Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen Brochure Maija Versie Okt 09

Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen Brochure Maija Versie Okt 09

Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen Brochure Maija Versie Okt 09


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Index ABOUT K.H.KEMPEN ........................................................................................................................ 3 ABOUT BELGIUM AND FLANDERS ............................................................................................... 4 FACILITIES AT K.H.KEMPEN CAMPUS GEEL ........................................................................... 10 ABOUT GEEL .................................................................................................................................... 11 ACCOMMODATION IN GEEL ........................................................................................................ 13 FACILITIES AT K.H.KEMPEN CAMPUS LIER ............................................................................ 15 ABOUT LIER ..................................................................................................................................... 16 ACCOMMODATION IN LIER.......................................................................................................... 19 FACILITIES AT K.H.KEMPEN CAMPUS TURNHOUT ............................................................... 20 ABOUT TURNHOUT ......................................................................................................................... 21 ACCOMMODATION IN TURNHOUT ............................................................................................. 25 FACILITIES AT K.H.KEMPEN CAMPUS VORSELAAR .............................................................. 26 ABOUT VORSELAAR ....................................................................................................................... 27 ACCOMMODATION IN VORSELAAR ........................................................................................... 30 IMPORTANT CONTACTS ................................................................................................................ 31Studying in the Heart of Europe2

About K.H.<strong>Kempen</strong><strong>Katholieke</strong> <strong>Hogeschool</strong> <strong>Kempen</strong> is aUniversity College with elevendepartments and more than 6,700students. K.H.<strong>Kempen</strong> University Collegehas always been an impulse for regionaldevelopment in the <strong>Kempen</strong>, a dynamicregion in Flanders, the Dutch-speakingpart of Belgium.The university college in its present formwas founded in 1995, when six institutesof higher education in the <strong>Kempen</strong> regionmerged. Each of those predecessors,however, boast a reputation going backmore than half a century.In 2002 <strong>Katholieke</strong> <strong>Hogeschool</strong> <strong>Kempen</strong>formed an association with the CatholicUniversity of Leuven, 11 otherHogescholen and the Catholic University ofBrussels. Together, its partners have morethan 70,000 students in 23 cities acrossFlanders.K.H.<strong>Kempen</strong> University College maintainsexcellent connections with businesses andorganisations of the <strong>Kempen</strong> region andbeyond, especially small and mediumsizedenterprises.The eleven K.H.<strong>Kempen</strong> departments arespread over the <strong>Kempen</strong>, the region in theNorth of Belgium, east of Antwerp. Six ofthose departments, with roughly 4,000students, form campus Geel in the city ofGeel. Three more K.H.<strong>Kempen</strong>departments are located at campusTurnhout. The two other campuses aresituated in Lier and Vorselaar. All fourlocations are small cities in a rural settingbut with always something going on.Campus GeelCampus LierCampus TurnhoutMoreover, if you want to, you can easilygo to Antwerp, Brussels, Leuven or anyother place by public transport to get ataste of our historic places, recreationalfacilities and other places of interest.Visit the website for further informationwww.khk.be/englishCampus Vorselaar

About Belgium andFlandersGeneral Information & HistoryThe Historic Cities of Flanders (Antwerp,Bruges, Brussels, Ghent, etc) are nowamong Europe's most popular short breakdestinations. They share a historical andcultural heritage to which the historicalmarket places, magnificent guild houses,beautiful cathedrals and many othermonuments bear proud witness of awealthy and influential past. Thenumerous smaller squares, cobbledstreets, churches and beguinages radiatethe atmosphere of days gone by with anintimacy all of their own.There is a lot more to Flemish cities thanjust architecture and history. You can alsospend a pleasant time strolling through aflea market, visiting an art gallery, or justsitting at a cafe terrace watching the worldgo by.The cities take enormous pride in theirarchitectural heritage and yet each has aunique atmosphere. One of theadvantages of Flanders is that everythingis close at hand, even on a short breakyou can easily get to know more ofFlanders than you would ever haveimagined.Visit the website for further informationand more links: www.studyinflanders.be Biggest Cities: Brussels (1 080700),Antwerp (457 740),Gent (23<strong>09</strong>51),Charleroi (201 371),Liege(187 751),Bruges (117351),Namur(107 178)Climate and ClothingThe climate is changeable but moderate,with mild winters and good summers.Clouds and wind are common features.The annual rainfall is moderate butunpredictable. It is wise to be prepared forit by having the appropriate clothing.Country Statistics Population 10.4 billion Geographically the Heart of Europe Area 30,528 sq km Languages: Dutch (official) 60%,French (official) 40%, German(official) less than 1%, legallybilingual (Dutch and French) Religion: Roman Catholics 75 %,Islam 1.5%, Jews 0.3%, Protestant1% Transportation: Airports 42,Railways 3 536 kilometres,Roadways 152 256 kilometres,Waterways 2 043 kilometres.Studying in the Heart of Europe4

