJohn F prop terry mill Footes av r 216 FultonMary Miss weaver bds 216 FultonElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

Best work in the City. Prudden & Dunihue, Photographers,2 1 West Second St.H 87Hitchiner wood turner bds 103 S MainHjelte Amanda bds 7 BarrowsHjert Ida domestic 353 E FourthHjertquist Charles M machine hand r 211 HazzardHulda weaver bds " "Ida spinner bds " "Hjorth W m gents furnishings 32 Main r 807 N MainHodgkins G M of Ford & H furniture mnfrs r 310 E 6thHodgson Martha Mrs nurse bds 317 AllenHoffeler Maurice bkkpr 216 Main bds 318 Prendergast avHoffmann Catharine widow of Geo H bds 74 MarvinGeo C supt Jamest electric light wks bds Shermanhouse W ThirdPhillip baker 20 E Third r 74 MarvinHokanson Edward lab r 221 Price 2d floorHolbrooke S J Dr bds 318 Prendergast aveHoi burg tailor for John Peterson bds 644 E SixthHolland James dyer Broadhead's r 425 Crescent 2d floorJohn lineman telephone co bds National hotelHollenbeck E R r 327 WarrenLaura dressmkr bds 260 WarrenPhillip B peddler r 100 BuffaloHolley Charles R street car driver r 18 HamiltonWilliam teamster r 23 BakerHollins boss spinner r 51 CentreHollister Walter lab r 212 SteeleHolm Charles contractor Bending works r 246 CrescentChristine domestic 304 Prendergast avFrank cabinet finisherbds 246 CrescentGust tailor 32 Main bds Central houseJohn butcher r 66 ChapinHolms Gust elk 28 Main bds 556 E SecondHolmberg Carolena weaver bds 453 WillardGust of Swedish furn mfg co r 301 AllenNels tailor 102 Main r 644 E SixthSamuel carpenter bds 111 CampHolmes Anna widow of John bds 869 SpringAndrew C traveling salesman r 825 Prendergast avAugust tailor bds Central houseTELL THE STREET CAR CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OFFAT NO. 21 WEST 2D ST. PRUDDEN

Hall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.Holmes August factory hand r — CampBenjamin dyer r 47 Footes avEmily W Miss teacher No 1 city school bds 825 PrendHenry wks axe factory bds National hotelHirman cabinet mkr r 422 BakerJames barber 2 W Third r 366 Footes avJames of Peterson & H cabinet mkr r 132 Footes avJohn wool sorter bds 109 KidderJohn loom fixer r 124 WinsorKarl lab bedstead factory bds 25 W 9thLevi carriage mkr r 707 WashingtonLudwig Rev r 556 E SecondMathias C upholsterer r 832 N MainPeter A dyer r 225 HazzardThomas comb setter Hall's mill r 125 StoweVictor of H Dunn & Co sign writer 304 Main r lOPrieeHolman Charles factory hand r 262 Forest avHolquist Charles painter bds 2 CharlesHolt A P carpenter r 121 SteeleFrank assists ship'r Hall's bds cor Marvin and RathboneGeorge M carriage painter at Hedman's r 116 CrosbyHenry G shoemkr Parks & H r cor Marvin and RathboneMary domestic 105 ChandlerWalter J carriage painter bds 116 CrosbyHon Woo—Chinese laundry 24 MainHonneysett Alfred engineer steamer Vincent bds 50 Fairm'tEmma domestic Brooklyn houseHong Lee—Chinese laundry 24 MainHooker Arthur J heeler Gokey's bds 108 W 8thElva B Miss bds 108 W 8thFrank B teamster r 108 W 8thHooper Clistie Mrs bds 922 N MainHope George axe polisher r 135 AllenHopkins Anna Miss dining room McCarthy honse boatlandingHorn E D planing mill foreman r 44 Footes avHorragan Francis r 212 Forest avJohn cigar mkr bds 212 Forest avHorsfield David weaver r — WaterKendel r 132 BarrowsSarah A weaver bds — WaterFor Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, NO. 21WE81 2D ST. NEW ALLEN BLOCK.H 89Horton Charles L of H Bros ins agts 118 East 3d r 614 MaiD S bar tender Brooklyn house r 12 ChandlerFred G bkkpr bds 55 Broadhead avJames traveling salesman r 55 Broadhead avSeymour D artist 24 E ThirdWalter B of H Bros ins agts 118 E 3d r doHotchkiss Alonzo S agt Singer machine cor411 W 3dEmerson farmer r Buffalo e from Lake View avJeremiah of Milwaukee bottling co 104 E Second r1113 E SecondHouck S M traveling salesman bds Humphrey houseHoughtaling G H elk 202 Main r LakewoodJames mason and brick layer r 838 LafayetteRose weaver r 21 E SecondHoughwout Irvine B elk 201 W 3d bds Commercial hotelHouser James cabinet mkr r 74 HazzardHoux Ward Mrs r 113 E SecondHoward Charles H of Jones & H grocers 18 e 3d r 306 w 4thCharles T r 101 CherryC T Mrs milliner r 101 CherryDelia Miss elk 208 Main r 210 E 4thErnest L traveling salesman bbs 22 W 9thE E painter r 308 PineElmer E bds 21 WaterFred delivery man bds 616 E 6thGeorge H bds 21 WaterGeorge W chair mkr r 21 WaterJames carpenter r 36 Catlin avJames dyer r 67 CentreJennie elk 12 W 1st bds 39 W 9thJoseph H carpenter r 22 W 9thSidney engineer Journal office r RaceWalter P traveling salesman bds 22 W 9thHowin Mrs mill hand r 28 WaterHoyt Carlton cigar mkr 609 Spring bds doJoel I of Truesdell & H grocers 109 Main r 314 W 2dPeter H r 307 W 3dRichard E carpenter r 414 W Sth (up stairs)Sidney B millinery 301 Main r 101 ,W SthSheldon Mrs r 609 SpringPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS,21WEST 2D ST.

FURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.90 HHubacher F N wood turner bds Central houseHubbard C T wks C L steamboat co bds National hotelElla domestic 70 ProspectJennie T domestic 59 ProspectN r 383 Footes avHuber Chas flagman r 26 TaylorJno flagman bds 26 TaylorHulburt Dwight shoemkr Gokey's r 515 WashingtonHult August factory hand r 8 HanleyCatharine widow of Carl r 107 HazzardConrad A of H & Swanson drugs 4 e 2d bds 269 WillardEdward lab bds 10 EagleGustaf drayman r 10 EagleJohn teamster bds 10 EagleSelma A r 269 WillardHultberg August saw mill hand r 393 BakerAdolph sawyer r 254 WillardCharles factory hand Norquists e 2d bds 33 ThayerCharles r 27 KinneyGustaf glass cutter r 51 TowerOscar bds 27 KinneyJohn M elk 102 Main bds 28 MainHultgren C O Rev r 116 ChandlerHultin Fred painter r 50 PetersonHulting Gust A elk 207 Main r 340 WillardHultquist lab r 33 WinsorAlfred fireman r 235 SteeleAndrew lab bds 356 WillardAnna widow of Andrew r 22 InstituteAugusta weaver bds 356 WillardAugust E tailor 11 W 2d bds 134 FultonClarence elk 221 Main r 208 PineClause chair mkr bds 50 ChapinGust dyer r 10 EagleGustaf lab r 356 WillardJohn A of A J Peterson & Co clothiers 102 Main r215 BarrowsSven G varnisher r 244 BarrowsHumphrey J W Jr prop Humphrey house S MainRolland H slater r 603 E 6thWindsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.

ONE PRICE FOR ALL AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D ST.H 91Humphrey Thomas plumber bds 603 E 6thHundertmark Henry M temperer Jamest axe co r 614 E 6thHunt Arrilla L Mrs r 110 WashingtonCharles carpenter r 323 ForestCharles A of Stratton & H liquors 18 Main r doC H seoemkr bds Commercial hotel W 3dCornelius contractor and builder r 301 ForestD Colvin painter r 109 BarrettD C Mrs dressmkr r 109 BarrettErnest farmer r 500 W 6thE Hellen weaver Wm Hall & Co bds 112 CrescentElvin marble cutter r Norton avEverett farmer r Hunt avFrank veterinary surgeon 115 E 2d r 333 E 6thFred C elk Brooklyn house bds doFreeman engineer r 5 WinsorJohn dyer Wm Hall & Co r 112 CrescentKittie V milliner bds 109 BarrettLavilla widow of Jasper r Hunt avReuben prop Brooklyn houseRuth Miss weaver Hall's bds 112 BrescentStephen S painter 7 E 2dThomas bds 323 ForestWhitman teamster r 621 Newland avWilliam speculator r 600 Footes avWilliam hostler 210 Pine r doWilliam bkkpr bd^,5 WinsorHuntington Brook warp dresser r 130 InstituteJohn lab r — CampHurlbut Frank carpenter bds 551 W 3dHurlburt William lab r 245 Broadhead avHurley Julia waitress Humphrey houseHusband John bkkpr 101 Main r 189 Forest avHusted Charles C of Smith & H decorators 11 e 3d r 622 e 6thHutton Fred A elk bds 44 Opera blockHarry mason r 44 Opera blockLizzie waitress Humphrey houseLizzie Miss weaver bds 44 Opera block 'Hyde Fred W managing editor Journal 12 W 2d r 310 W 2dThomas D fireman C L Ry r Jefferson bet 8th and 9thWm L editor Journal 14 W 2d r 310 W 2dHynds Alfred blacksmith Washington st bds 59 MarvinPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE MAKE THE ONLY GENUINEARISTOTYPE.

Elegant odd pieces of Fnrniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.92 I JIckingill John warp twister r 2 Eaglefiling worth Edith S weaver bds 18 WaterFranklin weaver bds 18 WaterFred weaver bds 18 WaterJohn of Jamestown wool spinning co r 18 WaterImus Frank A engineer r 645 FalconerIngham George factory boss bds 43 CollegeHenry factory boss bds 43 CollegeJames factory boss bds 43 CollegeJohn factory boss r 43 CollegeInghram Frank merchant r 5 CenterIngraham Charles wks Wm Hall & Co bds 21 AlpacaIngmanson John painter r 262 Footes avIpson Charles of Jamest bedstead co 2 to 12 Steel r 17 w 7thHenry wks 2 to 12 Steele bds 601 W 7thJames P " " 607 "Nicholas " " 601 "Peter " " r 869 SpringIsherwood David dyer r 27 Prospect avIsraelson Anna widow r 19 ChapinJackson A H carpenter bds 15 BakerAlma A laundress Hotel EverettDon elk bds 24 HarrisonElla A Miss bkkpr 12 W Third bds 80 MarvinIda domestic 29 RathboneJacob factory hand bds 228 Forest avI L Mrs r 80 MarvinJohn miller 5 and 7 Taylor bds 310 Forest avStephen engineer Preston's mill r 110 CheneyThomas J pastor A M E church r 608 SpringJacobs Eliza Miss r 210 Crosby Second floorJohn moulder r 6WilliamsSophia widow of Nicholas r 341 E FifthJacobson Amel hackman bds 423 E FourthAnem carpenter r 9 ElkEmma spinner bds 9 ElkChamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.

FRAMES, ETCHINGS AND WATER COLORS FOR SALE ATPR UDDEN & D UNIHUE'S.Jacobson F M carriage painter 122 E 2d bds 2 CrosbyGeorge cabinet mkr r 524 AllenGustave shoemkr bds 23 AlpacaHilda spinner bds 9 ElkJoseph factory hand r 109 Footes avJohn shoemkr r 783 E Second ,Julia weaver bds 9 ElkMarcus P carriage mkr E Second r 2 CrosbyMarcus F painter E 2d r 2 CrosbyMartha E Miss principal branch school No 3bds 2 CrosbyJacoby Herman H bds 1065 E 2dWylie dentist 309 W 3d r doJadertrom John shoe mkr r TewJagger L C of Sears & J 200 Main r 519 W 3dJames Eseral farmer r Norton av nr limitHenry grocer 5 S Main r 93 SteeleJeffords Lucinda H Mrs domestic 539 E 5thChas L r 897 E 2dGertrude H teacher bds 897 E 2dJefferson L ax temperer bds 897 E 2dJennie Mrs r 509 FalconerJenks A Frank attorney 12 W 3d r 219 Footes avJenkins Jas cabinet mkr Morgan Maddox &C© r 143 StoweM J waiter Sherman houseJenner C J dep sheriff r 105 ProspectCora B Miss weaver Broadhead's mill bds 605 E 7thDelila J Miss " " " "Frank H cooper Seymour's factory E 2d r 605 E 7Jennings Daniel building mover bds 42 W TenthJenson Annie domestic 627 E SixthJewett Fred G supt C L Ry r 17 W SecondJifkins Edward butcher r 213 WashingtonJohn John lab 482 WillardJohnson Albert machine hand bds 64 Broadhead avAlexander musician r 310 W SeventhAlfred lab r 254 WillardCALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ARIS TO TYPES.PR UDDENde D UNIHUE.93

Endless line of Book Cases at Gage's.94Johnson Algort factory hand bds 514 Newland avA Lottie domestic 504 W ThirdAmanda cook Jamestown houseAmanda domestic 444 W FifthAmel A wks Broadhead's mills bds off W 8thbet Main and MarvinAmelia domestic 512 W ThirdAmelia wks Broadhead's mills bds off W Sthbet Main and MarvinAndrew lab r 233 Willard" cabinet mkr r 51 Tower" mill hand r 6 Walnut" factory hand Maltby" hostler 19 Taylor bds 28 Main" L wks Hall's mill r 246 Crescent" L carpenter r 124 Barrows" M lumberman r 168 Allen" M cabinet mkr r 574 AllenAnna domestic 362 Willard" widow of John r 572 Allen" weaver bds 383 Baker" weaver bds 238 Forest av" seamstress bds 117 Williams" domestic 417 E Second" domestic 218 Spring" G domestic 617 E Second" weaver Broadhead's mills bds 912 N Main" L dressmkr bds 444 Allen" domestic 319 LincolnAugust carpenter r 31 Peterson" axe mkr r 557 Allen" sander bds 430 Allen" cabinet mkr r 154 Barrows" lab r 77 Tower" lab r 111 Cheney" lab r 104 Sampson" Jr printer 13 E 2d r 154 Barrows" painter bds 233 HazzardGo to H. M. Gage for Furniture.

THE FINEST WORK IN THE CITY IS DONE BY PRUDDENA DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2D ST.J 95Johnson Augusta weaver Broadhead's mills bds off WSth bet Main and MarvinAugustus of Breed furn co r 509 WashingtonAugustus F wks Peterson & Bush r e Seconde from Thayer 2d floorAugusta W Miss weaver bds 912 N MainAlonzo W mgr tel ex 103 Main bds 503 PineAxel turner bds 118 WilliamsAxel lab bds 286 HarrisonBertie Miss weaver e First bds 869 SpringB O of Swedish furn co bds 247 WillardBruce agt Domestic machine r 500 BuffaloC A shoemkr r 200 ProspectC Amel factory hand bds 20,0 ProspectCarl bkkpr r 115 ProspectCarl A tailor r 383 BakerCarl J elk 100 Main bds 100 HazzardCarrie Mrs carpet weaver r 869 Spring basem'tCarrie Mrs r 238 Crescent basementCarrie Miss spinner Hall's bds 113 CrescentCarolina spinner bds 233 WillardCaraline weaver bds 383 BakerCharles F wagon mkr 122 e 2d r N Main extCharles factory hand r 23 AlpacaCharles bds 36 W 9thCharles of Johnson ice co r Fluvanna avCharles teamster r 35 CharlesCharles factory hand bds 708 Newland avCharles lab r 152 SampsonCharles lumberman r 102 SampsonCharles carpenter r 219 E FirstCharles painter r 32 InstituteCharles weaver bds 67 CenterCharles lab r 292 WillardCharles lab r 296 WillardCharles lab r 249 EnglishCharles lab bds 22 EagleCharles axe grinder bds 25 PetersonPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE HAVE THE BEST SKY-LIGHT INTHE STA TE.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.Johnson Charles A billiards 105 e 3d bds Jamest houseCharles A of Johnson ice co r 504 W 7thCharles A carpenter Broadheads r AxtleCharles A cabinet mkr Ford blk r 130 FalconerSecond floorCharles A r 76 EagleCharles Alfred carpenter r 303 GrantCharles C carpenter r 238 CrescentCharles C painter bds 233 HazzardCharles E blacksmith E Second bds Main eztCharles E constable r 703 LafayetteCharles F carpenter r 851 Prend av basementCharles I elk 28 Main r 172 AllenCharles J carpenter r 10 PetersonCharles J carpenter r 779 e SecondCharles J carpenter r 21 Cowden ParkCharles M cabinet mkr r 22 PetersonCharlotte widow of Charles J r 203 WillardCharlotte E milliner trimmer bds 514 LafayetteCharlotte r 233 WillardChristine domestic 503 Pine" r 549 Allen" twister bds 476 Willard" weaver bds 119 Willard" domestic 30 Warren" widow of John 115 Prospect" S dressmkr bds 291 HarrisonChristopher mason r 161 AllenChristopher tinner E 2d bds 315 LincolnClara widow of Christ r 234 BarrowsClifton W loom fixer bds 40 BarrowsC M shoemkr r 291 HarrisonCorrinne A bds 509 WashingtonDavid Ry section boss r 319 AllenDora 247 WillardDora E bds 509 WashingtonE O mason r 254 Forest avEdward lab bds 221 PriceFinest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MOTION, CALL ON US.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Johnson Edwin L painter bds 137 BarrowsElizabeth widow of Wm r 514 LafayetteEllen A bds 310 W 7thEmerick finisherbds 238 Forest aveEmil wks spring bed fact Ford blk bds 11 StoweEmil carpenter r 418 WillardEmiel of Wiquist & J merchant tailors 32 Mainr 364 BakerEmma cook 323 E 4thEmma domestic 9 ProspectEmma domestic 315 W 3dErwin H of J & Sirrine 941J E JamestownFlowrence 269 WillardFrank elk 14 E 2d bds 423 Allen" hostler Edmonds livery bds Central house" lab r 36 W 9th" factory hand Maltby" elk Work's bakery 309 Main bds do" grocery 110 Main r 135 Allen" A foreman Newman's factory r Main ext," D chairmkr bds 269 Willard" E bds 423 Allen" O tailor Whitley's r 220 Fulton" P mech bds 22 PetersonFred teamster r 20 AlpacaFred painter Norquist's E 2d bds 125 FalconerFredricka Mrs r 117 WilliamFrida weaver bds 203 WillardGeo painter r 50 Allen blkGeo W wks Gifford's factory r 741 E 2d up stairsGust lab r Fluvanna av nr Main" shoemkr Gokey's r 618 Spring (up stairs)" cabinet mkr bds 117 Williams" factory hand r 208 Barrett" shoemkr r 200 Prospect" carpenter bds 309 Willard" painter bds 308 Barrett" A printer 4 W 3d r 208 BarrettIF YOU WANT A VIEW OF YOUR HOUSE LEAVE YOURORDER AT PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE'8.97

Wool Mattrasses at Gage's.98Johnson Gust carpenter bds 14 W 7thGutfred wks water co bds 7 HanleyHanna domestic 62 AllenHannah domestic 315 W 4thHannah wks Broadhead's bds 36 W 9thHannah bds 556 E 2dHarmon A lab r Fluvanna (Clifton)Hedda widow of John r 423 AllenHenry bkkpr 110 Main r 313 MonroeHarmon A of Johnson ice eo r 500 W 7thHilma widow of Alfred r 227 BarrowsIda spinner bds 77 TowerIda domestic 320 E 3d ,Ida weaver Broadhead's mills bds 1007 N MainIda C spinner Jamest spinn co bds 238 CrescentJ A driller 350 WarrenJ Andrew teamster 18 E 1st r 6 WalnutJacob P shoemkr Gokey's r 110 WashingtonJames marble cutter bds Brooklyn houseJames A blacksmith r 137 BarrowsJames M baker 13 E 2d r 714 MainJ D sash factory 26 Main r 115 ProspectJennie domestic 128 Forest avJ Ernest cutter 212 Main bds 137 BarrowsJohanna widow of Jonas r 238 BarrowsJohn lab bds 25 Petersonwks Peterson & Bush's mill r 11 Stower cor Hamilton and W 4thfactory hand 220 E 1stteamster bds 19. Barrettcabinet mkr bds 117 Williamfactory hand r 70S Newland avfactory hand r 50 Waterstone mason r 212 Broadhead avshoemkr 10 E 2dA lab r 704 Newland avA lab r 912 N MainFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

ALWAYS GO TO THE LEADING GALLERY. 21 WEST SECOND ST.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Johnson John A barber 34 Main r 550 E 2dE shirt cutter bds 137 BarrowsF presser knitting mills bds 238 CrescentG cabinet mkr r 360 BakerJ carpenter r 372 WillardJ carpenter r 40 KinneyM carpenter r 238 CrescentO printer Sun office r 510 E 7th 2d floorP carpenter r 221 PriceP carpenter r 125 FalconerP r Dickinson nr MarvinS lab r 426 AllenW of Johnson ice co r Fluvana w fromMarvinJonas A carpenter r 100 HazzardJonas P wks lounge fact Piousville r 18 w 2d extJonas P stone mason r 15 PetersonJosie bds 40 TaylorL of Weeks & Jr 314 Footes avLars lab r 504 AllenLars A lab r 113 CrescentLeander piano mkr bds 247 WillardLena domestic 303 W 2dLena domestic Humphrey houseLena weaver bds 69 TowerLena domestic 28 MainLena domestic 144 ChandlerLewis H cutter Shearm Bros bds 703 LafayetteLillie V spinner bds 234 BarrowsLouisa widow of Samuel r 269 WillardLouise Mrs printer 13 e Second bds 47 Footes avLouise dressmkr bds 360 BakerLouise domestic 32 Broadhead avLouise bds 549 AllenLouise L r 350 WarrenMagnus r 36 BensonManley E elk 208 Main bds Central houseWE NEVER TAKE A BACK SEAT. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2d St.

Elegant Cabinets at Gage's.100Johnson Margarette E Miss seamstress 203 Main bds 514LafayetteMarjorie Miss dining room Osmer place w ThirdMary Miss laundress 705 Main bds doMary weaver r 444 AllenMary weaver bds 430 AllenMary Louise domestic 210 SpringMartin shoemkr bds 135 Footes avMathilda dressmkr bds 426 AllenMathilda weaver bds 238 BarrowsMatilda Miss spinner Broadhead's b 912 n MainMatilda domestic 9 ProspectMatilda C Miss weaver Hall's bds 36 w 9thMatilda L Mrs wks Broadhd's r rr 224 CrescentMatilda Sophia domestic 44 AllenMattie shoemkr 6 S Main bds 135 Footes avMay domestic bds Main extMay Miss domestic 18 w SixthMinnie weaver Broadhead's bds 36 w 9thMinnie weaver bds 488 WillardMinnie domestic 37 WarrenMinnie Miss domestic 307 w SecondOlf stone quarry man r 644 e 6thOlof tailor r 38 .CharlesOlof lab r 296 WillardOscar F of J ice co r 711 w EighthOtto factory hand r 103 PalmerOtto porter St Charles hotel 109 E ThirdOtto cabinet mkr bds 247 WillardOtto E painter r 614 SpringOwen M boarding liouse 40 TaylorPeter stone mason r 541 AllenPeter tailor 210 Main r 517 e FifthPeter J of Swedish furn co r 247 WillardPeter M elk 203 Main r 621 Prendergast avPhoena domestic Humphrey houseR H (Tip) whol liquors 8 e 2d r 713 e SecondSadie Miss domestic 31,2 w FifthFor Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

YOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN £ DUNIHUE. 21 WEST 2D St101Johnson Sara E weaver bds 15 PetersonSarah Miss dressmkr bds 10 InstituteSofi Miss domestic 17 FairmountSopha Miss domestic 556 W ThirdSophia Mrs bds 291 HarrisonSophia C spinner Hall's bds 247 CrescentSven G cabinet mkr bds 572 AllenSven Jonas r 211 BarrowsSwanson lab r off w 8th bet Main and MarvinSwanson F lab r 247 CrescentSwan teamster r off w Sth bet Main and MarvinTela S weaver bds 21 PetersonThamine wid of Martin r 315 LincolnTheodore L cabinet mkr r 323 WillardThirza widow of Theadore r 111 FultonPeter J mechanic r 247 WillardVictor L bds 15 PetersonWilliam bds 36 W 9thWilliam carpenter r 19 ParkWilliam wool washer r 40 BarrowsWilliam tinner E Second bds 315 LincolnWilliam R bds 514 LafayetteWillis cooper r — EnglishJohnston F E bds Central houseMary Y wid of Dennis teacher e 3d r 111 FultonWm A w6^-d*t**H*ig 46 Taylor r 10 WaterJones Adda H Miss nurse bds 545 e-Etf*" £ J\.„Albert axe painter bds 600 AllenAlbert C elk bds 20 ColfaxAlbert C mechanic r 107 StoweAlbert M agent bds 211 w SixthAlida G milliner bds 548 AllenAlta L Miss teacher Cent dist school b 211 w 6thAndrew lab r 403 Baker" shoemkr bds 13 Tower" wagon mkr r 111 e SecondAnnie widow of W L bds 819 LafayetteManufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.102 JJones Anna B widow of John b 24 ThayerAugust cabinet mkr b 145 AllenAustin A ticket agt C L Ry 15 w 3d r 107 LincolnCalista teacher high school bds 311 W 2dCarrie J bds 333 e 4thCharles machine hand bds 231 Steele" axe mkr r 600 Allen" moulder bds 20 Colfax" shoemkr r 98 Sampson cor Newland av" wks Norquist furn factory b 130 Falconer" cabinet mkr Ford & H r 241 Crescent" Howard bds 304 Prendergast av" M bds 548 AllenClement B lawyer r 812 N MainE Benj of J & Son contractors and builders r 115CrosbyEbenezer machine hand 33 EllicottEmily weaver 403 BakerEmma C bds 333 E 4thEva L teacher high school bds 812 N MainEvelyn B librarian high school bds 29 FairmountFannie A Mrs widow of J H bds 808 N MainFrank H printer bds Central houseFrancis S solicitor C L Ry r 221 E SthFred A elk 12 E 3d r 808 Main .Geo B physician r JBg$Sa0MH // Ga^- ? ^ ^Geo W street commissioner r 30 BuffaloGust cabinet mkr bds 231 SteeleHarriett widow of Elick bds 311 PineHarry painter bds 231 SteeleJames H liveryman 115 e Third r 215 e ThirdJ C Mrs bds 105 W FifthJessie B carpenter r 311 e SixthJ Harry traveling salesman r 29 FairmountJohn painter bds 130 StoweJohn cigar store bds 16 HarrisonJohn boarding house 24 HarrisonJohn A factory hand r 20 ColfaxCall at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE CAN GIVE YOU GENUINE ARISTO-TYPES. 21 WEST 2d St.103Jones John A Jr machinist bds 20 ColfaxJohn F ins agt r 231 SteeleJohn G tobacco and cigars 8 Main r 16 HarrisonJ P carpenter r 55 CharlesJ P of Swedish furn co r 300 BarrettJohn P stone quarry r 548 AllenJ V H r 211 W SixthKittie domestic 39 FairmountL A stave mkr r 45 EllicottLouis K bkkpr Morgan M & Co r 1061 E SecondLouisa A bds 30 BuffaloM Annie tel operator central office bds 115 CrosbyMarshall railroad man r 212 ChandlerMary r cor Sampson and Newland avMary weaver bds 12 Jones" 12 ColfaxMary Miss weaver b cor Lafayette and Isabella avMatilda weaver bds 20 ColfaxOrsino E r 304 Prendergast avPeter E bds 548 AllenP Laurence elk 4 e 2d bds 600 AllenR B restaurant and saloon 14 e 3d r doRobert twister Hall's mill bds 311 e 6thSarah J widow of Albert r 812 N MainSidney grocery of J & Howard 18 e 3 r e 4thSolomon lumberman bds 1009 e 2dSophia domestic 110 Forest avSusan D widow of R E r 825 SpringT W cabinet mkr r 256 WillardW M wks 17 w 2d r 212 ChandlerWm pastor Free Methodist ch r 511 e 7thWm B of E Benj J & Son contractors and buildersr 105 CrossmanWilliam R bds 825 SpringJowett Fred warp dresser r 5 EagleJoy A C telephone exchange 101-103 Main bds 213 w 3dJudd Milton marble cutter cor Baker and Forest av r DerbyJuden May weaver bds 112 HazzardWE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.±01 KKaller Con upholsterer Martyn Bros r 836 Prendergast avKane Charles of Keefe K & co boiler wks r 703 W FourthMary chambermaid Sherman houseMary E domestic cor Fourth and MonroeMichael H foreman Gokey's r 7 MonroeRobert boiler mnfr 8th st r 794 E 2dThomas engineer at boiler works r w 7th nr boatland'gKapple Carlton wks Street Car Co bds 14 HamiltonEdward E traveling salesman r 1035 E 2dKay George of Jamest wool spin co r — WatermanLydia J Miss bds 310 E SixthKearns Jennie dressmkr r 8 w FourthKeefe Sam warp dresser r 23 BarrowsKeeler Corissande bds 107 E 6thJoanna widow of Z G r 107 E 6thKate B bds 107 E 6thWm A of Jamestown worsted mills b Sherman houseWm H oil producer r 17 FultonKeiley Edward wool sorter r 119 BarrowsKelleher Wm gardener r 118 SteeleKelly David H painter r 215 FultonE H confectioner 113 Main r 23 W 7thNora waiter Hotel EverettKelley Kate dressmkr bds 1113 N MainJas D finisherMartyn's furn factory b 1113 N MainJohn S carver Martyn Bros factory b 1113 N MainMargaret widow of Patrick r 1113 N MainMichael harnessmkr bds 1113 N MainPatrick finisher wood seat bds 1113 N MainT W paper hanger r 43 HarrisonWm R upholsterer Jamest lounge facy b 1113 N MainKellogg Alonzo r 20 Marvin (up stairs)Chas elk Marvin oil co 121 Main r 21 w 2dE W Mrs r 114 KingJennie teacher bds 114 KingKelsey A P elk bds PalmerChas F bkkpr Chaut Co Nat bank b 207 SpringEdward r PalmerF E elk 38 Main bds PalmerHeman L stone mason r 703 FalconerHall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.

