I CHAPTER IX - Government of Haryana

I CHAPTER IX - Government of Haryana

I CHAPTER IX - Government of Haryana


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THE HARYANA CIVIL SERVICES RULESVOLUME IPART – I<strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>IX</strong>- JOINING TIME CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH ADMISSIBLEExisting Rules Modified Rules Remarks<strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>IX</strong>- JOINING TIMECONDITIONS UNDER WHICHADMISSIBLE<strong>CHAPTER</strong> <strong>IX</strong>- JOINING TIMECONDITIONS UNDER WHICHADMISSIBLE9.1 Joining time may be granted to 9.1 Joining time may be granted to No change.<strong>Government</strong> employee to enable him-(a) to join a new post either at the sameor a new station, without availing himself<strong>of</strong> any leave on relinquishing charge <strong>of</strong>his old post;(b) to join a new post in a new station onreturn from -<strong>Government</strong> employee to enable him-(a) to join a new post either at the sameor a new station, without availing himself<strong>of</strong> any leave on relinquishing charge <strong>of</strong>his old post;(b) to join a new post in a new station onreturn from any kind <strong>of</strong> leave.(i) earned leave not exceeding 180 days; Omitted.(ii) leave other than that specified in subclauseOmitted.(i) when he has not had sufficientnotice <strong>of</strong> his appointment to new post;(c) omitted.(c) omitted.Note 1 – The authority which granted the Note 1: Omitted.leave will decide whether the noticereferred to in clause (b) (ii) wasinsufficient.Note 2 – The joining time and travelling Note 2: Omitted.allowance <strong>of</strong> military <strong>of</strong>ficers in civilemploy are governed by the civil rules invirtue <strong>of</strong> the provisions <strong>of</strong> paragraph 593<strong>of</strong> the Regulations for the Army in India(Rules) and paragraph 2 (iii) and 14 <strong>of</strong>the Defence Services Regulations IndiaPassage Regulations, respectively, readwith Fundamental Rule 3. These rulesadmit <strong>of</strong> the grant <strong>of</strong> joining time andtravelling allowance to Military Officers incivil employ not only on the occasions <strong>of</strong>their transfer to the civil employ andretransfer to military employ but alsowhen they are actually serving in thecivil employ. For the purpose <strong>of</strong> theserules, privilege leave under the militaryleave rules, should be treated as earnedleave not exceeding one hundred eightydays’ duration.Note 3 – The time reasonably required Note 3 – The time reasonably requiredfor journeys between the place <strong>of</strong> for journeys between the place <strong>of</strong>training and the stations to which a training and the stations to which a<strong>Government</strong> employee is posted <strong>Government</strong> employee is postedimmediately before and after the period immediately before and after the period<strong>of</strong> training should be treated as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> training should be treated as part <strong>of</strong>the training period. This does not apply the training period. This does not applyto probationers holding ‘training posts’ to probationers holding ‘training posts’which they may be considered as taking which they may be considered as takingwith them on transfer. Such probationers with them on transfer. Such probationersare entitled to joining time when are entitled to joining time whentransferred.transferred.No changeModified byclubbing theprovision <strong>of</strong> i& iiAs above.As above.Deleted in view<strong>of</strong> aboveposition.Deleted beingredundant.No change.

