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887. Κωνσταντάς, Γ., Αντιβάχης, Ν., Αγγελής, Β.Α., (2005)Η Επίδραση της Κουλτούρας ενός Οργανισµού στη ∆ιαχείριση της Γνώσης, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 1 ο Εθνικό ΣυνέδριοΕλληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών, 12-14 Μαΐου 2005, Τρίπολη, (Πρακτικά σε CD-ROM).88. Antivachis, N. A. and Angelis, V. A. (2004)Project Management: HR Recruiting and Selection Practices Τόµος Πρακτικών Β’, 16ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο ΕΕΕΕ, «∆ιοίκησηκαι ∆ιαχείριση Έργων», Ελληνική Εταιρία Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών και ΤΕΙ Λάρισας, Λάρισα, Σεπτέµβριος 2003, pp 25-31.89. Αγγελής, Β. Α., Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ. και ∆ηµάκη Α., (2004)Η Αξιολόγηση των Ελληνικών Τραπεζών από τους Πελάτες της Λιανικής Τραπεζικής, Μελέτες προς Τιµήν του ΚαθηγητήΣτυλιανού Σαραντίδη, Πανεπιστήµιο Πειραιώς, Πειραιάς 2005, σελ. 3-23.90. Kutsikos, K. and M. Bekiaris, 2007IT Governance Auditing in Virtual Organizations, MIBES Transactions International Journal, vol. 1, issue 1 pp. 35-4591. Bekiaris, M. and K. Kutsikos, 2007The Evolution of IT Governance Auditing within Emerging Technology-Driven Corporate Structures, I-manager'sJournal on Management, No 2, Vol 2, pp. 6-1492. Bekiaris, M., 2008Business Codes: A financial reporting quality factor or another compliance obligation?, I-manager's Journal onManagement, Forthcoming (LoA)* 193. Lagos, D., M. Bekiaris, and P. Arsenos, 2007Competitiveness of the tourism Product of Corfu: Financial Analysis of the local 5-star Hotel Industry, TOURISMOS,vol. 4, issue 1. Forthcoming (LοΑ)94. Rogdaki, E. and M. Bekiaris, 2007Accounting of Government Grants: IAS 20 Analysis and Critical Thesis, The South European Review of Business Financeand Accounting. Forthcoming (LoA)95. Christou, E. (2007)A qualitative analysis of consumer attitudes on adoption of online travel services, Tourism: An InternationalInterdisciplinary Journal, Vol.57, No.2.96. Christou, E. & Kassianidis, P. (2005)The impact of guest satisfaction and service quality on future behavioural intentions: Evidence from the hospitalitysector, Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Vol.11, No.2.97. Christou, E. (2004)The impact of trust on brand loyalty: evidence from the hospitality industry, Tourist Scientific Review, Vol.1, No.198. Christou,, E. (2007)Tourist destinations as brands: The impact of destination image and reputation on visitor loyalty. In the book (edited)Keller, P. & Bieger, T. (2007) Productivity in Tourism: Fundamentals and Concepts for Achieving Growth andcompetitiveness. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.99. Polydoropoulou, A., N. Litinas, A. Tsirimpa (2007)Ports in Small Regional Areas and Islands: User Evaluations for Ports as Efficient Intermodal Gateways,Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference: “Competitiveness and Complementarity of Transport Modes,Perspectives for the Development of Intermodal Transport”, Chios, May 2007.100. Kitrinou, E. and A. Polydoropoulou (2007)Competitiveness of Travel Modes in Island Areas due to Relocation and Teleworking, Proceedings of the 1stInternational Scientific Conference: “Competitiveness And Complementarity Of Transport Modes, Perspectives For TheDevelopment Of Intermodal Transport”, Chios, May 2007.1 Letter of Acceptance

