Volume 15(1): Summer 2008 - The California Lichen Society

Volume 15(1): Summer 2008 - The California Lichen Society

Volume 15(1): Summer 2008 - The California Lichen Society


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Bulletinof the<strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong><strong>Volume</strong> <strong>15</strong> No. 1 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

<strong>The</strong> <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong> seeks to promote the appreciation, conservation and study oflichens. <strong>The</strong> interests of the <strong>Society</strong> include the entire western part of the continent, although thefocus is on <strong>California</strong>. Dues categories (in $US per year): Student and fixed income - $10,Regular - $20 ($25 for foreign members), Family - $25, Sponsor and Libraries - $35, Donor -$50, Benefactor - $100 and Life Membership - $500 (one time) payable to the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong><strong>Society</strong>, P.O. Box 472, Fairfax, CA 94930. Members receive the Bulletin and notices ofmeetings, field trips, lectures and workshops.Board Members of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>:President: Erin Martin, shastalichens gmail.comVice President: Michelle CaisseSecretary: Patti PattersonTreasurer: Cheryl BeyerEditor: Tom CarlbergCommittees of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>:Data Base:Bill Hill, chairpersonConservation:Eric Peterson, chairpersonEducation/Outreach: Erin Martin, chairpersonPoster/Mini Guides:Janet Doell, chairpersonEvents/field trips/workshops: Judy Robertson, chairperson<strong>The</strong> Bulletin of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong> (ISSN 1093-9148) is edited by Tom Carlberg,tcarlberg7 yahoo.com. <strong>The</strong> Bulletin has a review committee including Larry St. Clair, ShirleyTucker, William Sanders, and Richard Moe, and is produced by Eric Peterson. <strong>The</strong> Bulletinwelcomes manuscripts on technical topics in lichenology relating to western North America andon conservation of the lichens, as well as news of lichenologists and their activities. <strong>The</strong> best wayto submit manuscripts is by e-mail attachments or on a CD in the format of a major wordprocessor (DOC or RTF preferred). Submit a file without paragraph formatting; do include italicsor underlining for scientific names. Figures may be submitted electronically or in hard copy.Figures submitted electronically should provide a resolution of 300 pixels-per-inch (600minimum for line drawings in JPEG format); hard copy figures may be submitted as linedrawings, unmounted black and white glossy photos or 35mm negatives or slides (B&W orcolor). Email submissions of figures are limited to 10 MB per email, but large files may be splitacross several emails or other arrangements can be made. Contact the Production Editor, EricPeterson, at eric theothersideofthenet.com for details of submitting illustrations or other largefiles. A review process is followed. Nomenclature follows Esslinger cumulative checklist on-lineat http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/instruct/esslinge/chcklst/chcklst7.htm. <strong>The</strong> editors may substituteabbreviations of author’s names, as appropriate, from R.K. Brummitt and C.E. Powell, Authors ofPlant Names, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1992. Instructions to authors will soon be availableon the <strong>Society</strong>’s web site (below). Style follows this issue. Electronic reprints in PDF format willbe emailed to the lead author at no cost.<strong>The</strong> deadline for submitting material for the Winter <strong>2008</strong> CALS Bulletin is 31 October <strong>2008</strong>.<strong>The</strong> <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong> is online at http://<strong>California</strong><strong>Lichen</strong>s.org and has email discussionsthrough http://groups.yahoo.com/group/<strong>California</strong><strong>Lichen</strong>s.<strong>Volume</strong> <strong>15</strong> (1) of the Bulletin was issued 26 June <strong>2008</strong>.Front cover: Yana Boulders. Image by Carrie Diamond and Tina Dishman. See report onYana Trail field trip by Erin Martin.

