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BeckRyanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadBeck Marlon Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamBecraftMichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadBeers, IIIAllanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsBelcherRachaelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneBelfioreBrianaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsBelloniStefanoThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieBelloni Sebastian The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byBeltranHerber SonnenblickHeat, by LupicaBender Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsBenditLucasDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaBenjamin Troyana Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperBennettAbbeyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsThe Old Man and the Sea , byBergmann Katherine Elizabeth HemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultBergmannThe Old Man and the Sea , byKatherine MarieHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultBergmann Timothy The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownBerryShannonThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadBestRachaelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsBeuchert Grace The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsBiciocchiJohn PaulThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettBidwickMarybethDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisBidwickJosephThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadBidwick Carter The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamThe Old Man and the Sea , byBieryEmily HemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by Picoult

BingBryanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadBishop Nicholas Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniBisratBezaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsBitanga Brigitte Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakBlackSaraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultBlack Rachel The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyBlair Emily Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueBlakeSusanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneBlandon Victoria Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherBolestaPeterDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaBorzymNicoleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloBosco Alexandra The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsBowman Whitley Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungBoydMagdaleneThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerBoydRyanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanBoyleJohnDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaBoyleTaylorDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisBradyLaurenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultBradyThomasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraBrady Kevin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsBraggStephanieThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultBrakeDevonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneBraviakLindsayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverBreedenTaraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisBreen Kathryn Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungBrillLuisThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by Collins

Britt Erin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsBritt Kevin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsBrockJordynThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultBrockett Nathan Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniBrockman MatthewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadBrockway Timothy The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanBrowerGarrettThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadBrownElizabethDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneBrownKamariaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisBrownCatherineThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultBrownKathleenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraBrown Wesley Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperBrown Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleBruceJessicaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanBrugnerotto StefanoDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersBrunetto ChristopherThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraBrunk Patrick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschBryant Michelle Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakBuccheri Brett The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamBuchenau JuanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraBulikCaseyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerBulik Dana Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungBulkIanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerBulk Robert The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanBuonomo Nicholas Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamBuranMasonThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by Shaara

CaputoCardinaleCarpenterCarrCarrCarriganCarrollCarterCartwrightCascioCassidyCassidyLaurenElizabethMadalynAineDarienKaylaChristopherRobertArielPeterJustinMargaretThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultHeat, by LupicaThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultInto the Wild, by KrakauerIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongThe Blindside, by LewisHeat, by LupicaMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultThe Hunger Games, by CollinsMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultCassidy Devin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamCateMichaelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneCaulfieldOwenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisCaulfield Neil The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamCavanagh Brianne Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperCeophas Gianna The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultCerny Victoria Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamCerpa Richard The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsCerulloChristopherThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadChaconas TaylorThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultChaconas Nicholas The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniChambers Brooke Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungChandler Chase The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by Wells

ChapoyVanessaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneCheliniMaryThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverChernisky Peter Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungChodnicki JamieThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultChungong Roderick Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperCibulaJackThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerCicatelliDominicThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadCioffiJosephThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerCirovskiKarliDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonClair Dillon The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsClearyKatherineThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultCliffordDavidThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanCobournMeghanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonColbertD'AnteDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersColbertStefonThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsColeman JosephDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisColketMatthewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsColketThomasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraCollinsJakeDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaCollinsPatrickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieCollins Casey Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniCollins Michael Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherCombsMalcolmThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieCongerJohnThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadConnellyChristineDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickNotes From the Midnight Driver, bySonnenblickConnelly John Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by Halberstam

Considine Nora The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyContorno PaulThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadConwayMatthewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisCooperGastonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisCopeland Elizabeth Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniCopleyRyanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultCopley Stephen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsCorderoNinaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloCornelius MichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadCornelius Patrick Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniCorriereMeghanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultCorriere Ryan Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamCosta Megan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsCounihan James The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byCountess Drew SonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsCountess Blake The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamCourseyErinThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadCowellEmilyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverCowell Lindsay The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsCraftChristopherDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaCraigCarolineDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisCraig Margaret Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungCraig Patrick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsCrain Darrell The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byCriderMichael SonnenblickBoyne

