January 2013 - St. Thomas Philadelphia

January 2013 - St. Thomas Philadelphia

January 2013 - St. Thomas Philadelphia


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www.stthomasphiladelphia.org Volume XVII Issue 1ST THOMAS INDIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH1009 UNRUH AVE, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111stthomasunruh@gmail.com I Phone: 215.342.1500 I Fax: 215.342.2700What’s Inside?Vicar’s Message - Page 2Remembering Mar Barnabas—Page 3Parish News—Page 4Birthdays, Anniversaries& Parish Officials <strong>2013</strong>—Page 5What Would Jesus Do? - Page 6Spiritual Organizations &Sub-Committees <strong>2013</strong>—Page 7Sunday School News &Middle School Fellowship—Page 8Feast of Epiphany,Church Calendar—Page 930th Day of Demise ofH. G. Mar Barnabas—Page 10Secretaries Message—Page 10NEWSLETTERJANUARY <strong>2013</strong>JANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 1

Vicar’s MessageNew Year, New Resolve and Firm in Christ“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you.Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know thatyour labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58Years come, years go! Would that meananything to us? For most people it isjust another year. But there are manypeople who take seriously the beginningof a year, a month or even a day. The believer findshis/her faith active in everyday life. He/she will begin theday or an event trusting in the power of the Lord. I haveseen such people making the difference in the community.Their faith and action commingled with divine power.A New Year is a new opportunity, and a new avenuewherein we need some new plans for the Lord. In thecommercial world, we see directors set a plan for everyyear for their business. Our business is with the Lord andtherefore we need to make some plans for the Lord. Inthat respect we must look at what <strong>St</strong>. Paul says to the Corinthiansin the above verse. <strong>St</strong>and firm, don’t move andalways give yourselves to the work of the Lord”.These are the three stages of success in life.“<strong>St</strong>and firm” is an essential quality for anyone inany profession. That shows one’s commitment and conviction.When people with no conviction come to the helm ofaffairs, they will not be able to do justice to the job. This isthe reason often many of the spiritual or religious organizationslose its power and image. People uncommitted willnot be able to stand for the cause for which they work.Mahatma Gandhi stood for non-violence and truth and hewas willing to lose his profession, property or even life forthat. At the point of being killed by a religious fanaticGandhi called out his God praying, “Raam, Raam, Raam”.Even today the entire world admires and respect Mahatmafor his life witness. If it is a modernman he will use the curse words when shotat. His convictions were rooted in God.Often convictions are not beyond selfishnessand political interest. Whether inChurch politics or party politics, basic interestwe see is in one’s own selfish gain which is conditionedby financial or other material causes. Once selfishinterest props up, the entire atmosphere changes. I haveseen many political parties, parishes and families disintegratewhen people with selfish interest try to come toleadership.“Don’t move” is the byproduct of ‘stand firm’. Itmay appear to be of the same meaning. The Malayalamtranslation looks very interesting, it says, “do not beshaken”. Being shaken by events and people around us is acommon thing to happen. It is like a storm or hurricanethat hits a house that is not built on firm foundation. OurTithe is God’s share andthat must come to thehouse of God.Lord makes it clear in hissermon on the mount howsuch houses built on sandare destroyed. Adversity isa common thing to happen to all humans. But people whoare well rooted in the Lord will not be shaken. Dr. RobertSchuler used to say in his speeches, “tough situation willnot last but tough people will”. People who are afraid ofadversity will budge against divine principles. Such peoplecan be threatened or shaken easily. Where as, if one issturdy to be unshaken, he/she can control the situationand achieving a lot.“Give yourselves to God” is rather a tough situation.In one of the prayers of ‘preparation for holyQurbana’ (thooyobo), there is a prayer that the priest recites,“Lord may I be able to offer myself as a sacrifice”.While the bread and wine are set to offer as a sacrifice tothe Lord, the priest becomes aware of the fact that he himselfis being offered as a sacrifice. It is a huge decision thata priest has to make before the Lord prior to the HolyQurbana. Only then the Lord will accept that priest’s offeringin a true manner. Giving certain things to the Lordis an easy thing to do but when one has to offer himself/herself it is a serious matter. <strong>St</strong>. Paul in 2Timothy 4:6 saysabout his readiness to be ‘poured out as a sacrifice’ for theLord. This is called the total commitment. We can hardlysee anyone who is totally committed to the Lord.Finally the Apostle Paul assures us that our workin the Lord will never be in vain. Throughout the Bible weget this assurance from God. Those who work with andfor God always will make the most profitable job. One daya friend of mine in a private conversation mentioned to mehow much money he made in one year andat the end of the year nothing was left. Hecould not even give some money to thecharity in the parish. I could not believethat a person who made so much money ina year feels that all his work was in vain.His life style was so bad and never had any place for theLord. No wonder at the end of the year he sighs, “all I didwas in vain”. This will happen to anyone who works withoutthe Lord.It was my desire to obey the words of the Lordthat came through Malachi 3:10 about giving Tithe toGod’s temple. I gave more than the Tithe to the needy ondifferent occasions. But I did not obey the Word of theLord to bring the Tithe to the house of the Lord. The assuranceof God to reward us by ‘opening the floodgates ofheaven’ is for those who bring the Tithe to the house ofthe Lord. Many people in our parish asked me if it isContinued on Page 6JANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 2 NEWSLETTER

