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14Nature Inspired Intelligent Techniques for Pap Smear Diagnosis: Ant Colony Optimization for Cell Classification, ThePap Smear Benchmark, Intelligent and Nature Inspired Approaches in Pap Smear Diagnosis, Special Session Proceedings ofthe NISIS - 2006 Symposium, 35 - 45, November 29 - December 1, 2006, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.172. Tsakonas A., Ampazis N., Dounias G. (2006)Towards a Comprehensible and Accurate Credit Management Model: Application of Four Computational IntelligenceMethodologies, IEEE supported Int. Conference on Evolving Fuzzy-Systems EFS-06, Lake District, UK, September-06.173. Papadopoulos E., Dounias G. (2006)Real Options Methodology for IT Project Evaluation, Proc. 3 rd International Conference on Applied Financial EconomicsAFE-06, Samos, Greece, June-2006.174. Tsakonas A., Dounias G., Nikitakos N. (2006)Active Sonar Target Identification Using Evolutionary Neural Logic Networks, in NeSy-06: 2 nd Int. Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, organised at ECAI-06: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Riva del GardaItaly, Aug. 29175. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007)Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, SSE (InternationalSymposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection), Athens, Greece.176. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007)A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Hazards at Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic, SSARS (SummerSafety and Reliability Seminars) 2007, Sopot, Poland.177. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M, Doumi, M. (2006),A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Internet Business Electronic Service, 2 nd International Conference on EU-Eastand South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business, Chios, Greece.178. Ντούρµας, Γ. Νικητάκος, Ν. και Ντουµή, Μ. (2006)Επιλογή Ναυτιλιακών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπηρεσιών στο ∆ιαδίκτυο µε Χρήση Ασαφούς Λογικής, 2 ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο τηςΕλληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών µε θέµα: «Συστηµικές Προσεγγίσεις σε ∆ίκτυο Επιχειρήσεων-Οργανισµών:Οικονοµικές και Κοινωνικές ∆ιαστάσεις», Χίος.179. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. (2005)Digital Business Ecosystems and Network-Centric Warfare, Network-Centric Defense Conference 2005: A Challenge forthe Hellenic Armed Forces in the 21 st Century, Athens, Greece.180. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N., M (2005)Maritime Network-Centric Organizations, Conference for 20 years of University of the Aegean, Managing Global Trendsand Challenges in a Turbulent Economy”, Chios, Greece.181. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2005)ICT Adoption and the Concept of Digital Business Ecosystems Applied to the Shipping Industry. The Greek ShippingCase, IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists) Conference 2005, Limassol, Cyprus.182. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. (2004)Network-Centric Warfare. The New Strategic Concept, 2 nd International Conference on Defense, Security and EconomicDevelopment, Larisa, Greece.183. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007)Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, SSE (InternationalSymposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection) 2007.184. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M. and Doumi, M. (2006)A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Internet Business Electronic Services, 2 nd International Conference on EU-Eastand South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business.185. Ντούρµας, Γ. Νικητάκος, Ν. και Ντουµή, Μ. (2006)Επιλογή Ναυτιλιακών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπηρεσιών στο ∆ιαδίκτυο µε Χρήση Ασαφούς Λογικής, 2 ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο τηςΕλληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών.

15186. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. and Lambrou, M. (2005)ICT Adoption and the Concept of Digital Business Ecosystems Applied to the Shipping Industry. The Greek ShippingCase, IAME Conference 2005.187. Dourmas, G. and Nikitakos, N. (2004)Network-Centric Warfare.The New Strategic Concept, 2 nd International Conference on Defense, Security and EconomicDevelopment.188. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2008)Evaluation of Electronic Maritime Services Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, Int. J. Business Information Systems, Vol. 3, Issue6, 2008.189. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007)A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Hazards at Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic, The Archives ofTransport, Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Transport, Vol. 19, Issue 3, Warsaw 2007190. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2008)Subspaces with a common complement in a separable Hilbert space, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 62 (2008),159-167191. D. Drivaliaris, S. Karanasios, D. Pappas (2007)Factorizations of EP operators, Linear Algebra and Applications, 429 (2008), 1555-1567192. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2007)Characterizations of subspaces with a common complement in a Banach space, Studia Mathematica, 182 (2007), 141-164193. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2005)Generalizations of the Lax-Milgram theorem, Boundary Value Problems, 2007, Art. ID 87104, 9 pp194. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2007)Surjectivity of linear operators from a Banach space into itself, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 76 (2007),143-154195. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2005)Hilbert space structure and positive operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 305 (2005), 560-565196. Κωνσταντίνος Φραγκοµίχαλος (2004)Αναζητώντας την περίεργη ταυτότητα ενός ιερού της Βορειοδυτικής Χίου, Φιλολογική Χίος, τόµ. 9 ος (2004), σελ. 3-28.197. Κωνσταντίνος Φραγκοµίχαλος (2004)Το επιτύµβιον ελεγείον της “Κυρίας” της Λήµνου, Φιλολογική Χίος, τόµ. 9 ος (2004), σελ. 139-155.198. Κωνσταντίνος Φραγκοµίχαλος (2004)Η επιβίωση των Οµηρικών επών στα ήθη, τα έθιµα και τις παραδόσεις της Χίου, (Ανακοίνωση στο ΠανελλήνιοΣυνέδριο µε θέµα : Ο Αιγαιακός ΄Οµηρος Παγχρονικός, Χίος 25-28 Σεπτεµβρίου 2003), Φιλολογική Χίος, τόµ. 10 ος , σελ.7-20.199. Κωνσταντίνος Φραγκοµίχαλος (2004)Η χρήση στη Χίο αρχαιοελληνικών ονοµάτων ως βαπτιστικών τον 19 ο και τις αρχες του 20ού αιώνα, Φιλολογική Χίος,τόµ. 10 ος , σελ. 189-252.200. Κωνσταντίνος Φραγκοµίχαλος (2006)Οι εντυπώσεις του Pernot από τη Χίο του ΙΘ΄αιώνα, Εισήγηση σε Ηµερίδα Πανελλήνιας συµµετοχής µε θέµα Ο Pernotκαι η Χίος, Χίος 10 Νοεµβρίου 2006.201. Κωνσταντίνος Φραγκοµίχαλος (2008)Το ΄Αγιο Γάλας της Χίου: Μνηµείο Φύσης, Ιστορίας και Τέχνης, Χίος 2008, σελ. 207.202. Kondakis, M., Dimaki, C. and Gaki, E. (2004)