Some approximate temperatures inBelgium:Celsius FahrenheitJanuary 5 41February 6 43March 10 50April 13 55May 19 66June 21 70July 23 74August 22 72September 20 68October 14 57November 8 46December 6 43the area code (omit the 0) and thesubscriber’s number.Telephone cards, which are necessary tocall from a telephone booth, can bepurchased in post offices, railway stations,book shops or in the telephone shops.SocketsIf you want to use the Belgian sockets, it’sgood to bring an international plug withyou. Belgium uses 220 volts, 50 Hz AC,requiring standard two-pin roundcontinental plugs.For clothing it is recommended to bring anumbrella and a raincoat. It is also good tohave a jacket because of the cold windand easily changing weather.When doing your work placement orvisiting companies in Belgium it is vitalthat you bring casual smart clothes withyou.CrimeBelgium cities are among the safest placesin Europe. However criminals are notunknown in Belgium and particularlybicycle thieves are very common and it isadvised to lock your bike carefully whenleaving it unattended.TimeBelgium uses Central European time(GMT+1) and (GMT+2) from beginning ofApril to the end of October.Using the phoneIf you want to call Belgium from abroad,dial the international admission number(this number varies for each country), thecountry code, then the area code (omitthe 0) and finally the subscriber’s number.The country code for Belgium is 32.If you want to call abroad from Belgium,dial 00 (= international admissionnumber), then the country code and finallyStudying in the Heart of Europe5

Important phone numbers100101 PoliceFor urgent medicalassistance and thefire brigade070/344 344Card stop in case ofloss of credits cardsFlemish eating habitsIn Flanders, people usually have threemeals a day:11210612071307Europeanemergency numbertele-onthaal', ahelpful ear forurgentpsychological needsto find subscriber'snumber in Belgium(Dutch)to find subscriber'snumber in Belgium(French) Breakfast: sandwiches / slices ofbread or cereals, coffee or tea Lunch: sandwiches with coffee ortea Dinner: 3 course hot meal: soup,main dish with meat or fish andpotatoes, desert (served around 6pm). Typical Flemish dishes are: Steak and chips MusselsVarious stews like rabbit in Trappist beeror Gentse Waterzooi1204to find subscriber'snumber in foreigncountries (Dutch)1405English directoryassistance03/217 75 95special centre forthe treatment ofburns070/245 245 anti-poison service02/649 95 55 suicide prevention02/648 40 14help-line (English),24 hours, crisisinformation andsupportStudying in the Heart of Europe6

Helpful words in DutchEnglishDutch(Brussels Airport Zaventem) is the biggestone. From the airport you can easilycontinue your journey to Brussels oranywhere else.BakeryHairdresserBookstoreButcherDairyFish ShopGroceryStoreFloristPharmacy/ChemistBakkerKapper/KapsalonBoekhandelSlager/ BeenhouwerZuivelViswinkelKruidenier/ AlgemenevoedingBloemenwinkel/BloemistApotheker/ DrogistMore information visit the site(http://www.brusselsairport.be/nl/)The other Airport in Brussels is CharleroiAirport. This airport is mainly a landingplace to airlines that offer cheap flightslike Ryanair.For more information visit the site(http://www.charleroi-airport.com/)There is also an airport in Antwerp wherelow-cost European airlines fly.For more information visit the site(http://www.antwerp-airport.be/)PostStamps are for sale at the post office(‘postkantoor’). You can also buy them inmany supermarkets and some touristshops where you choose yourpostcards. Each town or town area has atleast one post office. There are red postoffice boxes in Belgium.For further information visit their websitewww.depost.be.The addresses of some of the post officesare: Werft 63, 2440 Geel Grote Markt 39, 2300 Turnhout Kuiperstraat 2, 2290 Vorselaar Kruisbogenhofstraat 24, 2500 LierTransportAirportsThe biggest airports in Belgium are inBrussels. International Airport BrusselsStudying in the Heart of Europe7TrainBelgium has the densest rail network inthe world. Trains run regularly between06.00 am and 08.00 pm, later in theevening only a selection of trains runsuntil about 11.00 pm. Trains run lessfrequently during weekends.There are first and second class coaches,and a standard return (round-trip) fare isdouble the price of a single (one way)fare. Keep in mind that the ticket is onlyvalid for one day. A timetable in Englishcontaining schedules and prices can bebought in the railway stations and on thewebsite, in French, English and evenGerman. Go-Pass: 10 one-way trips for 50Euros (you must be under 26,

takes you to any station in Belgiumfor a set price) Multi-Pass: up to five people ofany age, to any railway station inBelgium and back for a set price 35 Euros for a maximum of 3people 40 Euros for a maximum of 4people 44 Euros for a maximum of 5peopleFurthermore, there are a number of otherpossibilities to travel cheap by train whichyou can find on the website of the NMBS(www.b-rail.be) or at the railway stations.BusSingle bus tickets can be purchased fromthe driver in the bus but they are moreexpensive. Multiple ride tickets can bebought at the railway station. Regulartravelers can purchase monthly ortrimester tickets in the railway stationswhich are called Buzzy Pazz.in case of an accident or any otherinconvenience. Make sure you are insuredagainst third party liability.HolidaysUsually shops are closed on publicHolidays.Public Holidays 1 st January, New Year’s Day 1 st May, Labour Day 21 st July, National Day 15 th August Assumption Day 1 st November, All Saint’s Day 11 th November, Armistice Day 25 th December, Christmas DayMoveable days include Easter Monday,Ascension Day and Whit Monday.Summer Holidays in schools start on 1 st ofJuly and last until 31 st of August. Buzzy Pazz: a ticket for peopleunder 25, you can take any bus ortram you want with anydestination, as often as you want;the price depends on the period forwhich you buy this ticket 1 month: 20.90 Euros 3 months: 59.00 Euros 12 months: 162.00 EurosFor further information about tariffs visitthe website of De Lijn www.delijn.beHealth & InsuranceIf you are an EU citizen insured in yourcountry by your National Health Service,you will be covered by the Belgian healthservice too. In that case you will have toobtain a European Health Insurance Cardfrom the health service in your countryand bring it with you. It is advised thatyou carry adequate medical insurance.Please check with your home institute andinsurance broker which costs are coveredStudying in the Heart of Europe8Useful linksTourism www.visitflanders.be (Dutch,English & French)Dutch lessons www.forbeginners.info/dutch(English) www.valley-trail.com (English) www.livemocha.com/study/beginner-dutch/1 (English) www.taalgarage.be (Dutch, English& French)