Mar Barnabas in Our Bold MemoriesRev. Fr. M. K. KuriakoseHis Grace Mathews Mar Barnabas was unique in many respects. Thewell known simplicity, humility, sincerity, innocence, deep spirituality andpurity at heart, His Grace was always jutting out in memory. His Grace’s lifewas that of complete surrender to the Lord and to the Malankara OrthodoxChurch. His Grace’s hospitality was also well-known. No one leaves the aramanawithout earing something. Even when His Grace comes to our churchesor homes, His Grace makes sure all eat with His Grace at the same time.Towards the end of His Grace’s life, there was a brightness of divine presence on His Grace’s face. Life in America forHis Grace was a blessed time. So many changes took place and all for the positive growth of the Church and the people’s life.The various books His Grace written are all proofs of His Grace’s divine nature.At this time it is difficult to come to terms with the loss. One thing gives me consolation is that His Grace will be a greatintercessor for all. His Grace’s prayers from heaven will be a solace to many.The Northeast American Diocese owes much to His Grace for its spiritual well-being. It was not an easy time when HisGrace arrived in 1992 but somehow His Grace overcame all hurdles by His Grace’s prayer life. And I am sure His Grace’s spiritualpresence will continue to nurture us. Now that His Grace has joined the Lord, let us hope that His Grace’s intercession willcontinue for us all. The different great qualities that we can emulate will enrich us.Mar Barnabas—A TributeRev. Fr. Dr. Joy PyngolilIt was on July 3rd, 2012 the last time I had a chance tomeet with our beloved Thirumeni at his residence in PampadyDayara. He was very excited and energetic and eager to learnabout the progress of his former diocese which he divided andgave to two of his successors.Mar Barnabas was a simple andhumble bishop as someone opined a ‘goldenbishop with a wooden stick”. I emphasis onthe word, “golden” because he was of24carart, which is flexible, no copper addedto strengthen it. This original nature had itslimits. He was excited to learn about theEducational Scholarship established in hisname in the South West America diocese.Immediately he dictated a kalpana to the diocese complimentingthem. It was a fulfilling moment for me.It was his humble nature and commitment to ministrythat made me to choose Idukki diocese for my parish ministryupon my ordination prior to migrating to the United <strong>St</strong>ates. ( Iwas trained and ordained for the outside Kerala diocese by theone and only Outside Kerala diocesan metropolitan, HGMathews Mar Athanasius). I loved him and cared for him justlike any responsible children who had no eyes on paternal inheritance.It was true that, we had disagreements. They are allpart of healthy paternal reactions or parent child conflicts. Outsidermay try to take advantage of it, it is universal truth and ithappened here too.It was on March 22, 1992 His Grace arrived in the U<strong>St</strong>o take responsibility of the American diocese. It was not aneasy ride in the early years. When his living arrangement wasin a quandary, it was Mr. K. M. Jacob and family who cameforward and took care of him just like a father. Mr. Jacob wasnot in any way involved in the diocesan administration.It was during his term that our diocese took membershipin the National Council of Churches in the USA, which adream for me since 1983. The diocese went through the stormsin 1995-96, but he kept his calm. The church created anotherdiocese- Canada and Europe. I was there with him all thesedifficult years and during fire test of September 6, 1996. Hecame out humbled and victorious.Mar Barnabas was a great, I say it again, simple person.He considers himself as a father to all and expected fullobedience from all. It was his honest and short tempered. Ashort living short temper, easily ignited easily extinguished. Iwas fascinated by his generosity, always gave his share for anynew church buildings in his diocese. I do recall his donation of$5000.00 to Orlando church when I was serving there for ashort period of time. He never bothered about his survival orwas never overly concerned about money. God gave him lavishlyand he distributed it lavishly. It was his transparency inmoney matters that helped the small diocese to secure a greatplace for itself. His financial dealings are great model for all ourhierarchy. It was said that he authored 25 books, but his wholelife was a book if we could read it right. May God grant himeternal life.JANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 3 NEWSLETTER