14Nature Inspired Intelligent Techniques for Pap Smear Diagnosis: Ant Colony Optimization for Cell Classification, ThePap Smear Benchmark, Intelligent and Nature Inspired Approaches in Pap Smear Diagnosis, Special Session Proceedings ofthe NISIS - 2006 Symposium, 35 - 45, November 29 - December 1, 2006, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.172. Tsakonas A., Ampazis N., Dounias G. (2006)Towards a Comprehensible and Accurate Credit Management Model: Application of Four Computational IntelligenceMethodologies, IEEE supported Int. Conference on Evolving Fuzzy-Systems EFS-06, Lake District, UK, September-06.173. Papadopoulos E., Dounias G. (2006)Real Options Methodology for IT Project Evaluation, Proc. 3 rd International Conference on Applied Financial EconomicsAFE-06, Samos, Greece, June-2006.174. Tsakonas A., Dounias G., Nikitakos N. (2006)Active Sonar Target Identification Using Evolutionary Neural Logic Networks, in NeSy-06: 2 nd Int. Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, organised at ECAI-06: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Riva del GardaItaly, Aug. 29175. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007)Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, SSE (InternationalSymposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection), Athens, Greece.176. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007)A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Hazards at Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic, SSARS (SummerSafety and Reliability Seminars) 2007, Sopot, Poland.177. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M, Doumi, M. (2006),A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Internet Business Electronic Service, 2 nd International Conference on EU-Eastand South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business, Chios, Greece.178. Ντούρµας, Γ. Νικητάκος, Ν. και Ντουµή, Μ. (2006)Επιλογή Ναυτιλιακών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπηρεσιών στο ∆ιαδίκτυο µε Χρήση Ασαφούς Λογικής, 2 ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο <strong>της</strong>Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών µε θέµα: «Συστηµικές Προσεγγίσεις σε ∆ίκτυο Επιχειρήσεων-Οργανισµών:Οικονοµικές και Κοινωνικές ∆ιαστάσεις», Χίος.179. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. (2005)Digital Business Ecosystems and Network-Centric Warfare, Network-Centric Defense Conference 2005: A Challenge forthe Hellenic Armed Forces in the 21 st Century, Athens, Greece.180. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N., M (2005)Maritime Network-Centric Organizations, Conference for 20 years of University of the Aegean, Managing Global Trendsand Challenges in a Turbulent Economy”, Chios, Greece.181. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2005)ICT Adoption and the Concept of Digital Business Ecosystems Applied to the Shipping Industry. The Greek ShippingCase, IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists) Conference 2005, Limassol, Cyprus.182. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. (2004)Network-Centric Warfare. The New Strategic Concept, 2 nd International Conference on Defense, Security and EconomicDevelopment, Larisa, Greece.183. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007)Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, SSE (InternationalSymposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection) 2007.184. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M. and Doumi, M. (2006)A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Internet Business Electronic Services, 2 nd International Conference on EU-Eastand South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business.185. Ντούρµας, Γ. Νικητάκος, Ν. και Ντουµή, Μ. (2006)Επιλογή Ναυτιλιακών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπηρεσιών στο ∆ιαδίκτυο µε Χρήση Ασαφούς Λογικής, 2 ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο <strong>της</strong>Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών.

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