Discrete Time Markov Chains, Limiting Distribution and Classification

Discrete Time Markov Chains, Limiting Distribution and Classification

Discrete Time Markov Chains, Limiting Distribution and Classification


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State classification by f (n)ii<strong>Classification</strong> of <strong>Markov</strong> chains◮ A state is recurrent (persistent) if f ii(= ∑ )∞n=1 f (n)ii= 1◮ A state is positive or non-null recurrent if E(Ti ) < ∞.E(T i ) = ∑ ∞ (n)n=1nfii= µ i◮ A state is null recurrent if E(Ti ) = µ i = ∞◮ A state is transient if f ii < 1.In this case we define µ i = ∞ for later convenience.◮ A peridoic state has nonzero p ii (nk) for some k.◮ A state is ergodic if it is positive recurrent <strong>and</strong> aperiodic.◮ We can identify subclasses of states with the sameproperties◮ All states which can mutually reach each other will be ofthe same type◮ Once again the formal analysis is a little bit heavy, but try tostick to the fundamentals, definitions (concepts) <strong>and</strong> resultsBo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Properties of sets of intercommunicating states◮ (a) i <strong>and</strong> j has the same period◮ (b) i is transient if <strong>and</strong> only if j is transient◮ (c) i is null persistent (null recurrent) if <strong>and</strong> only if j is nullpersistentA set C of states is called◮ (a) Closed if p ij = 0 for all i ∈ C, j /∈ C◮ (b) Irreducible if i ↔ j for all i, j ∈ C.TheoremDecomposition Theorem The state space S can be partitioneduniquely asS = T ∪ C 1 ∪ C 2 ∪ . . .where T is the set of transient states, <strong>and</strong> the C i are irreducibleclosed sets of persistent states□LemmaIf S is finite, then at least one state is persistent(recurrent) <strong>and</strong>all persistent states are non-null (positive recurrent) □Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>

The state probabilities<strong>Limiting</strong> distributionFor an irreducible aperiodic chain, we have that1p (n)ij→ 1 µ jas n → ∞, for all i <strong>and</strong> j0. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Three important remarks◮ If the chain is transient or null-persistent (null-recurrent)p (n)ij→ 0◮ If the chain is positive recurrent p (n)ij→ 1 µ j◮ The limiting probability of X n = j does not depend on thestarting state X 0 = ip (n)jBo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>The stationary distributionStationary distribution◮ A distribution that does not change with n◮ The elements of p (n) are all constant◮ The implication of this is p (n) = p (n−1) P = p (n−1) by ourassumption of p (n) being constant◮ Expressed differently π = πPDefinitionThe vector π is called a stationary distribution of the chain if πhas entries (π j : j ∈ S) such that◮ (a) π j ≥ 0 for all j, <strong>and</strong> ∑ j π j = 1◮ (b) π = πP, which is to say that π j = ∑ i π ip ij for all j.□VERY IMPORTANTAn irreducible chain has a stationary distribution π if <strong>and</strong> only ifall the states are non-null persistent (positive recurrent);in thiscase, π is the unique stationary distribution <strong>and</strong> is given byπ i = 1 µ ifor each i ∈ S, where µ i is the mean recurrence time ofi.Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>

