social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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B. Public <strong>social</strong> <strong>security</strong> institutionsCrossroads Bank for Social Security (KSZ – BCSS)(ww.ksz.fgov.be, servicedesk@ksz-bcss.fgov.be)Chaussée Saint-Pierre 375, 1040 Brussels, 02-741 84 00Fund for Accidents at Work (FAO - FAT)(www.fat.fgov.be, info@faofat.fgov.be)Rue du Trône 100, 1050 Brussels, 02-506 84 11Fund for Occupational Diseases (FBZ - FMP)(www.fmp.fgov.be, secr@fmp-fbz.fgov.be)Avenue de l'Astronomie 1, 1210 Brussels, 02-226 62 11National Institute for Sickness and Invalidity Insurance (RIZIV - INAMI)(www.inami.be, communication@inami.fgov.be)Avenue de Tervueren 211, 1150 Brussels, 02-739 71 11National Institute for the Social Insurance of Self-employed Persons (RSVZ - INASTI)(www.inasti.be, info@rsvz-inasti.fgov.be)Place Jean Jacobs 6, 1000 Brussels, 02-546 42 11National Employment Office (RVA - ONEM)(www.onem.fgov.be, reglement@onem.be)Boulevard de l'Empereur 7, 1000 Brussels, 02-515 41 11National Office for Annual Vacation (RJV - ONVA)(www.onva.fgov.be, communications@rjv.fgov.be)Rue des Champs Elysées 12, 1050 Brussels, 02-627 97 65National Office for Family Benefits for Salaried Persons (RKW - ONAFTS)(www.onafts.be, info.mediation@rkw-onafts.fgov.be)Rue de Trèves 70, 1000 Brussels, 02-237 21 11National Office for Social Security (RSZ - ONSS)(www.onss.fgov.be, contactcenter@eranova.fgov.be)Place Victor Horta 11, 1060 Brussels, 02-509 31 11National Pension Office (RVP - ONP)(www.onp.fgov.be, info@onp.fgov.be)Tour du Midi, 1060 Brussels, free telephone number: 0800-50 256National Social Security Office for the Provincial and Local Administrations(RSZPPO - ONSSAPL)(www.onssapl.fgov.be, com@onssapl.fgov.be)Rue Joseph II 47, 1040 Brussels, 02-234 32 09Office for Overseas Social Security (DOSZ - OSSOM)(www.ossom.be, info@ossom.fgov.be)Avenue Louise 194, 1050 Brussels, 02-642 05 1179

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