food contact materials - European Commission - Europa

food contact materials - European Commission - Europa food contact materials - European Commission - Europa


Ref. No CAS No Name Restrictions and/orspecifications(1) (2) (3) (4)54880 000050-00-0 Formaldehyde SML(T) = 15 mg/kg (22)54930 025359-91-5 Formaldehyde-1-naphthol copolymer SML = 0.05 mg/kg[=poly(1-hydroxynaphthylmethane)]55040 000064-18-6 Formic acid55120 000110-17-8 Fumaric acid55190 029204-02-2 Gadoleic acid55200 001166-52-5 Gallic acid, dodecyl ester SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (34)55280 001034-01-1 Gallic acid, octyl ester SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (34)55360 000121-79-9 Gallic acid, propyl ester SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (34)55440 009000-70-8 Gelatin55520 - Glass fibers55600 - Glass microballs55680 000110-94-1 Glutaric acid55910 736150-63-3 Glycerides, castor-oil mono-, hydrogenated,acetates55920 000056-81-5 Glycerol56020 099880-64-5 Glycerol dibehenate56360 - Glycerol esters with acetic acid56486 - Glycerol, esters with acids, aliph.,sat., linearwith an even number of carbon atoms (C14-C18) and with acids aliph., unsat., linear, withan even number of carbon atoms (C16-C18)56487 - Glycerol esters with butyric acid56490 - Glycerol, esters with erucic acid56495 - Glycerol esters with 12-hydroxystearic acid56500 - Glycerol, esters with lauric acid56510 - Glycerol, esters with linoleic acid56520 - Glycerol, esters with myristic acid56535 - Glycerol, esters with nonanoic acid56540 - Glycerol, esters with oleic acid56550 - Glycerol, esters with palmitic acid56570 - Glycerol, esters with propionic acid56580 - Glycerol, esters with ricinoleic acid56585 - Glycerol, esters with stearic acid56610 030233-64-8 Glycerol monobehenate56720 026402-23-3 Glycerol monohexanoate56800 030899-62-8 Glycerol monolaurate diacetate56880 026402-26-6 Glycerol monooctanoate57040 - Glycerol monooleate, ester with ascorbic acid57120 - Glycerol monooleate, ester with citric acid57200 - Glycerol monopalmitate, ester with ascorbicacid57280 - Glycerol monopalmitate, ester with citric acid57600 - Glycerol monostearate, ester with ascorbicacid57680 - Glycerol monostearate, ester with citric acid57800 018641-57-1 Glycerol tribehenate57920 000620-67-7 Glycerol triheptanoate58300 - Glycine, salts58320 007782-42-5 Graphite58400 009000-30-0 Guar gum58480 009000-01-5 Gum arabic20 of 41