MAKE YOUR ENGAGEMENTS WITH PRUDIEN & DUNIHUE FORFIRST CLASS WORK.K 105Kelsey Howard carver bds PalmerLuna domestic bds 703 FalconerRose bds 703 FalconerW H carpenter r PalmerKemp J R oil producer r 16 Footes avKencil Wm axe finisher r 763 E 2dKenall John loom fixer 4 Eagle nr RyMaria Mrs domestic 96 WaterMollie dressmkr bds WaterKennedy Edward bartender Central house bds doEllen widow of Michael r 714 LafayetteHenry lab r 222 ChandlerHorace chair mkr bds 222 ChandlerJohn switchman r 113 ForestLizzie weaver bds 222 ChandlerMamie weaver Hall's mills bds 317 E 5thMary boarding house 222 ChandlerMinnie bds 222 ChandlerNellie weaver bds 222 ChandlerKenney Bridget domestic 213 w 3dKennon Chas S wks Jamestown ax factory r 1105 e 2dKent A Flynn supt water co 110 e 3d r 337 e 5thA M Mrs of J worsted mills r cor 5th and SpringA M mnfr r 417 SpringWm lab r 501 w 4thWm A treas water co 110 e 3d bds 337 e 5thKepler Edgar A photographer r 27 MarvinKerus Jennie dressmkr bds 314 w 7thKershaw Alice bds 128 HarrisonAnnie bds 128 HarrisonCatherine Mrs r 128 HarrisonElizabeth weaver bds 128 HarrisonFrank carpenter r 616 PineJames carpenter bds Brooklyn houseJennie weaver bds 128 HarrisonJohn slate roofer bds 128 HarrisonJoseph wks Smith cotton mill b 628 e 6th basementLizzie spinner bds 9 BarrowsNellie waitress Brooklyn houseKetchum Everett H salesman 12 w 1st r 207 AllenOUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASS•WORK.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Chamber Suits a specialty at Gage's106Keyes Alfred lab r —BuffaloKeyner Carl F watch mkr r 100 WillardCharles A dyer bds 100 WillardKibby Clark bds 509 FalconerKibling Augustus r 774 E 2dFrank H bkkpr 56 Footes av b 774 E 2dFred G elk 119 Main bds 774 E 2dKilburn Hiram machinist r 25 Footes avKimball Allen night watchman r WaterPearl C grocer 338 Allen r doRollin F of Hibbard&K roof paint r 412 w 3d 2d floorKimberly Abel carpenter r 316 Lake View avClinton F packer Breed furn co r 734 e 2d—2d floorC P engineer r 14 Whitley avEdwin packer Breed furn co r 734 E 2dPolly r 24 CenterKing Adam moulder r 434 BakerArthur Grant lab bds Lake View av extBenjamin P carpenter r 74 RathboneBessie 20 w 1stCharles S agt Domestic machine bds 1091 e 2dClarence W carpenter r PalmerE Blanche dressmkr b 74 RathboneEphraim T farmer r 1017 e 2dFrank W carpenter r 72 RathboneGeorge L axe polisher bds 1017 e 2dIda Miss housekeeper 1017 e 2dJohn teamster 22 s Main bds 412 BakerJ Wells asst cash IstNat bk cor 3d andMain b 25 Fairm'tNina E bds 74 RathboneNora bds 434 KingRoscoe C teamster bds 434 BakerKingman Frank J carpenter r 18 RathboneKinkaid James J dist mgrMutLife ins co 219 Main r 125 s MainKingsley Patrick lab 18 s Main bds doRansom blacksmith r 414 w 5th 2d floorKinney John J attorney 216 Main r 215 e 3dMaggie chambermaid Sherman houseKinsay John shoemkr bds 207 w 3dFinest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.

Bring the Baby to the Ground Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.K 107Kirkland Henry R Mrs music teacher r 610 e 2dMiles bds 9 CrescentKliest John cabinet mkr r 64 Broadhead avKling Andrew finisherbds 412^ BakerCharles fact hand b 412J BakerFrank fact hand b 412£ BakerGust upholsterer bds 412J BakerJ M lumberman r 412^ BakerJohn cabinet mkr bds 219 ProspectKlock Anderson E lab r 15 CrossmanArthur L barber 9 S Main r 15 CrossmanMillard carpenter bds 241 FultonMargaret widow of Hiram r 358 E 4thOliver teamster r 15 CrossmanWm carpenter r 521 E 5thKnapp Mrs bds 508 E 5thAnna widow of D H laundress r 12 w 10th (up stairs)Clarence D job printer 209 Main r 853 MainEd carpenter r 20 Fairview avFrank A job printer 211 Main r 715 WashingtonMartha A dressmkr r cor w 8th and JeffersonWm H wks Shearman's fact b cor w 8th and JeffersonKnickerbocker Frank finisher r 309 WinsorKnorr Geo of K Bros barbers 222 Main r 32 W 10thJohn A of K Bros barbers 222 Main r 36 W 10thMargaret widow of Adam bds 36 W 10thMartin harness mkr 300 Main r 857 N MainKnorzer Augustus T upholsterer 16 e 3d r 211 LincolnKochersperger Chas commercial traveler cor L View av and 8Koerner Henry upholsterer r 226 FultonFrank H upholsterer bds 226 FultonWill upholsterer bds 226 FultonKofod Anna domestic 323 LincolnFred stationary engineer r 445 WinsorGeo boot fitterParks & Hazzard r 1007 N MainJohn of K & Co grocers 120 WillardKofoed Wm wks bedstead factory bds 25 W 9thKoford Anton factory hand bds 43 CharlesJames factory hand bds 43 CharlesPeter factory hand r 43 CharlesPrudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.

Windsor Folding Beds, H. I. Gage, Sole Agent.108Kohlbacher Annie bds 110 HarrisonGeo piano tuner bds 110 HarrisonHelen weaver bds 110 HarrisonHenry finisher r 110 HarrisonHenry Jr wks worsted mill bds 110 HarrisonKohmann Fred night elk Sherman houseKosthorst J Henry lab r 300 E 8thKrantz C G elk Hevenor & Bro r 386 BakerJno machine hand r 62 HarrisonKron Adolf F canvasser r 64 TowerKronholm Clause lab r 53 WescottKrumuch Joseph painter bds 25 w 9thKullberg John axe grinder r 518 WillardJohn lab r 60 TowerLadd Henry porter Sherman houseLaDue William T band sawyer r 17 EllicottLadwith Catharine Mrs domestic 518 PineLafey agent bds 103 s MainLager Charles P of Mambert & L 6 S Main r 26 ChapinLagerdahl Clara A dressmkr r 56 TowerMargaret widow of Carl J r 56 TowerLagerquist Gust teamster bds 157 AllenJohn lab r 157 AllenLaura bds 157 AllenLaidler Martha Miss t'ch'r dist sch'l 1 r cor e 8th and GrantMary H Miss " " 2 r " " "Lakin E S farmer r Ashville avH O Mrs r Ashville avM E Mrs r 54 AllenLambert Kate A Miss teacher bus college b 821 Prend avLammers Edward F upholsterer bds 202 BarrettGarret H meat m'ket cor Main and 4th r 20 w 10Henry B carpenter r 202 BarrettLouis elk cor Main and 4th bds 20 w 10thLamphier William carpenter r — PalmerGo to H. E Gage for Furniture.

We have the Best Light in New York State.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.109Lamson Lee band sawyer bds 10 FilmoreW E carpenter r 10 FilmoreLandin August cabinet mkr r 541 AllenLane Andrew J sawyer L B Warner r 103 ForestEstelle E bds 103 ForestJohn lab bds 118 WilliamsLangeway Lewis shoemkr bds 23 BakerLangford Edward R jeweler 5 e Third r 11 CraneJohn r 503'w ThirdLangham William elk bds 210 CherryLangworthy Elijah W carpenter r 19 RathboneFrank J bkkpr 104 e Second r 123 ProspectLansing Edward trav salesman r 210 ChandlerLantz Willis drayman r 219 ChandlerLarkin Lula dressmkr bds 60 HarrisonM C widow boarding house 15 w SecondLarmonth James T oil producer r 402 Footes avLaroy Edwin carpenter r 127 BuffaloWillard F carpenter r e 2d East JamestownLarson Alfred lab r 119 WillardAnna domestic 6 Broadhead avCharles cabinet mkr r 553 AllenHans wks bedstead fact b 25 w 9thHulda M Miss domestic 411 LafayetteJames ship'g elk Jamest axe wks b 54 WaterJennie fact hand bds 54 WaterJohn elk 110 Main r 54 WaterJohn S mechanic r 35 CharlesLars A foreman r 231 BarrowsSophia domestic 311 Footes avLatham Elizabeth wid of J O r 723 e SecondLathrop Fldrelle Miss teacher bds 9 w FourthMary J widow of Wm W r 9 w FourthLattin Myron ticket agt Nypano r 519 PineLasalle Charles H bds 108 CrossmanLawall Henry C drugs 18 e Second r 611 WashingtonLawrence John Mrs bds 17 w SecondWhen you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

FURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.noLawsonMrs bds 168 ChandlerAdolph painter b 29 BarrettAlfred painter b 236 ProspectAlice D b 14 FilmoreAmanda b 111 HazzardAmel J b 432 AllenAndrea weaver b 57 WaterAndrew carpenter r 308 BarrettAndrew carpenter r 57 WaterAnna Miss domestic 217 Lake View avAnna C Mrs weaver Hall & Co r 238 CrescentAnton carpenter r 20 MapleAugust pail mkr r Buffalo e from L View avAugusta domestic 167 ChandlerAxel sawyer b 29 BarrettAxel F T shoemkr r 703 Newland avBergt lab 418 WillardCarrie J weaver b off w 8th bet Main and MarvinCharles finisher b 57 WaterCharles axemkr r 325 Forest avCharles A carpenter r 109 Newland avCharles O lab r 111 HazzardCharles V sawyer b 553 AllenClause axemkr r 59 TowerEdward A shoemkr r 51 TowerEmma domestic 428 WillardFreda Miss domestic 405 w ThirdGust fact hand b 118 WilliamsGust lab r 14 WillowHanna Miss domestic 405 w ThirdHilda J hair dresser r 51 TowerHilma S dressmkr b 432 AllenJas C in office C L Ry bds 327 LincolnJennie domestic cor w 5th and CherryJohn teamster r 4 WatermanJohn factory hand r 35 CharlesJohn lab bds 286 HarrisonElegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Str

TELL THE STREET CAR CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OFFAT NO.21 WEST 2D ST. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.L 11]Lawson John of Swanson & L meat market e 3d r Buffaloe from Lake View avJohn lab cor Falconer and JeffordsJohn A lab bds off w 8th bet Main and MarvirJohn P shoemkr r 51J TowerJohn W painter b 372 WillardLars N lab r 432 Allen 'L M Mrs r 327 LincolnLouis P lab b 314 BowenMartin lamp lighter r 19 ChapinMary r 298 WillardMathilda domestic 120 WillardMattie Miss dressmkr 102 e ThirdMinnie shoemkr bds 14 FilmoreOlof butcher bds 57 WaterOly cabinet mkr r 14 FilmoreOrrin lab b 224 CrescentP E fact hand r 29 BarrettPerry of Blanchard & L grocers r 115 s MairPeter gardener b 246 CrescentSam yard man Humphrey house r 135 AllenLoren C Mrs r 20 MapleTheodore finisherbds 57 WaterWm lumberman r 50J Footes avLawton Mutual Mrs r 4 HamiltonLaudenslager Terrance A carpenter r 23 e EllicottLaudrigau John mason r Footes avJohn Jr mill hand b Footes avLizzie L b Footes avLaurin Anna M Miss domestic 211 w SecondLay Frank C bkkpr C L Ry office r 210 w FifthHenry C com'l trav r 210 w FifthPermelia B widow of Geo W r 210 w FifthLaycock James shoemkr 4 Main r 12 LincolnLazelle Myra P widow dressmkr 112 e Third b doLea Chas driver bds 167 ChandlerLeafstone Elizabeth r 24 ParkPrudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders InPhotography.

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.U2Leafstone Lars painter bds 24 ForestLeasure Hiram T elk Hevenor & Bro r 216 MainLeburg Albert piano draying r 5 WilliamsChas finisher r 412 E 5thLee Arthur A carpenter bds 16 PriceEmory S deliveryman Walter Skelly bds 16 PriceSam J farmer r 1$ PriceTung Chinese laundry 24 MainLedblad Warner F furniture finisher r 581 AllenLees Jas dyer r 143 HarrisonJas of L Bros tobacco store 106 Main r 127 AllenJohn of L Bros tobacco store 106 Main r 32 CentreSusie weaver bds 44 HarrisonLeech Geo E agt White sewing machine b National hotelLeet Chas S ship'g elk N Am photo-copying cor 16 BushLeet Elsie E teacher bds 19 CrescentLeFevre Jessie B bds 61J HarrisonLemm Thos warp dresser Preston's mill r 118 CrescentLeopard Frank machinist r 17 WalnutLepar E G mason r 16 FilmoreKathelene S bds 16 FilmoreWm A mason r 92 SteeleLeQue John axe mkr Highland avLeRoyElizabeth E teacher school No 7 Buffalo b 815 e 2dEdwin carpenter r 127 BuffaloFrank printer 12 W SecondJohn mason r 868 e SecondJohn H butcher 3 S Main r 112 CheneyMillard F mason r 209 Prendergast avS r 286 Harrison (up stairs)Levander Rudolph carpenter b 644 e SixthLevere D W carpenrer r 52 PalmerLevine John A wks Jamest axe co r 37 MarvinLewin Sam B of Cole & L 103 Main r cor Prend and PriceLewis Miss artist b 217 E ThirdFrank B r cor Monroe and w 5thHarry R of Wiltsie & L attorneys r 351 e FifthJennie Miss b 503 MainEndless line of Book Cases at Gage's.

Prudden & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers, Cor.Second and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block,113Lewis Laura Miss b 503 MainMartin carpenter r 856 N MainN D Mrs matron hospital r 207 Footes avN D attorney 16 e Third r 207 Footes avRichard Mrs r 503 MainLey John carpenter b 122 CrossLidle Mrs housekeeper 205 ChandlerLieth Anna Miss b 14 DickersonLillibridge Emma Miss b 219 Washington 2d floorF O of cent Pacific tea co b 219 Wash 2d floorGeo " " " r " " "Lilly Charles machinist r 11 KidderFrank G engineer bds 15 BakerLeonard M b 610 MainOrrin H carpenter r 610 MainLindbeck Andrew painter r 11 Cowden ParkAnson r 11 Cowden ParkAugust cabinet mkr r 220 ProspectChas G of L Bros paper store 6 s Main r 220 Pros'tChristina widow of Charles r 11 Cowden ParkEd of L Bros paper store 6"s Main r 19 ParkLouisa domestic 11 Cowden ParkLinberg Charles shoemkr r 108 WilliamsHans tailor r 137 ProspectJohn shoemkr bds 514 Newland avJohn cabinet mkr r 219 ProspectOscar carpenter bds 47^ Footes avLind Andrew J bkkpr r 135 Footes avAnna domestic Humphrey houseChas mason tender bds 20 CrossE A elk bds 20 CrossLottie widow of John 608 AllenJonas A boots and shoes 113 e 2d r 20 CrossLindahl Augustus painter 36 Main bds 438 MapleChas factory hand bds 393 BakerGust mill hand r CampJohn printer bds 438 MapleMinnie C dressmkr bds 438 MapleBest work in the City. Prudden & Dunihue, Photographers,2 1 West Second St.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.114Lindahl Nels carpenter r 438 MapleOscar wks boiler shop bds 393 BakerLindberg Chas wks Sherman Bros bds 926 N MainPeter J wks Shearman Bros bds 926 N MainLindblad A J of L Bros & Co cabinet mkrs r 27 BroadheadaveChas O cabinet mkr r 58 KinneyFred L carpenter r 43 TowerGust Amil spinner bds 58 KinneyOlof J of L Bros & Co r 14 w 7thVictor J bds 58 KinneyLindbloom A factory hand bds 406 BakerMinnie weaver bds 13 CharlesLindbom M Mrs bds 703 LafayetteLindburg Chas shoemkr 30 Main r 108 WilliamLindal Chas G wks Martyn Bros bds 912 N MainLindell lab bds 154 BarrowsAndrew bds N Main nr cemeteryAmanda domestic 412 w SixthGust lab r N Main nr cemeteryLinden Edward carpenter 220 WarrenLindergreen Chas O traveling salesman r 29 w 8thLinstrom Antone shoemkr 12 e 2dLindholm Chas bds 79 WaterFred cigar store 4 Brooklyn sq bds 79 WaterGust painter r 79 WaterIda cook Hotel EverettJ L tailor 17 e 2d bds 30 InstitutePerry D of Lindquist & L contractors andbuilders r 51 e 7thLindmark Chas A'shoemkr 20 w 3d r Haywood nr BuffaloErick L wks ax factory r Haywood nr BuffaloLindquist C A elk 12 Main bds 211 Prendergast avChas plasterer r 575 WillardGust rag dlr bds 308 SteeleJohn r 216 BarrowsLindsey Wilton C law student bds 48 ProspectFor Office Furniture go to H. M.

Bring the Baby to the Ground Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.L 115Lindstrom Charles grinder Jamest axe co r 23 StoweCharles F lab bds 463 WillardEdward E driver 110 Main r 872 MainFrank G wks furn fact r 413 FalconerFrans upholsterer r 37 ChapinGust L grinder Jamest axe co b 413 FalconerHilda dressmkr b 426 AllenO F Rev r 117 ChandlerLinstrom August shoemkr b 103 PalmerCharles shoemkr r 103 PalmerEdward E deliveryman 110 Main r 872 N MainLindtner Charles shoemkr 20 w Third' r 66 MarvinLinell Thure O Rev sup't Swedish Gustavus AdolphusOrphanage r at Orphanage E SecondSophia Mrs matron Swedish G A O r E SecondLingren Christian carpenter r 144 Footes avGust teamster r 5 HanleyLinnander Victor liquors 19 E 2d r 10 InstituteLister Alma warp dresser bds 133 WaterSamuel warp dresser bds "Little Simon blacks'th cor 4th and Washington 208 w 4thLittlefield J Dana physician 216 Main b Commercial hotelLivegreen August shoemkr r 301 BarrettLivingston Alfred T physician 104 e Second r doE C com'l traveler r 525 w ThirdLjungberg August W grocer 10 e Second r 44 BarrettJohn sawyer r 55 CharlesLockwood Andrew teamster r 171 Forest avClark R of L & Peterson attornej's room 7Opera house block r 107 WarrenClark W bds 107 WarrenFrank J printer b 209 SpringHenry F ins agt r 143 Footes avMelzar A harness shop 776 e Second r doLofgren Hulda domestic 35 FairmountLogan Robt T of L & Martin 212 Main r 217 e SixthLong Eugene J cook Sherman house w ThirdWm C candy rnkr 20 e Third b Allen houseONE PRICE FOR ALL AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D ST.



Hall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.118Luce Austin W bds 829 N MainC D carpenter 8 InstituteFrank B photographer 309 Main bds 829 N MainJohn C farmer r 829 N MainLunberg Sophia domestic 53 ProspectLunblad Augusta domestic 1009 e SecondLund Geo dyer r 83 WaterJames factory hand r 47 CharlesJohn pianomkr bds 269 WillardP H machine hand bds 134 AllenLundeen lumberman r 235 SteeleLundberg lab r 248 BarrowsAndrew tailor r 41 PetersonAndrew M plasterer r 15 StoweAnnie spinner bds 237 WillardCharles P dyer r 46 PetersonClara domestic 315 w ThirdClaus F machinist r rr 224 CrescentEllen bds 237 WillardJohn tailor r 237 WillardMinnie spinner bds 237 WillardSextus band sawyer r 8 BarrowsLundborg A P of Andren & L book store 117 e 2d r 306FalconerLundgren Amanda stitcher bds 65 TowerChas sander r 68 TowerChristine widow of Magnus r 428 WillardChristine r 15 Cowden ParkEmma weaver bds 68 TowerErnest C sawyer bds 68 TowerHulda weaver bds 15 Cowden ParkJohn lab r 65 TowerLena stitcher bds 65 TowerMary weaver bds 15 Cowden ParkLundin Charlotte J widow of Albert r 216 e 4thJohn A carpenter bds 574 AllenLundquist Amel rag peddler bds 308 SteeleWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A VIEW OF YOUR HOUSE LEAVE YOURORDER AT PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE'S.M 119Lundquist Amelia domestic bds 513 E EighthAndrew of L & Lindholm contractors andbuilders r 611 e EighthAugust carpenter r 513 e EighthChas rag peddler bds 308 SteeleChristine r 308 SteeleClara A bds 611 e EighthJohn G blacksmith Jamest'n ax fac r 23 w 10Jno Ry brakeman bds 308 SteeleOlof furnishing goods 112 Main r 211 Prend avSam elk 112 Main bds 211 Prendergast avLung Caroline E bds 316 w 4thChas G bkkpr r 316 w 4thJun Chinese laundry 24 MainWun Chinese laundry 14 e SecondLurch Jno teamster r 117 BarrettLuxton Denning D piano tuner bds 610 CherryE D Mrs r 610 CherryLydle Horace W Am exp driver 7 e 2d r 5 CentreLynch Farrel lab r 625 SpringNellie weaver Hall's mills bds 625 SpringPatrick plumber bds 625 SpringThos r 63 CentreLyon Alanson shoemkr r 19 Prospect avChas pattern mkr 210 WarrenMaria widow of Esick r 316 E SixthSarah D 210 WarrenLyons Carl machinist bds 12 WilliamCornelius shoemkr Gokey's bds 907 N MainDave special carrier P O bds 907 N MainEllen weaver Broadhead's mill bds 907 N MainJohn shoemkr Gokey's r 907 N MainMary weaver Broadhead's mills bds 907 N MainMMabb Carrie Miss tel operator at ex b cor Main and w 4thH W Mrs r cor Main and w FourthMabee G Harley engineer L B Warner r 626 Prend aveWE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.120 MMace Charles Wof M & Son 300 Main r 217 L View avWm of Wm M & Son " "Mack M Earl wks Martyn Bros b 23 RathboneJohn stone cutter r 23 RathboneMaclease Carrie Miss b 12 RathboneChas E elk William's grocery b 12 RathboneDevillo cabinet mkr r 12 RathboneMadden Ellen waiter Sherman house w ThirdMaddox Maud E Miss milliner 13-21 Main b 24 CrosbyJohn W foreman Morgan M & Co r 144 WarrenW J of " " r 29 Footes avThomas wks " " r 24 CrosbyMa.dison Millard harn's mkr 1 Brook'n sq b Brook'n houseMagee James canvasser r 308 e SecondMaguire Mike shoemkr b 311 CherryMahar Thomas gardener r w Fourth bet Fifth and SixthMahan Fred A shoemkr r 24 CrossmanMaharon Ann widow of John r 314 w SixthAnthony J upholsterer b 314 w SixthJohn constable r 417 w FourthMaggie A Miss elk 205 Main b 314 w SixthMichael Mason r 310 w SixthNicholas upholsterer b 314 w SixthPatrick brick layer b " "Maher P Paul printer Sun office b 628 w FifthPatrick machine shop 20 Taylor r 628 w FifthThomas machinist " bds "Mahoney Edward fruit dlr bds Forest av nr limitsEdward bricklayer b 508 WinsorEdward stone mason r Forest av nr limitsJames trav salesman b 508 WinsorJames stone mason r Winsor bet Falc'nr& PriceJohn frnit dlr cor Main and 3d r Forest avJohn gardener r 508 WinsorJohn Jr contractor b 508 WinsorJohn J elk 223 Main r East BuffaloThomas contractor b 508 WinsorElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MOTION, CALL ON US.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.M 121Malery Dexter wool picker r 100 Crosby 2d floorMalier James wks J T Wilson r 860 N MainJames P wks Broadhead's b "Mallen Andrew carver Shearm Bros b 419 w FourthJames carpenter r 419 w FourthTimothy J wks Jamest botl'g co b 419 w FourthMalmberg Alex carpenter r 310 Forest avMalmbert Eva domestic 217 E ThirdMalmquist John August carpenter r MaltbyMaloney Anna domestic 342 E FifthMalstrom Algort fact hand bds 102 SampsonMaltby Ursula widow of Rev G W b 503 E FifthGeo E gen mgr St Ry and ticket agt Erie r 503 e 5thMambert Allen R of M & Lager r 420 Footes avMercy Mrs r 416 Footes avMangan Biddie waiter Sherman houseMangson Gust wks piano fact r 316 ForestManley Frank S com'l traveler r 53 ProspectMann Frank D elk 215 Main b 540 E SecondMans Ella domestic 352 E FifthMaplestone Ida L Miss dressmkr b 220 CrossmanLottie Miss teacher dist sch'l 3 b 220 CrossmanMargerison John tailor 310 E Second r doMarkham Ira elk 121 Main bds 302 W ThirdMarley warp dresser 5 Appleyard PlaceMarsh B G steam laundry 124 126 Steele r doDaniel chair mnfr r 21 CrescentEdson drayman r 620 PineFred elk bds 142 AllenFrancis O wks Shearman Bros bds 11 MarvinGeo drayman r 319 JeffersonJas steward bds 23 MarvinLydia Mrs bds 532 e SecondM C carpenter r 410 WashingtonMary E bds 11 MarvinThos F tinner r 11 MarvinWm A of bedstead wks 2 to 12 Steele bds 304 w 3dWm H wks Shearman Bros bds 11 MarvinCALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ARISTOTYPES.PR UDDEN & D UNIHUE.

