social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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B. Self-employed personsJust like salaried persons, self-employed persons have to join an insurance institution and fulfil a6- month waiting period during which they pay contributions for the benefits sector.A self-employed should, within 28 calendar days after the start of his incapacity for work, senda statement of incapacity for work, completed and signed by the treating practitioner to theadvising practitioner at his insurance institution. The advising practitioner can decide to have theself-employed present himself for a control of his incapacity for work.In the first year, the evaluation of the incapacity for work depends of the self-employed person'soccupation before he entered a state of incapacity for work. Later, any professional activity theself-employed person could reasonably exercise taking into account his situation, his healthcondition and his professional training will be considered.In the self-employed persons' scheme, there can be three periods of incapacity for work:- a non-indemnified period of primary incapacity for work of one month;- an indemnified period of primary incapacity for work of eleven months;- an invalidity period, starting after one year of primary incapacity for work.Self-employed persons do not receive a percentage of their lost salary, but a lump-sumamount which varies according to their family situation and according to whether or notthey have stopped their company:With dependants Single persons CohabitantsNon-compensatedperiod of one month0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EURCompensated periodof incapacity for work(without stopping the49.35 EUR 37.84 EUR 30.84 EURactivity)General invalidity 49.35 EUR 37.84 EUR 30.84 EURInvalidity on stoppingof activity50.25 EUR 49.21 EUR 34.48 EURThe amounts listed above are amounts per day and are applicable on 1 July 2011.In 2007, the category of entitled cohabitants was introduced in the scheme for incapacity for workfor self-employed persons.This means that three kinds of benefits are applicable according to the family situation:- persons with dependants;- single persons;- cohabitants.50

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