Development Training & Schedule of Courses - ISLand - UCLA

Development Training & Schedule of Courses - ISLand - UCLA Development Training & Schedule of Courses - ISLand - UCLA
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AdvancementEffectiveRelations w/AcademicLeadersBrandingAcademicDepartmentsOrientationEA WelcomeMeetingNew SupervisorTechnologySupervisory<strong>Development</strong>Writing JobDescriptionsSupervisorUpdateCommunicationsBeyond BulletPointsPersonal &Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalEnrichmentResilienceUnder PressurePersonalBrandingSuccessfulBudgetMonitoringEA ForumGeneral StaffMeetingAdvancementTechnologyAdvance Inquiry<strong>Training</strong> Tracks—Who Should AttendPr<strong>of</strong>essional <strong>Development</strong>Managers/Senior StaffSupervisors/Hiring ManagersPr<strong>of</strong>essional/TechnicalStaffAdministrativeSupportPr<strong>of</strong>essionalsRecommended Recommended Recommended RecommendedRecommended Recommended Recommended RecommendedRecommendedRecommendedRecommendedRecommendedElective Elective Elective ElectiveElective Elective Elective ElectiveElectiveElectiveElective Elective ElectiveRecommended Recommended Recommended RecommendedOrientationNew Employees(Non-Supervisory)REQUIREDRecommendedREQUIRED*NewSupervisorsREQUIREDREQUIREDRecommendedREQUIRED** <strong>Training</strong> required for new Advance users

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional/Technical Staffand Administrative SupportPr<strong>of</strong>essional EnrichmentPersonal Branding for Pr<strong>of</strong>essional<strong>Development</strong>Learn how to create a brand yourself by doingyour best work and building your successes,characteristics, and traits into a reputation thatcan further your pr<strong>of</strong>essional development.What image are you projecting to colleagues,managers, and customers? Participate in a discussionon ways to improve and build up yourskills and successes to create a track recordthat establishes your own personal brand. Be a“stand out” and leverage your strengths andaccomplishments.Elizabeth Monaco, Career <strong>Development</strong>,Campus Human Resources8/16/06, 10 a.m.–Noon<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center15th Floor Large Conference RoomSecrets <strong>of</strong> Successful BudgetMonitoringEver wonder how other units organize andmanage their departmental budget during thefiscal year? What reports do they prepare?Why are the object and project codes so important?And what does an FAU represent? If youare the person who has to keep an eye on thebudget, process invoices, establish purchaseorders, etc., then come to this session to findout the answers and share “best practices.”Most importantly, bring questions <strong>of</strong> your own.Jan Wildman, Executive Director,External Affairs AdministrationLeonel Ibarra, Budget Coordinator,External Affairs Administration9/8/06, 10 a.m.–Noon<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center9th Floor Large Conference RoomCommunicationsBeyond Bullet PointsPowerPoint has become a seemingly indispensabletool, but when it’s used as a crutch inplace <strong>of</strong> telling a good story, audiences havebeen conditioned to just tune out. This sessionwill help you to create presentations that focusand clarify ideas to better engage your audience.Learn how to develop crisp and compellingnarrative and create the right mix <strong>of</strong>media and message to produce presentationsthat inform, motivate, and inspire. CliffAtkinson, author <strong>of</strong> Beyond Bullet Points, is aleading communications consultant and <strong>of</strong>fersa captivating alternative using a storyboardapproach.Cliff Atkinson, President, Sociable Media(, 10 a.m.–NoonJames West Alumni CenterLarge Conference RoomPersonalEnrichmentResilience Under PressureThis program provides targeted informationabout how you cope with daily lifestyle stress.How do some people remain hardy and withstandthe adverse effects <strong>of</strong> daily stress? Takean individual assessment that will identify yourrisk level and gauge how you’re dealing withcritical stress, lifestyle practices, and copingskills. Then learn specific steps to reduce stressand better manage your life so you are healthier,better balanced, and more resilient.Ken Nowack, Ph.D., President,Envisia Learning(, 10 a.m.–NoonJames West Alumni CenterLarge Conference Room