Fine Parlor Suits at Gage's.122 . MMarsh Wm T cabinet mkr r cor Lafayette and Isabella avMarschider Anna Mrs dressmkr bds 104 HarrisonMartin Abraham J of Logan & M 212 Main r 418 e 6thEdith dressmkr bds 20 CentreEdward L bds 211 AllenG L lab r 211 AllenHarriet widow of Henry r 821 Prendergast avIra elk 121 Main bds 304 w ThirdMark H ax mkr r 20 CentreMell of M Bros photos 208 e 2d r 312 e 3dWales grocer e 3d r 312 LincolnWesley of M Bros photos 208 e 2d r 338 e 3dMarvin Belle bds 313 MainDavid N Mrs r 313 MainFred N shoemkr Gokey's r 800 Prendergast avHenry C shipper Gokey's r 218 CrossmanRichard P attorney 111 W 2d bds 323 E4Robert N mnfr 111 W 2d bds Sherman houseMason Jas printer bds 121 ForestJohn—C L Ry fireman r 315 w SecondJohn C with L L jeweler 217 Main b 204 LafayetteLevant L jeweler 217 Main r 204 LafayetteOliver M paper hanger r 121 ForestSylvester L barber shop 8 s Main r 356 BakerWalter cabinetmkr b 201 CherryMather Sam axe mkr bds 311 PineMatthews Orrin H carpenter r Falconer bet Bowen andWinsorMattson Anton lab bds 442 WillardFred cooper bds 312 PineThaddeus teamster r PalmerMatteson Mordecai E merchant cor e 2 and Champlin r doMary waitress Osmer PlaceM P harness mkr bds Brooklyn houseMattern Jacob G policeman r 54 MarvinMaxon Clarrisa B widow of W C r 14 CrossmanMay John porter Allen houseGo to H. M. Gage for Furniture.

ALWAYS GO TO THE LEADING GALLERY. 21 WEST SECOND ST.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.M 123Maybank Geo E cigar mkr 2-J Main r 207 BarrettMayclease Mary L Mrs dressmkr r 860 N MainRose A bds S60 N MainMayhew Edward C wall paper etc 117 Main r 412 MainMaynard Jennie weaver bds 41 Footes avMcAdams shoemkr bds 270 CherryMcBride Delia cashier 205 Main bds 122 BarrettEdward r 122 BarrettLida dressmkr bds 122 BarrettMcCall Frank J shoemkr Gokey's r 109 BowenMargaret Mrs r 811 e SecondMcCallen Rachel Mrs bds 216 w 7thMcCann Agnes bds 195 Forest avKate dressmkr 205 Main bds 195 Forest avMcCarthy Samuel salesman 12 w 1 bds 379 Footes avAggie domestic Osmer PlaceF S elk 9 Main r 529 w 3dJohn prop McCarthy house boatlandingMcChesney Nellie waiter Sherman houseMcClintock T W ins and real est agt bds 401 e 4thMcCluskey Pat liquor dlr r 941 e SecondMcConnell Arthur W shoemkr r Cleveland PlaceEdw A shoemkr Gokey's r cor w 8 and Jeff'nMcCormick Chas O stand cor Main and 3d b 513 e 6thMary dressmkr r 8 w FourthMary B bds 513 e SixthRose widow of Andrew r 513 e SixthMcCue Alice weaver 21 e SecondMcDermid Edward lab bds 850 Prendergast avEmma wks bakery 20 e 3d b 850 Prend avMargaret widow of James r 850 Prend avMcDonald Angus stone mason r 116 FultonCelestia widow of Frank bds 588 e SecondHattie wks Hall's mill bds 116 FultonJessie wks Hall's mill bds 116 FultonMcElroy Bernard r 41 CollegeJas C carpenter r 618£ JeffersonLapha r 41 CollegePRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21WEST 2D ST.

Call at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.124 MtMcFarland Minnie waiter Sherman houseMcGargle Mary waiter Allen houseMcGee mill employee r 26 WaterJohn carver bds 26 WaterMaggie weaver bds 26 WaterMcGill Chas dyer bds 122 CrossGeo M messenger W U T co bds 220 CrossmanJas L traveling salesman r 220 CrossmanW F painter r 719 CherryMcGinity John plumber Tew's e 3d bds 24 KentKate bds 24 KentMichael mason r 24 KentMcGowan James H upholsterer Martyn Bros b 310 w 8thMichael foreman on C L Ry r 310 w 8thMcGrath Ella domestic 215 w 2dMcGraw John hostler C L Ry round house b JeffersonMcKay Rose domestic 304 w 3dMcKea John S cutter 11 w 2d b Sherman houseMcLaughlin Wm J of Jamest dry goods co b 318 Prend aveMcLean J C machinist bds Central houseW M of McLean Bros livery Brooklyn sq b doMcMar Helen b 12 w 10thMcNaughton Peter of McN Bros grocers 211 Main r 500 e 5thMcVay James teamster r 48 RathboneJohn of Wood & McV cigars etc 16 w 3d b Com'] hotelMcVeigh Alexander stone mason b 12 CarrollJohn stone mason r 12 CarrollKate dressmkr b 12 CarrollMary A dressmkr b 12 CarrollPatrick mason r 9 MarvinMead Mattie Mrs b 25 MapleMonroe barber Sherman house b Commercial hotelOlive Mrs r 108 w 4thMeehan John lab r Footes avMelane Mary weaver bds 112 HazzardMelhuish Geo J at stock exchange 9 w 2d b 213 w 3dJ Edward stock exchange 9 w 2d b Sherman house• John H stock exchange 9 w 2d bds 213 w 3dWm T mgr stock ex 9 w 2 r cor w 3 and JeffersonEndless line of Book Cases at Gage's.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE HAVE THE BEST SKY-LIGHT INTHE STA IE.M 125Melin Alvina milliner bds 29 CentreElvena milliner 104 e 3d bds 29 CentreS E cutter 102 Main r 29 CentreMalmborg Alex mech 26 Main bds 28 MainMene David factory hand bds 224 Forest avGust shoemkr r 224 Forest avRobt factory hand bds 224 Forest avJ 0 lab bds TewMeredith Geo commercial traveler bds 301 ForestJ C of M & Hunt 105 Main bds 517 e SecondThos vet surgeon 105 Main r 406 WashingtonMerrill David*' E mnfr r 9 LincolnFrank K teamster r 756 e 2dGeo A bds 600 e SecondMary M Mrs bds 409 W ThirdMary S Mrs bds 101 w FifthMerritt Manford D wks Allen & Preston's mill r 17 ThayerMerz Benj furniture dlr 16 Main bds 6 CraneFrank teller 1st Nat bank bds Humphrey houseMartin book bindery 211 Main r 6 CraneMetcalf Benson F of M Bros grocers 16 S Main r 500 e 5thElizabeth H winder cotton mills bds 628 e 6thJohn Wm spinner cotton mill bds 628 e 6thJoseph H of M Bros grocers 16 S Main bds 100 e 5thJoseph wks cotton mill r 628 e 6thThos C wks cotton mill bds 628 e 6thWm spinner cotton mill bds 628 e 6thMetzin Carrie dressmkr bds 112 HazzardMeverett Ellen washwoman r 221 WarrenMiligan Mary weaver Broadhead's b 6 w 6thMillard Chas W ship'g elk 100 Main r 723 e 2dMiles Stephen A blacksmith Nichols & Son r 804 Prend aveMiller A A Mrs r 19 HarrisonAlice C dressmkr b 120 LincolnAnn Jenette widow of L W r 120 LincolnBessie Mrs b 110 HarrisonBenjamin C printer Sunday Call b 120 LincolnCharles gardener r 32 WillardCharles prop Palace hotel 6 e 2dDavid warp dresser r 111 BarrowsPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE MAKE THE ONLY GENUINEARISTOTYPE.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.126 MMiller Fred warp dresser r 416 AllenFrederick r 504 Footes avGeorge warp dresser bds 111 BarrowsH Mrs r 17 ShearmanH B butcher 11 e 2d r 14 Dickinson avJohn painter r 4 e 4thMary Miss b 512 w 3dReuben shoemkr bds 621 Newland avR P bkkpr 77 Allen blk r 109 ChandlerR V lab r 332 SteeleSarah Miss dressmkr bds 16 HarrisonWilliam b 513 w 3dWilliam H elk 101 Main r 12 Cook avMills Ada mill hand bds 169 AllenAdelbert F warper r 10 EagleAnn widow of Moses M b 24 ChamplinBetsey widow of Soloman r 125 BarrettLena May bkkpr b 125 BarrettSamuel carpenter r 169 AllenMilspaw Ernest 653 e 6thSeth E of M & Eddy ins agts 303 Main r 653 e 6thSusan A Miss seamstress b 213 e 6thMilne David employee Penn Gas co b Sherman houseMineham Eugene wks boiler shop b 794 e 2d Second floorHumphrey wks boiler shop b 794 e 2d "Mitchell Benjamin K farmer r Fluvanna road w of MarvinChas M mnfr bds 107 CrescentDell factory hand r 127 SampsonEliphalet wagon mkr e 2d r 107 CrescentElla F Mrs wks Martin & Logan's bds 815 SpringFrank B shoemkr Parks & Hazzard's bds Fluvannaw of MarvinFrederick wks Broadhead's mills bds Fluvanna w ofMarvinGeo drayman r Norton avJohn oil operator 39 CharlesJohn bds Norton av nr limitsJohn C elk bds cor 8th and LincolnLucian P printer bds cor 8t and LincolnMajor supt dredge building b Fluvana w of MarvinFinest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.

YOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN &. DUMHUE 21 WEST 2D St.M 127Mitchell Mary A widow of John r cor 8th LincolnS F Ry engineer r 145 WarrenMoberg P A teamster r 15 CharlesMoeller Bennard butcher lie Second r 14 DickersonMohl Gust house mover r 89 TowerMola Mary domestic 529 w 3dMolander Isaac carpenter r 107 CheneyMolen Emma stitcher Gokey's bds 788 e 2dMoley lab r Parks avWm lab bds Parks avMonahan Kate domestic 47 WarrenMongean Chas E axe mkr r 49 HarrisonMonroe Chas photos cor 3d and Washington r 711 Washingt'nFrank A of M & Norton dentists 9 w 3 r 610 LafayetteGeo H dry plate mkr r 610 Jefferson (up stairs)Jas prop Monroe house 14 S Main r 17 HazzardS J Mrs physician office 610 Lafayette r doMoody John A harness mkr 105 Main r 68 SteeleMoon Fred sign painter 107 Main bds 30 Footes avJ T constable r 30 Footes avMoorby Wm loom fixerHall's mills r 139 WeeksMoore Ada bds 106 Broadhead avA L grocer 714 N Main r doAlfred E carpenter r 529 e 5thAugustus of M Bros saw mnfrs e 1st r 48 HarrisonChas American aristotype bds Osmer PlaceChas carpenter r 320 Footes avChas elk bds 48 HarrisonChas B tinsmith 10 w 3d r 900 N MainChas I elk 108 Main r 154 Forest avDexter oil producer r 105 ProspectEdwin American aristotype bds Osmer PlaceFlorence elk bds 172 ChandlerFred D of M Bros saw mnfrs 9 e 1st r 129 ProspectFred A machinist bds 48 HarrisonJames A of M Bros saw mnfrs 9 e 1st r 48 HarrisonJ Robert attorney 100 Main r 10 w 3dLouisa S widow of Jonas r 172 ChandlerThos lab r w 4th bet 5 th and 6thThos C elk 208 Main bds 304 w 3dPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE CAN GIVE YOU GENUINE ARISTO-TYPES 21 WEST 2d St.

Chamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.128 MMoran Patrick shipper Nypano dep r Buffalo e from L V avMorey Ella S retoucher 21 w 2d bds 127 ChandlerMorgan Alof stone mason r 13 CharlesAmil shoemkr r 108 WilliamAugust factory hand r 709 Newland avChas W of M Maddox & Co r 332 e 3dEdward cashier 1st Nat bank r 10 e 4thEliza widow of Jonas r 60 Broadhead avEunice O widow of B T r 301 LincolnEva weaver bds 709 Newland avFrank painter r Hallock nr limitsFred factory hand bds 709 Newland avGertie E artist bds 60 Broadhead avK Belle bds 705 MainMary weaver bds 709 Newland avWm lab 70 ProspectMorge Anna domestic 28 MainMorgenroth Wm C lab b 872 SpringMorris Andrew O carpenter b 542 AllenCharles E contractor and builder r 561 AllenGust blind maker b 542 AllenHelen S 542 AllenJohn carpenter r 542 AllenJohn A r 8 e 2dJohn A house painter b 542 AllenMorrisey James r 503 ClintonMorrison Ellen cook r 401 CherryJohn W carpenter r 100 SteeleMorse Benedict cabinet mkr Breed furn co r 217 CrescentBenj F bkkpr Marvin oil co b 217 CrescentCharles E cont and builder 109 Winsor r 561 AllenEmma milliner 302 main b 217 CrescentReubsn teamster r 872 SpringMoses Frank A canvasser r 612 e 7thMoulding Samuel mill hand r 121 StoweMoynihan Bridget C b 711 LafayetteCornelius of C & Patrick Jr saloon 117 Main r 713LafayetteDaniel wks freight depot C L Ry b 714 LafayetteDaniel C upholsterer b cor w 8th and LafayetteWindsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.

Manufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.M 129Moynihan Daniel C Jr bill elk Nypano office b 17 PriceDaniel P foreman Nypano freight house r 17 PriceJerry lab r 608 w 6thJohn lab bds Monroe bet w 6th and 7thJohn stage carpenter opera house bds Allen houseJohn P wks Nypano freight office bds 17 PriceJohn R mail carrier b cor w 8th and LafayetteNora D bds 711 LafayettePatrick bds 711 LafayettePatrick Jr of C & P saloon 117 Main r 711 LafayettePatrick J bkkpr 20 w 3d bds 17 PriceMullard Geo loom fixer bds 42 Footes avRichard loom fixer bds 42 Footes avMullen John teamster bds Prendergast av extKate E spinner Hall's mill b Prend av extM Maggie spinner Hall's mill b Prend av extMargaret widow of Peter r 1038 N MainPeter sand and stone dlr r Mullen avThomas lab r Prendergast av extMulqueen John porter National hotelMumford Jas B mgr Am aristotype co bds 415 Osmer PlaceMurphy Geo warp dresser r 41 Footes avS B Mrs bds 362 e 4thMurray Andrew W liquor dlr 34 Main r 116 Fairmonnt avAnna weaver Broadhead's mills b 632 Prend avJohn wks Ry co r Fairview avKate A elk 208 Main b cor w 6th and MonroeMary Mrs r 116 FairmountMichael lab r 410 w 7thPatrick lab r cor w 6th and MonroeJulia elk 207 Main bds 116 Fairmount avMary widow of James r 517 MainMyers Albert E physician room 8 Gifford blk b Humphrey hBernhart lab r 8 CraneChas wks piano factory r 14 BakerFred foreman Shearman Bros r 20 Whitley avGeo E elk 103 Main r 214 w 7thHelen weaver bds 8 CraneHenry H stone cutter r 50 HazzardWE NEVER TAKE A BACK SEAT.PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2d St.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street,ISO NMyers Jno plumber bds 8 CraneMalinda I widow of S J r 622 SpringMary bds 45 TaylorMary L bkkpr 109-111 Main bds 622 SpringM"Nash Emery foreman shoe fact 131 e 1st b 327 w Sec'dJames H shoemkr b 624 e SecondJohn F shoemkr b " "Mary E weaver b " "Neburg C A shoemkr r 42 ForestJames finisher b "John painter b 29 BarrettNeedham John trav salesman r cor Main and w FourthJohn S telegraph operator b cor Main and w 4thNear Martha C Mrs dressmkr r 866 SpringNeharm Charles fact hand b 514 Newland avNiell John H harnessmkr r 419 w SixthNellie Miss elk 205 Main b 419 w SixthWilliam H elk 18 e Third b 419 w SixthNelson Albert mechanic Martyn Bros r 18 w TenthAlfred fact hand b 262 Forest avAlfred lab b 121 WeeksAmanda domestic 315 e FourthAmanda domestic 44 ProspectAmanda weaver b 222 SpragueAndrew J of Swedish furn co b 364 BakerAnliza widow of Sven M r 85 TowerAnna domestic 313 Prendergast avAnna C weaver Wm Hall & co b 127 StoweAnna M domestic 401 LafayetteAugust warpdresser b 114 WillardAugust photographer r 2 CharlesAugust wks spring bed fact b 106 e EighthAugusta cloth picker Hall's r 111 CheneyAugusta" A dressmkr b 114 WillardAxel carpenter b 308 BarrettFURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.

When you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.N. 131Nelson Axel carpenter r 227 ProspectAxel shoemkr b 238 Forest avBettie domestic 430 AllenC lab r 222 SpragueCharles wks Broadhead's r 23 AlpacaCharles lab b 30 BarrowsCharles bartender Palace hotel 6 e SecondCharles A bending wks r 13 WeeksCharles A gluer r 140 BarrowsClaus grocer 15 e Sec'd r n Main nr city limitsClaus mgr co-op mercantile store e 2d r Oak HillChristine L domestic 514 JeffersonConrad C wks Parks & Hazzard's b 16 w EighthEleazer car inspector r 632 e SecondEdith domestic 508 MainElec lab b 644 e SixthEmanuel water wks employee r 121 WeeksEmelia weaver b 56 EagleEmma r 18 w Eighth second floorE N finisher b 238 Forest avFrank factory hand b 230 SteeleFrank clerk r 112 CrossFrank Rev r 359 BakerFranz Oscar lab r 8 Little WaterFrederick policeman r 208 PineGust dyer r 56 EagleH Mrs boarding house 47J Footes avHannah Mrs b 648 e SixthHannah C domestic 110 Forest avHerman factory hand b 86 EagleHilma domestic 20 e EllicottHilma weaver b 362 WillardHilma domestic 508 MainHulda domestic "Hulda A wks Broadhead's b 648 e SixthIda weaver " b 632 Prendergast avIsaac wks axe fact b 230 SteelePrudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders InPhotography.

Elegant Cabinets at Gage's.132 NNelson John butcher 3 s Main b Brooklyn houseJohn wks spring bed fact b 106 e EighthJohn band sawyer r 581 AllenJohn factory hand b 121 WeeksJohn P sewing machines 112 Main r 114 SampsonJohn P cabinetmkr Ford & H r 127 FalconerJohn P tailor r 39 WescottJohn P b 99 TowerLaus farmer r Oak Hill nr MainLina r 99 TowerMartin mill hand b 114 ParkMary domestic 432 e SixthMary J stretcher b 114 WillardMatilda domestic 601 w SeventhMatilda domestic 213 w SecondMatilda r 794 e Second second floorMatilda A washwoman r 114 ParkNels teamster Johnson ice co r Fluvanna (Clift'n)Nels J lab r 30 BarrowsOlof r 32 KinneyOscar wool turner r 21 PetersonOscar painter b 27 KinneyOtto lab r 16 w EighthPengt blacksmith r 114 WillardPeter axe grinder r 70 BensonPhcena domestic Humphrey houseSwan A factory hand b 393 BakerSigrid seamstress b 56 EagleSophia domestic 25 AllenSwan lab r 368 BakerSwan machine hand b 308 BarrettSwan grocer r 275 WillardTilda chambermaid Sherman house w ThirdWilliam lab r 50J Footes avNeugent Michael watchman b 921 e SecondNewgreen John E elk Monroe house r doNeville A J Mrs physician 322 Main b doHenry physician " " "For Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

Prudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.N 133Newberry Jas 0 farmer for Solomon Jones r 501 Falc'nrNewburt Wm S lab r 620 PineNewholm Annna Mary b 764 e 2dNewland Robert Pres't Chaut Co Nat Bank r 500 PineNewsome Jas wool sorter r 50 Footes avJohn mason r 113 MechanicNewman Arthur painter b 401 LafayetteCharles Mrs 211 MainHarriet widow of J R r 17 Footes avHarry J spring bed mnfr 7 Forest av r 17 CollegeMontford painter r 211 MainNewstrom A G Mrs washwoman r Briggs nr Footes avAnna domestic 532 e SecondNewton Geo A slater bds 66 w 10thJohn M elk 109-111 Main r 404 LafayetteNathan P elk 6 w 3d r 66 w 10thOtis I milk dlr r Newton avePrudence C widow of Wm M r 408 L View avNichols Benj of N & Son foundry 11 Shearman Place r119 S MainChas of N & Son foundry bds 119 S MainNilson A W tailor 17 e 2d r 30 InstituteChas factory hand bds 230 SteeleChristine domestic 72 AllenHilda nurse 1 Fenton PlaceNannie domestic 9 ProspectNils lab bds 50 ChapinNobbs Mulford A butcher r 615 Main (up stairs)Robert lab r Isabella av w of JeffersonNoble Rufus bar tender Jamestown house e 3d bds doNolan Thos lab r 221 WarrenNoling Andrew factory hand r 350 BakerNorberg Jno wks wood seat factory r 22 PriceNord August Norquist's factory e 2d bds 23 StoweChas tailor r 19 ParkJohn carver Norquist's factory e 2d bds 11 BushNording Olof lab r 129 BushOUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASSWORK.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.134 NNordwall Andrew mech 26 Main r CharlesNordval Andrew stone mason r 46 ThayerAndrew 0 carpenter under 28 Main b 46 ThayerAnna C wks shirt factory bds 46 ThayerNorling Jennie domestic bds 107 BowenJohn carpenter r 107 BowenNorman Albert N wagon maker r 112 ForestAndrew G wood turner r 524 AllenNorin Mary weayer b 448 AllenPeter A cloth washer r 448 AllenNorquist A Phillip of Norquist furn fact e 2d r 11 BushAugust C of " " " " "Charles J mnfr Ford blk r cor Falcn'r & StoweFrank 0 cabinet mkr Norquists b 23 StoweJohn " " " r "Noon Lizzie spinner b 1 BarrowsMary N spinner b 1 BarrowsNorthrup Anna weaver b 28 WaterFrank J elk 13 e Third b 417 w 3d Osmer PIThomas dyer r 28 WaterWilbert wks photo-copy'g co r 433 e FourthNorton Alonzo lab r 966 MarvinFrank D of Monroe & N dentists 9 w 3d r 417 w 3dFred L bkkpr photo-copy'g co b 717 n MainGeorge C musician b 717 n MainGeorge W r 717 n MainJoseph wks Stilwell's livery e 2d r 620 PineJoseph lrb r 923 MarvinSaloma Mrs laundress r 966 MarvinWillis farmer r cor Jefferson and Isabela avZacheas building mover r 9 DickersonNound Mary waiter Sherman houseNugent Michael section hand r 3 CulverNutson Gust driver Edmonds Taylor b MonroeNuttell James weaver b 61 HarrisonNutting Hazel painter r 325 AllenGideon painter b 325 AllenSimeon D Ry engineer r 85 ProspectWool fflattrassesat Gage's.