The solution of π = πP continued◮ The vector π is a left eigenvector of P.◮ The main theorem says that there is a unique eigenvectorassociated with the eigenvalue 1 of P◮ In practice this means that the we can only solve but anormalising condition◮ But we have the normalising condition by ∑ j π j = 1 thiscan expressed as π1 = 1. Where⎛ ⎞111 = ⎜ ⎟⎝ . ⎠1Roles of the solution to π = πPFor an irreducible <strong>Markov</strong> chain, (the condition we need toverify)◮ The stationary solution. If p (0) = π then p (n) = π for all n.◮ The limiting distribution, i.e. p (n) → π for n → ∞ (the<strong>Markov</strong> chain has to be aperiodic too). Also p (n)ij→ π j .◮ The mean recurrence time for state i is µ i = 1 π i.◮ The mean number of visits in state j between twosuccessive visits to state i is π jπ i.◮ The long run average probability of finding the <strong>Markov</strong>1∑chain in state i is π i . π i = lim nn→∞ n k=1 p(k) ialso true forperiodic chains.Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Example (null-recurrent) chain⎡P =⎢⎣p 1 p 2 p 3 p 4 p 5 . . .1 0 0 0 0 . . .0 1 0 0 0 . . .0 0 1 0 0 . . .0 0 0 1 0 . . .0 0 0 0 1 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .For p j > 0 the chain is obviously irreducible.The main theorem tells us that we can investigate directly forπ = πP.π 1 = π 1 p 1 + π 2 π 2 = π 1 p 2 + π 3 π j = π 1 p j + π j+1⎤⎥⎦π 1 = π 1 p 1 + π 2 π 2 = π 1 p 2 + π 3 π j = π 1 p j + π j+1we getπ 2 = (1−p 1 )π 1 π 3 = (1−p 1 −p 2 )π 1 π j = (1−p 1 · · ·−p j−1 )π 1⎛ ⎞∑j−1∑∞π j = (1 − p 1 · · · − p j−1 )π 1 ⇔ π j = π 1⎝1 − p i⎠ ⇔ π j = π 1i=1i=jNormalisation∞∑∞∑ ∑∞ ∑∞ i∑ ∑∞π j = 1 π 1 p i = π 1 p i = π 1 ip ij=1j=1 i=ji=1 j=1i=1p iBo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>

Reversible <strong>Markov</strong> chainsp 11p121 2p21p22P =[ ]p11 p 12p 21 p 22◮ Solve sequence of linear equations instead of the wholesystem◮ Local balance in probability flow as opposed to globalbalance◮ Nice theoretical constructionBo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Local balance equationsπ i = ∑ jπ j p jiTerm for term we getπ i · 1 = ∑ jπ j p ji∑π i p ij = ∑jjπ i p ij = π j p jiπ j p ji∑π i p ij = ∑jjπ j p jiIf they are fulfilled for each i <strong>and</strong> j, the global balance equationscan be obtained by summation.Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>

Why reversible?Another look at a similar questionP{X n−1 = i ∩ X n = j} = P{X n−1 = i}P{X n = j|X n−1 = i}<strong>and</strong> for a stationary chain= P{X n−1 = i}p ijπ i p ijFor a reversible chain (local balance) this is π i p ij = π j p ji =P{X n−1 = j}P{X n = i|X n−1 = j} = P{X n−1 = j ∩ X n = i} thereversed sequence.P{X n−1 = j|X n = i} = P{X n−1 = j ∩ X n = i}P{X n = i}= P{X n−1 = j}P{X n = i|X n−1 = j}P{X n = i}For a stationary chain we getπ j p jiπ i= P{X n−1 = j}p jiP{X n = i}The chain is reversible if P{X n−1 = j|X n = i} = p ij leading tothe local balance equationsp ij = π jp jiπ iBo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Exercise 10 (16/12/91 ex.1)In connection with an examination of the reliability of somesoftware intended for use in control of modern ferries one isinterested in examining a stochastic model of the use of acontrol program.The control program works as " state machine " i.e. it can be ina number of different levels, 4 are considered here. The levelsdepend on the physical state of the ferry. With every shift oftime unit while the program is run, the program will change fromlevel j to level k with probability p jk .Two possibilities are considered:The program has no errors <strong>and</strong> will run continously shifting between the fourlevels.The program has a critical error. In this case it is possible that the error isfound, this happens with probality q i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 depending on the level.The error will be corrected immediately <strong>and</strong> the program will from then on bewithout faults.Alternatively the program can stop with a critical error (the ferry will continueto sail, but without control). This happens with probability r i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4.In general q i + r i < 1, a program with errors can thus work <strong>and</strong> the error isnot nescesarily discovered. It is assumed that detection of an error, as wellas the apperance of a fault happens coincidently with shift between levels.The program starts running in level 1, <strong>and</strong> it is known that the programcontains one critical error.Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>

