Carrying While Wearing Business Attire - US Concealed Carry

Carrying While Wearing Business Attire - US Concealed Carry

Carrying While Wearing Business Attire - US Concealed Carry

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Overweight Versus Under-WeightIn plain language, a fat person can hide a gun better than areally skinny person can. People expect to see a bulge or twoon the big guy. After all, he will at least have love handles anda pot belly. The extra bit of real estate a gun occupies on his bodyis more likely to go unnoticed. It has a lot to do with how we lookat people. Guys who spend their free time ogling women will paymore attention to the body part they are most interested in. It isn’tnews to anyone that some men have a preference for legs whileothers may have a preference for breasts or bottoms. A womancould hide a bazooka on top of her head and many guys wouldnot even notice it. However, if she put a little .380 in her bra someogler would notice the out of place bulge.Years ago I knew a guy who was so skinny that I could almostwear his belt around my bicep without it falling off. We checkedit out one day after I made a joke about my arm being as big ashis waist. Of course that was back when my arms had a lot moremuscle. There was no place on that guy’s body where he couldeffectively hide even a compact 9mm. That is until the fashionchanged. When everything went baggy, he could hide a MAC-10 and no one would notice. There is a method to the madnessof those who carry concealed and never get made. They realizethat wardrobe needs to be adapted to carrying a gun more thanthe gun to the wardrobe. If you like your business attire to fit likeSpandex, there isn’t much this report can help you with.Our preconceptions and prejudices make it tougher for a reallyskinny guy to hide a gun. A fat person as well as a rail-thin personwill be more scrutinized because each is a novelty in public. Wemore closely scrutinize those who don’t look like everyone else.However, an interesting thing is happening in the <strong>US</strong> where thosewho were once considered fat are now considered normal dueto the population at large dramatically increasing in weight. Thereally skinny guy now gets as much scrutiny as a really fat guy.People will look at his skinny arms, legs and waist. In fact, I hearda man comment today on how skinny another man was.Here is a 1911 in a Blackhawk SERPA holster under the suit coat of our model.As long as he is standing still and upright, it is not noticeable. The SERPAholster is a fantastic holster, but it is hard polymer, unyielding and sticks outunder clothes. It works perfectly for some applications, but probably shouldnot be a first choice for use with business attire. If our model bends, twists orbumps into something, his gun might be discovered.Here is the SERPA with the suit coat out of the way.6© 2003-2011 U.S. <strong>Concealed</strong> <strong>Carry</strong> Association & Delta Media LLC - All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission prohibited.

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