MAKE YOUR ENGAGEMENTS WITH PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE FORFIRST CLASS WORK.O 135Nyberg Charles teamster b 13 ShermanEmma weaver b 7 WinsorMinnie weaver b 7 WinsorOscar elk 13 e Second r 13 ShermanNyholm Frederick F shoemkr r 163 BarrowsOakes, Frank H tel operator Nypano depot r 401 w 6thOakley Jessie 20 w FirstOaklund Charles painter b 26 WillowChristine widow of Andrew r 26 WillowPeter painter b 26 WillowO'berg David furniture finisher b 32 JonesHerbert gilder b 32 JonesJennie spinner b 82 ColfaxJohn carpenter r 441 BakerJohn P tailor 102 Main r 32 JonesNils H tailor r 82 ColfaxO'Bierne Maggie weaver b 45 HarrisonO'Brian Morgan lab r 111 FairmountO'Brien Catharine domestic r Buffalo e from L View avEliza weaver b " " "James upholsterer b " " "Joseph lab r " " "Julia domestic r " " "Kate domestic 500 PineMinnie waiter Sherman house w ThirdOcobock Clarence S ticket broker 14 w 1st r 10 e ThirdO'Connell Ann b 502 w SixthDaniel house finisher b 502 w SixthDaniel lab b 412 w SixthEllen weaver Hall & Co b 412 w SixthJames packer Martyn Bros b 502 w SixthJohn furniture b 412 w SixthJohn Ry brakeman r 70 SteeleKate seamstress b 502 w SixthMaggie Miss b 502 w Sixthwe have the Best Light in New York State.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.136 OO'Connell Mary Miss weaver Broadhead's b 502 w 6thMary Miss elk " The Fair," b 412 w SixthMichael lad r 502 w SixthMichael furn finisher r 412 w SixthMichael Jr wks Martyn Bros b 502 w SixthMorris fireman C L Ry b 412 w SixthMorris painter b 502 w SixthNora Miss cook McCarthy house boatlandingPatrick r 412 w SixthThomas blacksmith 4th st b 502 w SixthO'dell Gilbert painter r 245 Broadhead avOden Mary widow of Nels r 32 WillardNels bds 32 WillardO'Donnell Anthony oil contractor b 801 e SecondGeorge A driller b 801 e SecondJames r 801 e SecondMary Miss elk Hevenor & Bro b 801 e 2dRose Miss b 801 e SecondOgden Annie weaver b 3 Appleyard PlaceJennie weaver " " "Mittie Mrs weaver r 26 Allen blockOger Amos shoemkr r 107 HazzardHadoram D shoemkr 20 w Third r 300 WinsorOgrin John baker 13 e Second b doOhlson Nels J piano mkr e 3d r 635 Prend av 2d floorO'Lary Sabina Miss domestic 511 MainOlds Edward G musician b 107 w ThirdOleson Lewis blacksmith shop e Second r 26 w NinthO'Leary Ella weaver b 45 PlarrisonHelen Miss domestic 351 e FifthMame weaver b 45 HarrisonOliver Charles P elk 9 w Third b 304 LincolnEdward F wks 17 Shearman place r 53 RathboneGeorge R elk r 304 LincolnOlson Andrew carpenter b 378 WillardAugust P of APO&Co tables 46 Taylor r 13 BarrettAugust T lab b 6 Footes avHall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.

TELL THE STREET CAR CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OFtAT NO. 21 WEST 2D ST.PRUDDEN de DUNIHUE.O 137Olson Charles wks Jamest axe co r 28 ThayerClaus W deliveryman 15 e 2d r Oak HillElla Mrs dressmkr r 104 HarrisonE P table mnfr r 15 BarrettEric shoemkr b 20 AlpacaEugene carpenter r 138 FultonGeorgie Miss domestic 832 MainHerman carver b 107 WillardIda shoemkr b 14 ParkJohn cabinet maker r 32 BensonJohn r 32 EagleJohn axemkr Jamest axe co r 115 CheneyJohn carver r 211 ProspectJohn hostler 100 e Second b 210 SpringJohn B carpenter r 378 WillardLena domestic 309 e SecondLewis blacksmith 296 e Second r 26 w 9thLudwick factory hand r 150 SampsonOlof A attorney 214 Main b 28 MainOscar O elk 206 Main r 161 AllenTheodore spinner b 32 EagleTilda Miss domestic Osmer Place w ThirdOlquist Jennie dressmkr b 360 BakerJohn elk 215 Main r 47 Footes avOman Ebba C Miss domestic 609 PineO'Neil Frank J barber 20 e 2d b 54 Lake View aveJames miner r 23 Broadhead avThomas machine hand r Catlin aveOrcutt Carrie L domestic 19 ThayerFlora cook Brooklyn houseO'Riley Ellen Mrs r 215 WashingtonKate Miss weaver Broadhead's b 21S Washingt'nOrmes Cornelius widow r 313 MainFrancis D physician 320 Main r 408 w 5thOrmond Margarette widow of Michael r JeffersonOrmonroyd Isabella widow r 6 EagleSmith factory hand r 6 EagleWill wks Hall's mills bds 6 EaglePrudden & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers, Cor.Second and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block.

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.138 POrr Henry C prop Hotel Everett w 1stJ K, train master C L Ry bds 304 w 3dOrsborn J G laundry r 212 Forest avJ G Mrs fortune teller r 212 ForestavOrt M F Mrs house keeper Humphrey houseOser Jacob shoemkr r 36 KentOsborn Lucy Ann widow of Chas r 763 e 2dOsmer J Alden elk 206 Main bds 213 e 4thR A widow b 25 FairmountWm P elk 206 Main bds 25 FairmountOstberg N P shoemkr 113 e 2d r 47 Footes avOsterby shoemkr bds 47^ Footes avOstrum John chair factory hand r 783 e SecondPeter wks Martyn's lounge factory r 24 ScottOverend Joseph wool sorter Broadhead's r 863 SpringOwen Polly widow of Robert r 116 BarrowsPackard Gertrude b 5 DerbyFrancis L tel operator r 5 DerbyPage Alton E bkkpr b 427 e FifthFrank bartender Sherman house r 13 w SecondS M widow of Thomas r 427 e FifthPaine Thomas gardener b 1049 e SecondPallmer Andrew G market r 14 WillardPalm S A lab 215 e FirstPalmer Amos F horse dlr r 225 Broadhead avFred B gen'l pub agt b "Grant painter b 11 w EighthJennie E teacher b 225 Broadhead aveJno meat m'kt 59 Winsor r cor Kinney & TowerJohn carpenter r PalmerMattie b PalmerOscar meat market r 246 WillardSophia widow of John P r 246 WillardPalmeter Frank W druggist 9 S Main r 13 Footes avePalmiter John farmer r Baker nr city limitsGo to H. M. Gage for Furniture.

Bring the Baby to the Ground Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.139Palmiter Jason machinist r 201 e SecondMary Miss bkkpr 205 Main b 331 e SecondSamuel machinist r 331 e SecondPardee Myron W attorney 219 Main r 358 e FourthPark Oeorge P bkkpr Penn Gas Co b Sherman houseParker Charles D hackman r 21 Fenton PlaceCharles D dlr in horseradish r 940 MarvinGeorge b 214 ChandlerSabona E widow of Daniel P r 214 ChandlerParkerson Henry foreman r 111 KingParks Anna E widow of W S r 528 e SecondChas E of P & Hazztsrd mnfrs 131 e 1st r 516 e 2dElmer wks Broadhead's b National hotelParsons A B Mrs b 415 Osmer PlaceEffie winder b 1 BarrowsGeorge J canvasser b 40 BarrowsGust table mkr b 40 BarrowsHorace mill hand b 1 BarrowsJohn A dye house hand r 1 BarrowsJohn H r 312 e ThirdNellie Miss b 415 Osmer Place w ThirdParston John L furniture finisher r 7 BarrowsPartridge Albert A retired merchant r 19 MechanicDe Emma Miss of Barker & P millinery 302Main b 19 MechanicE G undertaker 19 w Second r 25 MechanicFllen Miss b 19 MechanicFrank E asst postmaster r 82 ProspectGeorge H elk b 25 MechanicJames elk r 22 HazzardJames N wks 19 w 2d r 22 HazzardJoel mech bds 82 ProspectJ S H r 325 Footes avPatten T H mgr Singer machine r 214 ClintonPatterson Ella spinner bds 17 CentreJas S oil producer r 512 w 3dS A Mrs r 17 CentreWm C oil producer r 17 Lake View avTHE FINEST WORK IN THE CITY IS DONE BY PRUDDENde DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2D ST.

Endless line of Book Cases at Gage'!140Paul Edgar P cabinet mkr r PalmerH F cabinet mkr r Palmer" John wks Martyn Bros b FairmountNicholas elk Central house S Main bds doWm Mrs r Fairmount av nr boatlandingPearson Calvin warp twister b 414 WinsorLewis A warp twister b 414 WinsorRobert tinner r 112 MechanicSven lab r 41 AndersonThomas loom fixer r 61£ HarrisonWilliam warp dresser r 414 WinsorPease Ed H shoemkr b 22 Allen block rooms bell towerGeo R drayman r 59 MarvinPeate Alice domestic r 23 SeymourJohn Rev D D presiding elder r 5 FairmountKate O public speaker bds 5 FairmountMinnie E bds 5 FairmountNetta J bds 5 FairmountRichard carriage mkr r 66 RathbonePeavey Chas W bds 224 Crescent" Charles W lab r 524 AllenPeck A May artist bds 126 SampsonDaniel butter buyer 16 S Main r 126 SampsonJennie M spinner cotton mills bds 40 w 9thLucia M widow of Sam laundress r 40 w 9thL W farmer 64 Allen blkThaddeus L bds 126 SampsonPeckham Clayton J elk 109-111 Main b 515 e 8thVernon E atty 223 Main r 12 ChandlerWm G carpenter r 515 e 8thPeirce Elbridge G employee C L R RGeo W elk Sharpe's r 18 w 6thPelton John carpenter bds 21 e Sth (up stairs)Penfield Burnham carpet cleaner r 317 ForestMillie bds 317 ForestPennock Frank A grocer of P & Son 613 N Main r 610Prendergast avWindsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.

Prudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.P 141Pennock John P of P & Son N Main r 209 e 6thLee J machinist Ford blk bds 209 e 6thLewis P elk 302 Main r 18 w 8thP Mrs bds 101 CherryPerg Charles A miller r 32 KinneyPerkins Septimos green gardener r 345 Footes avPerrault Paul shoemkr Parks & Hazzard's r 401 w 7thPerrigrine John trav salesman bds 419 Osmer PlacePerrin Dwight r 142 Footes avFrank carpenter r 12 WilliamLewis bds 342 e 5thPerry Benj F fitterParks & Hazzard's r 808 Prend avEdward H elk C L Ry freight office r 38J Fairm'tEdwin D treer Gokey's r 839 Prendergast avHattie I bds 808 Prendergast avHenrv V gunsmith cor 1st and Main r 826 N MainRhoda A Mrs r 808 Prendergast aveRichard night wch Vandergrift mfg co r 157 War'nPersell Agnes Mrs r 504 e SecondAlexander G bds Clinton nr w 4thDaniel F jeweler 213 Main r Clinton nr w 4thEstella S bds 504 e 2dJ A traveling agt r 12 WaterPerson Fannie Mrs bds 32 KentRobert tinner 12 Main r 112 MechanicPersons Maggie bds 205 Fenton avT J Mrs r 205 Fenton avPeters Emma domestic 142 AllenSevern mason r rr 625 Prend avWm B lab r CowanPeterson Agnes Miss domestic b 252 CrescentA A factory hand r 512 Newland avAlbert elk 16 s Main r 371 BakerAlbert painter b 73 Tower-Albert factory hand b 94 HazzardAlfred lab r 244 Forest aveAlfred lab b 106 e EighthIF YO U WANT A VIE W OF YO UR HO USE LEA VE YO URORDER AT PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE'8.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.142Peterson Alice Miss weaver Broadhead's b 519 PineAlma S Miss elk " The Fair " b 16 BowenA John of P & Co (S E Melin) clothiers 102Main r 168 ChandlerAmande S MisR b 16 w Second extAmel tailor r 22 InstituteAndrew stone mason r 493 WillardAndrew b 915 N MainAndrew cabinet mkr r 22 w Eight up stairsAndrew b 748 e SecondAndrew F wks Hall's chair fact r 756 e SecondAndrew P lab r 504 WillardAnna spinner b 324 WillardAnna Mrs r 269 WillardAnna Mrs dressmkr b 105 ChandlerAnna S widow of Niles P r 16 BowenAnna M b 29 KinneyArvid painter r 386 WillardAugust elk r 60 TowerAugust lab r 227 BarrowsAugust butcher r 60 TowerAugust lab r 462 WillardAugust M elk b 29 KinneyAugusta dressmkr b 126 WinsorAxel machine hand b 324 WillardAxel mill hand b 236 ProspectAxel Reynolds cabinet mkr b 252 CrescentBlinda kitchen Hotel EverettC A Mrs r over livery Washingt'n bet d & 3dCaroline b 224 SteeleC F chair mkr r 48 WaterCharles shoemkr b 14 Maplelab b 106 e Eighthprinter 13 e Second b 122 Crossb 324 Willardbartender b 444 Allenlab b 73 Towerfact hand r 11 Cowden ParkFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MOTION, CALL ON US.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.P 143Peterson Charles C carver and designer r 519 e SixthE wks Martyn Bros b 912 N MainE painter b 16 w Second extG sawyer r 17 TowerG elk 209 Main b 16 BowenJ of P & Co 5 Brokl'n sq r 29 BarrettJ carpenter r 35 PetersonM wks Martyn Bros r 16 w Second extO cabinet mkr Norquist r 130 FalconerO butcher bds 208 Forest avT planer r 55 ChapinChester C of Hayward & P livery Washingtonbet 2d and 3d r up stairsChristine dressmkr bds 126 WinsorChristine widow of Andrew r 252 CrescentClaus Otto carpenter r 614 SpringC O cabinet mkr r 19 Mambert.Cofod wks bedstead factory r 25 w 9thConrad C bds 915 N MainDaniel wks cane seat fact bds 243 CrescentDavid worsted mill hand bds WillardEdward dyer r 371 Footes avEdward A elk 102 Main r 22 InstituteEllen weaver bds 296 HarrisonElliott M physician 5 w 3d bds Sherman houseEmily r 210 BarrettEmma 35 PetersonEmma C spinner bds 29 KinneyEmma Mrs bds 13 AlpacaFrancis carpenter r 748 e SecondFrank factory hand r 228 Forest avFranklin meat market bds 210 e FourthFred R of Lockwood & P attys opera house blkr 105 ChandlerFrederica Mrs nurse r 22 InstituteGust lab bds 106 e EighthHannah weaver bds 2 CharlesALWAYS GO TO THE LEADING GALLERY. 21 WEST SECOND ST.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.144Peterson Hannah widow of Carl r 635 Prend av (basem't)Helen A elk bds 13 CrossHilda weaver bds 23 EagleIda weaver 225 WillardIda domestic 13 LibertyJames factory hand r 25 ColfaxJames C elk 102 Main b 168 ChandlerJennie S Miss dressmkr b 614 SpringJohanna Miss weaver Hall & Co b 756 e Sec'dJohn shoemkr r 210 Barrett(i wks Water Co b 7 Hanley" wks Johnson ice co b 504 w Seventh" carver b 462 Willard" upholsterer b 18 Chapin" lab r 610 Newland ave" A wks bedst'd fact r 224 Crescent up stairs" A lab r e Second e from Thayer basement" A spring setter b 55 Chapin" A lab r 88 Eagle" A gilder Martyn Bros b 16 w Sec'd ext" F wood turner b 208 Forest ave" F boots and shoes 30 Main r 210 Barrett" P lab r Willard" S stone mason r 22 Eagle" V miller 18 E First r 21 Hazzard" W fact'y hand b 230 ForestJosephine A Mrs r 230 ForestJudith weaver b 35 PetersonLaura M dressmkr b 230 Forest avLena S Miss domestic 310 e SixthLily weaver b 296 HarrisonLottie domestic 113 KingLouis teamster r 108 w Eighth basementLouise r 10 JonesMary weaver b 2 ChandlerMary widow of Peter r 80 EagleMary laundry Hotel EverettMary A domestic 213 e FourthCall at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.

FRAMES, ETCHINGS AND WATER COLORS FOR SALE ATIRUDDEN & DUNIHUE'S.P 145Peterson Marstina widow of John r n Main nr Oak HillMartina Miss weaver Wm Hall & co b 756 e 2dMatilda Miss domestic 610 JeffersonMatilda Miss domestic 12 w SixthMatilda weaver b 296 HarrisonMathilda weaver b 324 WillardMathilda r 103 WillardM P lab r 15 DickersonNels stone mason r 132 SampsonNiles r 756 e SecondNora washwoman r 236 ProspectOlof stone mason b 9 HanleyOscar b 55 ChapinOscar bartender Hotel EverettOscar yard man Sherman houseOscar shoemkr b 20 AlpacaOtto finisher b 324 WillardOtto factory boss r 122 CrossOtto teamster r 296 HarrisonOtto William lab r 73 TowerPeter dyer b 236 ProspectPeter J lab r Wescott nr limitsPeter O dyer b 234 BarrowsP V axemkr r 14 MapleR J bds 371 Footes aveRobert bookbinder 211 Main r 115^ e EighthRose Miss wks Broadhead's fact b 16 BowenRudolph mattress mkr b 14 MapleRudolph lab 315 e FourthSamuel r 243 CrescentSamuel O cabinetmkr r 29 KinneySalma spinner b 103 WillardSimon painter r 13 WalnutSophia weaver b 236 ProspectTheodore r 13 CrossTilda shoemkr b 102 SampsonVictor cabinetmkr r 18 ChapinWm H machine hand b 62 HarrisonWm H of P & Bush planing mill e 2d r 784 e 2dBest work in the City. Prudden & Dunihue, Photographers.2 I West Second St.

Chamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.146Pettis John r 56 HarrisonPew Charles H b 913 Prendergast avePhelps George elk r 40 ProspectGeorge N gas fitter r 864 SpringPhillips Alvin night watchman r 109 Forest aveAlvin Mrs boarding house r 109 Forest aveAndrew J shoemkr Gokey's r 106 CrescentAnna E weaver b 238 ForestAnton factory hand b 103 PalmerCorydon J druggist and physician 9 S Main195 Forest avDeLavan D retired merchant r 24 ChamplinEmmet A engineer r 50 Prospect avEtta r 4 InstituteGlenn P elk 9 S Main bds 195 Forest avHurley L of Jamest lounge co r 205 ChandlerJane Mrs r 238 ForestJ Edith bds 24 ChamplinJudson farmer CampLeGrand bds 195 Forest avMary A weaver bds 238 ForestPhoenix Adelia Mrs nurse r 25 WalnutJessie dressmkr 5 S Main r doPickard A C of P & Brightman attys 213 Main b CentralhouseAllen lab r 46 RathboneJay lather r 84 MarvinRichard lather bds 84 MarvinW shoemkr bds 311 PinePickett Fayette H butter buyer 18 S Main r 533 e 5thGillead bds 14 HamiltonPickles Mary weaver 123 ProspectSarah housekeeper 123 ProspectPierce Addison trav salesman r 169 WarrenAlvin E bkkpr Wm Hall & Co r 311 Footes avChas M bkkpr Wm Hall & Co bds 169 WarrenErnest music teacher r 55 SteeleJ factory hand bds 310 PineHall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.

WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.Pierce John painter r 59 SteeleThos weaver bds 67 CentreP 147T C elk Allen house bds doVictor H music teacher r 59 SteelePike Harry H" foreman Newman's spring bed fact r 814Prendergast avPillsbury Lewis A barber 9 S Main r 165 Forest avPiper A L elk telephone ex bds Commercial hotelPittock W S com'l traveler 212 Main r 18 w 7thPitts Geo B elk 204 Main bds 54 ProspectLucy E widow of J W r 54 ProspectWm B elk 205 Main bds 54 ProspectPlatner A Leslie teamster bds 139 Lake View avLuther H gardener r 618 e SecondPond Chas painter Morgan Maddox & Co b 28 ScottGust A wks pail factory bds 28 ScottJohn Wm lab bds 28 ScottWm lab r 28 ScottPonnever Chas ax grinder bds 11 PetersonPool Mathilda widow of Walter r 26 BarrowsRosa bds 26 BarrowsPorter David R sawyer bds 307 AllenElvira widow dressmkr 80 Allen blkH E V teacher bus college b 406 WashingtonIsaac E cabinet mkr r 329 WarrenWalter D street car driver bds 307 AllenWm A carpenter r 307 AllenWm F machine hand bds 307 AllenPorts Adam contractor and builder 301 e EighthPost Daniel H of Jamestown bedstead co r 500 PineEugene A carpenter r 20 CrosbyKathleen factory hand bds 206 e ThirdMiranda D widow of Thos D bds 20 CrosbyTruman II stair builder 209 Prendergast avPotter Chas H Erie baggage master r 31 HazzardGeo W solicitor Sunday Sun 29 Main r 610 CherryStephen r 6 InstitutePRUDDENdc DUNIHUE HAVE THE BEST SKY-LIGHT INTHE ST A TE.

For Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.148 PPowell Fred T of Jamest ax co Taylor b Humphrey hJ T bds Humphrey housePowers Ed L bds 117 Forest 'J Leon elk. 9 e Third r 33 w 10thJoseph elk "The Fair" bds 40 FairmountL Delos painter r 117 ForestPrather Abraham S lumber dlr r 177 Forest avJohn H law student bds 177 Forest avPratt J Wells painter r 922 N MainPrendergast A T Mrs r 100 e 5thPrescott Robert A engineer Marsh's fact r 824 Prend avPreston C W Dakota farmer bds cor Spring and e 4thJerome of Allen P & Co r 203 e FourthPrice Addison A builder r 140 Lake View avChas A bds 200 LincolnChas H printer r 208 Lake View avClayton E elk 10 w 3d r 801 N MainFred A painter bds 140 Lake View avHattie E widow of Adam N r 907 Prend avHenry C carpenter r 225 e 8thJas H real est agt e 3d r 316 Lake View avLillian bds 200 LincolnLucinda widow of Harvey J bds 316 Lake View avOscdr F mayor office 200 Main r 601 MainS E shoemkr r 212 w ThirdSilas C carpenter r 200 LincolnWilson A builder r 208 Lake View avPrince John bar tender 17 e 2d r 143 HarrisonPrindle Frank painter bds National hotelPringle James wks Jamest axe co rooms bell towerPritchard Harvey artist bds 217 e ThirdProsser D W agent r 147 Footes avJefferson W of Simmons & P wall papers 12 eSecond r 100 BarrowsLewis W carver bds 147 Footes avProudtit Wm H clothier 206 Main r 213 e 4thProvancha Wm lab r Livingston av nr limitsPrudden B E of P & Dunihue phots 21 w 2 r 375 Footes avFURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.

ONE PRICE FOR ALL AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D ST.Q R 149Pullen David S artist r 206 e 3dD S Mrs art needle work teacher r 206 e 3dPulver Guy L wks Jamest lounge co bds 124 KentPutnam Davis O drayman r 111 w SthDelia wks Gokey's bds 139 Lake View avEdgar P of Henderson & P drugs 223 Main r419 w ThirdHorace A hack driver r 139 Lake View avPuzey Nathaniel liquor dlr 12 S Main r 415 WarrenQQuigley Andrew P of OcConnell & Q table mnfrs bds 300LincolnEllen Miss tailoress b 300 LincolnMary Miss b 300 LincolnNora widow of Andrew r 300 LincolnQuinlan Daniel teamster b Footes aveDennis mason r Footes avFrank teamster b Footes avJames machine hand b Footes avMary Mrs b 14 w 9tfaQuinland James wks Breed furn co b 752 e 2dQuinliven Maggie weaver b 3 CulverQuirk Edward S boiler mkr b N Main opp CemeteryKate Miss b N Main opp CemeteryMary Miss b N Main opp CemeteryWilliam mason r N Main opp CemeteryRRachell A decorator b National hotelRainey James upholsterer b 28 InstituteJulia pastry cook Humphrey houseMargaret b 28 InstituteNellie domestic 107 WarrenPatrick upholsterer b 28 InstituteWalter Jr b 28 InstituteWilliam upholsterer b 28 InstituteRaistrick John warp dresser r 13 ShermanYOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN &. DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2d St.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.150 BRalph Cora B shirt mkr Logan & Martin b 1049 e 2dJoseph bricklayer r 1049 e 2dWilliam H lab b 1049 e 2dRalston James driller r 414 w 5thJohn V wks Wm Hall & Co b 414 w 5thMary E Mrs seamstress r 414 w 5thRam John P dyer b 39 WescottRamsdell Ellen C widow of David L r 213 Broadhead avLewis E shoemkr b 213 Broadhead avRamsey Charles C band sawyer Martyn Bros r 1015 n MainRandall Edward W engineer r 15 KidderFrank mechanic b 341 Footes avNoah C Jr machine hand b 341 Footes avNoah C Sr carpenter r 341 Footes avWilliam engineer Jamest axe co b 15 KidderRang Augusta domestic 409 N MainRansom Hattie Miss elk 207 Main b 53 ProspectMarion A Miss b 504 SpringNorman K r 504 SpringRapp Albertina spinner b 211 BarrowsJohn A chair mkr b 211 BarrowsJohn A bkkpr 28 Main b 164 ChandlerSven boot and shoe repairer 49 Winsor r 211 BarrowsRappole B Frank teamster r 208 w 8thDeForest E painter r 68 w 10thHenry city Ireasurer 107 Main r 241 FultonJames A lab r 205 JeffersonRasmerson Hans wks bedstead fact r 42 w 9thRatcliffe Jonathan foreman spinnrng room Broadhead's r 519e SixthRawlings John gas fitter r 106 HazzardRawson Fred b 304 Prendergast aveJohn B of R & Swetland dentists cor Main and Thirdr 416 w ThirdRaymond Alvira G Miss weaver Broadhead's b L View av extNellie waiter Sherman houseSeth teamster r L View ave extRaynor Peuina widow of Charles weaver Hall's b 411 e 5thRead Austin T of Felch R & Co dry goods 207 Main bdsSherman houseWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

Manufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDpEN & DUNIHUE.B, 151Read Julia elk 207 Main b 210 w 4thReardon Dennis lab r 313 SteeleMaggie b 313 SteeleMary b 313 SteeleRecord Henry A physician 4 e 2d b Humphrey houseReddington Delia Miss dressmkr cor Main and 2d r doReed Bertie E Miss b 417 e SthDelos Mrs r 402 e 4thEmma Mrs b 921 e 2dK Mame Miss elk 100 Main b 402 e 4thLemuel C undertaker 108 Main r 417 e 5thWilliam cigars etc 306 e 2d r doWilliam A traveling salesman b 504 e 2dReeder Thos E broom mnfr Cowan r 24 CowanRees Geo M elk w 2d r 713 CherryRegan James factory hand b 9 SeymourJohn factory hand b 9 SeymourMargaret Mrs r 9 SeymourRehn Adolph carriage mkr r 319 AllenIda E weaver b 386 WillardJohn lab r 386 WillardOscar painter b 386 WillardReid Robert pattern room Hall & Co b 200 FalconerReisch Nicholas lab b 857 N MainRelf Orvis A of Ford & R musical instrum'ts 6 w 3d r 315 e 2dRenskers Samuel elk Hevenor & Bro r 226 CrescentRestle George book agent b Allen houseRessler Lottie waiter St Charles hotel 109 e 2dReynolds Adna H Jr of Jamest Knit'g mills 10 to 16 Main r11 Broadhead aveHenry C firemanswitch engine Nypano r 619 Lafy'teHarvey F marble wks cor Baker and Forest ave r642 Prendergast avMollie Miss waiter Commercial hotel w 3dWilliam R bkkpr Broadhead's e 1st b 503 e 2dRhinehart Andrew J carpenter r 218 CrosbyRhinemiller James billiards 18 s Main b 125 BakerRhoddy Bridget weaver b 220 e 1stJohn lab r 220 e 1stRhode Emil O painter 36 Main r 147 ChandlerPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE MAKE THE ONLY GENUINEARISTOTYPE.

