Cell counting and sizing. - Beckman Coulter

Cell counting and sizing. - Beckman Coulter

Cell counting and sizing. - Beckman Coulter


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BR-9723A<strong>Cell</strong> <strong>counting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>sizing</strong>.Z SERIES COULTER COUNTER ®STATE OF THE ART INSTRUMENTATION

IntroducingZ SeriesCOULTER COUNTER ®The Z Series consists of three models ofanalyzers; the Z1 Single Threshold, theZ1 Dual Threshold, <strong>and</strong> the Z2. Each modelallows for variable, user selectable cell sizesettings <strong>and</strong> operates in the size range of1-120 micron diameter. Thus, the instrumentshave the capability of analyzing practically allcell types <strong>and</strong> species variations.The wide choice of Z Series models offer asolution to almost every cell <strong>counting</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>sizing</strong> application. Whether your analysisinvolves only a single cell type or a diversecell population, the Z series analyzersare the instruments of choice for yourcellular applications.The History of <strong>Beckman</strong> <strong>Coulter</strong>Particle CharacterizationFor over 40 years the ParticleCharacterization Group (PCG) of<strong>Beckman</strong> <strong>Coulter</strong> has provided answers<strong>and</strong> solutions to those involved in thetesting <strong>and</strong> measurement of the physicalproperties of particles.History of Innovation■ <strong>Coulter</strong> Counters – 1954■■Pore CharacterizationAnalyzers – 1975Photon CorrelationSpectroscopy Analyzers – 1983■ Zeta Potential Analyzers – 1988■ Laser Diffraction Analyzers – 1989■ Surface Area/BET Analyzers – 1993■ Digital Pulse Processing – 1999■ Particle Image Analysis – 2000■ <strong>Cell</strong>ular Imaging Solution – 2002We are in a unique position to offersolutions for most particle analysisneeds. World-class support, includingbeing listed as an ASTM approvedlaboratory <strong>and</strong> with service only acompany such as <strong>Beckman</strong> <strong>Coulter</strong>can provide. Purchasing an instrumentfrom us will deliver performance,versatility <strong>and</strong> peace of mind.The <strong>Beckman</strong> <strong>Coulter</strong> Technology Center

DesigneDesigned with the cellbiologist in mind.The <strong>Coulter</strong> PrincipleAll Z Series models utilize the electricalsensing zone technology, often referred toas The <strong>Coulter</strong> Principle.This method of cell<strong>counting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>sizing</strong> is based on measurablechanges in electrical resistance producedby cells suspended in an electrolyte suchas phosphate buffered saline. Theaperture, a small opening, between twoelectrodes, is the sensing zone throughwhich suspended cells pass. Each celldisplaces its own volume of electrolyte.Displaced volume is measured as a voltagepulse, the height of each pulse beingproportional to the volume of the cell.The volume of cell suspension drawnthrough the aperture is precisely controlled,by the mercury-free metering system.Thus, the technology provides unsurpassedaccuracy, precision, speed, <strong>and</strong> versatility.This technology is the accepted referencemethod for blood cell enumeration <strong>and</strong>size distribution measurements. 11Engl<strong>and</strong>, JM., Rowan, RM., et. al.,The assignment ofvalues to fresh blood used for calibrating automatedblood cell counters. Clin. lab. Haemat., 1988, 10, 203-212.■■■■■Constant current technologyeliminates calibration drift dueto electrolyte conductivity ortemperature changes.The Mercury Free MeteringSystem is environmentally friendly<strong>and</strong> inherently safe.Recessed sample platform allowssample vessels to be held safelyin place during analyses.Small footprint for conservationof valuable laboratory space intoday’s busy laboratory.Automated calibration, using NISTtraceable st<strong>and</strong>ards, for increasedease of use <strong>and</strong> instrumentverification.Z Pak is a reagent packagecontaining instrument electrolytesolution <strong>and</strong> the waste container.The system offers the Z userthe convenience of simplydiscarding the empty container <strong>and</strong>connecting a new Pak. The integralwaste container ensures isolationof hazardous materials.■■■■Storage <strong>and</strong> automated recall ofup to 5 user specified instrumentsettings (Profiles) for individualcell lines.Ability, using the Z2 model, toaverage up to 10 replicate assaysfor increased statistical confidence.Acquisition,via Windows basedsoftware, to the PC of both count<strong>and</strong> size distribution results.Available in the Z2 only.Self contained, disposablereagent paks enhance easeof instrument use <strong>and</strong> ensuresconvenient <strong>and</strong> safe biologicalwaste management.1

Solutions to meet your needs.The following table shows the suggestedmodel for your cellular application.The Model Z1 Single ThresholdThe Model Z1 Single Threshold counts allcells equal to or greater than the operatorselected size. This model is ideal forrapid total cell counts or concentrationin those laboratories analyzing one ortwo different cell types.The Z1 Dual ThresholdThe Z1 Dual Threshold counts cellsin three regions of the population,above the lower size, between thelower <strong>and</strong> upper thresholds, <strong>and</strong>above the upper size setting.This isthe choice when more informationon the cell population is desired,without additional analyses of thesample. The model is excellentfor platelet applications <strong>and</strong> for usein those tissue culture laboratoriesworking with a variety of celltypes of different size.The Z2 Dual ThresholdThe Z2 adds the capability of sizedistribution measurement of the cellpopulation. The Z2 preserves thefeatures of the Z1 Dual Thresholdmodel <strong>and</strong> adds the enhanced dimensionof providing accurate <strong>and</strong> precisepopulation size distribution data. TheZ2 has the ability to average counts<strong>and</strong> channelyzed data from a series of upto ten consecutive analyses. In addition,2

