Curriculum Vitae of Roberto Contino - Dipartimento di Fisica

Curriculum Vitae of Roberto Contino - Dipartimento di Fisica

Curriculum Vitae of Roberto Contino - Dipartimento di Fisica


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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Roberto</strong> <strong>Contino</strong>Date and place <strong>of</strong> birth:Nationality:Present position:07/01/1974, Roma, ItalyItalianResearcherUniversità <strong>di</strong> Roma La SapienzaPiazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, ItalyEducation:1997 Degree in Physics cum laude, supervisor Pr<strong>of</strong>. G. Martinelli1998 – 1999 INFN Research Grant, Università <strong>di</strong> Roma La Sapienza1999 – 2002 Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Scuola Normale Superiore, PisaSupervisors Pr<strong>of</strong>. R. Barbieri, Pr<strong>of</strong>. R. Rattazzi2001 – 2002 CERN Visiting Student. Grants from Fondazione Angelo della Riccia2002 Visiting Scientist, Université de Geneve, CHAcademic Positions:2002 – 2003 PostDoc, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, SP2003 – 2006 PostDoc, Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA2006 INFN Researcher, University <strong>of</strong> Rome La Sapienza2007 – 2008 CERN FellowRefereeing:Journal <strong>of</strong> High Energy Physics; Physical Review Letters;Nuclear Physics B; European Physical Journal CTeaching:2007 – 2009 Ph.D. course on Models <strong>of</strong> Electroweak Symmetry Breaking(U. <strong>of</strong> Milano Bicocca, U. <strong>of</strong> Milano and U. <strong>of</strong> Rome La Sapienza)2009 Teaching Assistant for the course <strong>of</strong> Mechanics (U. <strong>of</strong> Rome La Sapienza)Advanced Lectures and International Summer Schools1. 2009 TASI School in Elementary Particle Physics, “The Physics <strong>of</strong> the Large and the Small”.Lectures on: The Higgs as a Pseudo-Goldstone boson.2. 2007 International School <strong>of</strong> Theoretical Physics, Parma, Italy. Lectures on The Composite Higgs.3. Invited lectures on Composite Higgs Models, Louvain University, Belgium, 2007.

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> <strong>Roberto</strong> <strong>Contino</strong> Page 2Selected PublicationsHolographic Composite HiggsR. <strong>Contino</strong>, Y. Nomura and A. Pomarol, Higgs as a Holographic Pseudo-Goldstone Boson.Nuclear Physics B671 (2003) 148.K. Agashe, R. <strong>Contino</strong> and A. Pomarol, The Minimal Composite Higgs Model. Nuclear PhysicsB719 (2005) 165.K. Agashe, R. <strong>Contino</strong>, L. Da Rold and A. Pomarol, A custo<strong>di</strong>al symmetry for Zb¯b.Physical Letters B 641 (2006) 62.K. Agashe, R. <strong>Contino</strong> and R. Sundrum, Top Compositeness and Precision Unification. PhysicalReview Letters 95 (2005) 171804.Extra-Dimensional Field TheoriesR. Barbieri, R. <strong>Contino</strong>, P. Creminelli, R. Rattazzi, C.A. Scrucca, Anomalies, Fayet-Iliopoulosterms and the consistency <strong>of</strong> orbifold field theories. Physical Review D66 (2002) 024025.R. <strong>Contino</strong>, P. Creminelli, E. Trincherini, Holographic Evolution <strong>of</strong> Gauge Couplings.JHEP 0210:029,2002.R. <strong>Contino</strong>, L. Pilo, R. Rattazzi, E. Trincherini, Running and Matching from 5 to 4 Dimensions.Nuclear Physics B622 (2002) 227.Flavor PhysicsM. Ciuchini, R. <strong>Contino</strong>, E. Franco, G. Martinelli, L. Silvestrini, Charming penguin enhanced Bdecays. Nuclear Physics B512 (1998) 3.R. Barbieri, R. <strong>Contino</strong>, A. Strumia, Epsilon-prime from supersymmetry with non-universal Aterms? Nuclear Physics B578 (2000) 153.Invited Plenary Talks1. Workshop on Montecarlos and Simulations for the LHC, Frascati, Italy, 20062. European Midterm Meeting, Pisa, Italy, 20063. Workshop on Montecarlos and Simulations for the LHC, Frascati, Italy, 20084. Workshop on Higgs Boson Phenomenology, Zurich, Switzerland, 20095. Incontri sulla <strong>Fisica</strong> delle alte energie, IFAE 2009, Bari, Italy6. Hadron Collider Physics Symposium, Evian, France, 20097. Planck 2010 International Conference, CERN, Switzerland, 20102

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