Note 4 – When a <strong>Government</strong> employeeholding a temporary post is <strong>of</strong>feredthrough his <strong>of</strong>ficial superior another suchpost at some other stations at any timebefore the abolition <strong>of</strong> his post, he isentitled to joining time.Note 5 – No joining time, joining timepay or travelling allowance shall begranted to a State <strong>Government</strong>employee who is appointed to a postunder the Union <strong>Government</strong> but joinshis new post after termination <strong>of</strong> hisemployment under the State<strong>Government</strong> by resignation or otherwise,unless the employment <strong>of</strong> a particular<strong>Government</strong> employee is in the widerpublic interest. The same applies to aemployee <strong>of</strong> the Union <strong>Government</strong> or <strong>of</strong>another State <strong>Government</strong> who, insimilar circumstances, is appointed to apost under the <strong>Haryana</strong> <strong>Government</strong>.Further, when a <strong>Government</strong> employee<strong>of</strong> one department is appointed to a postin another department, bothdepartments being under the <strong>Haryana</strong>Govt, but joins his new post aftertermination <strong>of</strong> his employment under theold department, no joining time, joiningtime pay or travelling allowance shall beallowed unless it is in the public interestto do so. If joining time is allowed in anycase it should be the minimumnecessary and should in no case exceedthe transit period.Note 6 – Joining time, joining time payand travelling allowance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Government</strong>employees appointed to posts under the<strong>Haryana</strong> <strong>Government</strong> on the results <strong>of</strong> aCompetitive Examination, which is opento both <strong>Government</strong> employees andothers, is regulated as under: -(a) travelling allowance, joining time andJoining time pay should ordinarily beallowed to all <strong>Government</strong> employeesserving under the Union or State<strong>Government</strong> who hold permanent post ina substantive capacity and that,(b) no travelling allowance, joining timepay should be granted in the case <strong>of</strong>those who are employed in a temporarycapacity without the sanction <strong>of</strong><strong>Government</strong>(c) for the purpose <strong>of</strong> clause (a) aboveprovisionally permanent and quasipermanent<strong>Government</strong> employees shallbe treated as on par with the permanent<strong>Government</strong> employees.9.2. No joining time is allowed in caseswhen a <strong>Government</strong> employee istransferred from one post to another inthe same <strong>of</strong>fice establishment.Note 4 – When a <strong>Government</strong> employeeholding a temporary post is <strong>of</strong>feredthrough his <strong>of</strong>ficial superior another suchpost at some other stations at any timebefore the abolition <strong>of</strong> his post, he isentitled to joining time.Note 5 – No joining time, joining timepay or travelling allowance shall begranted to a State <strong>Government</strong>employee who is appointed to a postunder the Union <strong>Government</strong> but joinshis new post after termination <strong>of</strong> hisemployment under the State<strong>Government</strong> by resignation or otherwise,unless the employment <strong>of</strong> a particular<strong>Government</strong> employee is in the widerpublic interest. The same applies to aemployee <strong>of</strong> the Union <strong>Government</strong> or <strong>of</strong>another State <strong>Government</strong> who, insimilar circumstances, is appointed to apost under the <strong>Haryana</strong> <strong>Government</strong>.Further, when a <strong>Government</strong> employee<strong>of</strong> one department is appointed to a postin another department, bothdepartments being under the <strong>Haryana</strong>Governent, but joins his new post aftertermination <strong>of</strong> his employment under theold department, no joining time, joiningtime pay or travelling allowance shall beallowed unless it is in the public interestto do so. If joining time is allowed in anycase it should be the minimumnecessary and should in no case exceedthe transit period.Note 6 – Joining time, joining time payand travelling allowance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Government</strong>employees appointed to posts under the<strong>Haryana</strong> <strong>Government</strong> on the results <strong>of</strong> aCompetitive Examination, which is opento both <strong>Government</strong> employees andothers, is regulated as under: -(a) travelling allowance, joining time andJoining time pay should ordinarily beallowed to all <strong>Government</strong> employeesserving under the Union or State<strong>Government</strong> who hold permanent post ina substantive capacity and that,(b) no travelling allowance, joining timepay should be granted in the case <strong>of</strong>those who are employed in a temporarycapacity without the sanction <strong>of</strong><strong>Government</strong>(c) for the purpose <strong>of</strong> clause (a) aboveprovisionally permanent and quasipermanent<strong>Government</strong> employees shallbe treated as on par with the permanent<strong>Government</strong> employees.9.2. No joining time is allowed in caseswhen a <strong>Government</strong> employee istransferred from one post to another inthe same <strong>of</strong>fice establishment.No change.No change.No change.No change.No change.No change.No change.

