OAMag-V7N4-Cover [Converted] - Orient Aviation

OAMag-V7N4-Cover [Converted] - Orient Aviation

OAMag-V7N4-Cover [Converted] - Orient Aviation

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s p e c i a l r e p o r tImproved year for HAESLHong Kong Aero Engine ServicesLimited (HAESL) handled around 175engines in 1999, up from 146 theprevious year, an increase of 20%. The engineswere a combination of Trent 700, Trent800, RB211-524, RB211-22B, and RB211-535s.At the end of the year it also received itsfirst pair of V2500 engines, one of whichhas been completed for client South AfricanAirways.The gains are certainly impressive. HAESLgeneral manager commercial, Stephen Chu,puts it down to a combination of “biggerdemand, more aggressive marketing and animprovement in our ability to take in moreand still deliver”.In addition to local Hong Kong carriersCathay Pacific Airways and Dragonair, HAESLclients include China Southern Airlines,Xiamen Airlines, China Yunnan Airlines, XinjiangAirlines, Singapore Airlines, MalaysiaAirlines, Thai Airways International, GarudaIndonesia, South African Airways, Emirates,Air Transat, Air New Zealand, QantasAirways, Kitty Hawk, Royal Brunei Airlines,Air Atlanta Icelandic, International Air Lease,<strong>Orient</strong> Thai, Britannia Airways, MonarchAirlines, and Inter Lease.“Our shop had been kept fairly busy allthroughout 1999, with work coming in fromcustomers in our designated territory as wellas from Europe, the U.S. and Canada,” saidMr Chu. “We worked closely with [Rolls-Royce overhaul] Derby to optimise utilisationof available capacity in the two shops.“Business will continue to be looked at ina global context. Everybody is operating in avery competitive environment wherever theyare located.”Commenting on the receding economicproblems within Asia, Mr Chu said: “There areencouraging signs the worst is over, but it islikely the road to full recovery will be fairlylengthy and not without new challenges.”HAESL also performed work on the Trentfor Cathay Pacific, Garuda, Malaysia Airlinesand THAI.After discussion with both Emirates Airlineand Gulf Air, the former signed a contract inJuly last year for its Trent 700 and 800s.Nothing has yet been signed with Gulf.HAESL continued machining casings forQantas Airways’ 524-Hs 03 module to allowfor installation of Trent 04 modules. HAESLalso is repairing two RB211-524 engines forthe Australian flag carrier.HAESL technicians inspect a Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engine in its Hong Kong test cellA proposed joint marketing agreementdiscussed last year with Taiwanese carrier,EVA Air, for services on the V2500-D5 hasnot yet progressed. HAESL can handle theD5 modules, which are identical to those onthe A5. However, It would have to use theproposed partner’s test cell as a D5 does not fitthe HAESL cell without alternative adapters.Phase one (the finance sub-system) ofa complete Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) suite of systems from German softwarecompany, SAP, was implemented in mid-1999at HAESL.Company plans for an ISO 9000 certificationhave been delayed until sometime in2001, but in the meantime it has embarkedon a turn-time reduction project to improveproductivity in the engine shop. HAESL saysit also is looking at “business re-engineering”and evaluating Rolls-Royce “better performancefaster” initiatives to see what works bestin its organisation.“Competition has been, and will remain,strong in the industry,” said Mr Chu. “The MRObusiness [is being] given increasing attentionbecause of the need for integration andreducing margins on sales of the engines.”GE expands in MalaysiaGE Engine Services consolidated its ties with Malaysia late last year when subsidiary GEOn Wing Support, Inc., launched its operation in Subang.Bill Vareschi, president of GE Engine Services, said the company’s successful maintenanceand overhaul joint venture with Malaysia Airlines, Aero ’97, and Malaysia’s growing aerospaceindustry were key factors in forming GE On Wing Support Malaysia Sdn Bhd.GE also has an overhaul and repair Centre of Excellence in Kuala Lumpur along withsimilar centres in Xiamen, China and Singapore in Asia as part of its global network.Its on-wing support network also has facilities in China and most recently opened inSeoul, Korea.Initially, the Malaysian on-wing operation will work on CFM56, CF6-80C and Pratt& Whitney PW4000 engines, but plans also include support of GE’s GE90-115B, the solepowerplant for Boeing’s proposed 777X twinjet.February 2000 | <strong>Orient</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> | 69

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