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16The Attractiveness of a Region: Measuring its Value and Studying its Changes, 17 ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής,Λευκάδα, 14-18 Απριλίου 2004, (Poster).203. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Leading Neutron Energy and P_T Distributions in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction at HERADESY-07-011 (January 2007), Nuclear Physics B 776 (2007) 1-37204. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Measurement of D^*+- Meson Production in ep Scattering at low Q^2, DESY-07-012 (January 2007)Physics Letters B 649 (2007) 111-121205. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Diffractive photoproduction of Dstar(2010) at HERA, DESY-07-039 (March 2007)European Physical Journal C 51 (2007) 301-315206. I. Gialas ( ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Measurement of D Mesons Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA, DESY-07-052 (April 2007)JHEP07(2007)074207. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Multijet production at low xBj in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-062 (May 2007)Nuclear Physics B 786 (2007) 152-180208. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Bose-Einstein Correlations of Charged and Neutral Kaons in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA, DESY-07-069 (May2007),Physics Letters B 652 (2007) 1-12209. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA, DESY-07-070 (May 2007)Nuclear Physics B 786 (2007) 181-205210. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)High-ET dijet photoproduction at HERA, DESY-07-092 (June 2007), Physical Review D 76 (2007) 072011211. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Forward-jet production in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA, DESY-07-100 (July 2007), European Physical Journal C52 (2007) 515-530212. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Dijet production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-126 (August 2007), Europ. Phys. Journal C52 (2007) 813-832213. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Three- and four-jet final states in photoproduction at HERA,DESY-07-102 (July 2007), Nuclear Physics B 792 (2008) 1-47214. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Exclusive rho^0 production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-118 (August 2007), PMC Physics A 1, 6215. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Diffractive photoproduction of dijets in ep collisions at HERA, DESY-07-161 (September 2007), Europ. Phys. Journal C55 (2008) 177-191216. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al. ) (2008)Deep inelastic inclusive and diffractive scattering at Q^2 values from 25 to 320 GeV^2 with the ZEUS forward plugcalorimeter, DESY-08-011 (February 2008), Nuclear Physics B 800 (2008) 1-76217. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Mulit-jet cross sections in charged current e^+-p scattering at HERA, DESY-08-024 (February 2008)Physical Review D 78 (2008) 032004

17218. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Energy dependence of the charged multiplicity in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-08-036 (March 2008)JHEP06(2008)061219. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al. ) (2008)Beauty photoproduction using decays into electrons at HERA, DESY-08-056 (May 2008), Physical Review D 78 (2008)072001220. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al. ) (2008)Inclusive K0_SK0_S resonance production in ep collisions at HERA, DESY-08-068 (June 2008)Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 112003221. Θεοδοσίου Κ, Βιτέλλας Ι, Γκιάλας Ι, Αγορής ∆ (2004)Μηχανισµός Αγωγιµότητας και Κριτήριο Κατάρρευσης Πολυµερικών φιλµ, κάτω από την επίδραση Πεδίων ΥψηλήςΕναλλασσόµενης Τάσης, Πρακτικά 10ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φυσικής (1 Φεβρουαρίου 2004).222. Theodosiou K, Vitellas I, Gialas I and Agoris D (2004)Polymer Films Degradation and Breakdown in high voltage AC fields, J. Electr. Eng. Vol.55 09-10 (2004), p 225 – 231223. I. Vitellas, K. Theodosiou, I. Gialas and D.P. Agoris (2005)Mechanism of degradation and breakdown in PET films under high intensity AC fields, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 30, 83-89 (2005)224. K. Theodosiou, I. Gialas I., Vitellas and D.P. Agoris (2005)The role of interfaces in the dielectric strength of polymeric films under high intensity fields, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 32(2005) 109-114225. Θεοδοσίου Κ, Βιτέλλας Ι, Γκιάλας Ι, Αγορής ∆. (2005)Επίδραση διαφράγµατος στην ανάπτυξη ηλεκτρικών δενδριτών σε στερεές συνθετικές µονώσεις κατά την ηλεκτρικήτους καταπόνηση, Πρακτικά Κοινού Συνέδριου Ενώσεων Ελλήνων και Κυπρίων Φυσικών 04-06 Φεβρουαρίου 2005,Λευκωσία.226. I Vitellas, K. Theodosiou, Christidis C and D. Agoris (2005)Barrier interfaces effects on the dielectric strength of air gap and solid insulation materials, ,Proceedings of the AnnualConference of the Greek CIGRE Committee, 20-22 November 2005, Athens Greece.227. Theodosiou K, Vitellas I, Gialas I and Agoris D (2005)Degradation mechanism in PET films at AC 50 Hz fields, Electrical Ageing Workshop (IOP Dielectrics Group) Autrans,France, 29 June–1 July 2005228. Theodosiou K, Vitellas I, Agoris D and Gialas I (2005)The role of a high permittivity barrier in a three layer dielectric, Electrical Ageing Workshop (IOP Dielectrics Group)Autrans, France, 29 June–1 July 2005229. K. Theodosiou, I. Gialas I., Vitellas and D.P. Agoris (2005)Experimental Study and Theoretical Evaluation of High Voltage Breakdown in Polymer Films, Proceedings of the XIVthInternational Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2005, ΙΕΕΕ), Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005, H-10 p 1-6230. Θεοδοσίου Κ, Βιτέλλας Ι, Γκιάλας Ι, Αγορής ∆ (2005)∆ιεπιφάνειες πολυµερικών φιλµ ιδίου υλικού και ο ρόλος τους στη διηλεκτρική αντοχή των µονωτικών υλικών.,Πρακτικά Κοινού Συνέδριου Ενώσεων Ελλήνων και Κυπρίων Φυσικών 01-04 Μαρτίου 2005, Κέρκυρα231. K. Theodosiou, I. Gialas I., Vitellas and D. Agoris (2006)The influence of pet interfaces on dielectric strength of multilayered solid insulation, Proceedings of Sixth Gen. Conf. ofthe Balkan Physical Union (bpu6), August 22-26 2006, Istanbul Turkey.232. Theodosiou K, Gialas I, Vitellas I and Agoris D (2007)Τhe impact of pet interfaces in the dielectric strength of multilayered electrical insulation under high intensity fields, J.Electr. Eng. Vol.58 03 (2007), p 128