What Would Jesus Do?t(Jerin Juby)he famous phrase ‘What WouldJesus Do?’ (WWJD), even thoughwas familiar, did not strike my thoughtstill I started reading the book In His<strong>St</strong>eps by Charles Sheldon. The storystarts with an experience that transformedRev. Henry Maxwell, a pastor atthe First Church in Raymond. After histransformation, he challenges himselfand the congregation to evaluate everypart of their lives with the question,‘What would Jesus do?’. Some parishionersaccepted the challenge, and beganto ask this simple, yet profound question,in every aspect, every decision,every habit and every practice of theirlives. Moreover, they changed their actions,habits and notions accordingly tofit in the criteria. Many of those changesinvolved risk, but those who acceptedthe challenge were determined to continueit, despite the tough and tiring upstreamswimming.<strong>St</strong>epping out of our comfortzones is very tough. We knowingly orVicar’s Messageunknowingly try to incorporate our ownvested interests in everything we do,even when we claim to serve God. In thelife of Mother Teresa, a moment camewhen she had to leave to the streetsfrom her convent to serve the poor. Herinitial vow to serve Jesus could havebeen easily accomplished by staying atthe convent, but she was able to recognizeher true calling, and to step out ofthe boundaries to serve Jesus. She lefther convenience and comfort to inconvenienceand discomfort. This inconvenienceand discomfort brought convenienceand comfort to many poor in Calcutta.Moreover, the initial inconvenienceand discomfort then became theconvenience and comfort for her. W thesteps of Jesus during His ministry everconvenient and comfortable?Is it possible to ask this questionbefore every small and big thing we doin life? First response to an aggressivedriver on a highway is usually aggressiveness,either by sounding the horn or byaggressive driving. Will that be the responseif Jesus was driving the car? Howwill our action contradict with Jesus’action in a call for help or charity? Whatabout Church and worship? Would JesusWere the steps of Jesus duringHis ministry everconvenient and comfortable?spent time drinking and being merry?Would Jesus argue at parish generalbody’s or take churches to courts?Would Jesus go to the street to fight?Would Jesus watch TV shows that teachsin? Would Jesus live luxuriously?Asking this question, ‘Whatwould Jesus do?’, is making me realizemore about my incompatibility withChrist. Our calling is to walk and followHis steps. Would Jesus walk through thesteps that I am making in my life? Is itHis will or mine? “For to this you havebeen called, because Christ also sufferedfor you, leaving you an example, so thatyou might follow in his steps.” (1 Pet.2:21).Continued from Page 2enough that we give the Tithe to the poor. I had agreed to that. In fact I was misguiding them and I was misguided bythem as well. Lately I understood one thing that the Word of God should not be read to my convenience. The house ofGod must have the resources to feed the needy for which all must bring their Tithe to the house of God. Giving to thepoor and needy is the individual responsibility within the resources given to each. But Tithe should not be mixed withhelping the needy in their private circle. Tithe is God’s share and that must come to the house of God. It helped memake a new resolution in <strong>2013</strong> that my tithe will be brought to the house of God and the house of God should use itfor its service of the needy. That does not mean that all tithe money is given as charity distribution by the house ofGod. Many areas of running the Church including various missions and services for the needy in our community canbe met from there. Food, shelter, clothing, education, recreation, etc. needs will all be met by the house of God. TheAmerican Government allows tax exemption up to $5,000.00 for which no proof is necessary. And all of us use thatconcession. But how many truly gives that money to the house of God? Hardly anyone! This is why we cannot prosper.I have seen some of the Congregationalist Christian group members giving their tithe truthfully and diligentlyto the house of God. I have not seen anyone of those people going bankrupt or poverty-stricken. It is God’s promise toreward them in many kinds to those who obey Him. All that we need is the courage to obey the Lord. I rememberthose days of church building project I had given all my Tithe to the parish without any hesitation and I am still enjoyingthe blessings that came from God on that account. Many people are afraid that looking at the Tithe peopleknow the income of a person or family. What a fear it is! Genuinely we are all living in our own closed circuit wherewe are the only managers of our wealth and resources. No one should know what we have, what we are and what wedo! Time has come for us to be open and truthful to our call as followers of Christ. This will be a huge challenge in theyear <strong>2013</strong> for us all. Once we begin the habit it will continue.How many can make a new decision in the New Year to stand firm in the Lord, unshaken and givingfully oneself to God? If the New Year can start with a new decision, we as a parish will see the difference. Can you takethis challenge?Wish you all a Blessed New Year! Fr. M. K. KuriakoseJANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 6 NEWSLETTER