9.3 (a) A <strong>Government</strong> .employee ontransfer during a vacation may bepermitted to take joining time at the end<strong>of</strong> the vacation.(b) If vacation is combined with leave,joining time shall be regulated under rule9.1 (b)(i), if the total period <strong>of</strong> earnedleave and vacation combined is <strong>of</strong> notmore than 180 days duration.9.4. If a <strong>Government</strong> employee takesleave while in transit from one post toanother, the period which has elapsedsince he handed over charge <strong>of</strong> his oldpost, must be included in his leave. Onthe expiry <strong>of</strong> the leave the <strong>Government</strong>employee may be allowed normal joiningtime.CALCULATION OF JOINING TIME9.5 The joining time <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Government</strong>employee, in cases involving a transferfrom one station to another, is subject toa maximum <strong>of</strong> 30 days. Six days areallowed for preparation and in addition,a period to cover the actual journeycalculated as follows: --(a) A <strong>Government</strong> employee is allowed --(i) for the portion <strong>of</strong> Actual timethe journeys occupiedwhich he travels in the byaircraft journey(ii) for the portion <strong>of</strong> One daythe journeys which for each hetravels or mighttravelbyRailway ---500 or any longerby ocean Kilometres time actuallysteamer -- 350 occupiedKilometres in thejourneyby river -- 150 Kilometressteamerby motor -- 150 Kilometresvehicle orhorse drawnconveyancein any other --25 Kilometresway9.3 (a) A <strong>Government</strong> .employee ontransfer during a vacation may bepermitted to take joining time at the end<strong>of</strong> the vacation.(b) Joining time may be combined withvacation and/or regular leave <strong>of</strong> any kindexcept casual leave..9.4. If a <strong>Government</strong> employee takesleave while in transit from one post toanother, the period which has elapsedsince he handed over charge <strong>of</strong> his oldpost, must be included in his leave. Onthe expiry <strong>of</strong> the leave the <strong>Government</strong>employee may be allowed normal joiningtime.CALCULATION OF JOINING TIME9.5 The joining time <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Government</strong>employee, in cases involving a transferfrom one station to another, is subject toa maximum <strong>of</strong> 30 days. He is entitled tosix days for preparation. The<strong>Government</strong> employees shall be allowedjoining time with reference to thedistance between the old headquartersand the new headquarters by directroute and ordinary mode (s) <strong>of</strong> travel asmentioned in the table given below: -Distance betweenthe oldheadquarters andthe newheadquarters1Joining timeadmissible2Upto 500 kms. 08 days501—1000 Kms. 10 days1,001—2000 12 daysKms.2,001 Kms. and 15 daysabove.No change.Modified as perpresentrequirement(GOI).No change.Calculation <strong>of</strong>joining timechanged as perprovisions inGovt. <strong>of</strong> India.

Note 1: The days mentioned in column2 <strong>of</strong> the table shall be inclusive <strong>of</strong> allgazetted holidays (even Sunday also).Note 2: The joining time mentioned incolumn 2 <strong>of</strong> the table is inclusive <strong>of</strong> sixpreparation days.Note 3: The joining time shallcommence from the date <strong>of</strong>relinquishment <strong>of</strong> charge <strong>of</strong> the old postif the charge is made over in theforenoon or the following date if thecharge is made over in the afternoon. .Note 4: When a part <strong>of</strong> the journey isperformed by steamerand the <strong>Government</strong> employee had towait for some time for departure <strong>of</strong> thesteamer, the time so spent will beadded to the joining time shown incolumn 2 <strong>of</strong> the table.Note 5: The authority sanctioning thetransfer may in special circumstancesreduce the period <strong>of</strong> joining timeadmissible under this rule.Note 6: The transfer sanctioningauthority may in special circumstancesdirect the <strong>Government</strong> employee to jointhe new assignment immediately withoutavailing joining time, which may beavailed later on.(b)(i) For purpose <strong>of</strong> journey by air underclause (a)(i) a part <strong>of</strong> day should betreated as one day.(ii) a day is also allowed for anyfractional portion <strong>of</strong> any distanceprescribed in clause (a)(ii).(c) when part <strong>of</strong> the journey is bysteamer, the limit <strong>of</strong> six days forpreparation may be extended to coverany period unavoidably spent in awaitingthe departure <strong>of</strong> the steamer.Note 7: The joining time shall only beadmissible when the <strong>Government</strong>employee is transferred in publicinterest. If the transfer is otherwise, nojoining time shall be admissible and hehas to avail regular leave for the transitperiod, if any.Note 8.- Where a governmentemployee, who is in the scale <strong>of</strong>Rs.18400 –22400 and above or Head <strong>of</strong>Department, performs a journey by airon transfer, he shall be entitled to joiningtime for 8 days inclusive <strong>of</strong> sixpreparation days.(b)(i) Omitted.(ii) Omitted.Redundant nowas per newprovisions. .Redundant nowas per newprovisions. .(c ) Omitted. Inserted innote4.