Crider Christine The Cheating Culture , by CallahanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byCrillyCollin SonnenblickA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniHeat, by LupicaCroce Vincent The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamCrowJordanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultCrow Mackenzie Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherCrowley Alexander Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherCrowley Katherine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsCrutchfield Eli Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamCruzDanielDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaCruzEdwardThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraCruz Nicole The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultCulliton Taylor The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsCummins KaelynThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsCummins Kyle Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamCusteadSeanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadCymerman ChristopherThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanCzujkoAlexanderThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadDabbs Graham Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungDaileySydneyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserDailey Morgan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultThe Old Man and the Sea , by Alive: The Stories of the AndesDalyKelsey HemingwaySurvivors, by ReadDaly Jessica The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDamare Samantha The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsDancel Anthony Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniDancel Zach The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanDanforth Jonathan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleDao Alexander Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by Young

Dassing Victoria Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungDavesMadelynThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultDavidson AlphonzoDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisDavidson NealDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersDavidson RobertDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongDawson Scott Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungDay Julia The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by Robbinsde Rosa Felix The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsThe Old Man and the Sea , byDeanSophie HemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultDec Victoria The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultDeCastro BritniThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultDeckerSierraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultDeereAnneDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisDeffinbaugh Victoria Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherDeGrabaThomasDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaDeGrabaMariaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultDeGrabaOliviaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultDeGraba Zachary The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerDeGuzman Katrina The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyDellinger ReaganDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisDeMarco AndrewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerDeMeritte SuzanneDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsDeMeritte Kathleen Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherDepasse Emily The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyDepra Augustus Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherDescalziMeganThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by Picoult

Devlin Joseph The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownDiazAdrianaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongDiazNicolasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsDiaz Caitlyn The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultDickensheets Jennifer Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperDiestel Corrin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDiggs Stefon Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperDiGioiaJohnDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaDiMarzio Alessandro Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungDiPalo Lindsey The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownDixon Michael The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsDizonShayneThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettDocalTheresaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsDocal Maria The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDoherty Kevin Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakDoherty Vera The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDonnellan SeanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadDonohoe AndrewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsDonohoe Meagan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDonovan Jean The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDorseyImaniDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisDoucette AndrewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerDougherty MeganThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerDowdallSeamusThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadDowlingWilliamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by Lupica

Dragos Madeline The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDrummey Maeve The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniDrummond HannahThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverDuffyGriffinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisDuffyJohnDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsDufresne Mackenzie The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDulanto Kevin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDumont Ashley Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungDunfordEmilyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultDunlowRyanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerDunlow Morgan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDunn Kayla Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungDunsdon Amanda Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungDurantDakotaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisDuressa Metti The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschDurkin Brendan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamEatonTrevorDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaEbel Victoria Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherEchols Randall The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamEckert Timothy Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungEdelmanCassaundraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleEdmunds Ryan Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakEierleSabrinaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleEierle Alexander Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungEkinci Bianca The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamEkwogeLeonelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisElmendorf RichardThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by Read

Emanuele Francesca The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamEmery Trent Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakEngen Katelyn The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanEnwezeAshleyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieEpperlyLoganDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsErickson Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsThe Old Man and the Sea , byErrigoMichael HemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserErrigo Nicholas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownEsparraguera Gabrielle The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschEspina Emily Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniEverhartJohn PaulThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettEverhart Joseph The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamFagan Keaghna Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungFalconeShannonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloFanelli Nicolas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleFangmeyer AudreyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultFangmeyer MatthewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerFangmeyer MichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerFangmeyer James The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerFanoRodrigoDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonFanoAntonietaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultFaraceJamesThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFarrellMaryDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisFemiano Anna The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamFerentinos Christopher Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by Young

Fichter Matthew The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniFikru Nathaniel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsFillet Nolan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungFinnJohnDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsFinotti Patrick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsFinucane VictoriaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultFioravanti AmandaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserFireyDylanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsFirey Lawson The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanFischetti Marie Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueFitzenreiter Sarah Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamFitzGerald James Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniFitzgerald Michael Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungFlahertyFeliciaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettFlechsigAllisonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisFleming Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownFletcherDaijahDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneFletcher Courtney Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungFloresMariaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloFolgueras AnnetteDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsFolgueras Christopher Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueFolliardJohnThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerFookesJamesDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisFortesRachelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultFosterMeghanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultFoster Matthew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsFowler Laura The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by Robbins

Fox Paige The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamFrande Christopher The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsFranzak Sophia Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungFrascellaAndrewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisFrassetto GatesDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsFriesElizabethThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultFries Maura The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschFuentesJulioDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloFuentes Cristian Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungFullerKendallThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerFullerton ScottDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGalanko Lindsey Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherGaley Braden Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniGaliatsatos Alexander Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakGallagher Jr. SeanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsGambrill Lauren Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherGarfield Evan Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniGargan Scott The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanGarofalo John Luke Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniGarrichMonicaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneGarrich Jenna The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsGartland Peter Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamGasper Emma The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsGatesEmilyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanGentzelPatrickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanGeorge Zachary The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsGeroldLyndseyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGetsyDanielleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by Hale