Solution: Question 1Question 1 - continuedFormulate a stochastic process ( <strong>Markov</strong> chain) in discretetime describing this system.The model is a discrete time <strong>Markov</strong> chain. A possibledefinition of states could be0: The programme has stopped.1-4: The programme is operating safely in level i.5-8: The programme is operating in level i-4, the criticalerror is not detected.The transition matrix A is⎡A = ⎣1 ⃗ 0 ⃗ 0⃗ 0 P 0⃗r Diag(q i )P Diag(S i )P⎤⎦⃗r =The model is a discrete time <strong>Markov</strong> chain. Where P = {p ij }⎡⎢⎣⎤r 1r 2r 3r 4⎥⎦ Diag(S i ) =⎡⎢⎣Diag(q i ) =⎤S 1 0 0 00 S 2 0 0⎥0 0 S 3 0 ⎦0 0 0 S 4⎡⎢⎣⎤q 1 0 0 00 q 2 0 0⎥0 0 q 3 0 ⎦0 0 0 q 4S i = 1 − r i − q iBo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Question 1 - continuedSolution question 2⎡A =⎢⎣Or without matrix notation:⎤1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 p 11 p 12 p 13 p 14 0 0 0 00 p 21 p 22 p 23 p 24 0 0 0 00 p 31 p 32 p 33 p 34 0 0 0 00 p 41 p 42 p 43 p 44 0 0 0 0r 1 q 1 p 11 q 1 p 12 q 1 p 13 q 1 p 14 S 1 p 11 S 1 p 12 S 1 p 13 S 1 p 14r 2 q 2 p 21 q 2 p 22 q 2 p 23 q 2 p 24 S 2 p 21 S 2 p 22 S 2 p 23 S 2 p 24 ⎥r 3 q 3 p 31 q 3 p 32 q 3 p 33 q 3 p 34 S 3 p 31 S 3 p 32 S 3 p 33 S 3 p ⎦ 34r 4 q 4 p 41 q 4 p 42 q 4 p 43 q 4 p 44 S 4 p 41 S 4 p 42 S 4 p 43 S 4 p 44Characterise the states in the <strong>Markov</strong> chain.With reasonable assumptions on P (i.e. irreducible) we getState 0 Absorbing1 Positive recurrent2 Positive recurrent3 Positive recurrent4 Positive recurrent5 Transient6 Transient7 Transient8 TransientBo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>

Solution question 3We now consider the case where the stability of the system hasbeen assured, i.e. the error has been found <strong>and</strong> corrected, <strong>and</strong>the program has been running for long time without errors. Theparameters are as follows.P i,i+1 = 0.6 i = 1, 2, 3 P i,i−1 = 0.2 i = 2, 3, 4P i,j = 0 |i − j| > 1 q i = 10 −3i r i = 10 −3i−5Characterise the stochastic proces, that describes thestable system.The system becomes stable by reaching one of the states 1-4.The process is ergodic from then on. The procces is areversible ergodic <strong>Markov</strong> chain in discrete time.Solution question 4For what fraction of time will the system be in level 1.We obtain the following steady state equationsπ i = 3 i−1 π 14∑3 i−1 π 1 = 1 ⇔ 40π 1 = 1i=1π 1 = 140The sum ∑ 4i=1 3i−1 can be obtained by using∑ 4i=1 3i−1 = 1−341−3 = 40.4∑i=13 i−1 π 1 = 1 ⇔ 1 − 341 − 3 π 1 = 1Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>Bo Friis Nielsen<strong>Limiting</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>

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