Note – If a steamer is not due to startimmediately after the expiry <strong>of</strong> six daysfrom the day when the <strong>Government</strong>employee gives over charge, the<strong>Government</strong> employee may add to hisjoining time the number <strong>of</strong> daysintervening between the expiry <strong>of</strong> the sixdays and the departure <strong>of</strong> the nextsteamer, whether he actually startsduring the first six days or by the nextboat after their expiry.(d) travel by road not exceeding 8kilometres to or from a railway station, orsteamer ghat at the beginning or end <strong>of</strong>a journey does not count for joining time.(e) a Sunday does not count as a day forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> the calculations in thisrule but Sundays are included in themaximum period <strong>of</strong> 30 days.Exception—The authority sanctioningthe transfer may in specialcircumstances reduce the period <strong>of</strong>joining time admissible under this rule.9.6 Not more than one day is allowed toa <strong>Government</strong> employee in order to joina new post when the appointment tosuch post does not necessarily, involvea change <strong>of</strong> residence from one stationto another. A holiday counts as a day forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> this rule.9.6-A When holiday (s) follow (s) joiningtime, the normal joining time may bedeemed to have been extended to coversuch holiday (s).9.7. Except in the case <strong>of</strong> a journeyperformed by air which will be governedby the provisions in clause (a) (i) <strong>of</strong> rule9.5 by whatever route a <strong>Government</strong>employee actually travels his joiningtime shall, unless a competent authorityfor special reasons otherwise orders, becalculated by the route which travellersordinary use.Note: Omitted.(d) Omitted.Exception - Omitted.9.6.- Not more than one day is allowedto a <strong>Government</strong> employee in order tojoin a new post when the appointment tosuch post does not necessarily, involvea change <strong>of</strong> residence from one stationto another. A holiday counts as a day forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> this rule.9.6-A When holiday (s) follow (s) joiningtime, the normal joining time may bedeemed to have been extended to coversuch holiday (s).9.7. Despite the route a <strong>Government</strong>employee actually travels, his joiningtime shall, unless a competent authorityfor special reasons otherwise orders, becalculated by the route which travellersordinary use.As above.Redundant nowas per newprovisions. .Deleted as theprovision isincorporated innote 5.No change.No change.Languagemodified as perpresentrequirement.

9.8 (a) The joining time <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Government</strong>employee under clause (b) (i) and (ii) <strong>of</strong>rule 9.1 will be counted from his oldstation or from the place at which hereceives the order <strong>of</strong> appointmentwhichever calculation will entitle him toless joining. If the leave is being spentout <strong>of</strong> India and the order <strong>of</strong> appointmentto the new post reaches him before hearrives at the port <strong>of</strong> debarkation, theport <strong>of</strong> debarkation is the place in whichhe received the order for the purpose <strong>of</strong>this rule.(If however, such a <strong>Government</strong>employee actually performs the journeyto his old headquarters for winding uphis personnel affairs, etc. his joining timewill be calculated from the oldheadquarters to the new headquarters,irrespective <strong>of</strong> the place where hespends leave or receives posting orders.A certificate to the effect that the<strong>Government</strong> employee had actuallyperformed the journey from the stationwhere he was spending leave to the oldheadquarters for winding up personnelaffairs should be furnished by the <strong>of</strong>ficerconcerned with his charge report forassumption <strong>of</strong> the post at the newheadquarters. The responsibility forobtaining the certificate from a gazetted<strong>of</strong>ficer would rest with the Audit Officerconcerned and for non-gazetted staff,with the head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice)(b) A <strong>Government</strong> employee takingjoining time under clause (b) (i) <strong>of</strong> rule9.1 who receives, while on leave(whether spent in or out <strong>of</strong> India); order<strong>of</strong> transfer to a station other than thatfrom which he took leave will be grantedfull joining time admissible under clause(a) above, without reference to theauthority which granted the leave andirrespective <strong>of</strong> the date on where theorders <strong>of</strong> transfer are received by him.Should he join his new appointmentbefore the expiry <strong>of</strong> such leave plus thejoining time admissible the period shorttaken should be considered as leave notenjoyed, and a corresponding portion <strong>of</strong>the leave sanctioned should becancelled without any reference to theauthority which granted the leave. If inany case, the <strong>Government</strong> employeedesires not to avail himself <strong>of</strong> the fullperiod <strong>of</strong> joining time admissible theperiod <strong>of</strong> leave and joining time shouldbe adjusted with reference to suchoption.9.8.- The joining time <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Government</strong>employee admissible under clause (b) <strong>of</strong>rule 9.1 will be calculated by taking thedistance from his old station from whichhe proceeded on leave to the station <strong>of</strong>new assignment irrespective <strong>of</strong> receipt<strong>of</strong> transfer orders at any place during theperiod <strong>of</strong> spending <strong>of</strong> leave. If he joinshis new appointment before the expiry <strong>of</strong>such leave plus the joining timeadmissible, the period short takenshould be considered as leave notenjoyed, and a corresponding portion <strong>of</strong>the leave sanctioned should becancelled.(b) Omitted.9.9 Deleted. 9.9 Omitted.Modified as perpresentrequirementDeleted as theprovision isincorporated inmain rule.