GiampetroniGiampetroniGibbonsGibbsDavidZacharyRosalieHans-RobertDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayHeat, by LupicaThe Hunger Games, by CollinsAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadFly on the Wall, by HillermanGibson Kevin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschGigioli Paul The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerGillespie Danielle The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownGiraldiHaleyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsGittingsElizabethDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsGivensAbbyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGivens Samuel Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungGodbey Savannah The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsGodwinDanielThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadGohNicholasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraGonsalves Abel Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungGoodwin ColinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGoodwin JohnThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerGorgoneVincentDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGormanMaxDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaGorman Nicholas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byGottliebJillian SonnenblickBoyneGottlieb Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsGoughMacKenzieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGourlayAlexanderThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by Collins

GoyalNikhilDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGraeves Connor The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Curious Incident of the Dog inGragnani Lauren Sonnenblickthe Night-Time, by HaddonGragnani Karen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsGrahamJackDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGrahamPaigeDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongGrahamMeaghThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultGrayRyanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanGraysonAlexandraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultGredoneAnthonyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsGreen Carl Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperGreen Ksenia Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniGreeneMichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerGreenhow SymrinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGriffinBrandonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaGriffin Megan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungGriffin Riley The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschGrigg Thomas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamGrimmEricDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisGrimm Ashley Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungGroce Brandon The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownGrubbJasperDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsGruseGeorgeThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserGruse Gregory Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamGuarin Radd The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by It's Not About the Bike, byGunnCaleigh SonnenblickArmstrong

Gunn Sean The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamGutierrez LizetteThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultGuyGaryThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettGuy Sean The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleHaaga Joseph Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHaase Sarah Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniHackettTaylarThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieHaddadStephanieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloHainesCharlesDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickNotes From the Midnight Driver, bySonnenblickHamby Kyle The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanHanrahan Darian The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniHanson Joel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsHarnish Jacqueline The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsHarrisDariusDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisHarrisonChristopherDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisHarrison Natalie Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHartman Timothy Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherHartzoge SamuelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersHarvey Benjamin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsHauprich Michelle Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHavardMyaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanHawkins Thomas Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamHaysNicholasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadHealyCourtneyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultHeintz Kristen Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHendlerAnnemarieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloHenriksen James The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by Wells

Drums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byHenryMatthew SonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsHenry Rachel Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperHentrel Jessica The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultThe Old Man and the Sea , byHermann Kathlyn HemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultHermann David The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamHess Amelia The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerHinckeTracyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickNotes From the Midnight Driver, bySonnenblickHines Michelle Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHinken Mark The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleHinzMeganDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneHippDavidDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaHitte Robert Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamHodge Chloe Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHodgkiss LindsayDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisHogan Molly Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperHogan Olivia Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakHolland Cassidy Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHollisterMatthewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsHollister Megan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultHolsendorff LiciaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieHomickBrittanyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultHomick Joseph Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherHomick Daniel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by Notes From the Midnight Driver, byHonsberger Brooke SonnenblickSonnenblickHonsberger Alex The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschHood Bianca The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamHooverMadisonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaHopkins Michael Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by Fisher

Hoppler Cyndi Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHordattChelseaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettHorsleyAndrewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonHorsley Jason Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueHoskingTaylorDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisHowar Jonathan Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueHuey-Burns ConorThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadHullCoreyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaHumenik Alexis Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniHunt Lindsey The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsHunter Terrence Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungHurleyKatherineThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadHurtBrentenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettIncognito JonathanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsIncognito Nathan Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakIngle Robert The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanJacksonKaylaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisJackson Kyra Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperJackson Olivia The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultJacobStephonThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerJamesMarc DravenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisJamesSeanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneJames Moira The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleJamison Tempest The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byJankowski Molly SonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleJefferson Michael The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsJenkins Mary Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungJimenez Esteve Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by Fisher

Johannes RachelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettJohnsonAlexisDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongJohnsonTylerDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersJohnson Amanda Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungJohnson Amylia Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherJohnston Allegra The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyJonesAbigailThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadJonesCalvinThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadJonesGraceThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultJones Michael Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperJones Damen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsJones Lindsay The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerThe Old Man and the Sea , byJoramMichael HemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsJoram Rachel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsJosephBenjaminDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisJoseph Kevin The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniJoynerReedDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKachemov ZachariahThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieKachikEmilyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneKane Alexandra Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamKane Noel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsKanieckiErikThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerKantorJennyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKantor Megan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungKavanagh Ciara The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsKawahara Lauren Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by Young