Z1 Single ThresholdEnumerates cells equal to or greater than the userselected size setting.Z1 Dual ThresholdAllows the user to set two size thresholds as well asthree count <strong>and</strong> size regions for a cell population.using the <strong>Beckman</strong> <strong>Coulter</strong> Windows ®based data acquisition software, datamay be acquired to the PC. The addedcapabilities of the software packageenables the user to conduct sophisticatedtime dependent studies, such as, theability to monitor both number <strong>and</strong>size distribution changes over time forapplications such as cell proliferation<strong>and</strong> cytotoxicity studies.Z2Offers all the capabilities of a Z1 Dual threshold with theaddition of cell size distributions <strong>and</strong> data acquisitions viaWindows based software.3

SampSample Analysisle AnalysisHas Never Been So Simple, It’s as Easy as...1Load your prepared sampleonto theinstrument platformusing the convenient<strong>Beckman</strong> <strong>Coulter</strong>Accuvettes.2profile.Setup analysessettings orrecall a storedQuick, accurate<strong>and</strong> reproducible.3View your results.The Z Series;deliveringcellularsolutions.4

Benefits over the Manual Method(hemacytometer) for cell <strong>counting</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>sizing</strong>.■■■■■■The Z Series instruments analyze thous<strong>and</strong>s of cellscompared to the manual method. Thus, results aresignificantly more accurate <strong>and</strong> precise.The Z Series instruments offer rapid cell sample analysescompared to the time consuming manual technique.The operator error in filling of the hemacytometerchamber is eliminated.Significant differences in operator to operator results areobtained with the manual method. In addition, errors willoccur with a single user performing replicate counts onthe same cell sample; due to the subjective nature ofthe measurement.The imprecision <strong>and</strong> inaccuracy of manual cell analyses,using the hemacytometer, renders it unsuitable as areference method.The electrical sensing zone technology of the Z instrumentsis the Reference Method for Red <strong>and</strong> White Blood <strong>Cell</strong>Counting <strong>and</strong> Sizing. 11 Rowan, RM., van Assendelft, OW., et al., Reference method for the enumerationof erythrocytes <strong>and</strong> leucocytes., Clin. lab. Haemat., 1994, 16, 131-138.The Z Series softwaregives you the flexibilityyou need.Print reports directly from theZ Series instrument software.5

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSOVERALL ANALYSIS RANGE:1 µm to 120 µm diameterDYNAMIC RANGE OFAPERTURE:Z1 Single <strong>and</strong> Dual Threshold3:1 by diameter,27:1 by volumeZ2 Dual Thresholdup to 6.3:1 by diameterup to 256:1 by volumeMETERED VOLUMES:100ul, 500ul, 1000ulRESOLUTION:User selectableLINEARITY:Linear response ±1% of pulseheight over selected rangeTYPICAL COUNTPRECISION:>1% CVPOWER CONSUMPTION:Less than 55WORIFICE TUBE SIZES:Aperture (µm)5070100140200Range (µm)2-60% of aperture sizeAMPOULE INSERTABLETUBES:5070100NUMBER OF CHANNELS:64,128 <strong>and</strong> 256 sizedistributionPRINTER INTERFACE:Centronics parallel,IBM compatible 25-pinconnectorPOWER REQUIREMENTS:100 -120V AC ±10% 50/60 Hz220 -240V AC ±10% 50/60 HzDIMENSIONS:46cm (18”) height27cm (10.6”) widthwithout keypad36cm (14”) depthWEIGHT:13.6kg (30lb)OPERATING SYSTEM:Windows ® 95Windows ® 98Windows ® 2000Windows ® NTPNDESCRIPTION6605700 Z2 Analyzer, includes 100 um aperture6605699 Z1 Dual Threshold Analyzer, includes 100 um aperture6605698 Z1 Single Threshold Analyzer, includes 100 um aperture383550 Z2 AccuComp Software8320310 Z-Series Starter Kit:Tri-Pak, 200 Cuvettes, Sensors, Calibrator, Clenz, Dispenser8320312 Z-Series Tri-Pak8320592 Accuvettes (200/pack)6602796 L10 St<strong>and</strong>ard, nominal 10 µm, Latex Particle (NIST Traceable)8546929 500 ml <strong>Coulter</strong> Clenz177495 Aperture Concentration Control (1 x 15 mL)9912784 Aperture Tube, 50 µm9912785 Aperture Tube, 70 µm9912786 Aperture Tube, 100 um9912787 Aperture Tube, 140 um9912788 Aperture Tube, 200 um9913155 Aperture Tube, 50 µm Ampoule9913156 Aperture Tube, 70 µm Ampoule9913157 Aperture Tube, 100 µm Ampoule7546138 Zap-Oglobin II, 5 x 15 mL* Trademarks are the property of their respective owner.B2004-6128 LC 7K ©2004 <strong>Beckman</strong> <strong>Coulter</strong>, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.

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