•People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.152 R,Rhodes Fred S contractor and builder r 4 MarvinRice Almeda widow of Henry r HallockCharles b 332 e 4thEarl G artist b HallockErie H teamster 23 e 3d r Hallock above PalmerFred H driver 211 Main r 300 e 8th basementJennie P Miss coat mkr Proudfits b 18 RathboneStephen L wagon mkr cor 4th & Cherry ,r 14 w 9th 2d floorWilliam mechanic b 310 PineWillis E foreman wash machine mnfry r 122 FultonRick John cooper r 84 SteeleRickson Charles lab Fenton PlaceRickard Charles shoemkr 20 w 3d r 27 RathboneRider Orren engineer r 135 CampRiesdorph Frank foreman carriage room r 225 CrescentRiley Alfred weaver r 10 ArnoldAlfred Mrs weaver r 10 ArnoldRimph Jerome r 144 Broadhead aveRisley George photographer b 375 Footes aveRitzmann Emma wks Gokey's bds 118 w 4thKate dressmkr 205 Main bds 118 w 4thJacob blacksmith r 118 w 4thRoark James wks 16 w FirstMary Mrs cook Allen houseRobbins Geo Mrs widow 8 e 2dJohn J city hackman r 13 ThayerMary A Mrs dressmkr r 13 ThayerNina M music teacher bds 50 Broadhead avW W carpenter r 50 Broadhead avRobberts Jennie domestic 28 MainRoberts Daniel W carpet layer Sharpe's r cor Marvin andRathboneDaniel elk 203 Main r 105 MarvinElla A bds 116 ProspectHenry P inventor r 608 MainJohn E engineer r 116 ProspectP boarding house r 10 BakerRobertson Jennie 49 ProspectJohn wks Breed's furn fact r 13 Weeks (up stairs)Peter C carpenter r 215 WarrenRobert P elk 206 Main r 533 w 3dElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

CALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ARTS TO TYPES.PR UDDEN dc D UNIHUE.B 153Robertson W H r 49 ProspectWilliam M 2d hand store 106 e 2d r 209 w 3dRobertshaw Samuel stone cutter r 108 Footes aveRobinson Alice A Miss weaver e 1st b 414 WinsorCharles wks livery stable b 423 e 4thHarry teamster r Briggs nr InstituteJames S mnfr r 235 Broadhead avJulius Mrs bds 235 Broadhead avKate bds 235 Broadhead avMary J weaver Broadhead's bds 414 WinsorRobson Sidney lab r 30 WaterRogers Arthur bds 222 ChandlerC D shoemkr r 16 HazzardHarmon carpenter bds 222 ChandlerHoward fireman bds 37 CentreJas bar tender Monroe house 14 S Main r 123 BakerLizzie weaver bds 222 ChandlerRovillus R principal high school r 627 e 6thSarah J Mrs dressmkr r 864 N MainRogerson D M contractor and builder r 41 CollegeRohde Julius O painter r 119 CheneyRohn John wks furniture factory r 788 e 2dRolebeck Ellen Mrs housekeeper 221 WarrenRolland Geo tin peddler r Buffalo nr RyJohn boatman and rag dlr r 208 SteeleRomans Nettie A elk 203 Main bds 214 w 7thRomefangen Kittie waiter Sherman houseRoot Abel r 514J LafayetteHarry meat market 3 S Main r BustiHorace P special policeman r 12 CrossmanKate school teacher bds 1 BarrettM Mrs r 313 JeffersonPrudence A widow of Amosa 59 BroadheadWm stock dlr r 1 BarrettRose Hannah domestic 416 w 3dMaud cook 17 e 2dSwan M bds 872 N MainRoselle Jno S painter r 236 ProspectRosenbloom Ben elk 20 e 3d bds 103 S MainRosencrantz Elof hardware 12 Main r 19 w 7thPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS,21WE8T 2D ST.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.154 BRosengreen Amanda domestic 119 S MainRosier M A Mrs bds 715 WashingtonRobert A job printer 211 Main r 10 w 10thRoss A K r 156 AllenJas B pres street railway co r 303 w 3dRowe Herbert B finisherBreed furn co r 18 LincolnRobert N " " " " bds 18 LincolnRowley Albert carpenter bds 17 SeymourC G Mrs milliner 102 e 3d r doCecil G bar tender 15 e 3d r 102 e 3dDamon prop steam laundry r 705 MainRodney H bds Allen houseS G carpenter r 17 SeymourThos F elk 216 218 Main rooms 103 e 6thWm wks axe factory bds National hotelBubin Frederika widow r 40 KinneyRubinkam Nathaniel I pastor 1st Presb church r 313 w 3dRudy William H com'l traveler bds Sherman houseRudblom Nels lab r 340 WillardRugg Clayton A elk J Whitley & Son r 317 e 5thCorydon A ship'g elk Jamest knilting mills r 744 e 2dCorydon C physician r 7 FultonRuggles Ben C bds 207 w 3dChas H" " "Helen B bds 207 w 3dJohn B elk r 410 Footes avM B Mrs boarding house 207 w 3dRuland Astella Mrs nurse r 622 Prend av (up stairs)Marguerite bkpr bds 622 Pr3nd av [up stairs]Rummen Frank H plumber r 312 Jefferson [basement]Rumsey M M bds 503 PineRundquist Andrew carpenter r 424 WinsorRupp John cooper bds 30 WaterRush John B farmer r 811 N MainRushworth Abraham warp dresser r 14 FranklinAnnie weaver bds 14 FranklinBenjamin warp dresser r 9 KingIsaac machinist r 18 FranklinJacob warp dresser r 429 AllenWindsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.

When you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Rushworth L H Mrs weaver r 14 FranklinThos 14 FranklinRussell Estelle F Mrs bds 7 FultonHenry T foreman Jamest lounge wks r 11 BowenRyan Ann domestic 117 e 6thFrank M teamster bds 308 FalconerJerry lab r 1042 N MainJohn ax mkr r 308 FalconerMaggie domestic 503 PineMaggie bds 503 MainMamie domestic 410 N MainMary wks Broadhead's mills bds 1042 N MainMichael lab BuffaloNellie weaver bds 45 HarrisonTimothy upholsterer Shearman's bds 1042 N MainRyd Andrew J stone quarry r 572 AllenRydberg Swante lab r 36 WillardS155Sackrider Henry H carpenter r 47 w TenthWilliam H painter b 47 w TenthSahlstrom Amil chairmkr b 44 BarrowsMary widow of Nels M. r 44 TowerSales W E elk 113 Main b doSalisbury Clark W of S & Solliday gunsmiths 11 e 2d r901 n MainSallander August A finisherwoolen mill r 20 w 2d extSallstrom Leonard L factory hand r 12 JonesSalmer John farmer r 23 AlpacaSalsbury E M painter r 210 CrosbySamuelson Andrew lab r 6 HanleyCharles cooper r 319 AllenFrank painter b 6 HanleyJohn lab r 286 HarrisonSample Bertram J elk carpet dept 17-21 s Main r 832 n M'nEllen dressmkr r 83 Allen blkSampson Carrie Miss cloth picker e 1st b 115 CheneyChristine domestic 401 e FourthPRUDDEN & DUNIHUE CAN GIVE YOU GENUINE ARISTO-TYPES 21 WEST 2d St.

Call at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.156 SSSampson David grocer 209 e 2d r 127 ChandlerFred sawyer b 13 TowerFred lab r 41 WaterGeorge O janitor city school build'g r 21 CollegeHenry F ship'r wood seat chair fact r 113 BushJames C assessor r 237 ForestJohn T engineer planing mill e 2d r 117 BushNettie school teacher b 237 ForestSamuel lab r 13 Tower-Samson Albin W carver b 149 AllenAndrew tinner r 149 AllenA Walfred mill hand b 149 AllenJohn spring bed mkr b 69 TowerMagnus lab r "Sand Andrew door mkr J T Wilson r 22 BushSandberg Josephine domestic 316 e FourthJulia domestic 303 e SecondSandeeu August teamster r 7 WinsorCharles shoemkr b "Jno A shoemkr 20 w 3d r Marvin bet Rathboneand DickersonSanders James tailor 206 Main r 567 e SecondJohn shoemkr- 316 Main r 17 w 7thMary Miss b''Minnie I b 567 e SecondSandgren Gust hostler 100 e Second b 211 SpringGustof elk 10 e Second r 44 BarrettJohn grocer 719 e Second r doSandstrom John lab b 215 HazzardO F cabinet mkr r 215 HazzardSaunders Delia seamstress 11 e SecondSaxton Fred A Jr mail carrier b Allen HouseHelen Mrs factory hand r 12 InstituteJosephine Mrs dressmkr b 87 HazzardMelvin D elk 13-21 s Main b Central houseWalter L deliveryman 111 main b 401 LafayetteScheid John stone cutter r 944 MarvinSchell Alfred sign painter r 366 Footes avGo to H. M. Gage for Furniture.

MAKE YOUR ENGAGEMENTS WITH PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE FORFIRST CLASS WORK.S 157Scherman Calvin B traveling salesman r 42 HazzardSchildmacher Albert furniture finisher b 632 Prend aveAnton of S & Bauer furn mnfrs 632 Prendav and 26 Main r 632 Prend avElizabeth, Ella and Emma b 632 Prend avSchmidt Christian saloon 36 Main r 6 w SixthChristian Jr bartender 36 Main b 6 w SixthFrancis M Miss weaver Hall's b "John foreman bakery r 1010 Prendergast avLouise B Miss weaver Broadhead's b 6 w SixthPhilippine K Miss b "Therese Miss weaver Broadhead's b "Schnoepps Fred S decorator b National hotelScholey Lillie weaver b 80 HazzardSchone Michael barber 9 S MainSchow Peter lounge mkr 206 BarrettSchroutt Geo axe polisher bds 16J HarrisonT axe mkr r 16^ HarrisonSchultz Augusta weaver b cor Lafayette and Isabella avHenry factory hand bds 10 BakerEdwin paint store Main r 201 e SixthSchurter Adolph G jeweler 217 Main r 311 e 5thSchwein Chas F barber 18 w Third r 860 SpringSchwob Carrie S weaver Broadhead's b 826 Prend avJacob ax mkr Jamest ax wks r 826 Prend avLena M weaver Broadhead's b 826 Prend avMary ' "Wm H spinner "Sec-field Chas S of S & Dinsmore 205 Main r 12 w 6thCarl W oil producer office Gifford blk b Sherman hHenry bkkpr C W Scofield r 29 RathboneMilo cooper bds 10 BakerWm teamster bds 59 MarvinScott Andrew lab r 28 PetersonArthur L watchman bds 921 e SecondEdward Mrs r 14 CentreGust teamster r 536 AllenTELL THE STREET CAR CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OF}A T NO. 21 WEST 2D ST.PR UDDEN de D UNIHUE.

158It is a pleasure to showeveryone our stockofC A R P E T SAND- # I P O $ l ' H f f i > $ I l t R # -FRESH ATTRACTIONS ARE BEING BROUGHTFORWARD DAILY TO CONTINUE OURREPUTATION OF BEING THE?0?\JIM STOKC.S C O F I E L D & D I N S M O R ECash and One Price Only.205 Main Street, JAMESTOWN, N. Y.

Bring the Baby to the G ound Floor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Scott Horace upholsterer bds 312 Pine159J wks water co bds National hotelJohn cabinet mkr r 181 BarrowsJohn W physician 9-10 Gifford blk r 222 WinsorKlause W chair mkr bds 181 BarrowsPeter teamster 28 Main bds doSam W mech r 858 Prend avThos furniture finisher r 114 w SeventhThos watchman r 921 e SecondScovill Alice J widow of Geo W bds 953 e SecondFrank E prop hotel 953 e SecondHarry E ax mkr Jamest ax wks r 625 Prend avScudder F L jeweler 115 Main r 315 w FourthSeaholm Carrie domestic 313 w ThirdCharlotte domestic cor Pine and e FourthSedgwick Ashton wool buyer Broadhead's r 46 HazzardW H grocer 53 Winsor r over storeSeeley Geo hostler 18 Filmore bds 40 TaylorSeers Henry barber 8 S Main r 133 KingSeholin C E of Swedish furn co bds 430 AllenSelean Chas axe mkr bds 16 JonesSelfridge Frank bds 513 e Sth (up stairs)Jane widow of Jas A r 513 e Sth (up stairs) ,Sellstrom Caroline S widow of Fred r 208 Forest avChas butcher 17 e Third r 304 Forest avFabian meat market 17 e 3d r 611 JeffersonSellvin P August tinsmith 17 e 8th r 21 e SthServanti John elk 104 Main bds 29 MainServis B J dentist 115 e Second r doSessions Alice dressmkr bds 118 ChurchFrank E atty Gifford blk r 352 e FifthPlattie dressmkr bds 118 ChurchMyron H butcher r 20 MarvinC R cattle buyer bds 118 ChurchW B atty 203 Main bds 208 LafayetteWalter L atty 203 Main bds 416 MainW V Mrs r 118 ChurchOUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASSWORK.PRUDDEN k DUNIHUE.

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.160 SSetterwall Erick wks Martyn's lounge fact b 22 BushSeymour Henry A of Wm H S & Son e 2d r 311 Lincoln(up stairs)J F engineer r 45 HarrisonS E Mrs milliner Hevenor & Bro r 49 HarrisonWillis E pop mkr 103 e 2d r 611 LafayetteSexton Daniel W U tel operator bds 1048 N MainMichael bds 1048 N MainTimothy lab r 1048 N MainWm plumber Conway & Chatfield b 1048 N MainShafer Pearl 12 w 1st •Shankland Palmer K r 20 LibertyShannahan Maggie elk 208 Main bds BuffalaShapleigh Geo sewing mch agt 114 e 3d r 12 ChandlerSharpe Anna widow of Daniel r 3 Appleyard place 'Adolphus D dry goods 203 Main bds Sherman hEd baker 309 Main r 212 w ThirdGeorge W elk 203 Main r 30 Lake View avShattuck Geo W blacksmith 110 e 2d r 21 w 8thJohn barber rooms 14 e ThirdLizzie M r 21 w EighthShaver Edwin of S & Hall stave mnfrs r 25 MapleFreeman mnfr r 328 AllenGeo cabinet mkr CampHudson of S & Babcock Central h r 102 WilliamIsaac r 12 JonesJessie M bds 5 MapleWm mnfr bds 328 AllenShaw Albert Mrs weaver r 49 opera blkAllen J bkkpr Chaut co nat bank b 714 WashingtonElla dressmkr b 209 Prendergast avEnoch warp dresser r 5 EagleErnest D elk bds 714 WashingtonFred A axe mkr bds 49 opera blkHarvey C wks water co's office b 714 WashingtonIra D elk 21 e 2d bds 311 w SecondMrs 13 AlpacaJames cigar mkr 14£ e 3d bds 28 MainFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

PRUDDENde DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, NO, 21WEST 2D ST. NEW ALLEN BLOCK.S 161Shaw John B supt telegraph Nypano r 301 JeffersonJoshua warp dresser r cor Franklin and ElkLena K bds 714 WashingtonMartha Mrs r 209 Prendergast avMary dressmkr bds 209 Prendergast avMay C elk 307 Main bds 714 WashingtonRobt G city elk and atty board of trade roomPrendergast blk r 9 Footes avThos A trav salesman r 714 WashingtonWalter warp dresser r 13 AlpacaShea Aggie waiter Sherman houseJohn bell boy Sherman houseShean John bds 234 CrescentMichael lab r 234 CrescentSheahan John bridge carpenter Nypano r 101 WashingtonShearman Addison P of S Bros upholstery wks r 522 e 2dElliot painter 2 Main r doFlora M teacher high school bds 611 MainFrank foreman Shearman Bros r 252 ProspectFred J ship'g elk Shearman's b 512 JeffersonL M Mrs r 611 MainRufus P of S Bros upholstery r 512 JeffersonSidney teamster r 60 HazzardSilas retired merchant r 312 PineShedd Albert asst ship'g elk bds 25 CollegeChas L ship'g elk Martyn's r Monroe bet 6 and 7Jas P r 874 SpringWm D pat medicine 21 w 2d r 504 w ThirdW P boarding and transient stable r 25 CollegeSheffel Frank farmer r cor Marvin and FluvannaShehan Miss dressmkr bds National hotelLarry lineman telephone co b National hotelMary dressmkr bds 327 e SecondShelin Chas baker bds 430 AlienShelden Cyrus cabinet mkr r 536 e SecondGertie weaver Broadhead's bds 317 e 5thHerbert ship'g elk bds 536 e SecondLeonora widow of Alexander b 219 Footes avwe have the Best Light in New York State.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.162Sheldon Porter of S Green Stevens & Benedict attys 301Main r 70 ProspectWm harness mkr 19 e 3d r 303 w FourthShepard Archie bds 214 BarrettChas painter 19 e SecondEnos mill hand r 214 BarrettFred J artist N Am photo-copy'g co r 3 L V avSherman A E printer bds 327 Footes avAra A bds 327 Footes avAlbert M prop Sherman house w 3dE P teamster r 327 Footes avH L machinist r 105 ForestIsaac A carpenter r 100 CrosbySherwin Francis E millwright r 81] e 2dMilton bds 1027 e 2dPhilo O machinist r 1027 e SecondShields Alex stone mason r 506 Footes avAlfred H plumber b rr of 68 RathboneSam mason r rr of 68 RathboneShoesmith Alfred spinner Hall's mill b 242 CrescentThos " " " "Wilks loom fixer r 242 CrescentShogren Axel cabinet mkr r 549 AllenShorhoell Geo boss dyer bds 37 CentreShort John H machinist r 426 WinsorShortal Nellie milliner 209 Main bds 125 S MainShroder Geo L miller r 1054 e 2dSibley F S dairy products bds 352 e 4thSiddall Alma weaver bds 618 e 2dSigher Geo upholsterer Martyn Bros b 35 w 9thJohn wks Hall's mills bds 35 w 9thLizzie wks Hall's mills bds 35 w 9thPaulina widow of Anton r 35 w 9thSiggins Mary Mrs bds 214 ChandlerSill C A Mrs dressmkr r 16 HarrisonE H Mrs bds 16 w 9thFrancis domestic 82 ProspectSilsby Alton M lab r 851 Prendergast avEndless line of Book Cases at Gage's.

Prudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.S J6?Simmons Delbert r Footes av nr limitsFrank of S & Prosser paint store 12 e 2 r 517 e 2Grace eandy mkr 20 e 3d b 21 e 2dHarry prop Lake house boatlandingHarvey farmer r Footes av rrr limitsHatch butcher 29 S Main bds 6 MarvinLorenzo meat market 701 Main r 707 Wash't'nMay teacher 19 e 2dOtis shoemkr bds Lake house boatlandingSing Fak Chinese laundry 24 MainSipple Edw dispatcher C L Ry b McCarthy h boatland'gJoseph M conductor C L Ry r 401 w 6thSirrine Jno W of Johnson & S m't m'kt e 2d r 619 Falc'nrSisson Allen ticket agt Nypano depot r 412 w ThirdSjobeck Olof r 98 Water iSkans Emmet lab r CampFrank wool sorter r 316 AllenFred factory hand b CampMary widow of Adolph r CampSkellie Lavine elk 23 e Third r 20 Prospect avWalter grocer 23 e Third b 109 Forest avSkiff Mason M cashier Jamest nat b'k 31 M'n r 303 w 2dSkinner E S widow of Ebinezer tailoress r 317 e FifthWilliam G city missionary r 5 ChurchSkold Gust stone contractor r 53 WescottSkutt A J photographer 12 e Third b 10 ChandlerF A painter b 10 ChandlerSlayton Robert pop mnfr r 218 SteeleSliter Enock G box mkr e 1st r 200 Falconer 2d floorSlone Clarence A mgr W TJ tel office 9 w 2d r 108 e 8thWilliam W bkkpr Nypano freight office r "Smiley Abner elk r 42 CharlesSmith A Mrs r 379 Footes avAlbert milkman r 787 e SeeondAnastasia widow of John b 314 w 7thAnn M Mrs r 107 w ThirdArthur E dentist 18 Main b 104 ChandlerArthur J elk 207 Main b 645 e SixthPrudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders InPhotography.

Wool Mattrasses at Gage's.164Smith C A com'l traveler r 110 ChurchCarl butler 22 e Third r Fluvanna avCarl teamster b Fluvanna av nr n MainCharles F b 131 s MainCharles of St Charles hotel 109 e ThirdCharles of Sykes & S bds Humphrey houseCharles grain drill wks b 60 HarrisonCharles plasterer b 304 WinsorClaude C jeweler 217 Main b 204 LafayetteCynthia R widow of Nathaniel F r 815 SpringDavid Mrs r 104 ChandlerDavid traveling salesman b 104 ChandlerDavid A wool sorter e 1st b 645 e SixthDewitt C hack and buss line r 308 ClintonD G Mrs b 311 AllenEdgar mill hand r 19 e SecondEdgar A machine hand r 615 Newland avE J Mrs b 16 w FifthEleanora S Miss b 510 SpringEttie Mrs dressmkr r 206 CrosbyEzra T lumber mnfr r 424 e SixthFrank A elk 22 e Third r rr National hotelFlorence M b 25 BarrettGeorge elk Main b Hotel EverettGeorge C Mrs b 44 FairmountGeorge F shoemkr 20 w Third b 1035 n MainGilbert carpenter r 1035 n MainGustus F chair mkr r 32 EagleG W Mrs b 611 LafayetteH B Mrs b 503 PineHerman K gardener b 148 Footes avHenry mnfr b 897 e SecondHenry carpenter r 19 Fairview avHenry A elk 210 Main r 640 e SixthHiram insurance agent 7 e Third r 307 w SecondJames C carpenter r 1083 e SecondJames G paper store 12 w 1st r 379 Footes avHall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MOTION, CALL ON US.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.165Smith James G of North American Photo Copying Cocor Third and Pine r Allen Flat 19 w SecondJames N carpenter r 151 BarrowsJames O engineer r 232 ForestJohn F plumber e First r 416 Footes avJulia A Miss b 131 s MainJulian J carpenter r Fluvanna avLouis B elk b 131 s MainLewellyn Mrs milliner 31 Fenton PlaceLewellyn J teamster 31 Fenton PlaceLillie milliner b 104 ChandlerLouise F b 311 AllenLuther J cabinetmkr r 127 BakerMelissa Mrs b 543 e SecondMarvin attorney r 312 w FifthMary E Miss dressmkr b 206 CrosbyM J salesman b Central houseMathew mail carrier bds 314 w 7thMatilda K florist r 148 Footes avNellie L school teacher b 25 BarrettPhillip upholsterer 560 e 2d r 314 w 7thRichard E deliveryman 104 e 2d r 632 SpringRobert F r 513 w ThirdSamuel real estate agent r 131 s MainSchuyler R city sealer r w 7th nr boatlandingSidney real est agt r 311 Prendergast avTheo elk 24 e 3d b 632 SpringThos drayman bds 423 e 4thThos B warp dresser Broadhead's r 645 e 6thThos Henry cotton mills r 423 e 6thWalter C mason r 30 RathboneWm carpenter r 17 DickersonWm mech r 342 SteeleWm plasterer r 304 Winsor 'Wm Mrs r 603 LafayetteWillson prop Jamestown house e ThirdWill G elk 38 Main bds 19 ProspectWm L coachman Wm H Proudfit r 206 CrosbyWE NEVER TAKE A BACK SEAT. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2d St.

FURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.166 SSnedeker Abraham r Hallock 'Snow C E bkkpr 7 e 3d bds 356 e 5thGeo axe mkr r 33 Fenton placeWm shoemkr Parks & Hazzard r 842 N MainSnowball Fred J bkkpr 203 Main bds Hnmpnrey hSnowden Ada C bds 614 PineF T laundress r w 2d nr WashingtonGeo wks Nypano depot b Commercial hotel w 3dMartha widow of Jas R r 614 PineThos bar tender Palace hotel r 604 LafayetteSnyder Andrew J shoemkr Parks & H r 56 RathboneEdw L shoemkr Parks & Hazzard r 49 w 10thSoderholm John T grocery and board'g h 4-26-28 MainSoderquist Chas blacksmith 216 e 1stChas lab bds 20 e EllicottSolliday Ben of Salisbury & S gnnsmiths 11 e 2 r 608 MainL widow of J W dressmkr r 417 e FourthSolloway Major bds 503 PineSolomonson A S meat market 630 e 2d r 614 e 2dSorber H J Mrs bds 512 e 6thSouer Belle seamstress bds 207 SpringSouthwick Annie L bkkpr 303 Main bds 11 Newland avChas W bds 642 Prendergast avChristine wid of Morris dressmkr r 11 Newl'dH C engineer C L Ry b Commercial hotelJennie B artist b 11 Newland avJohn S actor b 11 Newland avSilvia Mrs r 109 Footes avSpace J C conductor B&SWRyrllw2dSpaulding Ephriam D florist315 Spring r doE D Mrs florist " " "Speer James W carpenter r 518 Newland avCharles " b " "Fred K fact hand b " "Spencer John machinist r 127 BarrowsEgbert J with Hiram Smith e 4d r 203 CrescentFrank axemkr Jamest axe co r 615 M'n 2d floorHannah widow weaver b 6 InstituteElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

FRAMES, ETCHINGS AND WATER COLORS FOR SALE ATIR UDDENde D UNIHUE'S.S 167Spencer Oscar F engineer r 617 Washington up stairsS C b 212 Forest avSilas A contractor and builder r 8 BowenSpoonholz Bettie Mrs r 104 HarrisonThersa elk 103 Main b 104 HarrisonSprague Blanche b 49 Broadhead avClarence J printer b 863 Prendergast avElmer E printer b " "George tinner 38 Main r 39 Broadhead avHoratio hostler b 207 w ThirdLynn F attorney b 16 w FifthWilliam H hardware 38 Main r 16 w FifthSpring E G Miss b 222 Lake View avJohn lace dlr r " " "L V Miss b " " "Springer Daniel H b 953 e SecondSquier Edward shoemkr r Norton av nr limitsJ I shoemkr r PalmerStableton Bartholomew warp dresser r 47 Footes avStacey Chas W band sawyer r 39 Allen blkStahley W A cutter Shearman Bros b Central houseWilliam upholsterer 84 Allen block b Central h'seJacob butcher r 10 Warren avStahre Charles E elk r 69 TowerStamm William M barber 201 Main b Allen houseStandish Lora widow of A K b 420 WinsorStanton Edgar F lab r 7 Fulton basementStanstrom Hilda waiter Sherman houseStaples Milton teamster r 210 Lake View avStark Charles fishvender r Baker nr limitsClara domestic Humphrey houseEd H carpenter r 113 SpragueJames H r 39 w NinthLouise domestic Humphrey houseWilliam painter r 37 w TenthStaub William L b PalmerWillard W teamster b PalmerWillard driver 20 e Third b SpragueIF YO U WANT A VIE W OF YO UR HO USE LEA VE YO URORDER AT PRUDDENde DUNIHUE'S.

Chamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.168Stead Edwin of Jamest melange wks r 46 Footes avJoseph wks " "• " b " "Stearns Ella M Miss elk postofliee w Third b 118 e 3dFrank M plumber H W Tew e 3d r 68 RathboneFrank W car reporter r PalmerJames D mail carrier r 118 e ThirdJames W supt Nypano telephone and telegraph)Co 105 Main r 88 ProspectLizzie Miss teacher b 118 e ThirdMaria DeLaMater wid of Amory b 125 BarrettStebbins agent b 103 s MainSteele Frank D prop Brooklyn Mills 7 Taylor r 1 Fenton avSteers Catharine widow of Wm r 503 ClintonJosephine Miss b " "Maria B Mrs weaver r 14 ScottSteiger John bartender Humphrey house b doOtto porter Humphrey house b doSteirly George R firedept janitor r 618^ Jefferson 2d floorMaud Miss b 618j Jefferson 2d floorStephens Edgar W mnfr Columbia drill b 417 Osmer PIMary M Mrs r 808 Prendergast avSterns Charles Mrs r 311 w SecondStevens Edward V elk 209 Main r 39 ProspectFrank W of Sheldon Green S & Benedict attorneys301 Main r 37 WarrenFred factory hand b 15 BakerSteves George H carpenter r Hall aveMelvin shoemkr b Hall aveStevenson Alonzo C carpenter, r 830 SpringStewart A F Mrs r 93 HazzardAlex shoemkr r 375 Footes avBertha J Miss printer 14 w 2d b 411 LafayetteE R traveling salesman r 411 LafayetteFred L barber 100 Main b Central houseM E Mrs r 413 CherryMary b 93 HazzardWilliam P plumber r 10 WalnutFor Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.169Stillman Eugene B paper hanger b 16 PriceJ O shipping elk r 356 e FifthRhierson S photographer r 626 e SecondStilson Emily Mrs cut paper pattern bazar 107 e 3d b doFrank ins agt r 600 e SecondHenry H architect b 403 e 6thNellie T widow of T P r 821 Prendergast aveStillwell Eliza widow of Barnett r 423 e FourthFrank C b 423 e FourthFred S livery 290 e Second r 156 AllenStocker Almon E plasturer r 14 HamiltonLee A wks street ear co Main st b 14 HamiltonStockings C A carpenter b PalmerStockwell Amelia Miss bressmkr b 408 Lake View avPerry C traveling salesman b 104 ChandlerStoffal Martha Mrs nurse r 132 Footes avStohl Gust lab r 69£ TowerStoltz Herman H printer b 22 BarrettStone Amel wks bedstead fact b 25 w NinthAndrew M farmer r 24 ParkCharles teamster r 300 BarrowsEmma weaver b " "Frank A blacksmith cor 4th & Washt'n r 70 MarvinGust F teamster b 500 w SeventhHiram V carpenter r 209 WarrenLewis drayman r 251 FultonLovina L Mrs r 10 w EightMilton D bkkpr Chaut Co bk r 21 FairmountNettie A Miss b 108 e EightRufus b 219 ChandlerSophia M Miss domestic 517 Prendergast avStoneberg Charles and John b 2 WalnutJohn A of C Peterson & Co Bk'lyn sq r 2 Waln'tStorey Charles driver Wells Fargo Ex Co r 24 CenterGeorge stableman 311 Cherry b Stumpf houseJay bkkpr b 24 CenterStormer Fred factory hand r 8 ColfaxFred Jr finisher b 8 ColfaxPrudden & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers. Cor.Second and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block.

Uphoistering done to order at Gage's170 SStormer Henry wks foundry b 8 ColfaxWilliam moulder b 8 ColfaxStorum Edward lab r 839 n MainEdward Mrs music teacher r 839 n MainStowe William P elk b 325 AllenStowell Warren U of Milwaukee bot co 104 e 2d r 117 e 6thStraight Byron A lab r 834 SpringStrand Axel lab r 561 AllenHilda Miss domestic 54 Lake V'ew avOscar mason r 17 WatermanStrandberg Anna weaver b 225 WillardEmma weaver b " "Louise widow of Frank r 225 WillardStrangren Amil cabinetmkr r 41 WescottStratton Chas E of S & Hunt liquors 18 Main r 38 Fairm'tEmma weaver b 15 BakerMary J widow of C L r 3 e Seventh up stairsStreeter Medora D cook 311 PineStrickland K D painter b 311 AllenMarinos W teacher of penmanship r 311 AllenMary Mrs r 1062 e SecondParker uoholsterer r Monroe bet 6th and 7thStromdahl Alfred mechanic b 55 WaterCharles warp dresser b 55 WaterErnest finisher b 55 Water ,Strong Anar widow of Seely r 129 Lake View avE D Mrs b 300 e SixthGilbert hardware r 124 BarrettHattie E Miss b 129 Lake View avH Carlton elk b 124 BarrettStrosser Henry agent b 60 HarrisonStrumberg Andrew E factory hand r 112 WilliamsStrunk A M Mrs r 339 AllenD wight farmer rile EighthM P Mrs r 9 w ThirdStuart Annie weaver b 32 CentreBert H student r 12 CrossPeople's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.

ONE PRICE FOR ALL AND SATISFACTION GUAR 4.NTEED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE, 21 WEST 2D ST.171Stuart George H carpenter b lJalmerJennie domestic 37 CollegeMinnie E b PalmerS P carpenter r PalmerWilliam L supt woolen mills r 12 CrossStumpf Carl J mail carrier r 61 w TenthHenry car inspector b 210 CherryHenry hoarding house r 210 CherrySturdevant Charles traveling salesman b 11 e EighthChas F elk 714 n Main b 11 e EighthEmery A marble works b 31 Prospect avOrlando J care of engines r 805 e SecondSuderquist Amanda spinner Wm Hall & Co b 34 ThayerAnna widow of Lars r 34 ThayerChas L lab Broadhead's b 34 ThayerGust E tailor 220 Main b 34 ThayerSudgen William dyer r 42 Footes avSullivan Allie mill hand b 217 SteeleCornelious shoe mkr b 327 e 2dJeff factory hand b ':Jerry Ry employee r "John L mason r 8 Whitley aveMamie seamstress b 222 ChandlerTim switchman b " "Thomas factory hand b 217 SteeleSunberg Annie factory hand b 7 Highland avPeter carver b "Sundberg Charles lab r 203 WillardCharles A mechanic b 203 WillardJulia Miss dressmkr b 764 e SecondSundeen John agent b 118 WilliamsSunderlund William mechanic b 227 BarrowsSundgren Gust A elk b 44 BarrettSundholm John shoemkr 20 w Third b 113 BushMary Mrs dressmkr b 13 AlpacaSundell Axel shoemkr 20 w Third b 106 e EighthCharles wks Broadhead's r 22 AlpacaGust wks spring bed fact b 106 e EighthManufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

Go to H. M. Gage for Furniture.t72Sundell Gust wood turner r 219 BarrowsP carpenter r 134 KingPeter r 106 e EighthTheadore painter b 219 BarrowsSunderland Ada milliner b 29 Footes avJohn W wool sorter b 29 CollegeTimothy factory boss r "Walter stenographer Broadhead's b 516 e 5thSnndquist Andrew A axemkr r 183 BarrowsCharles G r 295 WillardCharles J axemkr r 238 BarrowsSutcliffe Albert H cloth finisher b 220 AllenOtis P cabinetmkr b 220 AllenSwanson Adolph weaver b 46 ChandlerA J Mrs r 522 Newland aveAxel machinist r cor Sprague and BakerAlfred machinist r 281 WillardAlfred picture frame mkr b 133 ProspectAlma waiter Commercial hotel w ThirdAmanda dressmkr r 522 Newland av"Amil tailor r 364 BakerAndrew r 17 w NinthAndrew lab r 301 WinsorAnna Miss domestic 17 Lake View avAnna Mrs b 29 w EighthAnna Mrs r 133 ProspectAnnie b 160 BarrowsAnna S Miss dressmkr b 17 w NinthAugusta weaver b 527 AllenAugusta b 289 WillardAugusta domestic 35 Lake View avAugusta weaver e 1st b 8^ CheneyAugust W carpenter r 469 WillardAxel drayman b 19 BarrettAxel wks Hall's mill b 17 w Ninth€arl printer b 141 ProspectCharles stone mason b 99 PalmerCharles fact hand r cor Sampson & Newland avFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

ALWAYS GO TO TEE LEADING GALLERY. 21 WEST SECOND ST.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.Swanson Charles lab b 28o HarrisonS 173Charles grocer b 527 AllenChas A of Hult & S drugs 4 e 2d r 133 ProspectCharles J wool sorter b 160 BarrowsElizabeth widow of Sven r 527 AllenEllen cook Hotel EverettEmelie R spinner b 119 WillardEmma domestic 318 e FifthEmma domestic 507 e SecondEster b 330 AllenFrank b 289 WillardFrank wks woolen mills b 160 BarrowsFred teamster r 132 SteeleFredel weaver b 46 CharlesGust tailor r 9 HanleyOust lab r 117 CampGust horseman r 132 SteeleGust axe grinder r 418 Willard• Gust carpenter b 602 WinsorGust A wks piano fact e Second b 17 w NinthHarved A wks Martyn Bros b 17 w NinthHilda weaver b 126 WinsorHulda weaver b 119 WillardIda domestic cor Spring and e FourthIda Miss cutter 20 w Third b 134 FultonJacob tailor r 160 BarrowsJ B of S & Lawson r 760 e 2dJohanna widow of Chas r 214 BarrowsJohn carpenter r 46 CharlesJohn machinist b 238 Forest avJohn stone mason r 99 PalmerJohn lab b 640 e SixthJohn carpenter b 5 WinsorJohn A foreman r 330 AllenJohn A elk 28 Main b doJohn B of S & Co m't market e 3d r 16 StoweJohn C drayman r 19 BarrettJ G factory hand r 406 BakerTHE FINEST WORK IN THE CITY IS DONE BY PRUDDENde DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2D ST.

Windsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.174 SSwanson JohaE wks Broadhead's r 788 e 2d basementJosephine weaver b 289 WillardLena r 281 WillardL G carpenter r 141 ProspectMarcus carpenter b 19 WinsorMarion machine hand b 24 ForestMary weaver b 46 CharlesMary domestic 39 ProspectMatilda domestic 100 e 5thMinnie b 330 AllenNels lab r 264 Forest avN J Rev r 24 ForestOscar factory hand b 27 ColfaxOtelia Miss elk b 133 ProspectOtto grocer deliverer b 119 WillardPeter wks saw mill r 20 JonesSelma V printer 13 e Second b 133 ProspectSophia domestic 25 MechanicSven A carpenter r 289 WillardTheodore varnisher b 214 BarrowsVictor painter b 46 CharlesSweeney James factory hand r 156 SampsonJames elk 205 Main b "Kate L milliner 302 M'n b cor w 4th & Hamlt'nMichael moulder Clark's r " " "Thomas house finisher r cor w 5th and MonroeSweet Albert L teamster r 10 CharlesAlice E Miss milliner 301 Main b 26 RathboneFrank R shoemkr Parks & H r " "Grant TJ engineer Jamest elec light co b 60 HazzardGrant carpenter b 60 HazzardJames A shoemkr Parks & H b 26 RathboneJ H farmer r 12 ChandlerJ Riley shoemkr Parks & H r 26 RathboneJulia A weaver Broadhead's b " "Perry B b " "Reuben E bkkpr 28 Main r 31 ProspectWalter J bkkpr Union depot b Allen houseFine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.

CALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ARISTOTYPES.PRUDDENde DUNIHUE.175Sweetman Thomas W Ry employee r TewSwetland Evander J of Rawson & S dentists e Thirdr 313 JeffersonRachael Mrs b 313 JeffersonSwift Hellen M housekeeper 401 Prendergast avH M Mrs b 50 AllenSykes Mary domestic 500 PineMary C widow of Alex r 614 PineWm of S & Smith foundry Steele r 501L View avSyoderquist Chas E painter Norquist b 130 FalconerSyren John canvasser r 364 BakerTTackey Frederick carpenter r 22 MarvinTaft Louis D r 302 SpringTait Jessie Miss domestic 24 CowanTalbot Caroline domestic 37 MarvinLorenzo carpenter b cor Marvin and RathboneSarah Miss spinner e 1st b 56 w 10thTanstrom William factory hand r 115 CampTappin Hiram A lab r 26 BuffaloTaylor Charles blacksmith e 2d r 8 w 6thCharles plumber b 21 AlpacaCranston D wool sorter r 314 AllenDudley elk r 133 CampFrank shoemkr r 114 PalmerEdward A com'l traveler rooms bell towerHarvey nightwatchman r 432 MapleHenry sawyer r 434 MapleJanette widow of S S r 619 FalconerJohn finisher b 103 s MainM J hoarding house 103 s MainMary Mrs r 21 AlpacaMarguerette domestic 209 e 2dOrton S night watchman r 405 Footes avWilliam H barber 14 e 2d b 610 SpringTeal John mechanic 12 e 2d .Tefft Edward chairmkr r 122 CrescentGlenchor Miss r 122 CrescentWhen you want First-class Work go to the Ground FloorGallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

176 rCall at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.Tell Nelson harnessm^r 105 Main r 7 HanleyTempleton Ihillip A "Boss Grocery" 4 M'n r 37 Broadhead avTenney Newton S traveling salesman r 1014 Prendergast avWalter L elk 200 Main b 1014 Prendergast avTerras Caroline domestic 345 e 3dTerry Charles Ry yard master r 36 HarrisonChester F eng'r switch engine Nypano r 705 LafayetteTew George W Pres't City Nat Bank r cor Main and w FifthHarvey W gas fixtures 112 e 3d r 418 SpringHerbert W Cashier City Nat Bank r 70 ProspectWillis r 204 w 4thTewey Thomas lab 8 e 2dThatcher Ettie Miss milliner 100 e 3d b 212 PineMary E Mrs millinery " r "Minnie waiter Commercial hotelO J carpenter r 212 PineThayer Alanson painter and grainer r 634 FalconerAustin J r 1058 n MainBert M painter b 634 FalconerHelen L weaver woolen mills b 634 FalconerManley photos 119 w 3d r Fluvanna avMartin D bds 20 e EllicottOrrin A printer 5 w 1st b National hotelThierfeldt Ida weaver bds 37 CentreLouis dyer bds 37 CentreThomas Albert E bkkpr 14 e 2d bds 164 ChandlerBessie C bds Footes avChas machine hand PalmerFrank A bds 345 Footes avFrank A grocer 14 e 2d r 164 ChandlerGeo W dye and bath house rr 18 Main r 345 Footes avHarriet widow of Braxton hair dresser r 212 e 8thHattie E hair dresser r 212 e 8thJohn farmer Footes avJohn C machinist r 11 BarrettKate Mrs domestic 7 Allen blkLizzie M vocal music teacher city schools b 303 e 6thLura Mrs r 371 Footes avMary widow of Frederick r 111 BowenFinest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.


Hall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.178 TTompkins Frank A photographer Eclipse gallery r 800 n MainWill B janitor Jamestown club r 112 e 3dTorrey Wm teamster bds 19 BarrettToothill Lilly wks Broadhead's mills b 620 e 6thRichard E designer Broadhead's mills r 620 e 6thTowle J J physician 9 w 3d r 37 CrosbyTown"M widow nurse 34 MainRufus r 35 Prospect avTownley Frank B tinner 101 Main b 213 w 3dTownsend James G pastor I C Church r 38 Lake View avPeter factory hand b 25 ColfaxRobert lab b 35 RathboneTousley Charles P of The Jno H Tousley Co 20 e 3d r 120 e 3dFrank H r 539 w 3dJohn H retired rnerchant r 306 SpringJohn H Jr ship'g elk 20 e 3d b 306 SpringRuth teacher b 306 SpringTrace Mary Miss b 752 e 2dTraff Charles shoemkr r 11 EagleTrask Claude driver r 417 SpringMaude Miss domestic 610 LafayetteTreat Milo C oil producer b 503 PineTrepka John painter 36 Main b 23 e 2dTridler Anna widow of Frank b 33 w 9thTripp S A r 847 Prendergast avTruby Harry L elk Erie freight office r 306 ClintonTruesdell William H of T & Hoyt grocers 109 and 111 Mainr 557 e 2dZ carpenter r 557 e 2dTrusler Fred C elk 205 Main b 30 RathboneTryon Frank teamster b Mullen avTucker Charles T baker r 611 PineJohn delivery elk b 423 e 4thTuckerman Arthur cutter 206 Main b 418 e 5thGeorge S b 418 e 5thJames law student b 339 e 4thM H Mrs r 339 e 4thTuneberg S A Mrs r 120 WilliamsTung Lee Chinese laundry 24 MainTupper Edward A of Clark Bros & T drugs 11 e 3d r 39 Fairm'tWilliam G physician 11 e 3d b 39 FairmountFor Office Furniture go to H. M. Gage.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE MAKE; THE ONLY GENUINEARISTOTYPE. ' h ••U V 179Tural John r w 2d ext :2Turner Joseph C elk Hevenor & Bro b Commercial hotel w 3Joseph H printer 5 w 1st bds Central houseLouie E wks Broadhead's mill b 240 Lake View ayTurnquist John shoemkr 94 HazzardTurnwall Michael elk 110 Main r 19 w 9thTushwaith Joseph dyer r 320 AllenTuttle Amos carver bds 325 AllenTyler John night watchman steamboats bds 207 w 3dLuden r 727 Cherry extW carpenter r 41 w 9thWm H engineer Martyn BrosTyrer Arthur J elk 203 Main bds 6 HamiltonFannie E widow of A M r 6 HamiltonTyrrell Lewis D shoemkr Gokey's r 209 w 8thUUlander Jennie spinner Hall's mills bds 107 CheneyPeter lab r 107 CheneyUlene David mattress mkr b 224 Forest avGust shoemkr 131 e 1st r 224 Forest avRobert N lab bds 224 Forest avUll Annie waiter Commercial hotel w 3dUnderwood Adella G music teacher b 231 L View avAlbert drayman r 220 PriceArthur J elk 209 e 2d b 231 Lake View axCyrus real est dlr r 231 Lake View avE L of Harris U & Doering 100 MainGeo L bkpr 18 e 1st r Ashville avWaite student bds 231 Lake View avUntersee Joseph architect r 16 e 4thUpham Joseph W real est agt 215 Main r 511 MainUsher Allan agt bds 318- Prendergast avVan Amer Fred elk r 24 Prospect aveVanburg John shoemkr bds 368 BakerVancise Will C elk 9 w 3d r 213 LincolnVanderburgh John J butter buyer 23 e 3dr 411 e 2dBest work in the City. Prudden & Dunihue, Photographers.2 1 West Second St.

Enmess line of cook Cases at Gage's.130Vandergrift T J oil producer r junc Warren and AllenWm K of V mfg co r 25 AllenVictoria bds 25 AllenVanDervoort Chas R trav salesman Broadhead's r 841 e 2dVan Dusen B F cabinet mkr r 6 CrescentChas blacksmith r 31 Fenton PlaceFrank bcls 28 BarrettGeo C of Van D Bros undertakers 120 e 3d r 6CrescentJohn G ship'g elk 5-7 Taylor r 28 BarrettTheo F of Van D Bros undertaken- 120 e 3d r33 CrossVpn Gosbeck Van E r 205 AllenVan Housen F A Miss dressmkr bds 407 LafayetteVanScoter Arthur C artist 206 e 3dChester J'drug elk 9 S Main b Humphrey houseMyron S elk 10 w 3d b Sherman houseVanSycle A J Mrs bds 507 e 2dVanVleck Orvel carpenter r 32 Ashville avVan Wert M E sewing mch agt 15 w 2d r 119 WarrenVarley Joseph loom fixerbds 440 AllenWm H dyer r 440 AllenVaul Anna domestic 6 CraneVeer Addie A dressmkr bds 101 WashingtonAlfred R carpenter r 101 WashrngtonLibbie dressmkr bds 101 WashingtonVecstrous Frank tailor r 148 SampsonVegreen John lab r 286 HarrisonVeiley Morgan teamster r 317 WarrenWalter gas fitterbds 317 WarrenVensel E M stock dlr r 14 BakerVerley John loom fixer r 569 AllenVernon Harry S elk 205 Main r 7 DickersonVincent Grace elk 6 e 3d bds 1065 e 2dGeo W bar tender 17 e 2d r 504 w 7th (up stairs)Sophie Mrs r 1065 e 2dVidholm Chas machine hand 206 BarrettVine Annie weaver Hall's mills bds 133 CrescentElijah musician bds 133 CrescentElegant Cabinets at Gage's.

Bring the Baby to the C c.'jrrd Flooi Gailpr.;.^RoDDEU & DUNIHUE.W IflVine John wool washer Hall's mill r 133 OrencentWm J musician bds 133 CrescentVockroth Mary bds 10 w 8tbVoorhees S E Mrs boarding house 327 e 2dWWade Arthur C of Cook Fisher & W attorneys 201 Mainr 351 e FourthDewhnrst warp dresser r 10 KidderWahlgren Chas F boots and shoes 9 e 2d r 109 Forest avIda dressmkr b 561 AllenWait Hiram L farmer r Marvin n of DickersonWaite Chas M bkkpr Breed furn co r cor Winsor and e 7thS E Mrs dressmkr r 613 MainSidney E wks Marvin oil co r 613 Main up stairsWalberg John elk r 62 HarrisonWalch Edward flagman r 38 RathboneJames M bell boy Sherman house b 38 RathboneJohn J yard switchman b 38 RathboneWalden Albert C engineer r 22 RathboneWalker Albert A painter and grainer r 11 w EighthAlvin teamster r 214 Lincoln up stairs, Calvert C paper hanger b 11 w EighthCyril B of W & Thomas printers 7 e 1st b 9 CraneDaniel teamster b 234 Lake View avElmer F painter b 11 w EighthHerbert wool sorter r 106 Broadhead avHorace W teamster r 234 Lake View avJosiah teamster r 214 LincolnSamuel factory hand r 9 CraneWilliam agent b 60 HarrisonWilliam H Ry employee r 3 WilliamsWalkerman Joseph M of W Bros cigar mnfry 1\ Main r325 Footes avM widow r 111 e SixthMichael J of W Bros cigar mnfry 2£ Main r111 e SixthWalkup Caroline widow of Charles r 338 e Third 2d floorYOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE 21 WEST 2D ST.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.182 WWall Ida domestic 258 WarrenCharles dyer Broadhead's r 112£ ChandlerWallace Calvin P lab r 853 SpringMary waiter Allen houseThomas C harnessmkr 107 Main b 413 CherryWallberg Gust painter r 608 AllenWallin Andrew wks Martyn Bros b 106 e 8thGust shoemkr 20 w Third b "Wallis James sewing machine agt 106 e 3d b 212 ClintonWalradt Wm J elk 203 Main r 342 e SthWalstead Albert axemkr r 0 MapleWalton T L shoemkr b PalmerWample J L carpenter Broadhead's r 815 e 2dWard Alva F physician 1-2 Allen blk r 213 e SixthGeorge elk 13 e Third r 36 HarrisonJames H wall paper etc 13w2drllw SecondMichael W overseer Martyn's r cor 4th and MonroeWarden Elliott wks meat m'kt e Third r 19 ThayerHattie E Miss weaver Hall's r 19 ThayerWarring Edward wks cotton mill r 59 Footes avWarner Christine domestic lj CraneChristine Miss 13 ThayerFred H b 110 Forest avHarvey T elk Burlin news co e 3d b 213 w 2dLucius B saw and planing mill r 110 Forest avOtto wks table factory b 742 e SecondSeth D of wood seat chair co r 518 MainWilliam L ins and real est 221 M'n r 12 L ViewWarr Jesse florist r 866 n MainWarren Albert farmer r CampAndrew stone cutter r 33 WinsorCharles H machine hand r 1 EllicottCharles W mattress mkr r 2 BarrowsHellen J b CampLeonard machine hand b CampWilliam A band sawyer r 302 AllenWilliam R mechanic r 2 BarrowsWool Mattrasses at Gage's.

