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Read More on Quality Manual - Maseno University Read More on Quality Manual - Maseno University


MASENO UNIVERSITYQUALITY MANUALNo. MSU/QMMANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 66.1 Management CommitmentThe Vice-Chancellor provides evidence of commitment to the development and implementation of the qualitymanagement system by:a) Communicating to every associate at Maseno University the importance of meeting customer aswell as statutory and regulatory requirements. Several channels of communication will be usedincluding training, employee meetings, postings on website and bulletin boards, etc.; e.g.Message from Top Management on the ISO section of university website.b) Establishing our quality policy and quality objectives; (sections 5.3 & 5.4.1)c) Conducting management reviews; (section 5.6)d) Ensuring the availability of necessary resources by reviewing the workload6.2 Customer FocusThe Vice-Chancellor ensures that the customer needs and expectations are determined (procedureMSU/VC/PR/OP/01), converted into requirements, and met with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction,per section 7.2.1 and 8.2.1 of this manual.6.3 Quality PolicyThe Vice-Chancellor has defined and approved the University’s quality policy as shown in this manual. Thispolicy has considered the following:a) The need to be appropriate to the purpose of Maseno University;b) The need to include a commitment to meeting requirements and to continual improvement ofQMS;c) The need to provide a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives;d) The need to be communicated and understood within the University by training and posting onbulletin boards;e) The need to be reviewed annually for continuing suitability.The quality policy is a controlled document and is displayed on appropriate public locations in the University.6.4 Planning6.4.1 Quality ObjectivesBefore the start of each calendar year, the Vice-Chancellor reviews and approves the quality objectives toensure they are measurable and consistent with the quality policy and that they include the commitment tocontinual improvement. These quality objectives are established with input from employees and managers.Quality objectives are reviewed at Management Review meetings and updated if required.6.4.2 Quality Management System PlanningThe QMS Plan includes QMS Documentation, and Records. The Management Representative ensures thatchange is conducted in a controlled manner and that the integrity of the quality management system and itsobjectives are maintained during this change as per MSU/MR/OP/01Maseno University, Private Bag Maseno. 18Tel 0722203411

MASENO UNIVERSITYQUALITY MANUALNo. MSU/QM6.5 Responsibility, Authority, and Communication.6.5.1 Responsibility and AuthorityOur Organization Chart is described on page 8 of this manual. It identifies functions (and cross-functions)within Maseno University. The responsibility chart is posted within the University to communicate and facilitateeffective quality management. The Quality Manager is the Management Representative. Maseno Universityhas defined the detailed responsibilities in the form of job descriptions, which are maintained by the Registrar(Administration).6.5.2 Management RepresentativeThe Vice-Chancellor has appointed the Registrar Administration as the management representative who,irrespective of other responsibilities, has the responsibility and authority for:a) Ensuring that processes of the quality management system are established, implemented andmaintained;b) Reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system, includingneeds for improvement;c) Ensuring the promotion of customer requirements throughout Maseno University.d) Acting as liaison with external parties on matters relating to the quality management system.6.5.3 Internal CommunicationThe Vice-Chancellor identifies communication processes (e.g., memos, e-mail, fixed and cell phones, otheroral communication, and employee meetings) to ensure communication is taking place regarding theeffectiveness of the quality management system. Urgent communications are handled through oralcommunication, cell phones, and e-mail. Management Review minutes, audit report summary, andperformance information are sent by e-mail to heads of department. Departmental meetings shall proffercommunication on the QMS and customer operating issues as well as improvement opportunities todepartmental staff.6.6 Management Review6.6.1 GeneralThe Management Representatives and Quality Management Secretariat review the quality managementsystem approximately every six months to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Thereview includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality managementsystem. This shall be carried out through Quality management internal Audits as per MSU/MR/OP/03. Thereviews are recorded and maintained for three years, including quality policy and quality objectives.6.6.2 Review InputThe following input is reviewed:a) Audits results (third party, customer audits, regulatory audits, internal audits, special process &other audits);b) Feedback from customers (complaints, survey results, meeting minutes, issues resulting fromcustomer communications);c) Process performance and service/product conformity;d) Status of preventive and corrective actions;e) Follow-up actions from previous management reviews;f) Changes that could affect the quality management system;g) Any other recommendations for improvement;h) Input from employees;Maseno University, Private Bag Maseno. 19Tel 0722203411

MASENO UNIVERSITYQUALITY MANUALNo. MSU/QMMANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 66.1 Management CommitmentThe Vice-Chancellor provides evidence of commitment to the development and implementati<strong>on</strong> of the qualitymanagement system by:a) Communicating to every associate at <strong>Maseno</strong> <strong>University</strong> the importance of meeting customer aswell as statutory and regulatory requirements. Several channels of communicati<strong>on</strong> will be usedincluding training, employee meetings, postings <strong>on</strong> website and bulletin boards, etc.; e.g.Message from Top Management <strong>on</strong> the ISO secti<strong>on</strong> of university website.b) Establishing our quality policy and quality objectives; (secti<strong>on</strong>s 5.3 & 5.4.1)c) C<strong>on</strong>ducting management reviews; (secti<strong>on</strong> 5.6)d) Ensuring the availability of necessary resources by reviewing the workload6.2 Customer FocusThe Vice-Chancellor ensures that the customer needs and expectati<strong>on</strong>s are determined (procedureMSU/VC/PR/OP/01), c<strong>on</strong>verted into requirements, and met with the aim of achieving customer satisfacti<strong>on</strong>,per secti<strong>on</strong> 7.2.1 and 8.2.1 of this manual.6.3 <strong>Quality</strong> PolicyThe Vice-Chancellor has defined and approved the <strong>University</strong>’s quality policy as shown in this manual. Thispolicy has c<strong>on</strong>sidered the following:a) The need to be appropriate to the purpose of <strong>Maseno</strong> <strong>University</strong>;b) The need to include a commitment to meeting requirements and to c<strong>on</strong>tinual improvement ofQMS;c) The need to provide a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives;d) The need to be communicated and understood within the <strong>University</strong> by training and posting <strong>on</strong>bulletin boards;e) The need to be reviewed annually for c<strong>on</strong>tinuing suitability.The quality policy is a c<strong>on</strong>trolled document and is displayed <strong>on</strong> appropriate public locati<strong>on</strong>s in the <strong>University</strong>.6.4 Planning6.4.1 <strong>Quality</strong> ObjectivesBefore the start of each calendar year, the Vice-Chancellor reviews and approves the quality objectives toensure they are measurable and c<strong>on</strong>sistent with the quality policy and that they include the commitment toc<strong>on</strong>tinual improvement. These quality objectives are established with input from employees and managers.<strong>Quality</strong> objectives are reviewed at Management Review meetings and updated if required.6.4.2 <strong>Quality</strong> Management System PlanningThe QMS Plan includes QMS Documentati<strong>on</strong>, and Records. The Management Representative ensures thatchange is c<strong>on</strong>ducted in a c<strong>on</strong>trolled manner and that the integrity of the quality management system and itsobjectives are maintained during this change as per MSU/MR/OP/01<strong>Maseno</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Private Bag <strong>Maseno</strong>. 18Tel 0722203411

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