Culture www.artsflanders.be (English)Shopping www.cosmos.be (English)EmploymentFood www.stepstone.be (Dutch, English& French) www.foodpairing.be (English) www.flemishfoodies.be (Dutch) www.kurkdroog.be (Dutch)News and weather www.kifkif.be (Dutch, English &French) www.uitinvlaanderen.be (Dutch)Studying in the Heart of Europe9

Facilities atK.H.<strong>Kempen</strong>Campus GeelCafeteria and RestaurantsThe institute has a student cafeteria thatsells hot and soft drinks, sweets andsandwiches. Prices vary from 0.5 to 2Euros. The restaurant offers a hot meal forabout 4 Euros from 12.00 am till 01.30pm.LibraryAs an international student you have freeaccess to the institutional library. You canfind dictionaries in many languages,foreign newspapers and magazines inthere. Books can be borrowed for 3weeks. Registration is free for foreignstudents.ComputersThe library is the main place where youcan use the computer. It is open fromMonday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 6.00pm, Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. It islocated next to the main reception.When you need something to be printedyou need to purchase printing credit.Printing your documents costs 0.04 Eurosper page (black and white).There is also a wireless connection all overthe school which you can use for free. Youneed your student number and passwordto be able to use the connection.Practical Information aboutClassesIt is very important to be on time whenarriving to classes. Some of the teachersmay not allow you to attend their classesif you are late.In classes it is allowed to use thecomputer when making notes and workingin groups.Student clubsFor the campus Geel ATOMOS, seewww.atomos.be, is the studentassociation. At this moment they have noinformation available in English. Wheninternational students want to participatein student activities, their coursecoordinator and fellow students will putthem in touch with the studentassociation.

About GeelGeneral Information & HistoryGeel is a small town (some 37,000inhabitants), but it covers a fairly largearea. It developed along the rivers GroteNete and Kleine Nete and is also crossedby the Albert Canal and the Canal Bocholt-Herentals. There are 10 rural parishes andone urban centre. The city has a numberof buildings of interest, which relate to arich history: the churches of Saint-Dymphna and Saint-Amands, the formerLakenhalle (now tourist information) andthe old Hospital (Gasthuismuseum).Geel claims to be the birthplace of care forthe mentally handicapped. Originally thissystem of psychiatric health care tracesback to invocations of the blessing of St-Dimpna, later this evolved to home-care,a form of treatment which is increasinglybeing copied.The town now functions as a market townand a centre for shopping, healthcare andeducation. There is a big industrial estatealong the Antwerp-Hasselt (Boudewijn)motorway and the Albert Canal.The rural area around Geel offers a lot tonature lovers: woods, sand dunes, a birdsanctuary and many walk and bicyclepaths.For further information visit the website ofGeel www.geel.be.Facilities in GeelHow to payThe currency in Belgium is Euro.Commonly accepted credit cards inBelgium are Visa, MasterCard, Diners Cluband American Express. These cards canalso be used in cash machines like‘Bancontact’ or ‘Mister Cash’. You can findthese at the following places in Geel: Markt: BNP/Fortis Bank Markt: KBC Nieuwstraat and Stationsstraat:Dexia Werft: De PostStudying in the Heart of Europe11

ShoppingThe supermarket chains GB/Alma (Pas),Aldi (Antwerpseweg and Rijn) and Lidl(Dr.v.d. Perrestraat and Antwerpseweg)run their own ‘brand’ lines which cut theaverage prices considerably, especially instaple goods such as bread, milk, rice, etc.There’s also a smaller supermarket in thecentre of Geel, named Vewo (Markt 57)where you can find anything youwant. Dairy products can be boughtcheaply at local markets. The sameapplies to fruit and vegetables. There is aweekly market on Tuesday (Markt).Small grocery stores are a little moreexpensive. They usually are open between<strong>09</strong>.00 am and 06.00 pm and are closed onSundays. Hendrickx Karel nv.Retieseweg 812440 GeelTel.: 014/58 91 81 Taxi Jef - Geel 0800 63 007http://new.taxi-jef.beDoctors Mr. Peter T’SeyenDr. Van De Perrestraat 412440 GeelTel.: 014/59 17 00 Mr. Marnix VandoninckVioletstraat 322440 GeelTel.: 014/58 42 54There are also a few night shops in Geel,which are opened 24 hours a day, at Pasand Stationsstraat.Cheap restaurants and snack bars: Pita Geel: pita, pizza, pasta(Nieuwstraat 87, tel.: 014/59 3819)Also home delivery! De Kruimel: sandwiches, pizza,pasta (Markt 89, tel.: 014/58 3381) ‘t Koffiekot: sandwiches, pasta(Larumseweg 71 A, tel.: 014/58 4835) Panos: sandwichbar (Nieuwstraat34, tel.: 014/59 48 49)Laundry ServiceYou can wash your clothes here for a smallamount of money. Joni (Lebonstraat 50, 2440 Geel) Mr. Ecowash (Elsum 113, 2440Geel)Taxi G.T.M.Technische-Schoolstraat 502440 GeelTel.: 014/58 49 49Pharmacies C. PoussetMarkt 272440 GeelTel.: 014/58 82 80 E. RaeymaekersStationsstraat 23 M.BellensPas 262440 GeelTel.: 014/58 81 05Studying in the Heart of Europe12

