14603 MPA AR p2716 REPAGIN.qxd

14603 MPA AR p2716 REPAGIN.qxd

14603 MPA AR p2716 REPAGIN.qxd


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16 AppendixPerformance Indicators and Priorities 2001/02Drug CrimeIndicator2000/01PerformancePerformance Targetfor 2001/022001/02PerformanceCommentsPPThe number of Judicial Disposalsfor supply and possession withintent to supply of Class A drugs1,990Increase the number ofJudicial Disposals forsupply and possessionwith intent to supplyby 10%2,41421.3% increasePPThe number of Judicial Disposalsfor supply and possession withintent to supply for Crack615Increase the number ofJudicial Disposals forsupply and possessionwith intent to supplyby 10%99862.3% decreasePPThe number of Judicial Disposalsfor supply and possession withintent to supply for Heroin629Increase the number ofJudicial Disposals forsupply and possessionwith intent to supplyby 10%55212.2% decreasePPThe number of Judicial Disposalsfor supply and possession withintent to supply for Cocaine398Increase the number ofJudicial Disposals forsupply and possessionwith intent to supplyby 10%52832.7% increaseBV129A) Number of offenders charged,reported for summons or cautionedfor supply offences in respect ofClass A drugs per 10,000population. B) Of the overall figure,the number which related tococaine. C) Of the overall figure,the number which related to heroinRelevant data tobe supplied fromHome OfficesourcesNo target setA) 3.3B) 0.7C) 0.7Indicator to beproducedcentrally by theHome Office aspart of the widerdrug seizure andoffender statisticsBV137Percentage of adults arrestedreferred to drug treatmentprogrammes as a result of arrestreferral schemes0.87%No target set1.6%Drug ReferralData to February2002PPThe number of persons referred intotreatment through arrest referralschemes2,382 referredTo refer 3,000 persons4,556 referredThe target for2000/01 wasto refer 2,000personsDrugs referrals checkThe MPS launched Arrest Referral across London in April 2000 witheach of the 32 boroughs having its own locally managed schemeinvolving twelve different provider agencies. The target for 2001/02was to refer 3000 persons onto specialist drug treatment services.This was achieved with over 4,500 offenders being referred on.

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