External AffairsForumGeneral Staff MeetingThis year-end meeting will provide an opportunityfor the entire organization to reflect on the year’saccomplishments. Join External Affairs leadershipas we celebrate the close <strong>of</strong> the year andlook forward to the new challenges ahead.12/13/06, 2–5 p.m.De Neve Plaza AuditoriumPlaza RoomAdvancement TechnologyThe following classes cover various advancement applications <strong>of</strong>fered through theComputer <strong>Training</strong> Center (CTC). Each requires security access coordinated through theExternal Affairs HelpDesk, x43400.Advance Inquiry*This session is an introduction to Advance, ourkey alumni/donor/friend database. Security,navigation, and application screens are covered.Paul Barone, Technology <strong>Training</strong> Manager<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center, CTC,Suite 1116Advance Contact ReportsContact Report training provides instruction ondocumenting information within Advance followingcontact with a prospect or donor andrecording the results <strong>of</strong> cultivation, solicitation,and stewardship efforts.Please call Donor and ProspectManagement at x42384 to requesttraining.Advance: Sort & Filter Reports*This lab provides tools for effectively sortingand filtering Advance online report data.Maximize the value <strong>of</strong> specific online reportsat your desktop.Paul Barone, Technology <strong>Training</strong> ManagerValrie Bohlmann, Analyst, DataManagement and Control Services<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center, CTC,Suite 1116OTG – Gift Documentation DatabaseThis lab provides basic understanding <strong>of</strong> thegift documentation database and covers navigating,running queries, printing, and displayoptions.Please call x43380 for additionalinformation regarding this training lab.OTG Refresher*A refresher on the gift documentation databasethat covers navigating, running queries, printing,and display options.Paul Barone, Technology <strong>Training</strong> Manager<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center, CTC, Suite 1116Events SystemIntroduction to the Events System tailored toevent planning staff who deal regularly withlarge events and interface with Advance.Please call x43380 for additionalinformation regarding this training lab.* Check online calendar for monthly training dates.

Technology <strong>Training</strong>The External Affairs Computer <strong>Training</strong> Center (CTC) <strong>of</strong>fers focused training labs and classes in avariety <strong>of</strong> Advancement and business-related applications.For a complete listing <strong>of</strong> our technology labs and classes visit our Web site also provide half-day classes in Access and PowerPoint at introductory and intermediate levels.These classes are designed to significantly boost s<strong>of</strong>tware skills without requiring a whole day awayfrom the <strong>of</strong>fice.Fee: $45All technology sessions are <strong>of</strong>fered at:External Affairs Computer <strong>Training</strong> Center<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center10920 Wilshire Blvd.Suite 1116Los Angeles, CA 90024NEW!The Lowdown on DownloadsInternet users are bombarded with programsdesigned to improve performance, enable communication,play multimedia content, or applycosmetic touches. Many <strong>of</strong> these programs arenot welcome on the EA network, and can beharmful to the network and your computer.This hands-<strong>of</strong>f seminar will explore various programsand discuss features that make themhelpful or harmful. Applications for discussioninclude: Google Desktop/Toolbar, Hotbar, Flash,Active-X, RealPlayer, FireFox, and instant messengers.Paul Barone, Technology <strong>Training</strong> ManagerJohn Lennon, Network Operations Manager8/3/06, 10:30 a.m.–Noon<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center9th Floor Large Conference Room11/7/06, Noon–1:30 p.m.<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center11th Floor Large Conference RoomNEW!Diving into DPRsThe Data Processing Request (DPR) is thelifeblood <strong>of</strong> successful solicitations, event guestlists, and other essential data needs. This handsonlab features easy and effective Excel andAccess tips to help you find what you need, hidewhat you don’t need, and manage the rest.Recommended for those who work with DPRoutput and want to be more adept with the data.Paul Barone, Technology <strong>Training</strong> Manager8/24/06, 10–11:30 a.m.10/24/06, 10–11:30 a.m.<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center, CTC,Suite 1116Customized Unit SessionsCustomized training sessions and demonstrationsare also available for units and workgroups.These can be hands-on training in theComputer <strong>Training</strong> Center or demonstrations atunit meetings.Personalized Technology SessionsOne-on-one training sessions are available tosenior managers/senior staff at their <strong>of</strong>fices toaddress their specific technology needs.Please e-mail training@support.ucla.eduor call x43380 for additional informationon these sessions.

