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Towards Inclusive DemocraciesIncreasing <strong>Gender</strong> Equalityin Political Parties

Towards Inclusive DemocraciesIncreasing <strong>Gender</strong> Equalityin Political Parties

Netherlands Institute for Multiparty DemocracyIntroductionThe Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy(NIMD) is a democracy assistance organization thatpromotes the deepening of democracy throughinterparty dialogue and capacity strengthening ofpolitical parties. Based in the Netherlands, NIMDworks with over 200 political parties in more than 20sexual orientation or ethnic background. However,many political parties across the globe structurallyexclude marginalized groups. As a result, the politicalrepresentation, participation and leadership ofwomen, young people, and members of indigenousand other groups remain low.countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the MiddleEast and South Caucasus. Together with the politicalparties and our local implementing partners, wecontribute to inclusive and stable political systems inthese countries.That is why gender and diversity are important focalpoints in NIMD’s work. Through our programmeswe aim to contribute to the active participation of allgroups in society and the equal distribution of powerand influence between women and men.In order to build inclusive democracies, both womenand men need to be meaningfully involved in politicalparties, regardless of their age, gender, religion,This <strong>brochure</strong> describes our work on gender equalityin political parties and party systems.There can be no deep democracywithout the inclusion and equalparticipation of all men and women

Netherlands Institute for Multiparty DemocracyDiversity: thekey to inclusivedemocraciesNIMD’s guiding principlesImpartialityOur approach is non-partisan. We are not affiliated with any political denomination and work with allparties across the political spectrum.Diversity is the key to building inclusive democracies,and is inextricably linked to gender equality. This iswhy NIMD has adopted diversity as one of the fiveprinciples to guide its work. We include a gender anddiversity perspective in the design, monitoring andevaluation of each of our country programmes.In our experience, it is not enough to promote a seatat the table for women. In order to really achieveinclusiveness, it is also important to work on nationallegislation, to work with political parties on theirinternal party regulations and, last but not least,foster an open political culture. This means ensuringthat unwritten rules and practices that excludewomen and other groups from participating in thepolitical arena are addressed.<strong>Gender</strong> refers to the sociallyconstructed(rather thanbiologically-determined) rolesassigned to women and men, andthe relationships between men andwomen in society.<strong>Gender</strong> equality implies thatwomen and men enjoy the samestatus, have equal opportunitiesto contribute to national, political,social, cultural and economicdevelopment, and benefit from theresults.InclusivenessWe provide a platform for discussion for both ruling and opposition parties. All parties take part inthe dialogue with an equal voice.DiversityWe encourage the equal participation and representation of marginalized groups and empowerrepresentatives of these groups to take part in the policy-making process.Local ownershipOur programmes are locally set and owned and reflect local demands. We work with our partnerson an equal basis.Long-term commitmentPolitical transformation, building trust and strengthening political parties takes time. Therefore, weinvest in long-lasting relationships with our local partners and political parties.Diversity refers to a state inwhich all people are accepted andrespected, regardless of their age,gender, health status, religion,ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Towards Inclusive Democracies: Increasing <strong>Gender</strong> Equality in Political PartiesNetherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy<strong>Gender</strong> and diversity inpolitical party assistancePercentage of women in national parliamentsSource: Inter Parliamentary Union, May 2014In any democracy, political parties make decisionsThe global gender gap in politicsthat affect people’s lives. In a well-functioningdemocracy, political parties represent the interests oftheir electorates and transform people’s needs andDespite the existence of international conventionsand legal frameworks that guarantee women’spolitical rights, the number of women active in42.1%25.7%aspirations into policy action.politics remains low.Nordic countriesAmericasIn an inclusive democracy, political parties activelyIn fact, while affirmative action initiatives havenurture a political culture in which all citizens areachieved remarkable results, and while some politicalfree to speak, where no individual or group isexcluded from policy conversations, and where awide range of interests and needs are respected andparty reforms have been undertaken, on averagejust 22 percent of all members of parliament aroundthe world today are women. In many countries, this23.7% 22.9%19%accommodated.figure is even lower.Rest of EuropeSub-Saharan AfricaAsiaHowever, political parties often struggle to fulfil theirThe status of women in politics is a reflection ofroles in making inclusive democracies work. Theirthe level of gender equality in society. If no directinternal structures and financing may be less thantransparent, or their party cultures may be based onaction is taken to improve gender equality, it will takedecades to close the global gender gap in politics.17.8%13.4%elite, masculine or discriminatory modes of politics.Arab statesPacific