Bulletin of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>VOLUME <strong>15</strong> NO. 1 SUMMER <strong>2008</strong>Bryoria pseudocapillaris, Sponsorship for the CALS Conservation CommitteeDoug Glavich20<strong>15</strong> NW Taylor Ave.Corvallis, OR, 97330dglavich yahoo.comExecutive SummaryBryoria pseudocapillaris is endemic to thewest coast of North America with a distributionfrom San Luis Obispo County, <strong>California</strong> north tothe Puget Sound in Washington. It was onceonly known from the Samoa Peninsula inHumboldt County, <strong>California</strong> and Cape Blanco inCurry County, Oregon, but recent studies havefound several new sites. <strong>The</strong> largest knownpopulations occur along the coastline fromnorthern <strong>California</strong> to Central Oregon (HumboldtCounty, CA to Lane County, OR). This speciesis mostly found on conifers of coastal dunes andheadland forests. Because this species reproducesand disperses by fragmentation, it is likelydispersal limited. Coastal development, airpollution, and climate change are likely threatsto this species.TAXONOMYAccepted scientific name: Bryoria pseudocapillarisBrodo & Hawksworth.Common name: none.Type specimen and location: Cape Blanco, CurryCounty, Oregon (Brodo 20539; CANL 50596).Synonyms: none.DESCRIPTIONFrom Brodo & Hawksworth (1977) and Glavich(2003): Thallus fruticose and hair-like, 5-7 cm long(Figure 1). Bryoria pseudocapillaris from theOregon Dunes in Coos County, Oregon.. Mainbranches mostly terete with no foveolate portions.Pseudocyphellae long and linear to ~3 mm. Colormostly pale brown but can be brown to dark brown.Figure 1. Bryoria pseudocapillaris from the OregonDunes in Coos County, Oregon.Spot tests Cortex K+ yellow, C+ pink or reddish,KC+ pink or reddish, P + yellow. Secondarycompounds barbatolic and alectorialic acids, sometimestogether with an unidentified substance.Similar species and distinguishing characteristics:Several Bryoria or Bryoria-like species can bemistaken for Bryoria pseudocapillaris. <strong>The</strong>distinguishing characteristic for B. pseudocapillarisis the long, linear pseudocyphellae plus the spot testreactions. Bryoria spiralifera has long pseudocyphellae,but they spiral around the thallus branches;this lichen also differs in spot test reactions (K+yellow changing to red, C-, and KC-). Bryoriacapillaris differs in having short, usually less than 1mm, pseudocyphellae. Sulcaria badia differs in itsmore robust appearance; its branches often appear1