News from Spiritual OrganizationsMartha Mariam Samajam (MMS)MMS meets alternate Sundays at the church auditorium after Holy Communionfor prayer, Bible <strong>St</strong>udy, learning songs and more. For more detailsof their activities please contact Secretary Mrs. Omana Varghese(omanavarghese52@gmail.com).Women’s FellowshipWomen’s Fellowship meets on a regular basis for prayer and meditation.Contact Mrs. Bessie Mathew (bessie334@yahoo.com) for more details.MGOCSMMGOCSM for the past two months has been progressing. Ouryoung men and women who are in high school and college have been engagedin Apostolic Bible Teaching, thought-provoking discussions and relevantgroup projects. The goal of this ministry is to expound on scripturaltruths through the relevant real-life experiences of our American youth. Theoffice bears of the MGOCSM have done an incredible job this year. Ourparents much gratitude for their support and prayers. For more information,contact Secretary Mr. Alvin Panicker (rmsalvin@gmail.com) for more details.Discipleship MinistryOver the past month and a half a select group of young men havebeen fully engaged in learning the essential of becoming a disciple forChrist. We have so far examined Christ as God, as Savior, as King. Thesecardinal doctrines of the Church, as seen in the Scriptures and the writingsof the Holy Fathers, must be learned if one is to be a disciple of Christ andthe Orthodox Church. I am proud of the young men who have dedicatedtheir time for this ministry.Young Adults and Couples FellowshipThis fairly new ministry in our parish has been explained in detail in theprevious edition of this newsletter, that is, it's formation and structure. Moreof our men must contribute their time for this ministry. Please contact Mrs.Sneha Reynold (snehareynold@gmail.com) for the weekly schedule.OCYMDuring the past month OCYM has been examining the Malankara Orthodoxchurch and its apostolic roots. This has led this ministry to research the historicalevidence of <strong>St</strong> <strong>Thomas</strong>' arrival and evangelical work in India andparticularly on the Malabar Coast. Please contact Secretary Mr. Paul John(pjohn_19446@yahoo.com) for more information.Men’s ForumMen’s Forum fellowship is going very strongly in our Church. The formatof this session includes prayer, songs, bible reading, teaching followed bydiscussions. For more information please contact Mr. N. V. <strong>Thomas</strong>.FOCUSFOCUS, Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in the United <strong>St</strong>ates is an organizationintended for young adults, married and single, post-graduate studentsand professionals, from the ages of 23 and up. Contact Mr. <strong>St</strong>eve Kurian(stevekurian@yahoo.com) for more details.Sub-Committees <strong>2013</strong>Public Relations CommitteeMr. Philip VargheseProgram CommitteeMr. Oommen KappilFinance CommitteeMr. Elias Isaac, Mr. <strong>Thomas</strong> George &Mr. John PanickerBuilding MaintenanceMr. Regi Mathai, Mr. John Panicker &Mr. Rajan PadiyaraCharity CommitteeMr. Mathew George,Mr. Philip Varghese & Mr. Elias IsaacSports & ActivityMr. Rajan PadiyaraBuilding and Premise Up KeepingMr. Varghese P. Abraham,Mr. Satheesh Easow &Mr. Jose K. JohnChoir & LiturgyVicar and Asst. VicarLibrary CommitteeMrs. Raji JohnLegal AdvisoryMr. Philip Varghese, Mr. Elias Isaac &Board of TrusteesRefreshment & SuppliesMr. Jacob Zachariah, Mr. Jose K. John& Mr. Varghese P. AbrahamPicnic CommitteeMr. Satheesh EasowEcumenical RepresentativeMr. Rajan Padiyara &Mr. Nebu DanielMOCF RepresentitiveMr. Sam Kurishinmootil &Mr. Satheesh EasowNewsletter EditorMr. Nebu DanielJANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 7 NEWSLETTER