Dentists Ms Erna AndriesDrijhoek 122440 GeelTel.: 014/58 41 86Sports & leisureIn the immediate vicinity of the instituteyou can enjoy the following facilities: Fitness centre B-active (Markt12,tel.: 014/58 41 60) Fitness centre Olympia(Stationsstraat 58, tel.: 014/58 2164) BBC-Geel, Basketball Club, contact+32 472 454 222 Swimming pool (Fehrenbachstraat26a tel. 014 56 67 00 ) Cinema Studio Filmtheaters Geel(Werft 30, tel.: 014/58 74 07)Tourist office Tourist OfficeWerft 202440 GeelTel.: 014/56 60 00E-mail: toerisme@geel.bePublic Library Werft2440 GeelTel.: 014/57 08 55E-mail: Geel@bibliotheek.beCultural centre De WerftWerft 322440 GeelTel.: 014/57 03 40Website: www.dewerft.be Accommodation inGeelIndependent accommodationThe Accommodation Office will try to helpyou find accommodation. The instituteprovides addresses and contacts whereinternational students can be housed. Single furnished rooms in lodgingsare let in houses in Geel. Residentsshare a kitchen and most of thetime a bathroom (with shower).The prices of the rooms vary from150 to 300 Euros a month. Renting a furnished flat is moreexpensive: from 300 to 500 Eurosand difficult to find.Studying in the Heart of Europe13

Please have a look at the list of roomsavailable. In the middle of the academicyear it is sometimes difficult to findaccommodation, so the accommodationoffice will have to check if students, whoare themselves abroad, can pass on theirrental contract to international students.Nevertheless, it is important to indicate 5choices of rooms so that the type of theroom can be chosen and in which pricerange. Note very carefully the referencenumber allocated to a student room.Unfortunately, this list of rooms availableis not in English, but you will be able tounderstand the price range (minimumprijs – maximum prijs), distance to KHK(gelegen binnen een straal van ….km rondde campus), see some pictures (toonfiche) and find the reference number(referentienummer).How to reserve accommodationPlease contact the accommodationcoordinator (myriam.appels@khk.be) atleast 3 months prior to your arrival if youwant help in searching accommodation.Send her an email with the referencenumbers of your 5 choices. As soon as allstudents have sent in their choice, she willget in touch with you and give you theaddress and all the details of youraccommodation here. When you havereceived the address, you have to confirmthe booking of the room. Your agreementto the rental of the room is definite afterconfirmation.may cause. The entire deposit will berefunded to you on completion of thecontract period. Make sure you get areceipt on payment of the deposit. Thiswill prevent problems when repayment isdue. You are also required to leave theroom in a clean state before you leave.Bed linenYour student room is furnished but in mostcases there will be no bed linen. StudentServices Geel rents for a small deposit of15 Euros a duvet and pillow for you for theduration of your stay. You still have tobring your own sheets and pillowcase.Please tell the international coordinator oraccommodation officer in advance if youneed a duvet and pillow. Make sure tohave the deposit with you when you arriveat KHK. At the end of your stay, it is yourresponsibility to return the bed linen to thecampus, in good and clean condition. Theguarantee will then be returned to you.Rental contractBefore you come to Belgium, you canalready take a look at the rental contract.It specifies the amount of the rent, thepayment dates, the effective period of thecontract and the house rules that you areexpected to observe. On the first officeday after your arrival in Geel you areexpected to sign the rental contract at theaccommodation office (Myriam AppelsF101).Normally, students are required to pay adeposit of one month’s rent with the firstmonth’s rent. The purpose of the depositis to cover the cost of any damage youStudying in the Heart of Europe14

Facilities atK.H.<strong>Kempen</strong>Campus LierCafeteria and RestaurantsThe institute has a student cafeteria thatsells hot and soft drinks, snacks andsandwiches. Prices vary from 0.25 Eurosto 2.00 Euros.LibraryAs an international student you have freeaccess to the institutional library. You canfind dictionaries in many languages andforeign magazines in there.Student clubsEach department has its own student club.They organize cultural, sports and alsotypical student activities. The students arealways happy to take you out for a partyor just for a cozy chat. Your internationalcoordinator will be happy to put you intouch with the student club.It is always good to bring your ownstudent card of your school. You canbenefit on many occasions.