9101. Tsirimpa, A., A. Polydoropoulou, C. Antoniou (2008)Development of a Latent Variable Model to Capture the Impact of Risk Aversion on Travelers’ Switching Behavior,Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, Berkeley, CA, June 2007.102. Kitrinou, E. and A. Polydoropoulou (2007)Analyzing the Decisions of Relocation and Teleworking in Island Areas, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference onTransportation Research, Berkeley, CA, June 2007.103. Christou, E. (2005)Service quality and visitor satisfaction in heritage sites. In the book (edited) Sigala, M. & Leslie, D. (2005) Global CulturalTourism: Issues and Cases. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.104. Christou, E., Stavrinoudis, T., Tsartas, P. & Vasileiou, M. (2007)Wellness tourism in Greece: Trust on spa brands and spa brand loyalty. Biannual International Conference: StrategicDevelopments in Services Marketing. Chios, Greece: University of Glagow, University of the Aegean & Greek MarketingAcademy.105. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C. & Sigala, M. (2007)Travellers’ perceptions on adoption of internet shopping for airline tickets. Biannual International Conference: StrategicDevelopments in Services Marketing. Chios, Greece: University of Glagow, University of the Aegean & Greek MarketingAcademy.106. Christou, E. (2007)Tourism destination brand personality: Influencing perceptions. 61 st Annual I-CHRIE (International Council on Hotel,Restaurant & Institutional Education) Convention & Exhibition. Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.: I-CHRIE.107.Sigala, M. & Christou, E. (2007)Exploiting Web 2.0 in open and distance education: Developing personalised and collaborative learning environments.4 th International Conference on Open & Distance Education. Athens, Greece: Greek Open University.108. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C. & Kassianidis, P. (2006)Tour operator image and brand loyalty: Examination of the package holidays sector. 24 th EuroCHRIE Congress: InSearch of Excellence in Tourism, Travel & Hospitality. Thessaloniki, Greece: University of the Aegean.109. Christou, E. & Lymperopoulos, C. (2006)Investigating visitor satisfaction and service quality in a heritage-tourism context. 35 th European Marketing AcademyConference (EMAC): Sustainable Marketing Leadership – A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics.Athens, Greece: Athens University of Economics & Business.110. Christou, E. (2006)The relationship between service loyalty and traveller satisfaction in the airline sector. 18 thCongress: New Trends in Tourism & Hospitality Management. Opatija, Croatia: University of Rijeka.Biennial international111. Christou, E. & Maroudas, L. (2005)Linking travellers’ trust on airlines’ brands with airline brand loyalty. 23 rd EuroCHRIE (European Council for Hotel,Restaurant and Institutional Education) Conference: Managing Change in Tourism and Hospitality. Paris, France: InstitutePaul Bocuse.112. Christou, E., Giouzepas, D., Tsinikas, N. & Valahis, I. (2005)Gaining competitive advantage in Small and medium hospitality enterprises by applying “interactive landscapes”.Proceedings of the 8 th International Scientific Conference: Contemporary Trends in Tourism Industry. Ohrid, FYROM:University of Bitola “St. Kliment Ohridski”.113. Christou, E. (2005)Promotional pricing in the electronic commerce for holiday packages: A model of purchase behavior. ENTER 2005Conference: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Innsbruck, Austria: International Federation ofInformation Technology in Travel & Tourism (IFITT).114. Christou, E. & Kassianidis, P. (2005)

9101. Tsirimpa, A., A. Polydoropoulou, C. Antoniou (2008)Development of a Latent Variable Model to Capture the Impact of Risk Aversion on Travelers’ Switching Behavior,Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, Berkeley, CA, June 2007.102. Kitrinou, E. and A. Polydoropoulou (2007)Analyzing the Decisions of Relocation and Teleworking in Island Areas, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference onTransportation Research, Berkeley, CA, June 2007.103. Christou, E. (2005)Service quality and visitor satisfaction in heritage sites. In the book (edited) Sigala, M. & Leslie, D. (2005) Global CulturalTourism: Issues and Cases. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.104. Christou, E., Stavrinoudis, T., Tsartas, P. & Vasileiou, M. (2007)Wellness tourism in Greece: Trust on spa brands and spa brand loyalty. Biannual International Conference: StrategicDevelopments in Services Marketing. Chios, Greece: University of Glagow, University of the Aegean & Greek MarketingAcademy.105. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C. & Sigala, M. (2007)Travellers’ perceptions on adoption of internet shopping for airline tickets. Biannual International Conference: StrategicDevelopments in Services Marketing. Chios, Greece: University of Glagow, University of the Aegean & Greek MarketingAcademy.106. Christou, E. (2007)Tourism destination brand personality: Influencing perceptions. 61 st Annual I-CHRIE (International Council on Hotel,Restaurant & Institutional Education) Convention & Exhibition. Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.: I-CHRIE.107.Sigala, M. & Christou, E. (2007)Exploiting Web 2.0 in open and distance education: Developing personalised and collaborative learning environments.4 th International Conference on Open & Distance Education. Athens, Greece: Greek Open University.108. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C. & Kassianidis, P. (2006)Tour operator image and brand loyalty: Examination of the package holidays sector. 24 th EuroCHRIE Congress: InSearch of Excellence in Tourism, Travel & Hospitality. Thessaloniki, Greece: University of the Aegean.109. Christou, E. & Lymperopoulos, C. (2006)Investigating visitor satisfaction and service quality in a heritage-tourism context. 35 th European Marketing AcademyConference (EMAC): Sustainable Marketing Leadership – A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics.Athens, Greece: Athens University of Economics & Business.110. Christou, E. (2006)The relationship between service loyalty and traveller satisfaction in the airline sector. 18 thCongress: New Trends in Tourism & Hospitality Management. Opatija, Croatia: University of Rijeka.Biennial international111. Christou, E. & Maroudas, L. (2005)Linking travellers’ trust on airlines’ brands with airline brand loyalty. 23 rd EuroCHRIE (European Council for Hotel,Restaurant and Institutional Education) Conference: Managing Change in Tourism and Hospitality. Paris, France: InstitutePaul Bocuse.112. Christou, E., Giouzepas, D., Tsinikas, N. & Valahis, I. (2005)Gaining competitive advantage in Small and medium hospitality enterprises by applying “interactive landscapes”.Proceedings of the 8 th International Scientific Conference: Contemporary Trends in Tourism Industry. Ohrid, FYROM:University of Bitola “St. Kliment Ohridski”.113. Christou, E. (2005)Promotional pricing in the electronic commerce for holiday packages: A model of purchase behavior. ENTER 2005Conference: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Innsbruck, Austria: International Federation ofInformation Technology in Travel & Tourism (IFITT).114. Christou, E. & Kassianidis, P. (2005)

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