Annual Report 2009-10 - Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Annual Report 2009-10 - Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Annual Report 2009-10 - Sustainable Development Policy Institute

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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><strong>2009</strong> - 20<strong>10</strong>CCB'S BENEFICIARIES: Some of the beneficiaries of CCB trainings representing public,private and development sectors are:Alcatel PakistanDepartment f or Int ernational <strong>Development</strong>National Assembl y and Senate Secr etariats(DFID)PepsiCo International Human <strong>Development</strong> Foundation Pakistan I nstitut e of Trade and Devel opmentAsia Petroleum Save the Children Pakistan I nstitut e of Communit y Opht halmolog yMobilink Friedrich Ebert Stift ung, USAID AfghanistanUfone International Rescue Committee <strong>Development</strong> Alternati ves IncMobiserve CARE International American Embassy IslamabadNestle GTZ British High Commission IslamabadGlaxo Smithkline Catholic Relief Services Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)Great Wall Drilling Company UNESCOInternational Medical CorpsServic e I ndus tries Li mited World Population Foundation CHEF InternationalShaigan Pharmaceuticals WWF-Pakistan International Organiz ation f or Migration (IOM)Pakistan Tobacc o Company UNICEF, PakistanHigher Education CommissionICI Pakistan UNDP Capital <strong>Development</strong> Authority (CDA) IslamabadAF Ferguson & Company IUCN Pakistan NESPAKAttoc k Oil Oxfam Novib Ministry of Water and PowerPakistan Cement Oxfam GB NCHDVolta Batteries Sight Savers International Stat e Bank of PakistanFauji Fertilizer Company Muslim Aid Ministry of EducationPakistan TelecommunicationsLtd. (PTCL)BEFARePrivat e Power and Infr astruct ure Board62S u s t a I n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t P o l I c y I n s t I t u t e

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