Sunday SchoolNewsWelcome New Year <strong>2013</strong> With Renewed Commitment To Make A Difference!Submitted by Oommen Kappil, Principal(Tel.: 267.902.8500, email: kappil1@yahoo.com)As we welcome the New Year, let the warm spirit of Christmas help us look forward to better days in <strong>2013</strong> and beyond.Just like the wise men sought God, let us all seek God and help lead our children towards God. As membersof our Church, each one of us has a calling from God. The adults, especially the parents and teachers can make apositive difference in the lives of the children around us. Let us renew this commitment with strong faith in God.May God grant us the knowledge and wisdom to guide the children in the right path.Upcoming EventsMid-Term Exam: Mid-term exam is scheduled for Sunday, February 3rd for all Grades. <strong>St</strong>udents, teachers and parentsmay please make a note. As in the past, Centralized Exam is being conducted by the Diocese in June, forGrades 5, 8, 10 and 12. Sample questions from previous years are available at the Sunday School web site. Pleasevisit the following URL:http://indianorthodoxsundayschool.org/user/downloadpdf.aspxHow can we improve?We are always looking for new ideas to make Sunday school more meaningful and effective. Please contact thePrincipal (Oommen Kappil) or the Asst. Principals (Susan Mathew and Jacob Kuruvilla) with your valuable suggestionsand comments.Middle SchoolFellowshipCome As You AreLuke 1:37-“For nothing is impossible with God”A new ministry will be started in our church, which is geared towards middle school students! All middle schoolchildren (children in grades 6, 7, or 8) are welcome and encouraged to attend this Middle School Fellowship, orCAYA (Come As You Are). The first meeting will be on <strong>January</strong> 12th, <strong>2013</strong>, from 3:30-5:00PM. Middle school is acrucial time period for children growing up—one that develops a child’s character greatly. Children of this age reallyneed assistance in their difficult journey, and this ministry intends to provide this for them. This fellowship is designedto incorporate the specific problems that children are facing, such as bullying, peer-pressure, or fitting in ina Christian manner. This ministry is unique, because it allows the children to provide feedback and ideas, which encouragesthem to take an active role in the church. In addition, this will include lots of games, music, food, andmost importantly, fun! If you are the parent of a middle school student, please send your child to this ministry, sothat we, as a Church, can ensure that our next generation is encouraged to live a Christian lifestyle from a veryyoung age. We promise, you will not be disappointed!If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rev. Fr. M.K Kuriakose, Rev Fr. Gheevarghese John, or MeenuMathews.HAPPY NEW YEARJANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 8 NEWSLETTER