About LierGeneral Information about LierDuring the Middle Ages, a settlementdeveloped at the confluence of the GroteNete and Kleine Nete rivers. The townreceived its character at the start of the13th century, when a first wall was alsobuilt which was later extended andfortified with a number of gates. Withinthe town walls, a number of churches andconvents were built, which characterizethe outlook of the town, such as theGummarus church, the Beguinage(Begijnhof, one of the oldest in Flanders)and the Nazareth abbey. Merchantbuildings, such as the City Hall (Rococoperiod), the Belfry (Belfort, Gothic) andthe Vleeshuis (Neo-Gothic) are importantlandmarks as well. The Zimmer tower,located in the remains of the old city wall,contains a wealth of clocks and bells andhouses an astronomy centre.In spite of severe damage sustainedduring the First World War, Lier’s richheritage can still be admired in its manyhistorical buildings. Lier is also a centre ofthe arts: many Flemish writers and artistswere born here. The countryside aroundLier is characterized by a number ofinteresting old farms, like the Hof vanLachenen, the Kartuizershoeve and theHertog Janshoef. There are also severalnature reserves. Inhabitants in Lier 33492.For further information visit the website ofGeel www.lier.be.Facilities in LierHow to payCommonly accepted credit cards inBelgium are Visa, MasterCard, Diners Cluband American Express. These cards canalso be used in cash machines like‘Bancontact’ or ‘Mister Cash’. You can findthese at the following places in Lier: Grote MarktShoppingThe supermarket chains Saldo (GroteMarkt 27), Carrefour (Lintsesteenweg4) and Spar (Berlarij 26) run their own‘brand’ lines, the latter of which cutsprices considerably, especially in dailygoods such as bread, milk, rice, … There’salso a smaller supermarket in the centreof Lier, the only shop opened onSundays. Dairy products, fruit andvegetables can be bought cheaply at theweekly market.Studying in the Heart of Europe16

Small grocery stores are a little moreexpensive. They usually are open between<strong>09</strong>.00 am and 06.00 pm and are closed onSundays.There are also a few night shops in Lier,which are opened longer than usualstores.2500 LierTel.: 03/480 02 68 M. CosHeilig Hart Ziekenhuis2500 LierTel.: 03/491 23 45Cheap restaurants and snack bars: ‘t Groenhuis: snacks, severaldishes (Grote Markt 37, tel.:03/489 13 62) Babbel & Co: hot/cold dishes,snacks (Zimmerplein 8, tel.:0473/83 63 12) Kapucijn: snacks, vegetarian meals(Zimmerplein 26, tel.: 03/480 3381) Latino: hot/cold dishes, tappas,snacks (Zimmerplein 9, tel.:03/290 56 63)Laundry ServiceFor the laundry service arrangements willbe made by the international coordinator.Most of the time the laundry is taken careof by the landlady where you rent a room.Taxi Taxi Van DyckHagenbroeksesteenweg 842500 LierTel.: 03/480 26 90 Reno-TaxFrederik Peltzerstraat 82500 LierTel.: 03/480 11 71Pharmacies Y. TavernierKolveniersvest 62500 LierTel.: 03/489 16 53 Onze ApothekerGrote Markt 222500 LierTel.: 03/480 01 17DentistsDoctors J. AlpaertsKolveniersvest 122500 LierTel.: 03/480 83 48 J. CaenenGrote Markt 562500 LierTel.: 03/480 10 50 P. BierinckxGrote Markt 1Studying in the Heart of Europe17 Ms Bieke BellensKolveniersvest 122500 LierTel.: 03/480 00 69 E. SmeuninxGrote Markt 52500 LierTel.: 03/480 87 38Sports & leisure

In the immediate vicinity of the instituteyou can enjoy the following facilities: Health Center NRG(Aarschotsesteenweg 6, tel.:03/488 47 47) Time Release (Zagerijstraat 4, tel.:03/480 47 72) Indoor Swimming Pool StedelijkZwembad (Netelaan 14, tel.:03/480 73 24) ’t Sas Tennis & Squashcentrum(Mechelsesteenweg 380, tel.:015/31 42 49)Tourist office Toerisme LierGrote Markt 572500 LierTel.: 03/491 13 93Fax: 03/488 12 76E-mail: toerisme@lier.beWebsite: www.lier.bePublic Library Openbare BibliotheekKardinaal Mercierplein 62500 LierTel.: 03/480 11 96E-mail: lier@bibliotheek.beWebsite: www.lier.beCultural centre Cultuur Centrum De MolAarschotsesteenweg2500 LierTel.: 03/E-mail: cultuurcentrum@lier.beStudying in the Heart of Europe18

Accommodationin LierIndependent accommodationThe Departmental Coordinator will helpyou find accommodation. The institute hasaddresses and contacts where they canhouse international students. Single furnished rooms in lodgingsare let in houses in Lier. Residentsshare a kitchen and most of thetime a bathroom (with shower).The prices of the rooms vary from150 to 300 Euros a month. Renting a furnished flat is moreexpensive: from 300 to 500 Eurosand difficult to find. Mostly student rooms are rentedfor an entire month.How to reserve accommodationDepartmental Coordinator is at yourservice at any time. Please contact thecoordinator at least 3 months prior to yourarrival if you want help in searchingaccommodation. He/she will get in touchwith you and give you the address and allthe details of your accommodation here.Rental contractBefore you come to Belgium, a copy of therental contract will be mailed to you soyou can already take a look at it. Uponyour arrival you are expected to sign therental contract. It specifies the amount ofthe rent, the payment dates, the effectiveperiod of the contract and the house rulesthat you are expected to observe.Normally, students are required to pay adeposit of one/two months’ rent with thefirst month’s rent. The purpose of thedeposit is to cover the cost of any damageyou may cause. The entire deposit will berefunded to you on completion of thecontract period. Make sure you get areceipt on payment of the deposit. Thiswill prevent problems when repayment isdue. You are also required to leave theroom in a clean state before you leave.Studying in the Heart of Europe19