9.10. If a <strong>Government</strong> employee isauthorized to make over charge <strong>of</strong> apost elsewhere than at his headquarters,his joining time shall be calculated fromthe place at which he actually makesover charge.9.11 If a <strong>Government</strong> employee isappointed to a new post while in transitfrom one post to another, his joining timebegins on the day following that onwhich he receives the order <strong>of</strong>appointment.Note;-- A second period <strong>of</strong> six days forpreparation should not be included incalculating the joining time <strong>of</strong> a<strong>Government</strong> employee whoseappointment is changed while he is intransit.9.12 When a <strong>Government</strong> employeeunder the administrative control <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Haryana</strong> <strong>Government</strong> is transferred tothe control <strong>of</strong> the another <strong>Government</strong>,his joining time for the journey to join hispost under that <strong>Government</strong> and for thereturn will be governed by the rules <strong>of</strong>that <strong>Government</strong>.9.10. Omitted. The joining timeis to start fromthe relieving <strong>of</strong>a Govt.employee asprovided in note3 below rule9.5, hencedeleted.9.11. If a <strong>Government</strong> employeealready under transfer to a station andrelieved, is ordered for a change <strong>of</strong>station <strong>of</strong> posting while in transit, hisjoining time will begin on the dayfollowing the day on which he receivesthe order in this regard.Note 1: - In case new transfer orders aredelivered to the <strong>Government</strong> employeeat the original station within the period <strong>of</strong>six preparatory days, the <strong>Government</strong>employee shall be entitled to the joiningtime as admissible for the latter station,under rule 9.5 as per revised transferorders subject to adjustment <strong>of</strong> periodalready spent before receipt <strong>of</strong> revisedorders against preparation days.Note 2: - If a <strong>Government</strong> employee intransit on transfer is directed to proceedto a place different from that indicated inthe initial transfer orders, he shall beentitled to joining time already availed <strong>of</strong>upto the date <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the revisedorders plus fresh spell <strong>of</strong> joining time onthe basis <strong>of</strong> new distance from the datefollowing the date <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> revisedorders. The fresh spell <strong>of</strong> joining time insuch cases shall be calculated from theplace, at which he received the revisedorders as if he is transferred from thatplace, by reducing six preparatory days.9.12 When a <strong>Government</strong> employeeunder the administrative control <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Haryana</strong> <strong>Government</strong> is transferred tothe control <strong>of</strong> the another <strong>Government</strong>,his joining time for the journey to join hispost under that <strong>Government</strong> and for thereturn will be governed by the rules <strong>of</strong>that <strong>Government</strong>.9.13 and 9.14 Cancelled. 9.13 and 9.14 Omitted.PAY DURING JOINING TIMEPAY DURING JOINING TIME9.15 A <strong>Government</strong> employee on joiningtime shall be regarded as on duty, andshall be entitled to be paid as follows;-9.15 A <strong>Government</strong> employee on joiningtime shall be regarded as on duty duringthat period and shall be entitled to bepaid as follows: -Changedaccording to thenew provisionin rule 9.5.Changedaccording to thenew provisionin rule 9.5.As above.No change.Minor changes.