Ref. No CAS No Name Restrictions and/orspecifications(1) (2) (3) (4)58720 000111-14-8 Heptanoic acid58960 000057-09-0 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide SML = 6 mg/kg59120 023128-74-7 l,6-Hexamethylene-bis(3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4- SML = 45 mg/kghydroxyphenyl)propionamide)59200 035074-77-2 l,6-Hexamethylene-bis(3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl~4- SML = 6 mg/kghydroxyphenyl)propionate)59280 000100-97-0 Hexamethylenetetramine SML(T) = 15 mg/kg (22)(35)(expressed as Formaldehyde)59360 000142-62-1 Hexanoic acid59760 019569-21-2 Huntite59990 007647-01-0 Hydrochloric acid60025 --- Hydrogenated homopolymers and/orcopolymers made of 1-decene and/or 1-dodecene and/or 1-octene60027 - Hydrogenated homopolymers and/orcopolymers made of 1-hexene and/or 1-octeneand/or 1-decene and/or 1-dodecene and/or 1-tetradecene (Mw: 440-12000)60030 012072-90-1 Hydromagnesite60080 012304-65-3 Hydrotalcite60160 000120-47-8 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, ethyl ester60180 004191-73-5 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, isopropyl ester60200 000099-76-3 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, methyl ester60240 000094-13-3 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, propyl ester60320 070321-86-7 2-[2-Hydroxy-3,5-bis(l,ldimethylbenzyl)phenyl]benzotriazole60400 003896-11-5 2-(2'-Hydroxy-3'-tert-butyl-5'-methylphenyl)-5-chlorobenzotriazole60480 003864-99-1 2-(2'-Hydroxy-3,5'-di-tert-butylphenyl)-5-chlorobenzotriazole60560 009004-62-0 HydroxyethylcelluloseIn compliance with the specificationslaid down in Annex V. Notto be used for articles in contactwith fatty foods.Not to be used for articles incontact with fatty foods forwhich simulant D is laid down.In compliance with thespecification laid down in AnnexVSML = 1.5 mg/kgSML(T) = 30 mg/kg (19)SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (19)60800 065447-77-0 1-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6- SML = 30 mg/kgtetramethyl piperidine-succinic acid, dimethylester, copolymer60880 009032-42-2 Hydroxyethylmethylcellulose61120 009005-27-0 Hydroxyethyl starch61280 003293-97-8 2-Hydroxy-4-n-hexyloxybenzophenone SML(T) = 6 mg/kg (15)61360 000131-57-7 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone SML(T) = 6 mg/kg (15)61390 037353-59-6 Hydroxymethylcellulose61440 002440-22-4 2-(2'-Hydroxy-5'-methylphenyl)benzotriazole SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (19)61600 001843-05-6 2-Hydroxy-4-n-octyloxybenzophenone SML(T) = 6 mg/kg (15)61680 009004-64-2 Hydroxypropylcellulose61800 009049-76-7 Hydroxypropyl starch61840 000106-14-9 12-Hydroxystearic acid62020 007620-77-1 12-Hydroxystearic acid, lithium salt SML(T) = 0,6 mg/kg (8)(expressed as lithium)62140 006303-21-5 Hypophosphorous acid62215 007439-89-6 Iron SML = 48 mg/kg62240 001332-37-2 Iron oxide21 of 41

Ref. No CAS No Name Restrictions and/orspecifications(1) (2) (3) (4)54880 000050-00-0 Formaldehyde SML(T) = 15 mg/kg (22)54930 025359-91-5 Formaldehyde-1-naphthol copolymer SML = 0.05 mg/kg[=poly(1-hydroxynaphthylmethane)]55040 000064-18-6 Formic acid55120 000110-17-8 Fumaric acid55190 029204-02-2 Gadoleic acid55200 001166-52-5 Gallic acid, dodecyl ester SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (34)55280 001034-01-1 Gallic acid, octyl ester SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (34)55360 000121-79-9 Gallic acid, propyl ester SML(T) = 30 mg/kg (34)55440 009000-70-8 Gelatin55520 - Glass fibers55600 - Glass microballs55680 000110-94-1 Glutaric acid55910 736150-63-3 Glycerides, castor-oil mono-, hydrogenated,acetates55920 000056-81-5 Glycerol56020 099880-64-5 Glycerol dibehenate56360 - Glycerol esters with acetic acid56486 - Glycerol, esters with acids, aliph.,sat., linearwith an even number of carbon atoms (C14-C18) and with acids aliph., unsat., linear, withan even number of carbon atoms (C16-C18)56487 - Glycerol esters with butyric acid56490 - Glycerol, esters with erucic acid56495 - Glycerol esters with 12-hydroxystearic acid56500 - Glycerol, esters with lauric acid56510 - Glycerol, esters with linoleic acid56520 - Glycerol, esters with myristic acid56535 - Glycerol, esters with nonanoic acid56540 - Glycerol, esters with oleic acid56550 - Glycerol, esters with palmitic acid56570 - Glycerol, esters with propionic acid56580 - Glycerol, esters with ricinoleic acid56585 - Glycerol, esters with stearic acid56610 030233-64-8 Glycerol monobehenate56720 026402-23-3 Glycerol monohexanoate56800 030899-62-8 Glycerol monolaurate diacetate56880 026402-26-6 Glycerol monooctanoate57040 - Glycerol monooleate, ester with ascorbic acid57120 - Glycerol monooleate, ester with citric acid57200 - Glycerol monopalmitate, ester with ascorbicacid57280 - Glycerol monopalmitate, ester with citric acid57600 - Glycerol monostearate, ester with ascorbicacid57680 - Glycerol monostearate, ester with citric acid57800 018641-57-1 Glycerol tribehenate57920 000620-67-7 Glycerol triheptanoate58300 - Glycine, salts58320 007782-42-5 Graphite58400 009000-30-0 Guar gum58480 009000-01-5 Gum arabic20 of 41

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