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Glavich – Bryoria pseudocapillaris Sponsorshiptwisted with long pseudocyphellae in deep furrows.BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICSGrowth form: fruticose, filamentous.Reproductive method: fragmentation.Dispersal agents: gravity, wind, animals.Substrate and specificity: it is not substrate specific,but it does appear mostly on conifers of theimmediate coast: dominantly Picea sitchensis andPinus contorta var. contorta and also Pseudotsugamenziesii, Abies grandis, and Tsuga heterophylla.Habitat and specificity: hyper-maritime coastalheadland and dune forests.Pollution sensitivity: unknown.Ecological function: unknown.GEOGRAPHYGlobal: Occurs on the coastline mostly fromnorthern <strong>California</strong> (Humboldt County) to centralOregon (Lane County). A few sites are found on thecoastline of Washington and central <strong>California</strong>.Local: In <strong>California</strong>, the largest populations are inHumboldt County, which include forests on the dunesof the Samoa Peninsula and on headlands, but alsoextend as far south as San Luis Obispo Co. (Geiser etal. 2004; Glavich et al. 2005a, 2005b: Fig. 1).<strong>California</strong> sites include these collections. SAN LUISOBISPO CO.: Baywood Park, Riefner 87-336(CANL.) <strong>The</strong> following are housed at OSC:MENDOCINO CO. H.J. Ranch, Point Arena, Glavich611. HUMBOLDT CO. Samoa Peninsula, BLMparcel, Glavich 523; Humboldt Bay NWR, LanphereDunes, Glavich 527; HumboldtLagoons SP, Dry Lagoon, Glavich530; Little River SP, Glavich 595;Patrick’s Point SP, Glavich 503;Trinidad Beach SP, Glavich 534.DEL NORTE CO. Redwood NP,Crescent Overlook, Glavich 548;L. Earl SP, Glavich 544. <strong>The</strong> sitesnear Point Arena and Los Ososappear to be disjunct.POPULATION TRENDSActual population trends areunknown, but recent studies haveincreased the knowledge ofpopulation sites. Previous to morerecent work, B. pseudocapillariswas known only from two<strong>California</strong> locations: Samoa Peninsula(Manila), Humboldt Co.Figure 2. Bryoria pseudocapillaris in<strong>California</strong>. Dotted circles represent knownsites prior 1996. Stars represent sites foundfrom new studies since 2003.(Brodo & Hawksworth 1977) and Baywood Park,San Luis Obispo Co. (Riefner et al. 1995). Due tomore recent surveys, it is now known from Lake EarlState Park, Humboldt Lagoons State Park, Patrick’sPoint State Park, Trinidad Beach State Park, LittleRiver State Park, Redwood National Park (Geiser etal. 2004, 2005b; Fig 1).THREATSHistory: Its likely that coastline development was thelargest historical threat, and air pollution likelyplayed a threatening role in highly populated areas.Future: Although both coastal development and airpollution still play a threatening role, climate changemay be the major future threat to B. pseudocapillarispopulations. Climate factors appear to be of majorimportance to B. pseudocapillaris habitat; a habitatmodel suggests that a winter temperature increase of1ºC could negatively affect a site’s suitability for thislichen. With the Mote et al. (2003) warmingprediction upwards of 1.5 ºC by 2050, climate changeshould be considered in the management of B.pseudocapillaris populations.PROTECTIONAs of now, it is not known how many B.pseudocapillaris populations exist on private lands,but several northern <strong>California</strong> populations areprotected by existing on conservation-based state orfederal land parcels: Lake Earl State Park, HumboldtLagoons State Park, Patrick’s Point State Park,Trinidad Beach State Park, Little River State Park,Redwood National Park, US Fish& Wildlife Lanphere Dunes, andSamoa Dunes (BLM)(Geiser et al.2004; Glavich et al. 2005b)CONSERVATION SUMMARYAlthough the distribution ofB. pseudocapillaris has beenstudied across northern <strong>California</strong>(Glavich et al. 2005b), a moresite-level study assessing thislichen’s local abundance has onlyoccurred on the Samoa Peninsulaof Humboldt Bay in northern<strong>California</strong> (Glavich 2003). Effortsshould not only be made todocument the size of populationsat <strong>California</strong> State Parksidentified in Glavich et al.(2005b), but also surveys should2

