social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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Maternity benefitsPregnant women are entitled to a maternity leave and an allowance during that leave. Here too,major differences exist between the various systems.Periods of maternity leave are not considered periods of incapacity for work. Maternity leavegives pregnant women the opportunity to rest and to provide them with a substitution income.A. Maternity protectionA.1. Salaried womenThe maternity protection distinguishes between two periods:- the prenatal rest period, which may last 6 weeks maximum before the presumed date ofgiving birth (8 weeks in case of a multiple birth), 5 weeks of which are optional (7weeks in case of a multiple birth), which may be transferred until after the birth, and 1week is obligatory with an interdiction to work;- the postnatal rest period, during 9 weeks after giving birth. That period could becompleted with the 5 (or 7) remaining weeks of the prenatal rest period. In case of amultiple birth, the 9 week postnatal rest period may be extended with 2 weeks.A pregnant salaried woman or a salaried woman who has given birth or is breastfeedingcan apply for a maternity benefit on specific conditions.In case of decease or a stay in hospital of the mother, the father can take the rest of the mother'spostnatal rest period, at least if he is entitled to benefits (see before).The amount of maternity benefits is established at a rate of the capped salary (124.0057 EUR),except for the benefit for the first 30 days of the female employee's maternity leave.Situation of the entitled personWith employment contractIncapacity for work and noemployment contractUnemployedDuring the first 30 days ofthe maternity leave82% of the non-capped grosssalaryAs from the 31st calendarday of the period ofmaternity leave75% of the capped gross salary79.5% of the capped lost salary 75% of the capped lost salary60% (= basic allowance (*))+ 19.5% (additional allowance)= 79.5%60% (= basic allowance (*))+ 15% (additional allowance)= 75%(*) The basic allowance amounts to 60% of the capped salary. For unemployed persons, the basicallowance is equal to their unemployment benefit (when the period of the incapacity for work is lessthan 7 months).52

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