Feast of Epiphany (Denaha)(H. G. Dr. Yuhanon Mar Meletius Metropolitan, Thrissur Diocese)Danho service is a re-enactment (a technical term for what ever we doin worship) of Jesus’ first public appearance. In our (Syriac) traditionChristmas was never this important, rather more important was‘danho’ or epiphany (revelation). This is because we never account sohigh the birth on a person in to this world, rather what we do after birth in life ismore important. Jesus’ life with us begins at the river Jordan and that was wherehe was testified as the beloved Son of God and was revealed to us as our Savior.Birth day celebration is more important in western cultures. To us Easterners,humans are accounted in worship and in fellowship even before they are born into this world. So our worship is of the whole creation including those who areborn, dead and yet to be born. Those who are not yet born are born in the mindof God. They have to show what they were born in to this world through theirlife in this world. This is why public life is more important than date of birth. So for us the culmination of life iswhat is worth remembering. Thus the date of death becomes a memorable date in our tradition.The procession during ‘danho’ service marks the walking in of Jesus tothe river. In principle the whole world walks with him to the river. Jesus as Sonof God did not require baptism. But he was going to the water as he carries thewhole human race that the whole human race may be washed off the sin of thefirst parents and be filled with H. Spirit and for being testified as the child of God. There are two traditions in this regard.One: covering just the water jug with the cross in. Two: covering the person with the water jug and cross. Inany case, it shows the state before revelation. This is exactly like what we have in H. Qurbono where the elements arecovered with soosepho to mark the time beforeJesus’ revelation to the world. When Jesuswalked to the water he was not revealed but waslike anyone else who went to John for baptism.But when he touched the river John recognizedhim. People recognized him when God revealedhim as His Son. This is ‘epiphany’. Until that timeJesus was a mystery – a theme we always use inour theological talk-.The blessing of the censor at any occasionis for two purposes. One: to designate it asthe symbol of the prayers of the congregation.Two: to make it a tool to sanctify the congregation.In both cases it is done in the name of theTriune God.Church CalendarPeople recognized him whenGod revealed him as His Son.This is ‘epiphany’.Tuesday, <strong>January</strong> 1Circumcision Of Our LordThursday, <strong>January</strong> 3Commemoration Of H.H. Baselios Mar Geevarghese IISunday, <strong>January</strong> 6Denaha (Epiphany)Monday, <strong>January</strong> 7Beheading Of <strong>St</strong>. John The BaptistTuesday, <strong>January</strong> 8Martyrdom Of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>St</strong>ephenTuesday, <strong>January</strong> 15Feast Of <strong>St</strong>. Mary for SeedsFriday, <strong>January</strong> 18Feast of <strong>St</strong>. Samuel, <strong>St</strong>. Simon <strong>St</strong>. AntoniosSaturday, <strong>January</strong> 26Commemoration ofH.H. Baselios Marthoma Mathews II &Paulose Mar AthanasiosJANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 9 NEWSLETTER

30th day of the Demise of His Grace Mathew Mar Barnabas MetropolitanThe Northeast American Diocese observedthe 30th day of demise of its former MetropolitanHis Grace Mar Barnabas on Saturday,<strong>January</strong> 5, <strong>2013</strong>. The event tookplace at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> Indian OrthodoxChurch, 1009 Unruh Avenue,<strong>Philadelphia</strong>, PA 19111.Morning prayer started at 9:00a.m. followed by Holy Eucharist,a public meeting and lunch. Venerablechief guests included: HisGrace <strong>Thomas</strong> Mar Eusebius,Syro-Malankara Catholic Exarchatein the United <strong>St</strong>ates, ArchbishopOshagan Choloyan, Prelateof the Arminian OrthodoxChurch in New York, and HisGrace Dr. Geevarghese MarTheodosius, Bishop of NorthAmerica and Europe of the Mar Thoma Church.Representatives from Southwest American Dioceseand all spiritual organizations of the NortheastAmerican Diocese spoke on the occasion.The Diocesan Council has initiated a proposal toestablish a Counseling Center for the Diocese inmemory of His Grace Mar Barnabas. This projectwill reflect a life vision of His Grace as HisGrace was a professor ofcounseling at the OrthodoxTheological Seminary andas a leader with pure pastoralcare at all levels.There is nothing more appropriatefor His Gracethan such a center that willequip many people to servethe needy. At convenienceor inconvenience, Mar BarnabasThirumeni madehimself available to thepeople at all times. That toowith grace and kindnessThirumeni helped theneedy. Those who understood the person andmission of His Grace will get an opportunity totake part in this great debut that will make HisGrace’s memory perennial.Secretary’s MessageMy dear fellow-parishioners and friends in Christ,First I want to thank Almighty God for our parish, our Church leaders, our beloved Achens, ouryoungsters, our kids and each and every one of my fellow-parishioners for putting the confidence in meand electing me to serve as the parish secretary for one more time. The support, guidance and encouragement ofour Valliachen, and Kochachen, gave me the confidence to accept this important responsibility. Thank you forelecting an efficient Treasurer and hard working group of Managing Committee members. I am looking forward toworking with them to serve my parish and I expect your prayers. <strong>2013</strong> MC wishes you all a very prosperous happyand blessed New Year <strong>2013</strong>!Philip VargheseParish Secretary <strong>2013</strong>JANUARY <strong>2013</strong> 10 NEWSLETTER

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