Towards Inclusive Democracies: Increasing <strong>Gender</strong> Equality in Political PartiesNetherlands Institute for Multiparty DemocracyWhat causes inequalities in thepolitical arena?Inequalities between men and women are causedwomen and members of marginalized groupsPolitical experience and<strong>Gender</strong> stereotypingViolence andby deeply-rooted and normative gender beliefs,from entering politics, and from seeking leadershipwork-family conflictdiscriminationwhich are then embedded in economic, politicalpositions within political parties.and cultural structures. These structures discourageDue to gendered workWhen women are consideredCases of gender-baseddivisions and a lack of accesspurely as ‘caregivers’, itpolitical violence andto affordable care services,also implies that politicsharassment againstPolitical parties’<strong>Gender</strong>-blind politicalLack of finance forwomen can experienceis something that onlypoliticians, candidates andinternal democracy andagendas and policywomen as candidateschallenges in complyingmen can handle. Evencivil society organizationsculturemakingwith their responsibilities inwhen nominated orare common. While allthe professional and privateelected to political posts,women are exposed toBecause political partiesPolitical parties do not haveAlthough a growing numberspheres. For example,women are often confinedgender discrimination,formulate their own rulesthe capacity or politicalof countries are now inparty meetings and otherto administrative andother characteristics suchand procedures for theinterest to include the needsthe process of adoptingevents often run until lateoperational roles, or assignedas race, age, ethnicity,recruitment and selectionof marginalized groups. Andlegislation that specificallyin the evening, therefore‘feminine’ topics such assexual orientation andof candidates for elections,outside the formal structureaddresses funding issuesdiscouraging womenhealth and education.religion can also play a roleparties’ decision-makingof parliament (which is oftenand promotes women’swith young children fromin determining access tobodies are not only highlypolarized and dominated bypolitical presence, womenparticipating. In addition, inpolitical resources and rights.influential in the electoralthe ruling party) there is littlecandidates often do notmany countries women haveprocess, but also definespace for open dialogue onreceive equitable financialbeen underexposed to publicthe political agenda and itspriorities. Women continueto be under-represented andexcluded from these higherlevels of power.issues of diversity, genderequality or women’s politicalempowerment.support from their parties.They are also not as wellpositionedas their malecolleagues to raise moneyfor campaigns.debate and the practicesof opposition and dealmaking. This is often usedas an excuse not to select orpromote women for politicalleadership positions.<strong>Gender</strong> stereotypesare not true, butconstructs of powerthat can be broken down