Prudden & Dunihue are the Acknowledged Leaders inPhotographyW 183Warriner William A principal Jamest business college, 7e Third b 503 PineWashburn Byron J carpenter r 28 Hazzard .Ernest tel operator W U 9 w 2d b 14 w 9th'Grace Mrs r 19 e SecondHiram R carpenter r 156 AllenJohn C r 36 MechanicSimeon D hackman r 14 w NinthWilliam M hackman b 14 w NinthWasman William shoemkr b National hotelWass J C elk 205 Main r 306 w 4thWaterhouse Ai physician 5 e 2d r 42 AllenEdward E decorator r 164 AllenWaterson Ada waitress National hotelGeorge carpenter r 17 CentreWatley Eliza Miss domestic 29 BushWatson Annie domestic cor Pine and e 4thHenry W of W carriage mfy 300 e 2d r 543 e 2dWatts Charles N Ry engineer r 40 MechanicJohn farmer r 196 Forest avWay Charles W printer r Cleveland PlaceWayte Albert R machinist b 142 Lake View avHarry machinist b 142 Lake View avWalter J of Hetchenor W & Babcock terry millsFootes av r 142 Lake View avWeatherly F E Ry employee r 4 WilliamsLeonard B elk 205 Main b 39 RathboneP F bds 4 WilliamsWillard lab r 39 RathboneWeaver Add M wall paper 1 S Main r 307 e SixthAlbert R mech r 216 e 8thAllene bds 322 Footes avC A elk b Commercial hotel w ThirdEtta M Miss teacher cent dist school b 216 e 8thFrank D telegraph operator b 322 Footes avGeorge Elbert pilot r 711 w 8th up stairsPhilo H asoestos roof paint r 322 Footes avPhilander elk 1 S Main r 108 HazzardPRUDDENdt DUNIHUE. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, NO. 21WEST 2D ST. NEW ALLEN BLOCK.

Chamber Suits a^specialty at Gage's.184 WWebeck Chas lab r 56 TowerFrank door mkr bds 56 TowerEna domestic 32 Footes avWeburg Gust Ry section hand bds 7 WinsorWeed Hattie dressmkr bds 214 Lincoln (up stairs)J H Miss wks Broadhead's mills r 102 w 7thWeeks A J of W & Johnson bds 205 LafayetteA D shoemkr 17 e SecondCharles E postmaster r 52 Lake View avC H engineer bds Humphrey houseH of W J & H grocers 18 S Main r cor Chandlerand Footes avJas L of Bootey Fowler & W attys 38 Main r801 Prendergast avMary E Mrs restaurant 17 e SecondW J of W J & H grocers 18 S Main r cor Chandlerand Footes avWeekman Frank sawyer bds 25 Footes avWehrle Bertha J wks W D Shedd 21 w 2 bds 8 w:6thJoseph r 8 w 6thJoseph C J turner Carter's w 8th bds 8 w 6thWeible Jas S Dakota farmer r 47 FairmountWeigle Frank barber Humphrey house r 17 HazzardWeir Wm overseer Broadhead's r 115 SteeleWeiskotten S G pastor Eng Luth ch b 416 w 3dWelch Chas D painter bds ^21 e 2dHelen M widow of Marcus D r 921 e 2dJames bell boy Sherman houseWeldon Alfred teamster b 423 e 4thWelsh1 Ella, Mrs r 30 WaterEllen Mrs r 33 CharlesWelshofer George I elk 8 e 2d r 11 w 10thMargarett R Miss weaver e 1st b 11 w 10thWeller Eliza R widow of A J b 13 ThayerJohn G miller 18 e 1st b 17 MechanicJohn W commercial traveler r 17 MechanicM L stenographer b 17 MechanicWellington James D r 617 WashingtonLevi blacksmith shop 68 Footes av r 33 MarvinFURNITURE-13 and 15 East Third Street.

Prudden & Dunihue are sole agents for the AmericanAristotype in this City.W 185Wellman Elmer E of W Bros drugs 305 Main r 142 AlleaWarren D physician of W Bros r 142 AllenWells Adelbert E wks 17 Shearman Place r 405 w 7thLizzie Mrs r 87 SteeleLottie bds 405 w 7thWendover Thos P agt bds 319 CherryWengstrom Edward wood turner bds 14 ParkWenroth Alma mill hand bds 223 ProspectWersen Sophia nurse 320 e ThirdWert Gust lab r 368 WillardGust A painter r 368 WillardHjalmar mill hand bds 368 WillardWertling Fred miller r 554 AllenWescott Claude painter bds 32 BarrettDaniel P printer r 32 BarrettWesley Wm fish peddler r 5 HanleyWest Edson L dentist 12 e Third r 300 e 6thWm P elk Humphrey house r 24 TaylorWestborg Helvi Mrs boarding house r 648 e 6thWestcott Herman A upholsterer bds 303 WarrenWm M nightwatch Shearman'sr 303 WarrenWestfall Jas sign painter Holmes b 16 PriceWestling Fred miller 18 e 1st bds 562 AllenWestley Lin N mech r 60 w 10thWestroni John lab r 1 EagleWester Axel Rev r 115 CampWestergren Adolf shoemkr r 114 PalmerWesterman Chas well driller r 60 HarrisonWetsel Jas A teamster r 18 DickersonWeyk Joseph barber Sherman house bds 213 w ThirdWezen Mathilda widow of Charles r 21 TowerWhallon Ella C bds 408 WinsorFrankie D bds 408 WinsorWhatmuff Jas spinning boss r 126 InstituteWheeler Carrie Mrs r 346 Footes avE L Mrs bds 410 N MainM Gertrude elk bds 346 Footes avHarvey bds 206 e ThirdTELL THE STREET CAR CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OF!AT NO. 21 WEST 2D ST.PRUDDEN de DUNIHUE.

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.186 WWheeler Mertie M dressmkr bds 346 Footes avPeter M shoemkr bds 311 CherryPhineas M sawyer r 251 Fulton (up stairs)Wheelhouse Geo loom fixer bds 143 HarrisonJohn ship'g elk b 143 HarrisonSamuel loom fixer r 143 HarrisonWilliam loom fixer r 69 AllenWhitaker Ernest M paper hanger r 819 Prendergast aveWhite Alan H student b 654 e SixthAndrew P gen'l ins agt 14 w Third r 14 LincolnAnna domestic 103 s MainCharles B sec'y Y M C A 7 and 9 e ThirdCharles G printer and paper box mnfr e 1st r 226WinsorDavid H axemkr b 608 e SixthE Miss dressmkr 31 MainEdward enterprise laundry 4 s Main r 34 HazzardEllen Mrs r 741 e 2d up stairsEtta dress mkr b 44 Footes avEunice D widow of Oscar F r 39 ProspectFrank H of F H & W A printers and publishers12 and 14 w Third r 654 e SixthFred axe polisher b 12 HarrisonFred b 67 CentreH T Mrs r 517 e 2dJohn L attorney 223 Main r 506 Prendergast aveJos A boss polisher Jamest axe co r 12 HarrisonLillian K b 16 Broadhead avLucy E widow of John H r 16 Broadhead avMyrtie b 59 MarvinRilla C dressmkr r 9 Allen blockTheodore F r 44 ProspectWilliam A of F H & W A printers and publishers12 and 14 w Third r 319 LincolnWilliam W insurance agent b Sherman houseWhiteley Clara weaver b 93 HazzardWhitiker Joseph wool sorter r 13 EnglishWhiting Jerry b 304 e 2dFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.

IF YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR TROTTING HORSEIN MOTION, CALL ON US.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.W 187Whitley Fred E of J W& Son clothiers 210 M'n r 18 e 4thJabez of W & Son clothiers 210 Main r 18 e 4thWhitman Eva dressmkr bds 312 PineWhitmore F Edson shoemkr bds 44 w 9thFrank P painter r 44 w 9thHiram M bds 44 w 9thJessie C prin dist school 7 b TiffanyvilleMary dressmkr bds 312 PineStephen boarding house 312 PineWhitney A J Mrs b 16 HarrisonG W physician 4 e 2d r 339 e ThirdJohn J r 6 Broadhead avSamuel D b 339 e ThirdWhipple Agnes R bkkpr Jamest lounge co b 14 CrescentWiborg Charles H student b 28 Footes avJacob N piano maker r 28 Footes avOscar F elk 14 e 2d b 28 MainWickfield Richard N barber 34 Main r 12 w SeventhWicks John O of W & Curtiss attorneys s e cor Mainand Second r 101 Lake View avWidrig S L carpenter b 207 SpringWight David H wks Jamest axe co b 608 e 6thJessie D axemkr " " r "Permelia R Miss nurse b "Wiggins John H physician 9 s Main r 54 AllenWilbur Aaron detective r 402 WarrenElbridge P musician r 805 n MainEmeline S widow of Elias b 504 w 3dHiram b 311 PineMartha A dressmkr b 402 WarrenWilcox Alfred capt steamer Vincent r 50 FairmountAnna widow of Amos r Lafayette bet Isabella avand w TenthA S gardener r cor Footes ave arid MartinB furn finisherbds 132 BarrowsEdward C lab r Reynolds av nr MainFrank H shoemkr Parks & Hazzard r 216 e 1stFred shoemkr b Lafay'te bet Isabella av & w 10thOUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASSWORK.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

People's Furniture Store, 13 and 15 East Third Street.188 WWilcox H Mrs domestic r 103 e ThirdHart elk b cor Footes av and MartinHiram jockey b 50 PalmerJohn L candy mkr 20 e 3d b Lafayette bet Isabellaav and w 10thMarcus A engineer Warner's mill r 715 w 4thNellie R Miss b 711 WashingtonWilkins Hannah M widow of Elisha b 44 Lake Liew avWilkinson Fred stone cutter 5 GarfieldFred Mrs weaver r 5 GarfieldWillard Archie H turner r EnglishC K market gardener EnglishFlorence L wks paper box fact e 1st b 838 MainHerbert H upholsterer Shearman b 834 LafayetteIda A bds 834 LafayetteJas barber 100 Main r 838 N MainJas Mrs hair dresser r 838 N MainJohn W contractor and brick layer r 41 EllicottLucius N furn mnfr r 663 e 6thMary R teacher high school b 663 e 6thSamuel L carpenter r 834 LafayetteVesta teacher high school bds 663 e 6thWilliams A bds 517 e Second ,; iAndrew E wks Preston's mills b 108 CrescentAugustus W carpenter b 108 CrescentCarrie Miss cook Commercial hotel w ThirdCharles tin peddler b Buffalo nr Ry trackEllen H b 504 e Fifth•:*(:Emma domestic Buffalo nr Ry trackEudora b 504 e FifthFred r 21 WalnutGeorge A tin peddler r Buffalo nr Ry trackHarlow veterinary surgeon r 532 e SecondHarriet S widow of Martin r 108 CrescentHarry painter b RaceHezekiah H elk 211 Main r 504 e FifthIsaac lab r 626 SpringKate Miss weaver e 1st b 56 w 10thFine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.

PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE CAN GIVE YOU GENUINE ARISTO-TYPES. 21 WEST 2d St.W 189Williams Monroe carpenter r 9 WebsterObediah real estate 12 w Third r 212 AllenRose M Miss dressmkr b 626 SpringSarah widow of Roswell r Footes aveWilliamson N E Mrs dressmkr r 36 CrossSamuel grocery 58 Winsor r 57 WinsorWillington Levi blacksmith Footes av r 33 MarvinWillman Augustus of W & Bro grocers 841 n Main r doWillis Rebeca Miss cook Osmer Place w ThirdWills Amelia mill hand b 127 AllenCharles butcher 215 Main r 59 footes avFred r 38 Footes avJennie, Mary and Nora weavers b 32 CentreSophia domestic 17 CollegeWilson Charles C bkkpr 131 Winsor b 421 e SecondCharles D teamster r 103 w ThirdFred H supt lumber yards 131 Winsor b 333 AllenG V tel operator postal tel 7 w 2d b 23 CrossmanHannah Mrs r 18 ShermanJennie Mrs laundress r w 2d nr WashingtonJessie Miss elk b 413 CherryJohn T saw and planing mill 131 Winsor r 421 e 2dJohn H r 23 CrossmanJ P M shoemkr r 19 w TenthKate b 29 Footes avLaura M telephone ex 101 Main b 23 CrossmanLewis H lather r 15 MambertMinnie E Miss teacher b 108 KingMark T farmer r EnglishRhoda Miss weaver b 18 ShermanRobert carpenter r 108 KingWilliam carpenter r 333 AllenWilliam W real est and loan agt r 367 Footes avWilts George C finisher b 10 BakerWiltsie Lawrence W of W & Lewis attorneys Gifford blkr 405 w SixthMorris W r 17 e Sixthcarpenter r Norton av nr limitsFRAMES, ETcHlAGS AND WATER COLORS FOR SALE ATIR UDDENde D UNIHUE'S.

Upholstering done to order at Gage's.190 WWimmet George factory hand r 33 Fenton PlaceWinchester George E teamster r 120 WilliamsL C widow of Charles r 59 Broadhead avWindsor George W oil producer r 417 Prendergast avJohn D postal elk r Ashville avJohn W farmer r Ashville avWing Pratt r 409 CherryWinsor Clinton B of Jamest bottl'g co 20 w 1st r 404 e 4thElla A artist r 507 e SecondFrank D messenger Western Union b 8 PriceHenry C carpenter and painter b 8 PriceHenry M " " r "S B Mrs r 507 e SecondWimstead Carl factory hand r 522 Newland avWinters Anna M variety store 2 Main r 11 MambertCordon teamster r 17 w FourthTheodore lab r 11 MambertWiquist Otto of W & Johnson 32 Main r 324 ForestWise Samuel carpenter b 434 MapleWolf Ella domestic 19 BarrettHelen weaver b 397 BakerLilla " b "Rose factory hand b 397 BakerWood Charles expressman r 400 ClintonElizabeth widow of Cornelius r 1037 n MainEzra Mrs r 7 CrossGeorge b 7 CrossGeorge confectionery store 61 Harrison r doJames M prop National hotel e SecondJohn W of W & McVay cigar store 16 w Thirdr 17 BarkerSamuel mgr Marvin oil co 121 M'n b 401 Prend avWilber B elk Nypano freight office r 211 CrossmanWoodard Alvin N inventor 30 s Main r 135 WarrenWoodbury Egbert E of W & Butts attorneys 11 e Thirdr 109 LincolnWooden Emily S widow of David r 1015 Prendergast avWoodford Bert elk 14 e Third b 23 BarkerGo to H. M. Gage for Furniture.

WE NEVER TAKE A BACK SEAT. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2D ST.W 191Woodford Blanche Miss artist b 319 JeffersonCaroline Mrs r 625 Prendergast avDeForest D atty 309 Main r 622 Prend avNelson S farmer and cattle dlr r 319 JeffersonWoodin Bell Mrs seamstress 62 Allen blkScott P physician 14 w 3d r 426 e 5thS E Mrs bds 426 e 5thWoods Catharine Mrs widow of Jas r 526 WinsorHenry S prop Osmer place r 413 Osmer placeJames H bds 526 WinsorMary domestic 315 e 4thMichael r 49 RathboneRoselind C bkkpr 221 Main b 49 RathboneWoodward John of Sessions & W attys 203 M'n r 328 e 4Lyman J of W & Clarke Sunday Call 12 w2d r 843 Prendergast avWoodworth Burt elk bds 52 HarrisonJ B harness mkr r 52 HarrisonMark bill poster b 52 HarrisonWorden Amos L carpenter r 210 LincolnElliott elk 340 e Third r 19 ThayerWork A Delano baker and confectioner 309 Main r doPermelia widow of Edward b 237 CrescentWretman John teamster r 15 CharlesTheodore teamster b 15 CharlesWright Albert J bkkpr Martyn Bros r 297 CrescentFrank oil producer r 508 e SecondFrank C elk 216 Main b 508 e SecondFrank W grocer 121 Main r 816 n MainMarvin hostler 18 Filmore b SteeleMary Mrs cook r RaceMat E wks Martyn Bros r 707 WashingtonR W carpenter r 37 HarrisonWarren r 701 e SecondWilliam farmer b RaceWilliam H of W & Harris barbers 200 Main r56 w TenthWunderlich Peter M shoemkr 306 Main b 29 w TenthWE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. PRUDDEN d. DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.

Windsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.192 YYale Edw r 451 BakerMary E bds 451 BakerYates Blinn with Allen Bros adv agency 108 e 3 b 331 e 3Emma A teacher bds 157 ChandlerHenry J police justice 5 w 3d r 331 e 3dJulia S teacher bds 157 ChandlerSelina Mrs r 157 ChandlerYeoman Ada dressmkr r 413 CherryYork Eli carriage mkr r 132 BarrowsGeo mill hand bds 40 TaylorJohn finisherbds 132 BarrowsYoung A bar tender National hotel bds doAggie bds 614 SpringAgnes Mrs r 500 e 5thBarbara bds " "Carrie B tailoress 206 Main b 14 LincolnCharles W tinner 10 w Third r 224 CrosbyDana M paper hanger r 512 e 6thEdward G gas fitterand plumber r 510 Prend avElizabeth widow of James M r 12 WaterElmira widow of Ira b 4 ChandlerFrank N slater b 510 Prendergast aveGeorge A wks Broadhead's b 11 w 9thJames M carpepter r 11 w 9thJessie 12 w FirstJohn axemkr r 37 HarrisonMalcom A bkkpr 211 Main b 500 e SthOlive P widow of Christian r 411 e 5thYoungs Jennie weaver b 24 HarrisonRachael weaver b 24 HarrisonRobert Rv fireman r 16 CharlesCall at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.

Manufacturers bring your Furniture Work to the GroundFloor Gallery.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.193Residing within the vicinity of and receiving mail at Jamestown.Aiken HerbertAiken A FAiken LymanAmes E WArnold JosephAyers A NBedient I ABedient IrwinBenson W HBingham ChasBitely W HBlanchard C ABlanchard E VBliss WilliamBootey SarahBraft JohnBrickett t^hasBrown A SBumpas S BBurtisHOBush Mrs LButler HMCale JessieCheney ACheney JoshuaClark D RCowing F RCowing J RClouch W HDaugherty G BDavidson J RDavis S CDouglass EdDrummy MDunton AFenton B DFrank HoraceFrank J NFuller Arad MrsFurlow G WGarfield JGarfield OtisGifford G WGifford LeviGifford ThosGriffith OpheliaHarris F EHarris M DHopkins K WHollenbeck M JHutton M W MrsJackson TJacobson D PJenner E H MrsKidder SamuelKing A NLawton F HLindquist ChasManchester EMartin AbramMattocks F JMcCullough E -;McCusker JasMcCusker MJ.'.-Meejc sephMoore A B

For Office Furniture go to H. M,194 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.(tamestowa Kusiaess lirectory<strong>1888</strong>ADVERTISING AGENCY.Allen Bros 108-110 e ThirdAGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.Vandergrift mfg oo 17 ShearmanPlaceColumbia Grain Drill 35 SteeleARCHITECTS.Coates L A 312 JeffersonLP 'Hall Aaron 301 MainTJnteisee Joseph 16.e FourthARTISTS.New York Art co 24 e 3d up stairsNorth American Photo-CopyingCo 106 e Third up stairsaxe mn'prs.Carpenter E P & co 13 TaylorJeffords Axe co e Jamestownbakers.Berg C J & co 302'e SecondClarke Geo F 17 e SecondFourl G H 10 MainEeed M 21 e 3dThe Jno H Tousley co 20 e ThirdWork A D 309 MainBAKING POWDER.Brown W S 202 MainBANKS.Chautauqua Co National n w corM'n and 2d Robert NewlandPrest Geo S Gifford CashierCity National s e cor Maih and 2dGeo W Tew Prest H W TewCashierFirst National s e cor M'n and 3dFrank E Gifford Prest EMorgan CashierJamestown National s w cor Mainand 1st Charles M Dow PrestM M Skiff CashierBARBERS.Faurot & Weigle Humphrey h'seHarris W H 300 MainHarris & Wright 200 MainHolmes J 301 MainKnorr Bros 222 "Mason S L 8 s MainPillsbury & Schone 9 s MainSchweinCF 18 e ThirdStamm Wm M 201 MainThornton V S 20 e 2dWickfield R N 34 MainWillard J W 100 " 'Weyls Joseph Sherman houseBATH HOUSES.Thomas G W on race foot of M'nThornton V S 20 e 2dWeyls Joseph Sherman houseBENDING WORKS.Bemus E H 14 SteeleBILL POSTER.Allen A E e 2d Allen HouseBILLIARD PARLORS.Barrett M 107 MainBerry & Prince 17 e 2dBriggs J S Sherman houseBurns John Brooklyn houseGarfield L Monroe houseRhinemiller James Central houseSmith A F Humphrey houseSmith Wilson Jamestown houseWood & McVay 16 w ThirdBLACKSMITHS.Dowler FK 212 e 2dGallagher & VanDusen 15 ForestGraves C A cor 2d and CowingHerby John cor w 4th & Washt'nJohnson J A nr 7 Forest aveEndless line of Book Cases at Gage's.Little & Stone 29 WashingtonOlson Lewis e 2d opp Nat'l hotelShattuck & Bender 110 e 2dWellington L e 1st

PRUDDENde DUNIHUE, PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, NO21WES1 2D ST. NEW ALLEN BLOCK.BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 195BUILDING MOVERS.BUTTER BUYERS.Cole Albert 42 w 10thCady S S 121 MainDenslow W J 551 w 3dHoyt Joel I 109 "BOAT BUILDER.Peck Dan'l 16 s "Bastian L H w 8th and Fairm't Picket F H 18 s "BOATS TO LET. Vanderburg J J 23 e 3dBastian L H w 8thCARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS.Gallivan Con Ashville avHedman C F 31 S MainEolland E 212 SteeleHerby John cor 4 & WashingtonBOILER MAKERS.Jacobson M P 122 e 2dJamest Boiler wks 8th nr boatld'g Norman A Fenton PlaceBOOK BINDERS.Watson Mfg co 300 e 2dEclipse Printing and Publishing CHAIR MANUFACTURERS.House 12 and 14 w 3d Chase & Son 24 MainMerz Martin 211 MainJamestown cane seat co 37 TaylorBOOK SELLERS." Wood " w2dAndrefen & Lundborg 117 e 2d Y W Burch & co 20 WinsorClark Bros & Tupper 11 e 3d Morgan Maddox & co 560 e 2dHarvey E S 302 MainCOMMISSION BROKERS.Hatch & Crane 10 e 3dMelhuish & co oil and stock exchange9 w 2dHatch D B 8 w 3dHazeltine G W 21 e 2dCIGAR MANUFACTURERS,Henderson & Putnam 223 Main Cole & Lewin 103 MainSears & Jagger 200 MainFette Charles 33 w 9thPalmeter Frank W 9 s Main Guenther & Son 14J e 3dBOOTS AND SHOES.—DEALERS. Walkerman Bros 2J MainFenner J R 306 MainCLERGYMEN. .Fenner N J 316 "Coyle Richard (E C) 514 CherryFrank D D 4 s "Dealey A Sydney (Episcopal) 410Ingalls G W & co 219 Main N MainLind J A 113 e 2dEllis A C (Meth Epis) 345 E 3dLines W H & S V 209 Main Frank Henry (Cong) 402 E 4thMace Wm & Son 300 Main Holmes Ludwig (Swed Luth) 552Manbert & Lager 6 s "E SecondPeterson J F 30 •'Hultgren C O (Swed Luth) 116Thayer Manley 121 w 3dChandlerWahlgren G F 9 e 2dLindstrom O F (Swed M E) 117MANUFACTURERS.—WHOLESALE. ChandlerGokey N W & Son 20 w 3d Jackson T J (col M E) SpringParks & Hazzard 131 e 1st Jones Wm (free Meth) 511 E 7BOTTLING WORKS. Rubinkam N I (Pres) 313 W 3dJamestown Bottling co 18 w 1st Townsend J G (Ind Cong) 38Jamestown Branch Magnus Beck Lake View aveBrewing co 22 e 3dThurston S (Advent) 214 WinsorMilwaukee Bottling co 104 e 2d Weiskotten S G (Eng Luth) 416BRACKETS.Gates Best O workW ThirdS 7 Forest in ave the City. Prudden & Dunihue, Photographers,2 I West Second St.Wester Axel (Swed Baptist) 115Camp

F0RJ1TURE--13 and 15 East Third Street.196 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.CLOTHING CUSTOM.DRUGGISTS.Cobb O W 220 MainGrant C W II w 2dPeterson A J & co 102 MainClark Bros & Tupper 11 e 3dHatch & Crane 10 e 3dHazeltine G W 21 e 2dProudfit Wm H 206 " Henderson & Putnam 223 MainWhitley J & Son 110 " Hult & Swanson 4 e 2dCLOTHING—READY-MADE. LawallHC18e2dAlden J B 215 Main Palmeter F W 9 8 MainMarble Hall 216-218 " Sears & Jagger 200 MainPeterson A J & co 102 " Phillips C J 9 MainProudfit WmH 206 " Wellman Bros 305 MainWhitley J & Son 210 "DRY GOODS.COAL AND WOOD.Felch Eead & co 207 MainBradshaw Wm T 12 e 1stHevenor & Bro 15 MainEndress W F 56 Footes ave Jamestown Dry Goods co Limited208 MainCONFECTIONERS.Burt D H 6 e 3dScofield & Dinsmore 205 MainClarKe Geo F 17 e 2dSharpe A D 203 MainKelly. EH 113 MainEXPRESS COMPANIES.Eees Geo M 7 e 3dAmerican Express 7 e 2dThe J H Tousley co 20 e 3dWells Fargo & co w 1stWork A D 309 MainFLORISTS.CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.Butler Sophie Miss 226 L V aveBush F B 412 WinsorDorman F A 866 MainCole Wm 3''8 WarrenSmith M K Mrs 148 Footes avEllis James S 20 Fenton PlaceSpaulding E D 315 SpringMorse C E 109 WinsorFLOURING MILLS.Peckham W G 515 e 8thGrandin D H 18 e 1stEhodes F S 4 MarvinSteele F D 5 and 7 TaylorEogerson D M 41 CollegeWeeks & Johnson 22 s MainWashburn H E 156 AllenFLOUR AND FEED.COTTON MILL.Bradshaw & co 24 e 3dJamestown 58 CentreCatlin A R & Son 17 w 2dCROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.Thomas Frank A 16 e 2dCollins J B & co 221 MainFOUNDRY AND IRON WORKS.Harris Underwood & Doering 100Clark J H w 3dMainNichols & Son 11 Shearman place, DENTISTS.Smith & Sykes 36 SteeleDanforth E H over 14 e 3dFURNITURE DEALERSJacoby Wylie 309 w 3dAldrich John J 108 MainMonijoe & Norton over 9 w 3dChase & Son 24 "Eawson & Swetland room 5 Giffordblock cor Main and 3dGage H M 13 e 3dMerz Benj 16 N MainServis B J 115 e 2dPartridge E'G 19 w 2dSmith A E over 18 MainPeterson & co 4 Brooklyn sqThurston J H 8 e 4thWest E L over 12 eElegant3dCabinets at Gage's.

