CV Engleza George Cr.. - Dunarea de Jos

CV Engleza George Cr.. - Dunarea de Jos

CV Engleza George Cr.. - Dunarea de Jos


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DUNAREA DE JOS University Galati, conference volume, ISSN 2066-70195,2009, 23 pagesPERSONAL SKILLS ANDCOMPETENCESCommunication abilities; psycho-emotional equilibrium; organizational capacity,coordination and control; ability to <strong>de</strong>legate power; ability to efficiently transmitthe tasks to subordinates; ability to evaluate and make <strong>de</strong>cisions;accountability; good knowledge of legal regulations in the field of the specificactivity of the institution; availability to work overtime; capacity of analysis andsynthesis; stability, adaptability, flexibility, perseverance.MOTHER TONGUEKNOWN FOREIGN LANGUAGESRomanianEnglish French• Reading beginner good• Writing beginner good• Speaking beginner goodVice Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Galati Branch of the National Association of Young Jurists inRomaniaMember Executive Committee - International Center for Antidrog HumanRights RomaniaTreasurer – National Association for Cancer Prevention and ControlSecretary – National Institute for Sociological Evaluation and ResearchSOCIAL SKILLS ANDCOMPETENCESORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS ANDCOMPETENCES- Organization of seminars and scientific meetings in the National Association ofYoung Jurists in Romania assumes specials organizational skills, efficient timemanagement and maximum efficiency for their preparation.- Involvement in the organization and planning of professional colloquium in theNotary Public Chamber Galati and the structuring of themes to be discussed.TECHNICAL SKILLS ANDCOMPETENCES- Utilization of computer for the elaboration of the works in the works field.- Good knowledge of programs Word, Excel, Power Point.- Internet navigationOTHER SKILLS ANDCOMPETENCES- DRIVER LICENCE(S) - Category B (Cars) 199710.10. 2010

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