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>be conducted in areas with potential habitat not yetvisited: e.g., Lost Coast of the BLM King RangeConservation area and the Sinkyone Wilderness StatePark.Not much is known about its southernpopulations. <strong>The</strong> area of its southern most site—Baywood Park, San Luis Obispo Co. (Riefner et al.1995)—should be surveyed. Other areas near theMendocino, CA site (Geiser et al. 2004) should besurveyed as well.SPECIFIC CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONSRecommended Global Rarity Rank: G3<strong>The</strong> bulk of the population appears to occur fromHumboldt Co., CA northward to central Oregon, andthe habitat range is narrow; it occurs only within afew miles of the coastline.Recommended Global Threat Rank: .2Coastal development and climate change could affectthis species.Recommended Local Rarity Rank: S2<strong>The</strong> largest <strong>California</strong> population appears to bedistributed along the coastline of Humboldt and DelNorte Counties. Populations sizes for the moresouthern sites are unknown.Recommended Local Threat Rank: .2Coastal development and climate change could affectthis species.Recommended List: 3Little is known about population sizes outside theSamoa Peninsula in Humboldt Co.RECOMMENDED CONSERVATION/MANAGEMENT ACTIONSAll sites, with the exception of the Samoa Peninsula,should be relocated and assessed for population size.More potential habitat should also be surveyed anddocumented.RELEVANT EXPERTS AND KNOWLEDGEABLE BOTANISTSDoug GlavichEcologist/<strong>Lichen</strong>ologist20<strong>15</strong> NW Taylor Ave.Corvallis, OR 97330Glavich – Bryoria pseudocapillaris SponsorshipBruce McCune,Professor of Ecology and <strong>Lichen</strong>ologyDept. Botany and Plant PathologyCordley 2082Corvallis, OR 97331STAKEHOLDERS FOR NOTIFICATION OF COMMENT PERIODUSDI, Bureau of Land ManagementArcata Field Office1695 Heindon RoadArcata, CA 95521US Fish & Wildlife ServiceHumboldt Bay National Refuge(Lanphere and Ma-le’l Dunes Units)6800 Lanphere Rd.Arcata, CA 95521Redwood National and State Parks1111 Second StreetCrescent City, CA 95531LITERATURE CITEDBrodo, I. M. & D. L. Hawksworth. 1977. Alectoria andallied genera in North America. Opera Botanica. 42:1-164.Geiser, L.H., D.A. Glavich, A.G. Mikulin, A.R. Ingersoll,& M. Hutten. 2004. New records of rare and unusualcoastal lichens from the US Pacific Northwest.Evansia 21(3): 104-110.Glavich, D.A. 2003. <strong>The</strong> distribution, ecology, andtaxonomy of Bryoria spiralifera and B.pseudocapillaris on the Samoa Peninsula, HumboldtCo., coastal northern <strong>California</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Bryologist106(4): 588-595.Glavich, D.A., L.H. Geiser, & A.G. Mikulin. 2005a. Rareepiphytic coastal lichen habitats, modeling, andmanagement in the Pacific Northwest. <strong>The</strong> Bryologist108(3): 377-390.Glavich, D.A., L.H. Geiser, & A.G. Mikulin. 2005b. <strong>The</strong>distribution of some rare coastal lichens in the PacificNorthwest and their association with late-seral andfederally-protected forests. <strong>The</strong> Bryologist 108(2):241-254.Mote, P. W., E. A. Parson, A. F. Hamlet, W. S. Keeton, D.Lettenmaier, N. Mantua, E. L. Miles, D. W. Peterson,R. Slaughter & A. K. Snover. 2003. Preparing forclimatic change: the water, salmon, and forests of thePacific Northwest. Climatic Change 61: 45–88.Riefner, R.E., P.A. Bowler, B.D. Ryan. 1995. New andinteresting records of lichens from <strong>California</strong>.Bulletin of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong> 2(2): 1-11.3

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Glavich – Bryoria spiralifera SponsorshipBryoria spiralifera, Sponsorship for the CALS Conservation CommitteeDoug Glavich20<strong>15</strong> NW Taylor Ave.Corvallis, OR, 97330dglavich yahoo.comExecutive SummaryBryoria spiralifera is endemic to the westcoast of North America with a distribution fromcentral <strong>California</strong> to southern Oregon (San LuisObispo County, <strong>California</strong> north to Coos County,Oregon). It was once only known from theSamoa Peninsula in Humboldt County, butrecent studies have discovered new sites.However these sites are few and disjunct. <strong>The</strong>two largest populations occurring in the dunesforests on the Samoa Peninsula in HumboldtCounty, <strong>California</strong> and on the Oregon Dunes inCoos County. This species is mostly found onconifers in coastal dunes. Because this speciesreproduces and disperses by fragmentation, it islikely dispersal limited. Coastal development, airpollution, and climate change are likely threatsto this species.TAXONOMYAccepted scientific name: Bryoria spiralifera Brodo& Hawksworth.Common name: none.Type specimen and location: Manila [SamoaPeninsula], Humboldt Co., <strong>California</strong> (Dowty 137;CANL 38403).Synonyms: none.DESCRIPTIONFrom Brodo & Hawksworth (1977) and Glavich(2003): Thallus fruticose and hair-like, 5-7 cm long.Main branches mostly terete with no foveolateportions. Pseudocyphellae long (~3+ mm) andspiraling around branches. Color mostly reddishbrown to brown but can be very pale brown. Spottests Cortex K+ yellow changing to red, C-, KC-, P +yellow. Secondary compounds norstictic andconnorstictic acids and atranorin.Similar species and distinguishing characteristics:Several Bryoria or Bryoria-like species can bemistaken for Bryoria spiralifera. <strong>The</strong> distinguishingcharacteristic for B. spiralifera is the long, spiralingpseudocyphellae plus the spot test reactions. Bryoriapseudocapillaris has long pseudocyphellae, but theyare linear with some wrapping around the thallusbranches; this lichen also differs in spot test reactions(K+ yellow, C+ pink, and KC+ pink). Bryoriacapillaris differs in having short, usually less than 1mm, pseudocyphellae.Figure 1. Bryonies spiralifera from the SamoaPeninsula dune forest in Humboldt County,<strong>California</strong>. Characteristic spiraling pseudocyphellaeare subtle in the inset.Sulcaria badia differs in its more robustappearance; its branches often appear twisted withlong pseudocyphellae in deep furrows.BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICSGrowth form: fruticose, filamentous.Reproductive method: fragmentation.Dispersal agents: gravity, wind, animals.Substrate and specificity: it is not substrate specific,but it does appear mostly on conifers of theimmediate coast: dominantly Picea sitchensis andPinus contorta var. contorta and also Pseudotsugamenziesii, Abies grandis, and Tsuga heterophylla.Habitat and specificity: hyper-maritime duneforests.Pollution sensitivity: unknown.Ecological function: unknown.GEOGRAPHYGlobal: Occurs only on the west coastline of NorthAmerica and only in a few locations from central<strong>California</strong> (San Luis Obispo Co.) to central Oregon4