(a) Where joining time is granted underclause (a) <strong>of</strong> rule 9.1 the pay which hewould have drawn if he had continued inthe old post; or the pay which he willdraw on taking charge <strong>of</strong> the new post,whichever is less;(b) Where the joining time is grantedunder clause (b) <strong>of</strong> rule 9.1--(i) if it is in continuation <strong>of</strong> leave whichincluded a period <strong>of</strong> earned leave-payequal to the leave salary which he lastdrew during such earned leave at therate prescribed for payment <strong>of</strong> leavesalary in-India; and(ii) if it is in continuation <strong>of</strong> leave whichdid not include a period <strong>of</strong> earned leavepayequal to the leave salary which the<strong>Government</strong> employee would havedrawn under the leave rules would havedrawn under the leave rules applicableto him as if he had been on earnedleave in India for the period <strong>of</strong> joiningtime.Provided that---(i) a <strong>Government</strong> employee on transfershall not be entitled to any pay for theperiod <strong>of</strong> joining time unless his transferis in the interest <strong>of</strong> public service:(ii) no joining time pay shall be grantedto a <strong>Government</strong> employee who doesnot held a permanent post under<strong>Government</strong> (including the Central andState <strong>Government</strong>s) in a substantivecapacity or a post under the <strong>Haryana</strong><strong>Government</strong> in a quasi-permanentcapacity, when he is appointed to a newpost on the results <strong>of</strong> a competitiveexamination or interview which is opento both <strong>Government</strong> employees andothers.(a) joining time pay equal to the paywhich was drawn before relinquishment<strong>of</strong> charge in the old post or new postwhichever is less. He will also be entitledto compensatory allowance(s) like CityCompensatory Allowance, House RentAllowance, other compensatoryallowances etc. as per conditions/provisions contained in chapter V. Heshall not be allowed permanenttravelling allowance.(b) Where the joining time is grantedunder clause (b) <strong>of</strong> rule 9.1--(i) if it is in continuation <strong>of</strong> leave whichincluded a period <strong>of</strong> earned leave-payequal to the leave salary which he lastdrew during such earned leave; and(ii) if it is in continuation <strong>of</strong> leave whichdid not include a period <strong>of</strong> earned leavepayequal to the leave salary which the<strong>Government</strong> employee would havedrawn under the leave rules would havedrawn under the leave rules applicableto him as if he had been on earnedleave for the period <strong>of</strong> joining time.Provided that---(i) a <strong>Government</strong> employee on transfershall not be entitled to any pay for theperiod <strong>of</strong> joining time unless his transferis in the interest <strong>of</strong> public service:(ii) no joining time pay shall be grantedto a <strong>Government</strong> employee who doesnot held a permanent post under<strong>Government</strong> (including the Central andState <strong>Government</strong>s) in a substantivecapacity or a post under the <strong>Haryana</strong><strong>Government</strong> in a quasi-permanentcapacity, when he is appointed to a newpost on the results <strong>of</strong> a competitiveexamination or interview which is opento both <strong>Government</strong> employees andothers.The provisionchangedaccording toGovt. <strong>of</strong> India.No changeRedundantportion deletedNo changeNo change.No change.

Note 1.- A <strong>Government</strong> employee ontransfer is not entitled to be paid whileon joining time unless his transfer ismade in the public interest.In such cases the <strong>Government</strong>employee may be granted regular leaveby the competent authority under theleave rules admissible to him even if thetransfer is at his own request to cover,the period after handing over charge atthe old station and before taking over atanother, if the <strong>Government</strong> employeeapplies for it and the Competentauthority Is willing to sanction it. In case,however, where the <strong>Government</strong>employee does not apply for leave tocover the period spent in transit, thisperiod should be treated as “dies non”for purposes <strong>of</strong> leave, increment andpension.Note 2-A military <strong>of</strong>ficer subject to theMilitary Leave Rules who retains a lienon his civil post entitled on joining time,under sub-clause (ii) <strong>of</strong> clause (b)above, to draw the same amount <strong>of</strong>leave-salary which he would have drawnhad he taken leave under Civil LeaveRules : provided that such leave-salaryshall not be less than that which heactually drew during the last portion <strong>of</strong>his leave.9.16 In the Public Works Department noextra pay (where the transfer involvesthe grant <strong>of</strong> extra pay) can be drawn inany case by a relieving <strong>Government</strong>employee, until the transfer is complete,but as far as ordinary pay andallowances are concerned an exceptionmay be made to the general rule in allcases in which the charge to betransferred (whether a division, a subdivision, or other charge) consists <strong>of</strong>several scattered works which therelieving and the relieved <strong>Government</strong>employees are required by the orders <strong>of</strong>a superior <strong>of</strong>ficer, to inspect togetherbefore the transfer can be completed.The relieving <strong>Government</strong> employee willbe considered as on duty if the periodtaken in carrying out these inspections isnot considered by the SuperintendingEngineer to be excessive. While sotaking over charge, the relieving<strong>Government</strong> employee will draw;-(i) if he is transferred from a post whichhe holds substantively his presumptivepay in that post;Note 1.- A <strong>Government</strong> employee ontransfer is not entitled to be paid whileon joining time unless his transfer ismade in the public interest.In such cases the <strong>Government</strong>employee may be granted regular leaveby the competent authority under theleave rules admissible to him even if thetransfer is at his own request to cover,the period after handing over charge atthe old station and before taking over atanother, if the <strong>Government</strong> employeeapplies for it and the competent authorityis willing to sanction it. In case, however,where the <strong>Government</strong> employee doesnot apply for leave to cover the periodspent in transit, this period should betreated as “dies non” for purposes <strong>of</strong>leave, increment and pension.Note 2.- Omitted. .9.16 In cases in which the charge to behanded over at different places, therelieving and the relieved <strong>Government</strong>employees are required by the orders <strong>of</strong>a superior <strong>of</strong>ficer, to inspect together tocomplete the job <strong>of</strong> handing over andtaking over <strong>of</strong> charge. The period takenfor handing over and taking over <strong>of</strong>charge shall be treated as duty for theboth relieving and relieved <strong>Government</strong>employees. The Head <strong>of</strong> Office shall becompetent to allow two days for handingover/ taking over the charge, if heconsiders essential and in case moreperiod is required, the Head <strong>of</strong>Department shall be the competentauthority except as otherwise providedin rule 9.17.(i) omitted.No changeDeleted beingobsolete.The provision <strong>of</strong>rule 9.16 and9.17 are madein this modifiedrule. Furthermodified toretain rule 9.17-- VCAs above.