Facilities atK.H.<strong>Kempen</strong>Campus TurnhoutCafeteria and RestaurantsThe institute has a student cafeteria thatsells hot and soft drinks, snacks andsandwiches and hot dishes. Prices varyfrom one to four Euros.LibraryAs an international student you havefree access to the institutional library.You can find dictionaries in manylanguages and foreign magazines inthere.Student clubsEach department has its own studentclub. They organize cultural, sports andalso typical student activities. Thestudents are always happy to take youout for a party or just for a cozy chat.It is always good to bring your ownstudent card of your school. You canbenefit on many occasions. Business Studies Department:TABOEWebsite:www.studentenverenigingtaboe.be Health Care Department:VETURWebsite:http://club.studiant.be/vetur Teacher EducationDepartment: SEPULCRUMWebsite:http://club.studiant.be/sepulcrum

About TurnhoutThe city lies on the banks of the Desselto Schoten canal and the river Aa. It islinked by rail to Herentals, and bymotorway to Antwerp. Turnhout (40 070inhabitants) has become a centre fortrade and industry. It is especially knownfor its print shops and its paperproducingand processingindustries. Regionally, it is important forits market, its famous cultural centre,and a number of museums, schools andhospitals. It also has a sizable industrialestate. Turnhout developed its town areaon the crossroads of two important traderoutes: one from Diest to ‘sHertogenbosch (NL), the other fromAntwerp to the Maasland.Architecture of the 19th and 20thcentury has also left its mark: there isthe Neo-Gothic Heilig Hart church, thereis Flemish Neo-Renaissance and Art-Nouveau houses, there is the Neo-Byzantyne Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Middelareschurch. Modern architecture can be seenin the church of the Resurrected Christ,the new City Hall and the St Elisabethhospital. There are also works of art:stained glass windows, murals andceramics. The Taxandria museum ofarchaeology and folklore and therenowned Playing Cards Museum arealso worth a visit. South of the citycentre there is a nicely landscaped townpark with an open-air swimming pool.For further information visit the websitewww.turnhout.be orwww.turnhout.be/toerisme.During the 14th century it acquired therights to a weekly market and twoannual fairs. The centre shows a numberof buildings of historical importance: StPeter’s church, St Theobaldus’s chapel,Turnhout Castle (originally a huntingresort of the Dukes of Brabant, now theLaw Courts) and the Beguinage(Begijnhof).Studying in the Heart of Europe21

Facilities in TurnhoutHow to payCommonly accepted credit cards inBelgium are Visa, MasterCard, DinersClub and American Express. These cardscan also be used in cash machines like‘Bancontact’ or ‘Mister Cash’. You canfind these at the following places inTurnhout:Shopping Grote Markt 53: ING Gasthuisstraat 11: Fortis Grote Markt 73: KBCThe supermarket chains GB super (KorteGasthuisstraat 38), Carrefour (Parklaan80) and Aldi (Steenweg op Gierle 329)run their own ‘brand’ lines, the latter ofwhich cuts prices considerably, especiallyin daily goods such as bread, milk, riceetc. There’s also a smaller supermarketin the centre of Turnhout, named HetGrote Ei (Mermansstraat 73), the onlyshop opened on Sundays, and Peeters-Govers (Korte Gasthuisstraat 40). Dairyproducts, fruit and vegetables can bebought cheaply at the weekly market onSaturday (parking place Grote Markt).Small grocery stores are a little moreexpensive. They usually are openbetween <strong>09</strong>.00 am and 06.00 pm andare closed on Sundays.Cheap restaurants and snack bars: Melrose: sandwiches, snacks,hot meals (Zegeplein 13, tel.:014/42 68 07) Pain Matin: sandwiches, bread(Warandestraat 8, tel.:014/42 34 65) Hema: sandwiches, spaghetti,snacks (Gasthuisstraat 36,tel.: 014/41 04 78) Grand Café Beaugart: pasta,snacks, hot meals (GroteMarkt 46, tel 014/558795) Waterput: pizza, pita, pasta(Grote Markt 75, tel.: 014/6525 55) Broodjes & Co.: sandwichesand snacks (Herentalsstraat77, 2300 Turnhout tel014/700235)Laundry serviceYou can wash your clothes here for asmall amount of money. Quick Shop (Herentalsstraat15, 2300 Turnhout) Washcenter (KorteGasthuisstraat 50, 2300Turnhout) Gudrun (Renier Sniedersstraat65, 2300 Turnhout) ‘t Strijkcenter (Rubensstraat68, 2300 Turnhout)There are also a few night shops inTurnhout, which are opened longer thanusual stores: Malik (Otterstraat 1, 2300Turnhout) No Name (Herentalsstraat 28,2300 Turnhout) Crown Night Shop (Zegeplein16, 2300 Turnhout) Mini-Markt (Herentalsstraat50, 2300 Turnhout) -10% forKHK Health Care students(except for alcohol andtobacco) ‘t Groenteboerke (MerodeCenter 25/19, 2300 Turnhout)Studying in the Heart of Europe22

TaxiDoctors T.T.T.Kastelein 1702300 TurnhoutTel.: 014 43 64 64 Taxi JefVredestraat 1062300 TurnhoutTel: 0473 24 23 24Emergency number on weekends: 01445 08 88. Ms Ellen VandeputMerodelei 95014 /42 63 962300 Turnhout Mr. Frank LauwersSchorvoortberg 432300 TurnhoutTel.: 014/41 75 76 Mr. Paul CornilOtterstraat 1272300 TurnhoutTel.: 014/41 22 67Sports & leisureIn the immediate vicinity of the instituteyou can enjoy the following facilities: Fitomania (Rubensstraat 96bus 1, tel.: 014/43 92 99) Do it (Korte Albertstraat 2,tel.: 014/43 81 96) Horizon Sportclub (Steenwegop Gierle 185, tel.: 014/41 <strong>09</strong>25) Stadspark Sportcentrum(Parklaan 54, tel.: 014/43 0<strong>09</strong>1) Indoor Swimming poolStadspark (Parklaan 58, tel.:014/4<strong>09</strong>696)PharmaciesDentists De MeesterHerentalsstraat 442300 TurnhoutTel.: 014/41 23 67 Apotheek De <strong>Kempen</strong>Otterstraat 1832300 TurnhoutTel 014/414163Emergency number on weekends: <strong>09</strong>0010 500. Geert De Zutter bvbaPaterstraat 922300 TurnhoutTel 014/437624 OrthodonDE MERODELEI 1612300 TURNHOUTBELGIENTel. +32 (0) 14/410156Studying in the Heart of Europe23