Kawahara Megan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerKazemzadeh Kamran Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamKazunas James Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamKearney John The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamKeatingMorganDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneKeenanAndrewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKeenan Taylor The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsKelchnerRyanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaKelleyBrianDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneKelley Erin Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakKellyKevinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonKelly John Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungKennedyShannonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersKennedy Nicholas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownKernerPatriciaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneKernerKathrynThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultKerner Joseph The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanKernsCamarynDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKershekAbbyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersKiang Christopher The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerKielyMichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadKight Kayla Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungKikwataProdigeThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadKimbleCarolineThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultKincaid Stephanie Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungKingErinThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserKing Tyler Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by Fisher

King Mary Caitlin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultKingoriAmiraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKirchnerBlakeThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultKirchoffMatthewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneKirk Sydney Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungKirkpatrick RachaelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKiser Kiernan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultKline Richard Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniKoertMatthewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanKokolasAnnaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultKolanowski AnnaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultKolbergMichelleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaKolberg Christine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerKonradMichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieKotzIanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsKotz Emilie Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueKoutrisStavroulaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaKovalcik Anna The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultKozamEvanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadKozorosky PaulinaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultKranking Kathryn The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsKressinEricDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaKruegerErikDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKuhnsColarDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisKumarArjunDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by Lewis

Kunnirickal JosephThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsKunnirickal Anna The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyKunze Nicholas Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueLa NoireAlexDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersLaBonteBrettDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleLakeCaseyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneLanciano MackenzieThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadLangworthy EmilyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisLassiterJustinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisLauniBernadetteThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultLavigneCaitlinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisLavigne Douglas Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakLawAsiaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleLawless Christopher Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamLawless Jennifer The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byLayChristopher SonnenblickBoyneLechner Kelly The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsLee Stephen Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungLee Zoe The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsLehnus Clare Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueLeiteKyleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisLembo Danielle Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniLenusSashaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickNotes From the Midnight Driver, bySonnenblickLerche Michael The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownLesterColinThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadLevantis George Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueLevroney, Jr. AndreThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by Picoult

LevyNathanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsLewis Briae The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsLewis Sydney The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamLiang Ervin Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherLiberatore Dominic Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungLichtenstein SamuelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisLighterEmilyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultLighterSarahThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultLinsenmeyer George Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherLipton Blake The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanLoBoscoDavidThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanLoBosco Rebecca The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyLondon Jacob The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschLongHarrisonThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanLopesAlexandraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverLopezChristopherDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloLopezMonicaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneLopezChristinaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsLopez Ricardo Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakLopez Escobar LisaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanLoudon Michael Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungLoudon Ryan Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueLoveShamonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersLoweAshleyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloLowe-Hilliard DejanaiDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisLozupone JosephDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by Lupica

Lozupone AnthonyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadLuMichaelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaLubas Corinne Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungLucasLauraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsLuhn Lindsay Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherLundenGracieThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultLynagh John Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniLynchJosephThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadMacTigue MarieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloMadarasSamuelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersMadaras Michael Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueMagnolia ChristianDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisMaindidze Henrietta Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMalec Lenka Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMalengo TaylorThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMalengo Paige The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byMaloy Bridget The Cheating Culture , by Callahan ChboskyManekin Shelby The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsMangels Kathleen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleManning Katherine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultMantuaDanielleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneMantua Debra Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMantua John The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamManuccia Allison The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultMaready LaurenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieMarloStephenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisMaroulis TylerThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by Collins

Maroulis Scott The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanMarshallJennaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickNotes From the Midnight Driver, bySonnenblickMarshallSierraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleMarshallBrendanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMarshall Michael Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMarshall Ryan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMarshall Troy Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherMartinGarrettThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserMartin Chad Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamMartin Kyle Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMartinez Shaina The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyMartinicLeoThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsMartinko JordanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMartinson Daniel Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamMastersBenjaminThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerMatanAnaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneMatan Maria Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniMattingly Erin Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMauckKathleenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneMayo Mikal The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanMcAdams Patrick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownThe Old Man and the Sea , byMcAleerJoseph HemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerMcAleer Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byMcAlpinMargaret SonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleMcAuliffe Morgan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerMcAuliffe Taylor The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerMcBean-Linton Briana Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperMcCabeElaineDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by Lewis