(ii) if he is transferred from a post whichhe has held in an <strong>of</strong>ficiating capacity, the<strong>of</strong>ficiating pay admissible in that post:provided it is not more than the pay hewould draw after the transfer iscomplete; otherwise his presumptive payin the permanent post on which he had alien prior to transfer;(iii) if he returns from leave, his payduring the period <strong>of</strong> taking over chargebe regulated as follows: -(a) if he went on leave while working inthe post held by him substantively, thepresumptive pay <strong>of</strong> that post; and(b) if he went on leave while working in apost in an <strong>of</strong>ficiating capacity, the<strong>of</strong>ficiating pay <strong>of</strong> that post or the paywhich will be admissible to him in thenew post, after taking over charge,whichever is less.Note 1 – The concession <strong>of</strong> house-rentallowance or free quarter ordinarilyadmissible to a <strong>Government</strong> employeeshould be treated as “ordinary pay andallowance” within the meaning <strong>of</strong> thisrule and is admissible to both therelieved and the relieving <strong>Government</strong>employees during the period occupiedby them in handing over and taking overcharge.Note 2 – In each case where it has beendecided to treat the period <strong>of</strong> taking overcharge <strong>of</strong> a relieving <strong>of</strong>ficer as ‘duty’under the provisions <strong>of</strong> this rule, adeclaration in the following pr<strong>of</strong>ormashould be issued: -DECLARATIONI, …………………………(Name)……………………(Designation) declarethat Shri ……………………………….(Name and designation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer tobe relieved) and Shri.……………………………….. (Name othe relieving <strong>of</strong>ficer) were engaged injoint inspection <strong>of</strong> several scatteredworks and/or stores during the periodfrom …………… to……………………………….. inconnection with handing over and takingover charge and I do not consider theabove period as excessive during whichShri ……………………… Shri …………shall be treated as on duty.(ii) Omitted.(iii) Omitted.(a) Omitted.(b) Omitted.Note 1 – Omitted.Note 2 - Omitted.As above.As above.As above.As above.As above.As above.As above.the relieving Officer)StationNameDateDesignation(Name<strong>of</strong>