Tourist office Toeristisch infocentrum ’tSteentjeGrote Markt 442300 TurnhoutTel.: 014/44 33 55Fax: 014/44 33 54E-mail: toerisme@turnhout.beWebsite:www.turnhout.be/toerismePublic Library De WarandeWarandestraat 422300 TurnhoutTel.: 014/41 94 94E-mail: info@warande.beWebsite: www.warande.beCultural centre De WarandeWarandestraat 422300 TurnhoutTel.: 014/41 94 94Website: www.warande.beStudying in the Heart of Europe24

Accommodation inTurnhoutIndependent accommodationThe Departmental Coordinator will helpyou find accommodation. The institutehas addresses and contacts where theycan house international students.damage you may cause. The entiredeposit will be refunded to you oncompletion of the contract period. Makesure you get a receipt on payment of thedeposit. This will prevent problems whenrepayment is due. You are also requiredto leave the room in a clean state beforeyou leave. Single furnished rooms inlodgings are let in houses inTurnhout. Residents share akitchen and most of the time abathroom (with shower). Theprices of the rooms vary from 100to 300 Euros a month. Renting a furnished flat is moreexpensive: from 300 to 500 Eurosand difficult to find. Mostly student rooms are rentedfor an entire monthHow to reserveaccommodationThe Departmental Coordinator is at yourservice at any time. Please contact thecoordinator at least 3 months prior toyour arrival if you want help in searchingaccommodation. He/she will get in touchwith you and give you the address andall the details of your accommodationhere.Rental contractBefore you come to Belgium, a copy ofthe rental contract will be mailed to youso you can already take a look atit. Upon your arrival you are expected tosign the rental contract. It specifies theamount of the rent, the payment dates,the effective period of the contract andthe house rules that you are expected toobserve.Normally, students are required to pay adeposit of one/two months’ rent with thefirst month’s rent. The purpose of thedeposit is to cover the cost of anyStudying in the Heart of Europe25

Facilities atK.H.<strong>Kempen</strong>Campus VorselaarCafeteria and RestaurantsThe institute has a student cafeteria thatsells hot and soft drinks, snacks andsandwiches. Prices vary from one to foureuros. You can also order a sandwich.LibraryAs an international student you havefree access to the institutional library.You can find dictionaries in manylanguages and foreign magazines inthere.Student clubsEach department has its own studentclub. They organize cultural, sports andalso typical student activities. Thestudents are always happy to take youout for a party or just for a cozy chat.It is always good to bring your ownstudent card of your school. You canbenefit on many occasions.Student club: REPROBATUM, seewww.student.khk.beStudying in the Heart of Europe26

About VorselaarVorselaar is a green village in the heartof the <strong>Kempen</strong> region along the riversNete and Aa. The village was constructedaround a triangular market square.Church, castle and convent were thepillars of its history. St Peter’s is anancient church which played a role faroutside Vorselaar itself; the moatedcastle has vast wooded lands laid outwith lanes and ponds. The conventbecame a renowned centre of educationfrom the 19th century on. Otherattractions in Vorselaar are the FourteenChapels, the Kaak, the Schrans, a sportscentre, and many walks and bicyclepaths. Inhabitants in Vorselaar 7 399.For further information visit the websitewww.vorselaar.be.Facilities in VorselaarHow to payCommonly accepted credit cards inBelgium are Visa, MasterCard, DinersClub and American Express. These cardscan also be used in cash machines like‘Bancontact’ or ‘Mister Cash’. You canfind these at the following places inVorselaar: Grote MarktShoppingThe supermarket chains Tecno(Kuiperstraat 31) runs their own ‘brand’lines, especially in daily goods such asbread, milk, rice, … You can also buysome products (milk, butter, jam, slicedcold meat, drinks) at the local bakeriestill 01.00 pm on Sunday. Dairy products,fruit and vegetables can be boughtcheaply at the weekly market on Fridaymorning (Markt Herentals).Small grocery stores are a little moreexpensive. They usually are openbetween <strong>09</strong>.00 am and 06.00 pm andare closed on Sundays.There are also a few night shops inVorselaar, which are opened longer thanusual stores: Shop 24 (Lepelstraat 41) Kerkstraat 10Cheap restaurants and snack bars: Take away of Chinese foodGouden Kom (Kerkstraat 41) ’t Kleyne genoegen:sandwiches and snacks(Kerkstraat 31,tel.: 014/50 1266) ’t Pleintje: sandwiches andsnacks (Heikant 5) Rik en Vic: sandwiches andsnacks (Goorbergenlaan 23,tel.: 014/50 66 00) ’t Steentje: snacks, all kindsof dishes (Riemenstraat 11,tel.: 014/50 07 30) ‘t Bourgondisch Hof: snacks,all kind of dishes (Sassenhout62, tel.: 014/21 16 81) Nickys Fritshop: French fries(Riemenstraat 59, tel.:014/51 60 82) Boulevard (Boulevard 32, tel.:014/50 67 65) ’t Schuurke: French fries(Lepelstraat 82) De Wingerd (Vispluk, 83,2290 Vorselaar, tel014/51.50.13)Studying in the Heart of Europe27