Towards Inclusive Democracies: Increasing <strong>Gender</strong> Equality in Political PartiesHow do we work?AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR POLITICAL PARTIESCHANGING THE RULESOF THE GAMESTIMULATING ANINCLUSIVE CULTUREPolitical parties can only take up their role if thepolitical system and environment allow them todo so. If the rules of the game are not clear or thesystem is not open to all parties, the democracy willremain weak. So there need to be gender sensitiverules and regulations.At the same time, inclusive democratic systemsTherefore, NIMD works simultaneously with politicalsystems, cultures and actors. Our activities arecentred around three strategies:• Changing the rules of the game (system-level)• All players at the policy-making table (actor-level)• Stimulating an inclusive culture (culture-level)All the levels and strategies are linked with each<strong>Gender</strong> sensitive rulesRESPONSIVE AND POLICY BASED POLITICAL PARTIESINCLUSIVEAND STABLEPOLITICAL SYSTEMSALL PLAYERS AT THEPOLICY-MAKING TABLECapacity strengtheningmarginalized groupsRespect formarginalizedgroupsENHANCED DEMOCRATIC VALUES OF POLITICAL ACTORScannot function without political parties andother (Figure 1). This multi-level approach is uniquedemocratic individuals. In other words, there need toand makes it possible for NIMD to really make abe political actors with democratic skills and valuesdifference in political party assistance and genderwho show respect for marginalized groups and theirequality.rights. And political parties have to know how theycan formulate policies around gender and diversity.Sometimes you have to make an extraeffort to make sure that women areand stay includedNIMD’s overall objectiveNIMD’s key objectives. Theseobjectives are within NIMD’ssphere of influence anddirectly influence the overallobjectiveNIMD’s key interventionstrategies on gender anddiversity

Towards Inclusive Democracies: Increasing <strong>Gender</strong> Equality in Political PartiesRegional exchanges and peer-to-peer learningEvery country has a unique and complex history,But there are also similarities and lessons learnedthat can be very useful for peers in other countries.Changing the rules ofthe gameAffirmative action inpractice in Kenyaculture and political heritage when it comes toNIMD regularly organizes peer-learning eventsgender and diversity issues. Therefore a detailedand exchange visits across and within regions. ByIt is important that politicians understand andIn 2003, NIMD set up the Centre for Multipartyunderstanding of local contexts is the basis on whichbringing politicians, government officials, civil societychallenge the mechanisms, practices andDemocracy in Kenya (CMD Kenya) towe design our programmes.representatives and women’s rights activists together,stereotypes that perpetuate inequalities betweenimplement its programme. CMD Kenya is awe inspire them and stimulate learning and action.men and women in the political arena. In ourpolitical party dialogue platform. Its activitiesexperience, interparty dialogue can contribute torange from advocacy to facilitating dialogue andthis. Therefore, NIMD facilitates dialogue processesoffering direct support to the political partiesbetween parties and encourages them to cooperatewho are a member.The role of women in peace processes andconflict resolution: The Dutch NationalAction Plan 1325on gender and diversity issues. The dialogueplatform can be either formal or informal, but themain goal is to provide a safe environment wherethe political parties can get to know each other,build trust, and formulate viable policy alternatives toensure the political participation of women and otherOne of the key themes within the platform isthe role of women in Kenyan politics. The CMDplatform has initiated several proposals toreduce formal barriers for women. The mostnotable process was the development of theBy signing The Dutch National Action PlanCouncil Resolution 1325 – NIMD has mademarginalized groups.new Constitution in 2010, where the NIMD– an initiative of three Dutch governmenta commitment to respecting women’s rights,programme lobbied for the inclusion of anministries, four research institutions, thecontributing to the equal participation of menaffirmative action provision for women.Dutch <strong>Gender</strong> Platform WO=MEN and overand women in peace negotiations and post-30 civil society organizations and women’sconflict reconstruction, and supporting localThe lobby was successful: Kenya’s newgroups to implement United Nation Securitywomen and their organizations.Constitution includes a strong Bill of Rights,ensures the participation of ethnic minorities,and stipulates that not more than two-thirds ofthe members of elective or appointive bodiescan be of the same gender.The new Constitution was a major victory for thewomen of Kenya, especially for those aspiringto take up a political role.

