social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

social security - FOD Sociale Zekerheid

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holidays and for children receiving a grant for taking courses abroad. There are also generalmeasures for the children who have already obtained a secondary education diploma in Belgiumand who pursue non-higher education in a country outside the European Economic Area (thegeneral derogation is limited to maximum one school year), for the children who haven't obtaineda higher education diploma in Belgium or in another country and who pursue higher educationin a country outside the European Economic Area and for the children who have already obtaineda higher education diploma and who pursue higher education in a country outside the EuropeanEconomic Area (the general derogation is limited to maximum one academic year).The children of Belgian or foreign beneficiaries raised in a member state of the European EconomicArea may receive family benefits in pursuance of the European community regulations.The children of Belgian or foreign beneficiaries raised in other states with which Belgium hasconcluded <strong>social</strong> <strong>security</strong> agreements also receive family benefits at the rates and under theconditions laid down in these agreements.In cases worthy of considerations, the Minister of Social Affairs or the civil servant of the FederalPublic Service Social Security appointed by him can grant exemption from the condition of beingraised or the condition of taking courses within the Kingdom.D. Benefit typesThe family benefit system distinguishes between six types of allowances:1. maternity fee;2. adoption fee;3. ordinary family benefit;4. lump sum allowance for children placed with private persons;5. orphan's allowance;6. supplementary allowances.You receive a maternity fee for the birth of every child qualifying for family benefits. Thematernity fee will also be granted in favour of a child for whom a declaration of stillborn child isdrawn up by the registrar. You can demand the fee from the sixth month of pregnancy onwards,and it can be granted two months before the supposed date of birth mentioned in the medicalcertificate that should be enclosed with the application form. The amount of the maternity feedepends on the child's rank in the family. For the first-born child of the father or the mother(rank 1), the fee amounts to 1,175.56 EUR and to 884.47 EUR for the other children (amountson 1 July 2011). In case of a multiple birth, the parents receive a maternity fee of rank 1 for allthese children.The adoption fee is granted for the adoption of a child on particular conditions. The fee is equalto the maternity fee for a first child, i.e. 1,175.56 EUR (on 1 July 2011). The adoption fee and thematernity fee are due by the agency ensuring the payment of family benefits to the new parents.24

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