McCall Grace Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherMcCarthy KevinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsMcCarthy MichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieMcCarthy Matthew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamMcCartin MaggieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneMcCartin CourtneyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanMcCartin Katelyn The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsThe Old Man and the Sea , byMcCawley Kristin HemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanMcCool Megan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamThe Old Man and the Sea , byMcCormack Claire HemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMcCosby Jennifer The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byMcDonald Malachi SonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsMcDuffie Paul The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamMcEnerney Patrick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschMcGeeMariamaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsMcGintyPatrickDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisMcGivern KatherineDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisMcGovern MarkDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaMcGovern SeanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraMcGowan Collin Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMcGrawMichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerMcKayMadelineDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsMcKelvy Anthony The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerThe Old Man and the Sea , byMcManus Briana HemingwayThe Hunger Games, by Collins

McMullen Robert The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsMcNallyCullenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerMcNally Shane Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMcNamara Mary Claire Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMcParland Megan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMcQuaid Katherine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamMcQuaid Sean The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownMedinaMonicaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersMedinaFarideThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMedina Rossana Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMedina Shaun The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniMedlock Catherine Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniMeekins Carly The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsMeile Jacob Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniMelendez Christopher The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniMendoza ElizabethDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleMercerLeoThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerMercer Vincent Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMeringolo Allen Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniMerryman Matthew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsMetreyMarkThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraMillerMakenzieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisMiller Christopher Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMillholland Madelaine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsMills Justin Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherMillsteinHaleyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMinite Stephanie The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleMiranda Connor The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by Brown

Mirkin Kelsey The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsMirkin Maggie The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsThe Old Man and the Sea , byMitchellRobert HemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMitchell Julia The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byMitrioneRebecca SonnenblickBoyneMitrione Nicholas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownMixAngelaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleMolinaKylaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMontanaro Alicia Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamMontella MatthewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonMontgomery AlexisDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneMooney Karen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsMooreKevinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersMooreSarahThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMorgan Franklin Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMoriarty Matthew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsMorleyLucasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserMorrisColleenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneMorris Molly Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMorrissey Jennifer Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperMpasi Phylicia The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyMuckenhirn Kiera Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniMueller Kerry The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsMujicaOscarDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneMujica Daniela Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMullineaux StephenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieMullineaux Thomas Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by Hosseini

MulquinCatherineThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMunroDustinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisMunson Nicholas Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungMurdoch JamesThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserMurphyTheresaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraMurphy Brian Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamMurrayMary ClaireThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMustipher SamuelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisMuthJackDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersMuthJohnThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadMyersDerrinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisNaranjo Sebastian Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherNardi Tim Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungNazarianAshleyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersNazario Emily The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniNeffKatlynThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanNeffSpencerThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerNegasiRahelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneNeselAlexandraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverNetterSamuelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongNetter William The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownNewman RachelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneNgachieMarcelThe Old Man and the Sea, byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadNguyenJulianneThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultNguyenTristinThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by Krakauer

NibleyStaffordDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongNicastroLoganDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisNicastro Michael Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungNicholsKyaraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultNicholson MauraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsNicholson Cara Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungNicol Danielle Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungNielsenHelenaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisNoellNicholasDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisNoell Brittany Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungNolanConnorDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaNolan Clare The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultNoonanMeghanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickNotes From the Midnight Driver, bySonnenblickNorcioMaryThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanNorcio Lindsay The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsNormanKyleThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsNoroozi Natalia Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungNorthern SarahDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisNoxonKatieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneNsubuga Tendo The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanNwabaAmandaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneNwaba Adaure Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungOakey Mary Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniO'Brien Daniel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsO'Connell Katherine Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherO'Connell Lauren Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniO'Connor DanielDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisO'DanielDorianThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by Read

OdonkorMichelleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsOhanStevenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerOkwaraChiomaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserOliverGabrielleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloOliverCourtneyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserOliver Megan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungOlivier Sean Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungO'NeilDavidDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersO'Neil John Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueO'NeillTimothyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersOnyekwere ErronDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisOnyekwere Arial Brave New World, by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniOpontLauraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneOristianJamesDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaOrtliebNicoleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneOsbornSeanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisOttoliniPatrickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsOvington WilliamThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraOwens Brian The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanPacious Daniel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by First Crossing: Stories About TeenPacquing Katherine SonnenblickImmigrants, by GalloPacquing Kevin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMillePadmore PaigeDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HalePahygiannis PeterDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaPalaciosOliviaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by Lewis

