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9.15–9.30V. Popovs, P. Balckars, A. Baranovskis, L. Iļjina (RTU)Railway rolling stock noise experimental measurements9.30–9.45V. Popovs, P. Balckars, A. Baranovskis (RTU)Railway rolling stock noise models for adequacy evaluation9.45–10.00E. Skrebutene (RTU)Using information technology to established the effectiveness of cargo traffic10.00–10.15O. Iščuka (RTU)Model of optimization of technological process of operation of marshalling station10.15–10.30V. Parhomovs (RTU)Train traffic safety equipment innovations10.30–10.45M. Gorobecs, A. Levčenkovs, L. Ribickis, P. Balckars (RTU)Rolling stock braking way selection by genetic system controller in emergency situations10.45–11.00D. Ivanovs, A. Levčenkovs, M. Gorobecs (RTU)Electric rail transport braking control by neural network controller11.00–11.15A. Vasiļenko, A. Levčenkovs, M. Gorobecs (RTU)Diagnostics of electric transport motor by fuzzy logic controller11.15–11.30I. Alps, A. Levčenkovs (RTU)Algorithm for public electric transport motion coordination for many-stage schedulingsystems11.30–11.45M. Reigulis, M. Gorobecs, A. Levčenkovs (RTU)Projecting of electric transport routes by genetic system controller11.45–12.00M. Levčenkovs, M. Gorobecs, A. Levčenkovs (RTU)Many-stage electric transport system control by scheduling controller12.00–13.00Lunch break73

13.00–13.15I. Uteševs, A. Levčenkovs, P. Balckars (RTU)Modeling of target braking system for electric train13.15–13.30A. Mors–Jaroslavcevs (RTU)Modelling of intelligent control system for electric rail transport in emergency situationsusing immune algorithms13.30–13.45A. Boiko, P. Balckars (RTU)Effectiveness evaluation of the repairs strengthening in the zone of shaped body support ofthe tank car13.45–14.00I. Vučetičs (Baltijas testēšanas centrs), K. Ļapšins (RTU)About estimation of characteristics of bending oscillations of body of carriage by results ofrunning test14.00–14.15F. Mihailovs, J. Pečerska (RTU)Development of algorithm for automation forming of trains14.15–14.30V. Klimenko, O. Trofymchuk (National Academy of the Sciences of the Ukraine)Modern information technologies are in the questions of determination of contaminationfrom negative influence of transport14.30–14.45M. Mezītis (RTU)The analysis of trains movement interval regulation on the basis of an imitating breadboardmodel microprocessor centralisation14.45–15.00M. Mezītis, O. Kamenevs (RTU)Definition of the basic aspects by development of universal interfaces between relay andmicroprocessor systems15.00–15.15Coffee break15.15–15.30A. Sladkovskis (Silēzijas Tehniskā universitāte, Polija)Problems of railway container transportations betweenEurope and Asia15.30–15.45I. Korago (RTU)74

13.00–13.15I. Uteševs, A. Levčenkovs, P. Balckars (RTU)Modeling of target braking system for electric train13.15–13.30A. Mors–Jaroslavcevs (RTU)Modelling of intelligent control system for electric rail transport in emergency situationsusing immune algorithms13.30–13.45A. Boiko, P. Balckars (RTU)Effectiveness evaluation of the repairs strengthening in the zone of shaped body support ofthe tank car13.45–14.00I. Vučetičs (Baltijas testēšanas centrs), K. Ļapšins (RTU)About estimation of characteristics of bending oscillations of body of carriage by results ofrunning test14.00–14.15F. Mihailovs, J. Pečerska (RTU)Development of algorithm for automation forming of trains14.15–14.30V. Klimenko, O. Trofymchuk (National Academy of the Sciences of the Ukraine)Modern information technologies are in the questions of determination of contaminationfrom negative influence of transport14.30–14.45M. Mezītis (RTU)The analysis of trains movement interval regulation on the basis of an imitating breadboardmodel microprocessor centralisation14.45–15.00M. Mezītis, O. Kamenevs (RTU)Definition of the basic aspects by development of universal interfaces between relay andmicroprocessor systems15.00–15.15Coffee break15.15–15.30A. Sladkovskis (Silēzijas Tehniskā universitāte, Polija)Problems of railway container transportations betweenEurope and Asia15.30–15.45I. Korago (RTU)74

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