9.17 The application <strong>of</strong> rule 9.16, whichforms an exception to the general ruleand which concerns the Public WorksDepartment only, has also beenextended to the transfer <strong>of</strong> chargespecified in Column 2 <strong>of</strong> the table belowin the case <strong>of</strong> the following departments.The authority noted in column 3 againsteach is to determine whether the periodspent in completing the transfer <strong>of</strong>charge is not excessive: -9.17. The authorities specified incolumn 3 <strong>of</strong> the table below shall becompetent to allow more than two daysfor handing over/taking over charge indifferent Departments:-Rule and tabledeleted due toprovision madegeneral in rule19.6. Nowrevived -- VCName<strong>of</strong>DepartmentCharge to be transferredAuthority competent todetermine the period1. 2. 3.1. Jail Department DeputySuperintendents andStorekeepers2. Industrial Training Department Instructors, store-keepers - inchargeDirector General <strong>of</strong> Prisons-- upto 6days.Director <strong>of</strong> Industrial Training–upto 6 days.3. Agriculture Department Assistants/ Storekeepers - incharge4. Animal Husbandry Department Veterinary Surgeon/ Assistant -Incharge5. Judicial Ahlmads and Record-keepers inthe Courts <strong>of</strong> District andSessions Judges includingAdditional District and SessionsJudgesAhlmads, Execution Moharrirs,Guardian Moharrirs in the Court <strong>of</strong>Senior and other SubordinateJudges and Insolvency Clerk inSmall Cause Courts.6. Food & Supplies Department Inspectors/Sub-Inspectors, Foodand Supplies. .Director <strong>of</strong> Agriculture – upto 4days.Director Animal Husbandry andDairying -- upto 4 days.District and Sessions Judgesconcerned -- upto 10 daysPresiding Officers <strong>of</strong> the Courtupto 7 days and District SessionsJudges upto 10 daysDirector, Food & Supplies – upt<strong>of</strong>our days7. Treasuries and AccountsDepartmentTreasury <strong>of</strong>ficer and Districttreasurer;Director, Treasuries and Accounts– upto 4 days8. Works Department Junior Engineer Superintending Engineer –upto 4 daysChief Engineer – upto 7 daysOVERSTYAYAL AND EXTENSION OFJOINING TIME9.18 A <strong>Government</strong> employee whodoes not join his post within his joiningtime is entitled to no pay or leave salaryafter the end <strong>of</strong> the joining time. Wilfulabsence from duty after the expiry <strong>of</strong>joining time may be treated asmisbehaviour for the purpose <strong>of</strong> rule3.17.9.19 (a) A competent authority may, inany case extend the joining timeadmissible under these rules : providedthat the general spirit <strong>of</strong> the rules isobserved.OVERSTAY AND EXTENSION OFJOINING TIME9.18 A <strong>Government</strong> employee whodoes not join his post within his joiningtime is entitled to no pay or leave salaryafter the end <strong>of</strong> the joining time. Wilfulabsence from duty after the expiry <strong>of</strong>joining time may be treated asmisbehaviour for the purpose <strong>of</strong> rule3.17.9.19(a) A competent authority may, inany case extend the joining timeadmissible under these rules : providedthat the general spirit <strong>of</strong> the rules isobserved.No change.No change.

(b) within the prescribed maximum <strong>of</strong>thirty days, Heads <strong>of</strong> Departments may,in the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>Government</strong> employeesunder their control (other than thosebelonging to all- India Services), extendthe joining time admissible under therules to the extent necessary in thefollowing circumstances :-(i) When the <strong>Government</strong> employee hasbeen unable to use the ordinary mode <strong>of</strong>travelling or, notwithstanding duediligence on his part, has spent moretime on the journey than is allowed bythe rules; or(ii) when such extension is considerednecessary for the public convenience orfor the saving or such public expenditureas is caused by unnecessary or purelyformal transfer;(iii) when the rules have, in anyparticular case, operated harshly, as forexample, when a <strong>Government</strong> employeehas through no fault on his part misseda steamer or fallen sick on the journey.JOINING TIME TO PERSONS NOT INGOVERNMENT SERVICE ON JOININGTHE GOVERNMENT SERVICE ANDON REVERSION FROM IT9.20 A person in employment other than<strong>Government</strong> service or on leavegranted from such employment, if, in theinterest <strong>of</strong> <strong>Government</strong>, he is appointedto a post under <strong>Government</strong>, may , atthe discretion <strong>of</strong> the competent authority,be treated as on joining time while heprepares for and makes the journey tojoin the post under <strong>Government</strong> andwhile he prepares for and makes thejourney on reversion from the post under<strong>Government</strong> to return to his originalemployment. During such joining time heshall receive pay ,equal to the pay, or, inthe case <strong>of</strong> joining time immediatelyfollowing leave granted from the privateemployment to the leave salary, paid tohim , by his private employer prior to hisappointment to <strong>Government</strong> service, orpay equal to the pay <strong>of</strong> the post in<strong>Government</strong> Service, whichever is less.(b) within the prescribed maximum <strong>of</strong>thirty days, Heads <strong>of</strong> Departments may,in the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>Government</strong> employeesunder their control (other than thosebelonging to all- India Services), extendthe joining time admissible under therules to the extent necessary in thefollowing circumstances :-(i) When the <strong>Government</strong> employee hasbeen unable to use the ordinary mode <strong>of</strong>travelling or, notwithstanding duediligence on his part, has spent moretime on the journey than is allowed bythe rules; or(ii) when such extension is considerednecessary for the public convenience orfor the saving or such public expenditureas is caused by unnecessary or purelyformal transfer;(iii) when the rules have, in anyparticular case, operated harshly, as forexample, when a <strong>Government</strong> employeehas though no fault on his part missed asteamer, fallen sick on the journey,delayed on account <strong>of</strong> blockade <strong>of</strong>roads/railwaylandslide/snowfall/strike/riots etc.Omitted.track/No change.No change.No change.SlightlymodifiedNo person fromprivateemployment isdirectly taken inGovt. service,hence deleted.9.20. Omitted. As above.

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