CALL AND SEE SAMPLES O F ARTS TO TYPES.PR UDDENde D UNIHUE.BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 197FURNITURE MANUFACTURERSBemus E H 14 SteeleBreed Furniture co 105 WinsorBurch Y W & co 20 WinsorCarlson Samuel A S WillardChase & Son 24 Main 'Ford & Hodgkins 7 Forest avJamest'n Bedstead co 2-12 SteeleJamestown cane seat chair co 37TaylorJamestown lounge co 40 WinsorJamestown wood seat chair co w 2Lindblad Bros 7 Forest avMartyn Bros 516 w 4thMerz Benj 16 MainMorgan Maddox & co 560 e 2d-^Newman H J 13 Forest avNorquist August Chandler extNorquist C A 7 Forest avO'Connell & Quigley cor 4th andWashingtbhOlson A P & co 46 TaylorSchieldmacher & Bauer 24 MainShearman Bros 25 Shearman piSwedish furniture co 301 Harris'nWillard Lucius N WillardGENTS FURNISHERS.Alden J B 215 MainCarnahan W S 214 "Cobb O W 220 "Hulquist J A 32 "Logan & Martin 212 "Peterson A J & co 102 "Proudfit W H 206 "Whitley & Son 210 "GROCERS.Backus Chas D 342 e 2dBarry M D 845 e 2dBemus Dudley 12 e 3dBlanchard & Lawson 7 s MainCo-operative co 15 e 2dEaton P L 1001 e 2dEaton Renaldo cor Fairmountand 8thFarm D A 219 e 1stFletcher & Hall 204 MainGROCERS—CONTINUED.Hay ward O B cor 3 & Washingt' nHill L P 9 w 3dJames Henry 5 s MainJohnson Frank 110 MainJones & Howard 18 e 3dKimball P C 338 AllenKofod & co cor Barrows & WillardLjungberg A W 10 e 2dMartin H W & co 9 e 3dMatteson M E 933 e 2dMcNaughton Bros 211 MainMetcalf Bros 16 s MainMoore A L & co 714 MainPennock & Son 613 MainSampson David 209 e 2dSandberg Peter 4 WillardSandgren J 719 e 2dSedgwick W H 53 WinsorSimmons Frank 708 e 2dSkellie Walter 23 e 2dSoderholm John T, 28 MainTempleton P A H MainThomas Frank A 13 e 2dTruesdell & Hoyt 109-111 MainWeeks W J & H 18 s MainWilliamson S 58 WinsorWillman A & Bro 841 MainWright F W 121 MainGREEN GROCERIES.Bemus Dudley 12 e 3dGUNSMITHSPerry H V over 100 MainSalisbury & Solliday 11 e 2dHARDWARE.Clark & co 10 w 3dFenton Geo T 101 MainEosencrantz Elof 12 "Sprague W H 38 "Strong Gilbert 29 " basementHARNESS MAKERS AND DEALERSBootey E B & co 1 Brooklyn sqEastern E A 100 e 2dKnorr Martin 300 Main basem'ntMeredith & Hunt 105 MainPRUDDENde DUNIHUE HAVE THE BEST SKY-LIGHT INGale Thoe A 23 WinsorSheldon Wm 19 e 3dTHE ST A TE.

Elegant odd pieces of Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street.198 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.HATS AND CAPS,Alden J B 215 MainCarnahan W S 214 MainHulquist J A 32Lundquist O 10 sMarble Hall 218Whitley & Son 210 "HIDES AND PELTS.Brown John A 116 e 2d, HOTELS.Allen House Frank Walden24e2dBrooklyn House R Hnnt 5HarrisonCentral House Shaver & Babcock8-10 s MainCommercial Hotel Chas HGregory 113-115 w 3dEast Jamestown House FrankEScoville4953e2dHotel Everett Henry C Orr9-11-13 w 1stHumphrey House J W HumphreyJr cor s Main andTaylorJamestown House WilsonSmith cor 3d and PineLake House Harry Simmonsjunc w 7th and 8thMcCarthy House John Mc­Carthy w 8 opp boatland'gMonroe House Jas Monroe14 s MainNational Hotel J M Woodcor e 2d and Prend avPalace Hotel Charles Miller6e2dSherman House A M Sherman11-13 15-17-19 w 3dICE DEALERS.John ice co boatlanding andCliftonINSURANCE AGENTS.FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT.Davis Fred T r 36 MechanicEddy E E 11 e 3dHarrington AM 5 w 3dHjorth Wm 32 MainHorton Bros 118 e 3dJones John F r 231 SteeleKinkaid Jas J 219 MainMilspaw & Eddy 303 MainSmith Hiram 7 e 3dStilson Frank A 221 MainTodd Fred P & Son GiffordblockWarner Wm L 223 MainWhite A P 14 w 3dJEWELERS.Anderson S E 6 MainFuller F A Jr 213 "Langford E R 5 e 3dMason L L 217 MainScudderFL 119 "Swanson C P 16 w 2dJUNK DEALERS.Rolland John 212 SteeleSmith J G 12 w 1stKNITTING MILLS.Jamestown Knitting mills 8to 16 MainLADIES FANCY GOODS.Hatch D B 8 w 3dRowley C G Mrs room 4Breed blk e 3dLADIES FURNISHING GOODS.Gifford W P 307 MainHoyt Sidney B 301 "LAUNDRIESLee Tueng 24 MainLong John 13 e 2d alleyMarsh B G 126 SteeleRowley D 705 MainWhite E Iward 4 s MainYing Lung 13 e 2d alleyHall Racks in endless variety at Gage's.

Prudde,n & Dunihue are the Leading Photographers, Cor.Second and Cherry Sts., New Allen Block.LAWYERS.Barlow B A 217 MainBoot ?y Fowler & Weeks over36 MainBrown D S 410 LafayetteBucklin E W Jr 36 MainCheney Miles over 215 "Cameron VV S over 100 "Cook Fisher & Wade overChautauqua Co Nat BankFurlow A L over 309 MainHazeltine A 219 "Hill N H over 11 e 3dJenks A Frank over 14 w 3dJones C BKinney J J over 215 MainLewis N D over 16 e 3dLockwood & Peterson 20 e 2dMarvin R P 111 w 2dMoore J Robert 100 MainOlson Olof A 214 "Pardee M W . 221 "Peckham V E 223 "Pickard & Brightman 213 "Sessions Frank E room 7 GiffordblockSessions & Woodward 203MainShaw Robert G PrendergastblockSheldon Green Stevens &Benedict Prendergast blockWicks & Curtiss over CityNational bankWiltsie & Lewis Gifford blke3dWoodbury & Butts over 11 e 3Woodford D D over 309 MainLEATHER FINDINGS.Gilbert S B Prendergast blkLIBRARIES.Harvey E S circulating library203 MainCity library Y M C A roomse3dBUSINESS DIRECTORY. 199LIVERY, SALE & FEED STABLESAnderson Chas foot TaylorArnold Geo T 18 w 3dBerry J D Pine bet 2d and 3dEdmonds Bros 19 Taylor and211 CherryGron Bros 100 e 2dHayward & Peterson Washingtonbet 2d and 3dJones J H cor 3d and SpringMansfield P H 106 w 4thMcLean Bros nr cor Bakerand s MainRogers Gilbert 27 Washingt'nHardenburg H e 2d opp NationalhotelStillwell Fred S e 2dLOAN ASSOCIATIONS.Chautauqua First EquitableBldg society Gifford blkJamestown Permanent Loanand Bldg ass'n over 11 e 3National Building, Loan andProtective Union 38 MainLOUNGE MANUFACTURERS.Jamestown Lounge co 40WinsorMartyn Bros 516 w 4thShearman Bros 25 ShearmanplaceLUMBERMEN,Carter A D w 8th nr boatlandingFenton M L over City Nat'lBankHammond L 65 Footes avJones Solomon 1009 e 2dPeterson & Bush 706 e 2dWarner L B BakerWilson John T 131 WinsorMACHINE SHOPS.Clark J H e 3dMaher Patrick 20 TaylorNichols & Son 9 Shearman piPal meter Samuel nr BakerSmith & Sykes 36 SteelePRUDDEN de DUNIHUE MAKE THE ONLY GENUINEARISTOTYPE.

Fine Dining Room Furniture, 13 and 15 East Third Street,200 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.MARBLE DEALERS.Cook & Fish 122 w 3dReynolds H F cor Baker andForest aveSturdevant E A 6 Brooklyn sqMARKET GARDENS.Gordon Fred L 1091 e 2dMATTRFSS MANUFACTORIES.Blystone W I 14 SteeleHimebaugh Bros 22 SteeleMartyn Bros 516 w 4thNewman H J 13 Forest aveFord blkMEAT MARKETS.Ekback August 29 s MainFairbanks W J 615 n MainGardner & Loucks 215 MainGelm John P 11 e 2dGrant & Fisher 2 Brooklyn sqJohnson & Sirrine 951 e 2dLammers G H 322 MainRoot H 3 s MainSellstrom Fabian 17 e 3dSimmons L 701 n MainSolomonson Andrew 628 e 2dSwanson & Lawson 340 e 3dMILLINERY.Barker & Partridge 302 MainBartlett N P Mrs 102 e 3dBennett E A Miss 319 MainDurfee E R Mrs 318 "Hevenor & Bro 15 "Howard C T Mrs 101 CherryHoyt Sidney B 301 MainJamestown Dry Goods colimited 208 MainHaller L A Miss 115 e 2dLawson May Mrs 115 s MainMelin S E Mrs 104 e 3dRowley C G Mrs 102 e 3dShortell Nellie Miss 209 MainThatcher M E Mrs 100 e 3dMUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,Ahlstrom C A 112 e 2dBrown Bros 110 e 3dFord & Relf 6 w 3dNEWS DEPOT.Brown G K & Co 119 MainBurlin News co 8 e 3dHarvey E S 302 MainNEWSPAPERS.Agitator over ] 6 e 3—weeklyChautauqna Democrat 12 w2d—weeklyDaily Morning News 5 w 1stJamestown Evening Journal14 w 2d—daily and weeklyJamestown Standard 29 Main—weeklySunday Sun 29 Main—weeklyWart Nya Hem (Our NewHome over 13 e 2—weekly. OILS.Marvin Oil co Allen blk corMain and 2dPAINTS AND CILS.Holmes, Dunn & co 304 M'nSchultz Edwin 36 MainSimmons & Prosser 12 e 2dPAINTERS, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL.Holmes, Dunn & co 304 M'nKelly D H 215 FultonMoon Fred 107 MainRhode E O 36 "Tideman L H 120 e 3dPAPER BOX FACTORY.White Chas G e 1stPATENT MEDICINE MANFRS.Shedd W D cor Cherry & 2dVandergrift W K 10 w 1st"PHOTOGRAPHERS.Camp A N 207 MainFenton & Andruss 4 Forest avLuce F B over 309 MainNelson August 208 e 2dPrudden & Dunihue 21 w 2dSkutt A J 10 e 3dStill man R S rr 335 e 2dThayer Manley 119 w 3dChamber Suits a specialty at Gage's.

YOU WILL GET YOUR WORK WHEN PROMISED.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE 21 WEST 2D St.BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 201PHOTOGRAPHERS SUPPLIES.PIANO TUNERS.American Aristotype co (aristotypes)110 e 3dJ N 108 e 3dBrown F L 108 e 3dPHYSICIANS.Georgi Geo A 148 ForestArmstrong Mary A 12 e 3d Kohlbacher Geo 110 Harris'nAsping C J L 18 e 2d Luxton Denning D 108 e 3dBarnes T L 211 Prend avePLUMBERS.Bemus Wm Marvin over 10 Berry C A 9 Maine3dConway & Chatfield 107 e 3dBemus W P 10 e 3dDavy Jas 11 e 2d basementBlanchard A F 34 Main Smith John F e 1stBlanchard R N 4 e 2d Tew Harvey W 112 e 3dCheney Nelson 308 WarrenPLUSH MILLS.Diekson Weldon A 2 e 2d Jamestown plush mills JonesHall H P 5 w 3dand Gifford aveHazeltine Laban room 1 GiffordblkPRINTEES, BOOK AND JOB.Hazeltine G W 21 e 3d Bergwall J A 4 w 3dJones G B 212 MainBrooks E A 29 MainLittlefield J Dana 216 Main Eclipse Printing House 12 andLivingston A T 104 e 2d 14w3dFH&WAWhiteMyers A E room 8 Gifford blk Knapp F A over 211 MainNeville H & Mrs A J 322 M'n Tiffany Geo H over 16 e 3dOrmes Frank D 320 Main Walker & Thomas 7 e 1stPalmer M R 23 e 3dREAL ESTATE AGENTS.Peterson E M 5 w 3d Ahrens Geo H 203 MainPhillips C J 9 s Main Crossman & Price 116 e 3dRecord A H 4 e 2dDewey J & A D 11 e 3dScott J W room 10 Gifford Fenton M L 2 e 2dblockGriggsRC7 w3dTowle J J over 9 w 3d Smith Sydney Smith blk sWard A F Allen blk w 2d MainWaterhouse Ai 5 e 2d Upham J W 215 MainWiggins J H 9 s Main Wilson W W over 11 e 3dWhitney G W 4 e 2d Williams O 12 w 3dWoodin Scott P 14 w 3d •RESTAURANTS.PICTURE FRAMES, ETC. Chamberlain Harry 22 e 3dAldrich J J 108 Main Cox Wm J 16 w 1stMayhewEC117 "Jones R B 14 e 3dMerz Benj 16Miller Chas 6 e 2dPartridge E G 19 w2d Reed M 21 e 3dVanDusen Bros 120 e 3d Smith Chas 109 e 3dWard J H 13 w 2dWork A D 309 MainPIANO MANUFACTURERS. ROOF PAINT.—ASBESTOS.Ahlstrom Chas A 112 e 2d Hibbard & Kimball 300 M'nBrown WE NEVER Julius TAKE N 110 A e BACK 3d SEAT. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE,PHOTOGRAPHERS, 21 WEST 2D ST.

Call at Gage's and see the "Economy" Wall Desk.202 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.Bauer Fred 22 e 3dBerry & Prince 17 e 2dCluney T T 15 e 3dDowns Bros 219 MainGuenther John A 124 e 2dJones R B 14 e 3dMonroe James 14 s MainMoynihan C & P 117 MainSchmidt Chris 30 MainSASH, DOORS AND BLINDS.Carter A D 8th nr boatland'gGates O S 7 Forest av FordblockJohnson J D 26 MainPeterson & Bush 706 e 2dWilson John T 131 WinsorSECOND HAND STORES.Peterson C & co 4 BrooklynsquareRobertson W H 108 e 2dSHIRT MANUFACTORY.Logan & Martin 212 MainSHOOTING GALLERY.Burns R H 20 e 2dSPRING BED MNFRS.Newman H J 7 Forest aveFord blkHimebaugh Bros 14 SteeleTABLE MNFRSFord & Hodgkins 7 Forest avOlson A P & Co 46 TaylorMorgan Maddox & Co 560 e"SecondTEA STORES.Brown W S New York Teastore 202 MainLillibridge Geo and F G CentralPacific Tea co 219'- WashingtonTELEGRAPH COMPANIES.Postal Tel and Cable co 119MainWestern Union Tel co 9 w 2dFine Parlor Suits at Gage's.TELEPHONE EXCHANGE.N Y & P Telephone and Telegraphco Allen blk MainTERRY MILLS.Hetchner Wayte & Babcock113 Footes avTICKET BROKERS.Barrett M 107 MainOeobock C S 14 w 1stUNDERTAKERS.Partridge E G 19 w 2dReed L C 108 MainVanDusen Bros 120 e 3dVETERINARY SURGEONS.Bender Robert 104 e 2dHunt Frank 115 e 3dMeredith Thos 105 MainWilliams H 532 e 2dWALL PAPER AND DECORATIONSLindbeck Bros 6 MainMayhew E C 117 MainSimmons & Prosser 12 e2dWard J H 13 w 2dWeaver C M 1 MainWINES AND LIQUORS.Grover E B 16 e 3dHart & Fenner 111 e 2dHineman Louis 12 e 3dJohnson R H 8 e 2dMurray A W 34 MainPuzey N 12 s MainStratton & Hunt 18 n MainLinnander Victor 19 e 2dWOOD TURNERS.Johnson W A 46 TaylorOlson A P & co 48 TaylorWOOLEN MILLS.Jamestown woolen mills Winsornr Ry trackWORSTED MILLS.Broadhead Wm & Sons e 1stHall Wm & Co Harrison

WE GUARANTEE OU3 WORK. PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE GROUNDFLOOR GALLERY.CITY GOVERNMENT. 203CITY GOVERNMENT.—<strong>1888</strong>.Mayor—Oscar F. Pricf, elected for two years. Office,Main, cor. E. Second.Clerk—Robert G. Shaw, elected for two years. Salary,$500. Office in Council Chamber, Prendergast Block.Treasurer—Henry Rappole, elected for two years. Sabary, $1,000. Office over 107 Main streetCOMMON COUNCIL,.—(Elected for two years.)President. Oscar F. Price ex-officio.1st Ward. Adam Ports, John G. Wicks.2d Ward. Wm. D. Sliedd, Theodore E. Grandin.3d Ward. James S. Ellis, Robert Bryan.4th Ward. Conrad A. Hult, Halbert A. Barrows.5th Ward. Frank B. Bush, Samuel Briggs.Regular meetings every Monday evening at 7:30.STANDING COMMITTEES.Finance and Auditing Accounts and Claims—Shedd, Ports,Barrows, Bryan and Bush.Fire Dept and General Supplies—Wicks, Grandin, Briggs.Buildings—Ellis, Ports and Bush.Ordinances, Rules and Printing—Barrows, Shedd and HultSidewalks, Crosswalks, Pavements and Sewers—Ports,Shedd, Ellis, Hult and Briggs.Bridges, and matters pertaining to Opening, Widening andExtending Streets and Alteration of the same—Briggs, Grandinand Barrows.Public Lamps and City Lighting and Fire Hydrants—Grandin, Briggs, Barrows, Wicks and Bryan.Grievances and Police Services—Bryan, Wicks and Ports.City Property—Hult, Bryan and Wicks,Highway Work—Bush, Hult and Ellis.Commissioners of Excise—Henry V. Perry, Levi Johnsonand John Bauer ; one member elected annually by the people.Attorney—Arthur C. Wade. Salary, $500; elected by theCommon Council for one year.Street Commissioner—Geo. W.Jones. Salary, $800; electedby the Common Council for one year.Engineer—Geo. W. Jones. Salary, |200; elected by theCommon Council for one year.Justices of the Peace—Fees. DeForest D. Woodford, EgbertE Woodbury and Donald S. Brown.Overseer of the Poor—Nicholas Arend.Assessors—John W. Johnson, James C. Sampson and JohnM. Farnham. Salary, $3.00 per day, not to exceed $150 annually,each.Sealer of Weights and Measures—Schuyler R. Smith. Fees.Supervisor 1st, 2d and 5th Wards—John Woodward.Supervisor 3d and 4th Wards—John J. Aldrich.OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST FOR FIRST CLASSW0RK.PRUDDEN & DUNIHUE.

204 STREETS AND AVENUES.STREETS AND AVENUES.Allen from term s Main e and n e tocity limitsAlpaca from Chandler s to RyAnderson from Palmer n to Jones avPppleyard Place from Centre eArnold from footes av e to HebnerAshville av from Boatlanding Bridgew to city limitsBaker from Brooklyn sq s w tocitv lineBarker froiL Broadhead av e to FootesBarrett from Baker s to Forest avBarrows from King n e to AllenBowen from e 2d nBriggs from Institute e to Footes avBroadhead av from junc with Warrens to Park PlaceBuffalo from M ain e and s e to limitsBush from Winsor n e to ThayerCamp from Footes av e to EnglishCarroll from w 4th s w to Fairmount avCatlin av from Ashville av sCeDtre from Chandler s to HarrisonChamplin from e 2d n w to tlaywardChandler from junc e 2d e to Win.-orChapin from Willard nCharles from Newland av n to BakerCheney from e 2d s e to term Scott;Cherry from w 1st n to w SthChurch from e 2d n to e ftthCleveland av from Ashville av sCleveland Place from w 7th n to 8thClinton from w 2d n to Isabella avColfax from Newland av n to BakerCollege from e 2d s to RyCowden av from Barrett w to Charles. Cowing from e 2d n w to HaywardCrane from Footes av e to Centre

Thayer from e 2d n w to FalconerTower from Willard s e to EnglishWalnut from Camp n to GarfieldWarren from junction with Allen andProspect s to oity limitsWashington from w 1st n to w 8thWater from Footes av n to N'th WaterWaterman from Footes av eWeeks from e 2d nWescott from Willard nFIRE HYDRANTS. 205West 4th from M'n w to Monroe thencen w to BoatlandingWest 5th fr'm Main w to Fairmount av" 6th from Main w to w 4th" 7th from Main w to w 4th" 8th from Main w to Fairmount av" 9th from Main w to Marvin" 10th from Main w to Lafayette"Willard from Winsor e to city limitsWilliams from Steele s to BakerWest 1st from LOCATION Main w to Ry OP FIRE Willow HYDRANTS.from Willard n" 2d from Main w and n w to BoatlandingbridgeWinsor from Lake View av s e to AllenWilson from King s to ArnoldWest 3d from Main wWhitley av from Steele n to Ashville avN E cor First and CherryN W cor First and MainFirst St opp Broadhead Worsted MillsFirst St 100 ft E of Parks & Hazzard'sS E cor Second and WashingtonN W cor Second and MainS W cor Second and PineN E cor Second and S ringS E cor Second and InstituteN E cor Second and ThirdN W cor Second and FourthS E cor Second and CrossN W cor Second and WinsorN E cor Second and BowenN E cor Second and StoweN E cor Second and Jeffords PlaceN W cor Second and BuffaloN E cor Second and CowingEast side of Buffalo St North of bridgeS E cor Fairmount ave and EighthN E cor Fairmount ave and FifthSouth side of Third St at Third St extS E cor Third and ClintonS E cor Third and LafayetteSE cor Third and WashingtonS W cor Third and CherryS W cor Third and MainS W cor Third and PineS W cor Third and SpringS W cor Fourth and MainS W cor Fourth and PineS W cor Fourth and SpringS E cor Fourth and Prendergast aveS side of 4th bet Prend av and ChurchS E cor Fourth and ChurchN W cor Fifth and ClintonN W cor Fifth and LafayetteN W cor Fifth and WashingtonN E cor Fifth and CherryJunction Spring Tenth Cor Seventh N W E Water cor bet Tenth Ninth Rathbone Sixth Street Fifth Seventh Main Marvin and Eighth and Eighth opp Winsorand PineMain Marvin FultonLake MonroeLincoln Prendergast Lafayette Cherry Main Crossman and Marvin View Pine avavCor Bush and ThayerCor Falconer and WeeksS E cor Crossman and Prendergast avS E cor Crossman and Lake View avS W cor Kent and MainS E cor Price and Prendergast avN E cor Price and Lake View avJunction Lake View av and WinsorS W cor Chandler and CentreS W cor Chandler and CrossS E cor Chandler and WinsorW side Main at Stone BridgeBrooklyn SquareS E cor Steele and BarrettS side Steele W of Columbia Drill wksJunction of Barrett and BakerS W c r Barrett and ForestS W cor forest and CharlesS E oor Foiest and ColfaxS E cor Forest av and Fenton PlaceE side Forest av S of W C J Hall houseN E cor Forest av and Prospect avTaylor opp Cane Seat Chair FactoryS E cor Main aud HarrisonS E cor Main and ProspectE side Prospect midway bet Main andProspect avE side Prospect opp center Prospect avN E cor Warren and BakerS E cor Warren and MechanicN E cor Warren and KidderS E cor Harrison and InstituteN E cor Harrison and Footes avN side Harrison E of CentreN side Harrison at Jamest Worst MillsS W cor Harrison and WinsorS W cor Allen and InstituteS E cor Allen and Footes avN E cor Allen and ShermanCrescent Fulton Kinney Cor Boatlanding Steele N Junction S side E W Barrett Charles King cor cor S 600 bet Barrows Footer Warren Footes Willard End Main 600 Allen and ft English and W ft Ellicott of N A and bet lien av End E Cowd» Iron and of Cowden Allen of Rathbone Knglish Eighth Maple and of Barker WinsorPeterson Willow Bridge ArnoldCrane Campand WillardPark and Winsor Willard

Finest line of Side Boards in the City at Gage's.206 FIRE WARDS AND ALARMS.FIRE WARDS AND ALARMS.First Ward—1 stroke of the Bell—Embracing all territoryin said city lying within the following described limits: Beginningat a point in the center of the highway known asMain and Second streets, and running thence easterly alongthe center of Second street to the center of Winsor street;thence northwesterly along the center of Winsor street to thecenter of Lake View avenue ; thence northerly and northwesterlyalong the center of Lake View avenue to the centerof Main street; and thence southerly along the center ofMain street to the place of beginning.Second Ward—2 strokes of the Bell—Embracing all territoryin said city lying west of the center of Mai'-i street andnorth of the center of the outlet of Chautauqua Lake.Third Ward—3 strokes of the Bell—Embracing all territoryin said city lying south of the outlet of ChautauquaLake and west of the center of Main street, and west andsouth of the center of Allen street to its intersection withFootes avenue, and west of the center of Footes avenue lo thesouth bounds cf said city.Fourth Ward—4 strokes of the Bell—Embracing all territoryin said city lying south of the center of the outlet ofChautauqua Lake and east of the center of Main street to itsintersection with Allen street, and northeast of the center ofAllen street to its intersection with Footes avenue, and eastof the center of Footes avenue from its intersection withAllen street to the south bounds of said city.Fifth Ward—5 strokes of the Bell—Embracing all territoryin said city lying north of the center of the outlet ofChautauqua Lake, and east of a line commencing in thecenter of Main street at a point where Main street crosses thecenter of the outlet of Chautauqua Lake, and running thencenortherly along the center of Main street to the center ofSecond street; thence easterly along the center of Secondstreet to the center of Winsor street; thence northwesterlyalong the center of Winsor street to the center of Lake Viewavenue ; thence northerly and northwesterly along the centerof Lake View avenue to the center of Main street; andthence northerly along the center of Main street to the northbounds of said city.T. T. CpNEY, Chief Engineer.H. L. Phillips, Assistant Chief Engineer.Wm. S. Bailey, Secretary and Treasurer.Geo. R. Steirly, Janitor.^Windsor Folding Beds, H. M. Gage, Sole Agent.

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