Strategies of the Development of Entrepreneurship and SME

Strategies of the Development of Entrepreneurship and SME

Strategies of the Development of Entrepreneurship and SME


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The role <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> state in technical support for <strong>SME</strong> <strong>and</strong> development <strong>of</strong> human resourcesis to improve information supply for <strong>SME</strong>, training <strong>and</strong> retraining <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurs <strong>and</strong>vocational training for <strong>SME</strong>s, provide training, advocacy <strong>and</strong> information service on <strong>the</strong>entrepreneurship basis for youth finishing a military service, etc.In order to increase <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> regional entrepreneurship <strong>the</strong> following stepsshould be taken:- Attraction <strong>of</strong> investment to regions;- Providing speedy development <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurship in <strong>the</strong> regions;- Formation <strong>of</strong> local market infrastructure <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurship;- <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> farming enterprises.Reinforcement <strong>of</strong> protection <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurs’ rights:- Simplify state register <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurship subject;- Draft proposals on reinforcement <strong>of</strong> contract law norms <strong>and</strong> improvement <strong>of</strong> judgmentprocedure <strong>of</strong> contract argument through courts;- Removal <strong>of</strong> unlawful interference in entrepreneurship activity;- Technical <strong>and</strong> organizational support for public unions <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurs to renderprotection <strong>of</strong> rights <strong>and</strong> interests to <strong>the</strong>ir members.The financial support infrastructure to <strong>SME</strong>s should be broadened. Major commercialbanks don’t have <strong>the</strong>ir divisions in <strong>the</strong> regions. The structure <strong>and</strong> situation <strong>of</strong> financial marketin <strong>the</strong> country cannot be considered suitable for business people as it doesn’t meet <strong>the</strong>irdem<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> needs at all. First <strong>of</strong> all, <strong>the</strong> financial institutions should be diversified, specializedcommercial banks financing different sectors <strong>of</strong> economy, especially sectors such as processing<strong>of</strong> agricultural products, tourism, export - import operations should be established, investmentfunds <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r financial infrastructure should be created.In order to establish information supply database for entrepreneurs it is necessary tocreate business centers in <strong>the</strong> regions. But, it is impossible to solve <strong>the</strong> problems concerningrendering <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional consulting services <strong>and</strong> information supply by increasing <strong>the</strong> number<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se centers only formally. In order to solve <strong>the</strong> problem deeply <strong>the</strong> program in nationallevel on training <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional specialists should be developed. It is important to create <strong>the</strong>network <strong>of</strong> business consultants in national level <strong>and</strong> ensure <strong>the</strong> activity <strong>of</strong> this network on <strong>the</strong>bases <strong>of</strong> business centers’ resources established in <strong>the</strong> regions.The development <strong>of</strong> distributing, franchising, dealer services, establishment <strong>of</strong> businessincubators <strong>and</strong> free economic zones will assist in streng<strong>the</strong>ning process <strong>of</strong> <strong>SME</strong> supportinfrastructure.5.3.4 Financing Start-upsThe key roles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> state in financing <strong>and</strong> investment support for <strong>SME</strong> development in<strong>the</strong> country are to develop <strong>the</strong> state guarantee for investment, form beneficial tax system,broaden credit base <strong>of</strong> <strong>SME</strong>, exp<strong>and</strong> opportunities <strong>of</strong> attraction investment resource in <strong>SME</strong>sphere, etc.The <strong>SME</strong> sector in Azerbaijan is mostly financed by <strong>the</strong> local investment sources. Themain source <strong>of</strong> financing is <strong>the</strong> National Fund for Support to <strong>Entrepreneurship</strong> (NFSE). The fundprovides <strong>SME</strong>s with <strong>the</strong> privileged credits. Every year USD 100 million are allocated by <strong>the</strong>state budget to <strong>the</strong> Fund <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>se credits are distributed between <strong>SME</strong>s with 7% rate a year.108

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