Pang Leslie The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerPannunzio AngelaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultParrCourtneyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsParr Braxton Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperParr Payton The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerPascoeTroyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoynePascoeGrantThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanPassarinho Justin Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungPatatanian Michael Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungPatterson RyanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerPayneMeganDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonPayneMirandaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaPayne Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerPayne Megan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by Notes From the Midnight Driver, byPeckMikaela SonnenblickSonnenblickPedersen Olaf The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMillePennington Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsPennoyer Richard The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyPerez-Howard Rubi Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakauePerfetto Francis Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungPerigardRyanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisPerucci Deanna Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakPetersCarolineThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultPetrocci Sarah The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschPetzoldChristopherDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersPhelan Kevin Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherPhillips Colleen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by Brown

Philogene TaniqueDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HalePhilogene Alix Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherPinoAntonioThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanPirozzi Stephen Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherPitsenberger Andrew Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherPleasants CaseyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultPlotas Mary Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungPonchione Alyse The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamPoppRyanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersPorterColeDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaPorter Brendan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungPostTylerThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerPotterWadeThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsPoulosPatrickDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersPoulos Luke Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungPrada Alexis The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschPraterTonyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersPratherJohnDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisPrattNicholasDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersPrellerRobertThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadPrendergast Taylor The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyPrezelskiJulianaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaPrizzi Ava Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungProcaccini AngelaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneProcaccini Michelle The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsThe Old Man and the Sea , byPrunkaAlexander HemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanPrunka Michael The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by Brown

PujolColetteThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultPurceMargaretThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserQuinnJuliaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersQuinn Rachel Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungQuinnanGeraldThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsQuiroga Rafael The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsRachefsky Rebecca The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byRafterySean SonnenblickBoyneRaftery Kieran The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsRalliJosephDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersRalstonStevenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneRamamoorthy AshleyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieRamin Daniel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownRamirez Maryney The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniRamosKevinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaRandolph Faith Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperRaynor Bradley Brave The Old New Man World and the , by Sea Huxley , by Incarceron, by FisherRebaudengo Alessandro HemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsRechen Matthew Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRedd Kristen Drums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Blindside, by LewisRedmond Moira The Old Man and the Sea , by Alive: The Stories of the AndesRedmond William The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsReese Jessica Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperReges Courtney The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultReichConnorDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsReillyRebeccaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsReilly Connor Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRemillard Dwayne Brave New World , by Huxley Into Thin Aire, by KrakaueRendon Marcela Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byResutek Sophia The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Chbosky

Rewolinski Jenny The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultReynaMichaudDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneRhodesKirbyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsRhodes Kelly Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherRichard Patrick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschRichardson SamuelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanRichaudeau Eric Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniRichmond Chanel The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamRiely John Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakRileyKathrynDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneRileyDanielThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanRiley Dominic Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRiouxJackDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongRivas-Morello AlissaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsRiveraKarlaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverRobertson, III JamesDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneRobilotto PhilipThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerRoblesSarahDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsRogeroBriaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisRogersJohnThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadRogers Nathaniel Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherRogers Kourtney The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyRohrerNathanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaRomigAbigailDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisRomig Rebecca The Cheating Culture , by CallahanThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byChboskyRosarioYonasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by Read

A Thousand Splendid Suns, byRosario Michael The Cheating Culture , by Callahan HosseiniRosazza Gabriela Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRosenbaum Molly The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsThe Old Man and the Sea , byRosenblatt Andrew HemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerRosenblatt Joseph The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamRosenwald Celine Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRosenwald Suzette The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleRoss Kevin Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamRoudWillemDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonRountree Brenda Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperRowe Patrick Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakRoysterJamalThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanRozek Casey Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRozek Benjamin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsThe Old Man and the Sea , byRubinoJulieHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultRubino Amy The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschRudd Filomena The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsRudolph Alexis Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperRuggeri Courtney The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsRunnings Alexandra The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultRuppert Sarah The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschThe Old Man and the Sea , by Alive: The Stories of the AndesRupprecht EricHemingwaySurvivors, by ReadRupprecht Laura The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsRussellMichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsRussell Devin Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRussell William Brave New World , by HuxleyRussin Danielle Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRyanJakeDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by Lupica

RyanBridgetteThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultRyner Erin Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungRyner Molly Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungSabateChristopherThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadSagan Michelle Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungSahadiChristinaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieSaheb Michelle Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamSain Connor The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySalahDanielle SonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsSalah Ryan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamSalinasAbyselleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneSalkeldJordanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisSalkeld Daniel Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamSalvail Megan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamSamaraEmilyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsSamayoa SilviaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultSamsKaitlynDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsSanchez Kenneth Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherSanneman CaraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerSanquist Katherine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsSantora Ethan Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherSantos Jillianne The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultSarmiento JuanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadSaturniAbigailDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisSavageAaronDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisSavercool Robert Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungSaway Brian Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherSaway Rick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by Wells

ScanlonMaryThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadScanlon Caroline The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamThe Old Man and the Sea , bySchackPreston HemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerSchmid Stephen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleThe Old Man and the Sea , bySchmidtKaitlyn HemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsSchneider Lauren The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschSchoch Sarah Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherSchreiber Kelley Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungSchroeder Eric Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniSchruefer KelseyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneSchubert Patrick Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungSchubert Petra The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschSchultzDonaldDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisSchwartz JamesThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieSchwartz Colin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschSclavounos KaelynThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultScottTaylorDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersScott Michael Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherSeitz Jennifer The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownSempleKelleyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultSettlemire SarahDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneSettlemire Joshua Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungShapiro Sara The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultSheehanCalleighDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersSheehanPatrickDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaSheehanJacquelineThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by Shaara

SheehanKathleenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanShepherd MichaelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsSherrardNinaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersShiblie Venezia FerraroBrave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniA Thousand Splendid Suns, byShipler Rebecca The Cheating Culture , by Callahan HosseiniShirdon Andrew Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungShokunbi Olushola Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakShokunbi Afolabi The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsSikriVarunDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisSilvaElenaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverSimmons JharedThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerSimmons Erik The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamSimon Ana The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsSimons Emma Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperSimonson Kaya The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleSindall Caileigh The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsSinhaTroyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserSlattery Jordan Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperSmallAmandaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsSmet Brenna Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniSmith Andrew W.Drums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsSmithAustinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisSmithMatthewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaSmithAndrewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerSmithEricThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraSmith Morgan Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakSmith Brigid The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by Robbins

Smith Kelsey The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by It's Not About the Bike, bySnyderKyleSonnenblickArmstrongSnyder Stephen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamSolaru Opeyemi Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungSotiriou Peter The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanSoto Andres Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniSpainMerrillDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleSpannLindseyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerSpeckChristianDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaSpeizman SydneyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultSpottswood SimeonDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsStack Bebhinn The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultStafford Sean The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Gift of Fear, by De BeckerStanislavRebeccaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultStefanelli PerryDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersStefanelli Andrew Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamStein Kevin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleStephens Caitlin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultStephens Morgan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamStewartTaylorDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaStewartLindseyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Bean Trees, by KingsolverStifter Jennifer The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultStinnerDylanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisStraughan Nathan Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherStrubleGeraldDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by Myers

StrubleStubbsSophieJamesThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultStubbs Kathleen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschStup Zachary The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamStutzman AndrewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadSugrue Anne Marie Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperSugrue Mary Margaret Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniSullivan William Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungSutton Jr. Sean The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamSwiftNicholasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanSzotDylanDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongTaborJalenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisTafuri Michael Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamTahmazian SarineDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisTaira Garrett The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultTakhar Inder The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownThe Old Man and the Sea , byTalbertMadeleine HemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultTallerico Thomas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamTaltavull Thomas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsTarquinio Andrew Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniTashakkori Nicole Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniTayeLozaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultTeinor Jonathan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsThomas Alexia Brave New World , by HuxleyThomas Robert The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamThompson DaSharnteDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleThompson NnennaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by Gallo

ThompsonThomsonThronMeghanAlexanderBrookeThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultThe Hunger Games, by CollinsThe Blindside, by LewisTilley Sara The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultToddThereseThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayJohn 3:16, by MoserToggasVictoriaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultTombini Cindy The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsTracyMeredithDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneTracySchuyler Elizabeth Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungThe Perks of Being a Wallflower, byTracy Kevin The Cheating Culture , by Callahan ChboskyTrainorEricThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadTrainor Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsThe Old Man and the Sea , by Alive: The Stories of the AndesTranThien-Quoc HemingwaySurvivors, by ReadTran Douglas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsTran Jake The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Last Lecture, by PauschTran Thien-Quyen The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , by The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byTraoreOumou SonnenblickBoyneTriandafilou Evan The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamTrimbleStephenDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsTroutner VincentThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Hunger Games, by CollinsTuckerChandlerDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaTufuoh Nana Akua The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsTullis Kimberly The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamTumos Brianna Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by Young