16The Attractiveness of a Region: Measuring its Value and Studying its Changes, 17 ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής,Λευκάδα, 14-18 Απριλίου 2004, (Poster).203. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Leading Neutron Energy and P_T Distributions in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction at HERADESY-07-011 (January 2007), Nuclear Physics B 776 (2007) 1-37204. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Measurement of D^*+- Meson Production in ep Scattering at low Q^2, DESY-07-012 (January 2007)Physics Letters B 649 (2007) 111-121205. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Diffractive photoproduction of Dstar(2010) at HERA, DESY-07-039 (March 2007)European Physical Journal C 51 (2007) 301-315206. I. Gialas ( ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Measurement of D Mesons Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA, DESY-07-052 (April 2007)JHEP07(2007)074207. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Multijet production at low xBj in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-062 (May 2007)Nuclear Physics B 786 (2007) 152-180208. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Bose-Einstein Correlations of Charged and Neutral Kaons in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA, DESY-07-069 (May2007),Physics Letters B 652 (2007) 1-12209. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA, DESY-07-070 (May 2007)Nuclear Physics B 786 (2007) 181-205210. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)High-ET dijet photoproduction at HERA, DESY-07-092 (June 2007), Physical Review D 76 (2007) 072011211. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Forward-jet production in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA, DESY-07-100 (July 2007), European Physical Journal C52 (2007) 515-530212. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2007)Dijet production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-126 (August 2007), Europ. Phys. Journal C52 (2007) 813-832213. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Three- and four-jet final states in photoproduction at HERA,DESY-07-102 (July 2007), Nuclear Physics B 792 (2008) 1-47214. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Exclusive rho^0 production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-118 (August 2007), PMC Physics A 1, 6215. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Diffractive photoproduction of dijets in ep collisions at HERA, DESY-07-161 (September 2007), Europ. Phys. Journal C55 (2008) 177-191216. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al. ) (2008)Deep inelastic inclusive and diffractive scattering at Q^2 values from 25 to 320 GeV^2 with the ZEUS forward plugcalorimeter, DESY-08-011 (February 2008), Nuclear Physics B 800 (2008) 1-76217. I. Gialas (ZEUS Collaboration; S. Chekanov et al.) (2008)Mulit-jet cross sections in charged current e^+-p scattering at HERA, DESY-08-024 (February 2008)Physical Review D 78 (2008) 032004

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