A penny-shaped cohesive crack model for material damage

A penny-shaped cohesive crack model for material damage

A penny-shaped cohesive crack model for material damage

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G. Wang, S.F. Li / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 42 (2004) 303–316 305ing body <strong>for</strong>ce, the equilibrium equation inside anRVE takes the <strong>for</strong>mrr ¼ 0 8x 2 V ð2ÞAssume that the prescribed tractions on the remoteboundary of the RVE (oV 1 ) are generatedby a constant stress tensor r 1 . Let oV ec denotetraction-free part of a <strong>cohesive</strong> <strong>crack</strong> surface,and let oV pz denote the <strong>cohesive</strong> part of the <strong>crack</strong>surface where constant traction <strong>for</strong>ce t is applied.Using divergence theorem and Eq. (2), it isstraight<strong>for</strong>ward to show thathri ¼ 1 ZrdV ¼ 1 Zfr ðr xÞg T dVV V V V¼ 1 ZZr 1 dV fn ðr xÞg T dSV VoVZecfn ðr xÞg T dSoV pzZ¼ r 1 1fn ðr xÞg T dSV oV pzZ¼ r 1 1x tdSð3ÞV oV pzwhere t is the constant <strong>cohesive</strong> traction.Note that oV pz = oV pz+ [ oV pz and the surfaceareas joV pzþ j¼joV pz j¼ 1 joV 2 pzj, where subscriptÔ+Õ and Ô Õ are used to distinguish upperand lower part of the <strong>crack</strong> surfaces. So the lastterm in Eq. (3) becomesZ1x tdS ¼ 1 V oV pzVZZx t þ dS þoV pzþoV pz¼ 12V x ðtþ þ t ÞjoV pz j¼ 0x t dS!ð4Þwhere t + = t are the <strong>cohesive</strong> tractions actingon oV pz+ and oV pz respectively.There<strong>for</strong>e, the average stress inside the RVEwill equal to remote stressR ¼hri ¼r 1ð5ÞBy superposition, it is straight<strong>for</strong>ward to generatethis result to an RVE with N <strong>cohesive</strong> <strong>crack</strong>s randomlydistributed inside (see Fig. 1),hri ¼r 1 1VX Na¼1ZoV ðaÞpzx t ðaÞ dS ¼ r 1ð6ÞFig. 1. Randomly distributed micro-<strong>crack</strong>s within an RVE.Hence, the averaging theorem follows:Theorem. Suppose1. an elastic representative volume element containsN Barenblatt–Dugdale <strong>penny</strong>-<strong>shaped</strong> <strong>crack</strong>s with<strong>cohesive</strong> tractions in the <strong>cohesive</strong> zones;2. the tractions on the remote boundary of the RVEis generated by a constant stress tensor, i.e.,t 1 = n Æ r 1 and r 1 is constant.Then, macro stress of the RVE equals to the remoteconstant stress, i.e. R = hri = r 1 .3. Penny-<strong>shaped</strong> <strong>crack</strong> under uni<strong>for</strong>m triaxialtensionBe<strong>for</strong>e homogenization, the analytical solutionof three-dimensional (3D) <strong>penny</strong>-<strong>shaped</strong> <strong>crack</strong> inan RVE that is under uni<strong>for</strong>m triaxial tension isoutlined in this section (see Fig. 2).Penny-<strong>shaped</strong> Dugdale <strong>crack</strong> problem has beenstudied by several authors. The early contributionwas made by Keer and Mura, who used the Trescayield criterion to link the <strong>cohesive</strong> strength tomicro yield stress [17]. In their study, only uniaxialtension loading was considered. More recently,

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