InformationMailing Address:10920 Wilshire Blvd.Suite 1100Los Angeles, CA 90024Campus Mail Code: 160348Computer <strong>Training</strong> Center:<strong>UCLA</strong> Wilshire Center, Suite 1116Phone:(310) 794-3380(310) 794-3408 faxE-mail:training@support.ucla.eduWeb site: Enrollment:The online enrollment system for ExternalAffairs <strong>Training</strong> & <strong>Development</strong> courses isavailable at will need to enter your <strong>ISLand</strong> ID andpassword. If you do not have an <strong>ISLand</strong> ID andfeel you are eligible to enroll in classes <strong>of</strong>feredby External Affairs please call x43380.Fees:There are no class fees unless otherwise noted.Cancellation Policy:Cancellation within 48 business hours <strong>of</strong> theclass or non-attendance without prior notificationmay result in an administrative fee <strong>of</strong> $20or forfeiture <strong>of</strong> class fee, if higher. You mayavoid this administrative fee by sending a substitutein your place. Call x43380 for moreinformation.Consulting Services<strong>Training</strong> & <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers managers and supervisors a wide range<strong>of</strong> consulting services in:■ Performance improvement■ Strategic planning■ Team building■ Retreat facilitation■ Customer service training■ Project management strategies■ Train-the-Trainer and presentation coachingPlease contact Judith Wong, Director, <strong>Training</strong> & <strong>Development</strong>, at x43382.Enroll online at

JulyAugustM T W TH F M T W TH F3 4 5 6 7INDEPENDENCE AdvanceDAYInquiry<strong>Schedule</strong> <strong>of</strong> Classes20061 2 3 4Access Level I The LowdownEA Welcomeon DownloadsMeeting10 11 12 13 14Word: Mail Photoshop IIAdvanceMergesInquiry7 8 9 10 11AdvancePhotoshop Advance:InquiryBasics Sort/FilterReports17 18 19 20 21Access: DBExcel:JobDesignFormulas/ DescriptionsFunctions for Results24 25 26 27 28OutlookAdvanceVisioComplete InquiryDemystified14 15 16 17 18Excel: Format, Personal Access: Quality PowerPointCalculate, Branding Queries Level IChart!21 22 23 24 25Advance Access: Level II Diving intoInquiryDPRs3128 29 30 31SeptemberOctoberM T W TH F M T W TH F12 3 4 5 6Excel:Word: MailCalendar This!Formulas/MergesFunctions4 5 6 7 8LABOR DAYAdvanceSuccessfulInquiryBudgetMontoring9 10 11 12 13Resilience Advance OutlookUnder Stress InquiryComplete11 12 13 14 15Beyond Bullet Excel Level IIPoints16 17 18 19 20PhotoshopPowerPoint Access: DBBasicsLevel IDesign18 19 20 21 22Advance EffectiveAccess Level IInquiry Relations withAcademicLeaders25 26 27 28 29Visio Flowcharts EA WelcomeAdvanceMeetingInquiry23 24 25 26 27Diving into Advance Advance:DPRsInquirySort/FilterReports30 31Access: Level IINovemberM T W TH F1 2 3Access: Quality AdvanceQueries InquiryDecemberM T W TH F16 7 8 9 10The LowdownExcel Level II VETERANS’on DownloadsDAY4 5 6 7 8EA Welcome PowerPointAdvanceMeeting Level IInquiry13 14 15 16 17Excel: Format, BrandingAdvanceCalculate, AcademicInquiryChart!Departments11 12 13 14 15General StaffMeeting20 21 22 23 24VisioTHANKSGIVING <strong>UCLA</strong> HOLIDAYDemystified18 19 20 21 22AdvanceInquiry27 28 29 30Advance Supervisor Access Level IInquiryUpdate25 26 27 28 29CHRISTMAS <strong>UCLA</strong> HOLIDAY<strong>UCLA</strong> HOLIDAY■ Pr<strong>of</strong>essional & Staff <strong>Development</strong>■ Computer <strong>Training</strong> Center ClassesCheck the online calendar for program updates at

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