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M. Jure, Dr. chem., RTU, LatviaM. Kalniņš, Dr. habil. sc. ing., RTU, LatviaM. Knite, Dr. habil. phys., RTU, LatviaV. Kokars, Dr. chem., RTU, LatviaS. Kukle, Dr. habil. sc. ing., RTU,LatviaG. Mežinskis, Dr. habil. sc. ing., RTU, LatviaI. Neretnieks, Dr. chem., Royal Institute of Technology, StockholmU. Sedmalis, Dr. habil. chem., RTU, LatviaJ. Upatnieks, M. Sc. (ee), University of Michigan CoEA. Viļumsone, Dr. sc. ing., RTU, Latvia16 October 2009, at 10.00Faculty of Material Science and Applied ChemistryĀzenes Str. 14/24, The Dean’s office hall (1st floor)9.00–9.30Registration and setting of postersDean’s office hall (1st floor)Subsection «Material Science»16 October 2009, at 9.30Riga, Azenes Str. 14/24, room 219Chairs: Prof. Andris Ozols, RTU, Prof. Gundars Mezinskis, RTU9.30–9.40V. Kokars (RTU)Opening of the conference room 2199.40–10.15H. J. Steffen (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany)Plenary ReportIon and plasma beam synthesis of thin films with ionenergies between 20 eV and 2 MeV for application ininformation technology and biomedical science10.15–10.30A. Medvids, P. Onufrijevs, E. Daukšta (RTU, Latvia)Technology of porous formation in semiconductors by powerful laser radiation10.30–10.45T. Purītis, J. Kaupužs, A. Medvids (RTU, Latvia)CdTe and Si nanocrystals for solar cell applications10.45–11.00P. Onufrijevs, A. Medvids, A. Mičko, E. Daukšta (RTU, Latvia)Development tendency and constructions of modern solar cells11.00–11.15A. Mičko, A. Medvids, J. Barloti (RTU, Latvia)47

Production and investigation of sensitive elements for x – ray detector11.15–11.30H. J. Steffen (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany)Characterization of the electronic and optical properties of crystalline structures made ofnanosized metallic spheres by hydrodynamic model calculations11.30–11.45I. Smeltere, M. Antonova, A. Kalvāne, M. Līviņš, M. Dunce (ISSF, Latvia)The effect of Sb and Ta substitution on the properties of lead – free KNN ceramics11.45–12.00M. Knite, V. Teteris, G. Šakale (RTU, Latvia)Organic solvent vapour induced electric resistance, mass and longitude change in – situmeasurements for polyisoprene – nanostructured carbon composite12.00–12.15G. Mežinskis, D. Andersone, A. Cimmermane, A. Plūdons (RTU, Latvia)Synthesis and microstructural characterization of ZnO nanoparticles embedded in glasslikeand polymer matrixes12.15–12.30I. Juhņeviča, I. Kļaviņa, G. Mežinskis, A. Plūdons (RTU, Latvia)Development of ceramic materials by the use of sol-gel technology treated wood12.30–12.45A. Šutka, G. Mežinskis (RTU, Latvia)Characterization of sol – gel auto – combustion reaction process and obtained products12.45–13.00V. Švinka, R. Švinka, A. Butlers (RTU, Latvia)Formation and stability of tialite in the porous Al2O3 – TiO2 ceramics13.00–13.15R. Švinka, V. Švinka, I. Zaķe, I. Timma (RTU, Latvia)Influence of some additives on the properties of porous alumina ceramics13.15–13.45Coffee break13.45–14.00R. Švinka, L. Bīdermanis, A. Cimmers, V.Švinka, L. Lindiņa (RTU, Latvia)Thermal shock resistant ceramics14.00–14.15I. Pastore, D. Erts (LU, Latvia)The preparation of ultrathin anodized aluminium oxide membrane14.15–15.00G. Sedmale, A. Hmeļovs, I. Šperberga (RTU, Latvia)Impact of differently prepared powders on mullite – ZrO2 ceramics properties48

Production and investigation of sensitive elements for x – ray detector11.15–11.30H. J. Steffen (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany)Characterization of the electronic and optical properties of crystalline structures made ofnanosized metallic spheres by hydrodynamic model calculations11.30–11.45I. Smeltere, M. Antonova, A. Kalvāne, M. Līviņš, M. Dunce (ISSF, Latvia)The effect of Sb and Ta substitution on the properties of lead – free KNN ceramics11.45–12.00M. Knite, V. Teteris, G. Šakale (RTU, Latvia)Organic solvent vapour induced electric resistance, mass and longitude change in – situmeasurements for polyisoprene – nanostructured carbon composite12.00–12.15G. Mežinskis, D. Andersone, A. Cimmermane, A. Plūdons (RTU, Latvia)Synthesis and microstructural characterization of ZnO nanoparticles embedded in glasslikeand polymer matrixes12.15–12.30I. Juhņeviča, I. Kļaviņa, G. Mežinskis, A. Plūdons (RTU, Latvia)Development of ceramic materials by the use of sol-gel technology treated wood12.30–12.45A. Šutka, G. Mežinskis (RTU, Latvia)Characterization of sol – gel auto – combustion reaction process and obtained products12.45–13.00V. Švinka, R. Švinka, A. Butlers (RTU, Latvia)Formation and stability of tialite in the porous Al2O3 – TiO2 ceramics13.00–13.15R. Švinka, V. Švinka, I. Zaķe, I. Timma (RTU, Latvia)Influence of some additives on the properties of porous alumina ceramics13.15–13.45Coffee break13.45–14.00R. Švinka, L. Bīdermanis, A. Cimmers, V.Švinka, L. Lindiņa (RTU, Latvia)Thermal shock resistant ceramics14.00–14.15I. Pastore, D. Erts (LU, Latvia)The preparation of ultrathin anodized aluminium oxide membrane14.15–15.00G. Sedmale, A. Hmeļovs, I. Šperberga (RTU, Latvia)Impact of differently prepared powders on mullite – ZrO2 ceramics properties48

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