Laundry ServiceFor the laundry service arrangementswill be made by the internationalcoordinator. Most of the time the laundryis taken care of by the landlady whereyou rent a room.TaxiDoctors Taxi StanFraikinstraat 572200 HerentalsTel.: 014/21 31 20 - 014/2117 87 LD Services nvStationsplein 52200 HerentalsTel.: 014/21 13 26 Mr. Jan SmansMs Karine LauwersVan De Wervelaan 112290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 28 81 Ms. Irène BrosiusRavenlaan 32290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 49 45 Mr. Victor StoopKuiperstraat 122290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 15 15 Mr. Walter Van Der KerkenRiemenstraat 582290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 37 97Dentists Mr. Dirk PleesRiemenstraat 22290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 42 04 Ms. C. Van TulderKuiperstraat 142290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 50 40Sports & leisureIn the immediate vicinity of the instituteyou can enjoy the following facilitiesTourist office V.V.V.Markt 142290 VorselaarTel.: 014/50 71 04Fax: 014/51 10 05E-mail:vorselaar@toerismevlaanderen.beWebsite: www.vorselaar.bePharmacies Schyvens – GodinKerkstraat 182290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 13 15 Thys bvbaBoulevard 422290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 21 79Studying in the Heart of Europe28

Public Library BibliotheekNieuwstraat 152290 VorselaarTel.: 014/51 22 99E-mail:vorselaar@bibliotheek.beWebsite: www.vorselaar.beCultural centreThe cultural centers of Geel andTurnhout can easily be reached by publictransport De WerftWerft 32,2440 GeelTel.: 014/57 03 40Website: www.dewerft.be De WarandeWarandestraat 422300 TurnhoutTel.: 014/41 94 94Website: www.warande.beStudying in the Heart of Europe29

Accommodation inVorselaarIndependent accommodationThe Departmental Coordinator will helpyou find accommodation. The institutehas addresses and contacts where theycan house international students. Single furnished rooms inlodgings are let in houses inVorselaar. Residents sharekitchen and most of the time abathroom (with shower). Theprices of the rooms vary from 150to 300 Euros a month. Renting a furnished flat is moreexpensive: from 300 to 500 Eurosand difficult to find. Mostly student rooms are rentedfor an entire month.How to reserveaccommodationThe Departmental Coordinator is at yourservice at any time. Please contact thecoordinator at least 3 months prior toyour arrival if you want help in searchingaccommodation. He/she will get in touchwith you and give you the address andall the details of your accommodationhere.Rental contractBefore you come to Belgium, a copy ofthe rental contract will be mailed to youso you can already take a look at it.Upon your arrival you are expected tosign the rental contract. It specifies theamount of the rent, the payment dates,the effective period of the contract andthe house rules that you are expected toobserve.Normally, students are required to pay adeposit of one/two months’ rent with thefirst month’s rent. The purpose of thedeposit is to cover the cost of anydamage you may cause. The entiredeposit will be refunded to you oncompletion of the contract period. Makesure you get a receipt on payment of thedeposit. This will prevent problems whenrepayment is due. You are also requiredto leave the room in a clean state beforeyou leave.Studying in the Heart of Europe30

Important contactsInternational Relations ManagerMs Agnes Dillien<strong>Katholieke</strong> <strong>Hogeschool</strong> <strong>Kempen</strong>Kleinhoefstraat 4B-2440 GEELBELGIUM+32 14 56 23 10+32 14 58 48 59agnes.dillien@khk.beBusiness Studies Department GeelMr Johan Smeuninxjohan.smeuninx@khk.beAgro and Biotechnology DepartmentMs Sofie Verreydtsofie.verreydt@khk.beSocial Work DepartmentMr Jan Agtenjan.agten@khk.beTechnical Sciences DepartmentMs Lena Dillienlena.dillien@khk.beHealth Care and ChemistryDepartmentMs Ite Tytgatite.tytgat@khk.beMr Peter MatthysBegijnendreef 25B-2300 TURNHOUTBELGIUM+32 14 42 66 01peter.matthys@khk.beHealth Care Department TurnhoutMs Ria BruijnHerentalsstraat 70B-2300 TURNHOUTBELGIUM+32 14 47 13 00ria.bruijn@khk.beTeacher Education DepartmentTurnhoutMr Jef Van Den BoschMs Mieke BalcaenPatersstraat 26B-2300 TURNHOUTBELGIUM+32 14 41 54 68jef.van.den.bosch@khk.bemieke.balcaen@khk.beTeacher Education DepartmentVorselaarMs Rita Van ElsenLepelstraat 2B-2290 VORSELAARBELGIUM+32 14 50 81 78rita.van.elsen@khk.beBiosciences and TechnologyDepartmentMr Karel Dekoninckkarel.dekoninck@khk.beHealth Care Department LierMs Karolien BaldewijnsAntwerpsestraat 99B-2500 LIER, BELGIUM+32 3 480 29 10karolien.baldewijns@khk.beBusiness Studies DepartmentTurnhoutStudying in the Heart of Europe31

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