Strengthening womenin political parties inColombiaAll players at thepolicy-making tableStimulating aninclusive cultureRaising gender issues onthe national agenda inGuatemalaIn Colombia, violence against women hasThe second strategy in NIMD’s approach isAll our activities contribute to a more democraticThe conservative ‘macho’ culture in Guatemalaincreased considerably in recent years.empowering representatives of marginalizedculture where the rights of marginalized groupsdoes not allow much space for women’sAccording to the newspaper El Tiempo, everygroups to become active participants at the policy-are protected. The dialogue platforms lead to newpolitical participation. NIMD’s programme insix hours a Colombian woman is abused duemaking table. In Latin America, Africa and the Southlaws and legislation, but they also make the politicalGuatemala supports the Forum of Politicalto the armed conflict in the country, and a dailyCaucasus Region, for example, we empower femaleparties aware of their own rules and barriers. OnParties (FPP), a multiparty dialogue platform.average of 245 women are victims of somecandidates during elections and provide trainingactor level, NIMD builds parties’ capacity to analyzeSpecifically, we have made resourcestype of violence. While there has been very littlein political skills, media engagement, networkingcitizens’ interests and needs. Parties can then bringavailable for the activities of the Commissiondocumentation of the violence used to impedeand political campaigning. We do that in closethese analysis to the policy-making table to changeon Full Citizenship for Women, or Women’swomen’s participation in politics in Colombia,collaboration with women’s wings and electoralthe rules of the game and the political culture in theirCommission, which aims to advance womenviolence against female leaders of socialcommittees. The result is an increase in the numbercountry.in politics and leadership, independent ofmovements is common.of women, young people and ethnic representativespartisan ideologies.on electoral lists, and more diverse legislatures.In addition to the activities described above, NIMDSince 2011 UNDP, NIMD and International IDEAalso sets up and facilitates democracy schools. InWomen’s civil society organizations inhave worked with women and political partiesIn Honduras we have set up an NIMD PoliticalEgypt, Georgia, Tunisia, Guatemala, El SalvadorGuatemala have long been pushing for ain Colombia via the Democratic StrengtheningAcademy that provides career development forand Indonesia, diversity and gender sensitivity arespecial law to punish the killing of women, orprogramme. At the individual level, this workfemale politicians. We have also set up a monitoringexplicitly included in the curriculum. This is reflectedfemicide. Guatemala has the highest femicidehas included supporting the nominationsystem to track their contributions to gender-sensitivein the topics that are discussed and in the mixedrate in Latin America: between 2000 andof candidates, the promotion of women inpolicies and legislation.composition of the teachers.2012 over 5000 women were murdered. Withlegislative benches and commissions, and thethe support of NIMD’s political analysis andcreation of meeting spaces for elected womenIn Kenya, Colombia and Tunisia, NIMD providestechnical support, the Women’s Commissionand social organizations. More than 1500technical support to political parties to assessworked with civil society and women’s groupswomen took part in these activities.and reform their internal rules and regulations. Inin the drafting of a law against femicide. Afterparticular, we encourage male leaders to reforma long and intense dialogue process, theThe political parties received technical supportdiscriminatory internal party rules and regulations.law was approved in 2008. It contributed toto assess and reform their internal rules andsensitizing Guatemala’s political culture to thisregulations.important gender issue.

Towards Inclusive Democracies: Increasing <strong>Gender</strong> Equality in Political PartiesSharing our approachand experiencesDiversity is the key to building inclusive democracies,and is inextricably linked to gender equality. We haveadopted gender and diversity as the thematic focusof our knowledge and innovation agenda for thecoming years. This means that it is a priority topic inour monitoring and evaluation activities. It also meansinvesting in diversity within our own organization andfurther sensitizing the staff on this issue.With this pragmatic ‘learning-by-doing’ attitude, weare committed to further expand our knowledgeand innovate our strategies to translate the complexissues of gender-equality and diversity into politicalparty assistance in order to support our localpartners in their political quest for more inclusive andstable democracies.NIMD is always open to new partnerships, linkagesand political networks. Please contact us if you toowould like to discuss and share experiences orexplore possible future collaborations.

Netherlands Institute for Multiparty DemocracyPassage 312511 AB, The HagueThe Netherlandsinfo@nimd.orgwww.nimd.org

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