Tuohy Emily The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsTyminski Alexandra The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsTymochCazmierDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisUmeozulu SomachukwuDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsUrbanNatalieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsUrcia-Barea Juan CarlosThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraVaglica Anthony Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamValverde AlexanderDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by Lewisvan Terheyden SaskiaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by Picoultvan Terheyden Mitchell The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byVan Winter KyleSonnenblickHeat, by LupicaVan Winter Nicholas The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lost Symbol, by BrownThe Old Man and the Sea , byVeiseMichael HemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerVentura Gabriela The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamVereen Jared Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungVermaShaanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraViaMatthewDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneVia Alexandra The Cheating Culture , by CallahanA Thousand Splendid Suns, byHosseiniVidiVictoriaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultVienna Caitlin Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherVincent Craig Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherVuKhoiThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadWaldronJustinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersWalkerSapphyraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerWallaceMicheleThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by Picoult

WalshKathleenThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadWalshTylerThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanWalsh Daniel Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungWalsh Patrick The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamWanatRachelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickMonster, by MyersWarfieldJacquelineDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisWarfield John Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungWarfield Kennard The Cheating Culture , by CallahanJohnny U: The Life and Times ofJohnny Unitas, by CallahanWarnerBrendanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanWarrenBrettDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisWarrenJamesThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadWashington StephanieDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonWashington Meghan Brave New World , by Huxley Incarceron, by FisherWasnoVeronicaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultWatersJohnThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerWaters Andrew The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleWathen Natasha Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungWatkinsAnthonyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanWatsonJamesDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisWatson Ryan Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakWeaverAmyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonWeidemeyer BrettDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneWeidemeyer Kyle Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungWeidnerDanielThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayNation, by PratchettWelchBradyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaWelshAmandaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by Picoult

WertWesselSiobhanJillianDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayThe Blindside, by LewisMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultWessel Michelle The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsWhitaker Jade The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by GrishamWhiteAustinThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayAlive: The Stories of the AndesSurvivors, by ReadWhite Cheyenne Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniWhite Christopher Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungWhite Jeremy The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , byWhitesell Adam SonnenblickHeat, by LupicaWhittaker Anna The Cheating Culture , by Callahan House Rules, by PicoultWigmore Sarah Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakWigmore Shane Brave New World , by Huxley The Teammates, by HalberstamWilford Patrick Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakWilhelmJustinDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaWilkinsAjaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultWilliamsCassidyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneWilliams Katharine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsWilliamson JelaniDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisWilliamson AnthonyThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerWilsonPeterDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneWilsonSamanthaThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultWilsonSpencerThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanWimsRachelThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayMy Sister's Keeper, by PicoultWinchFionaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsWinkAndrewThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayGods & Generals, by ShaaraWise Elena The Cheating Culture , by Callahan A Time to Kill, by Grisham

WomackJoshuaThe Old Man and the Sea, byHemingwayThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by AlexieWoodbury Scott The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Time Machine, by WellsWoodsSaraDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickHeat, by LupicaWoodside LucasThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerWoodward JonathanThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanWooldridge,III RobertDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Hunger Games, by CollinsWyattAbigailDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloYadetaKennaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickFirst Crossing: Stories About TeenImmigrants, by GalloYahyazadeh Amir The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleYamadaEricDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneYamada Ryan Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungYeakleBradfordThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayInto the Wild, by KrakauerYevsukov Katherine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Pledged, by RobbinsYohannes DanielDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisYohannes IdaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, byBoyneYoreGabrielleDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie, bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleYoungRobertDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickBook of a Thousand Days, by HaleYoung Taylor Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungZahnenKellyDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night-Time, by HaddonZaremba Richard Brave New World , by Huxley The Shack, by YoungZaresky-Williams Elliott The Cheating Culture , by Callahan The Lion's Game, by DeMilleZeiger Jennifer Brave New World , by Huxley The Book Thief, by ZusakZengSaraThe Old Man and the Sea , byHemingwayFly on the Wall, by HillermanZhang Vanessa Brave New World , by Huxley Fire from the Rock, by DraperZiebarthMichaelDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickIt's Not About the Bike, byArmstrongA Thousand Splendid Suns, byZiebarth Katherine The Cheating Culture , by Callahan Hosseini

Zimmermann AnnaDrums, Girls, & Dangerous Pie , bySonnenblickThe Blindside, by LewisZimmermann Joseph Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by HosseiniZottl Caroline Brave New World , by Huxley The Kite Runner, by Hosseini

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