O&O Defrag 17 User's Guide - O&O Software

O&O Defrag 17 User's Guide - O&O Software O&O Defrag 17 User's Guide - O&O Software

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Status reports• The drive will be analyzed. You can see an analysis being run with the drive symbol in the progress display.• Once an analysis is completed, the status report will be automatically saved and displayed.Note: You can also create status reports for several drives at the same time by pressing the Ctrl key and selectingthe drives you want to have included.Evaluating Status ReportsBased on the O&O Defrag status reports, you can document the level of fragmentation as well as the results of defragmentationon your system. Status reports contain all important information regarding your hard disk drives.The level of fragmentation is particularly important. It constitutes a normalized value of the fragmentation and can beused as a comparison for different systems and for hard disks of different sizes. This value ranges from 0 (completelydefragmented) to 100% (completely fragmented). A low value of (under 5%) is recommended. You can also use thisvalue in jobs when defining a threshold for an automatic defragmentation.Deleting status reportsTo deletea status report, select it in the report list and use your keyboard’s delete key. If you want to delete an entirereport group, e.g. "Last month", all reports will be deleted in the specified time period.The function Delete all, allows you to delete all reports at the same time.O&O Defrag - 44

Check driveCheck driveIn the Ribbon bar under Check drive, you have the possibility to check the drive for errors. You can find the correspondingreport as usual under the tab Reports. Checking the drives corresponds with the Windows chkdsk function,yet, it only can run scans in the read-only mode, and thus cannot correct errors. In case of error, you need to runthe chkdsk command manually.It is strongly recommended to thoroughly check a drive if an error is detected. More information can be found in the WindowsHelp file.You can cancel the check by clicking on stop in the Ribbon.O&O Defrag - 45

Check driveCheck driveIn the Ribbon bar under Check drive, you have the possibility to check the drive for errors. You can find the correspondingreport as usual under the tab Reports. Checking the drives corresponds with the Windows chkdsk function,yet, it only can run scans in the read-only mode, and thus cannot correct errors. In case of error, you need to runthe chkdsk command manually.It is strongly recommended to thoroughly check a drive if an error is detected. More information can be found in the WindowsHelp file.You can cancel the check by clicking on stop in the Ribbon.O&O <strong>Defrag</strong> - 45

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