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>(Coos County).Local: <strong>The</strong> largest known population is on the SamoaPeninsula dunes in Humboldt Co., <strong>California</strong>, and theother few sites appear to have small populations(Geiser et al. 2004; Glavich et al. 2005b: Fig. 1).<strong>California</strong> sites include these collections. SAN LUISOBISPO CO.: Baywood Park, Riefner 87-336(CANL )and Montaña de Oro State Park, Riefner87-142. MONTEREY CO.: near Point Lobos,Riefner 88-147. SONOMA CO.: Stewart's Point Rd.,Riefner 88-128. In OSC: HUMBOLDT CO.: SamoaPeninsula, BLM parcel, Glavich 524; Humboldt BayNWR, Lanphere Dunes, Glavich 522. DEL NORTECO.: Lake Earl State Park, Glavich 590.POPULATION TRENDSActual population trends are unknown..THREATSHistory: It is likely that coastline development wasthe largest historical threat, and airpollution likely played a threatening rolein highly populated areas.Future: Although both coastaldevelopment and air pollution still play athreatening role, climate change may bethe major future threat to B. spiraliferapopulations. Climate factors appear to beof major importance to B. spiraliferahabitat; a habitat model suggests that awinter temperature increase of 1ºC couldnegatively affect a site’s suitability forthis lichen. With the Mote et al. (2003)warming prediction upwards of 1.5 ºC by2050, climate change should beconsidered in the management of B.spiralifera populations.Glavich – Bryoria spiralifera SponsorshipCONSERVATION SUMMARYAlthough the distribution of B. spiralifera has beenstudied across northern <strong>California</strong> (Glavich et al.2005b), a more site-level study assessing this lichen’slocal abundance has only occurred on the SamoaPeninsula of Humboldt Bay in northern <strong>California</strong>(Glavich 2003). Efforts should not only be made todocument the size of populations at <strong>California</strong> StateParks identified in Glavich et al. (2005b), but alsosurveys should be conducted in areas with potentialhabitat not yet visited: e.g., Lost Coast of the BLMKing Range Conservation area and the SinkyoneWilderness State Park.Not much is known about its southern populations.<strong>The</strong> areas of its central <strong>California</strong> sites—BaywoodPark and Montaña de Oro State Park (San LuisObispo Co.), near Point Lobos (Monterey Co.), andnear Stewart’s Point road (Sonoma Co.)(Riefner et al.1995)—should be surveyed.Samoa Peninsuladune forest,Humboldt Co.PROTECTIONAs of now, it is not known how many B.spiralifera populations exist on privatelands, but northern <strong>California</strong> populationsare likely protected by state or federalland parcels: Lake Earl State Park, Park,US Fish & Wildlife Lanphere Dunes, andSamoa Dunes (BLM)(Geiser et al. 2004;Glavich et al. 2005b). Little is knownabout the central <strong>California</strong> sites.Figure 1. localities in <strong>California</strong>. Dotted circles are known sites since1995. <strong>The</strong> star is the only new site found in <strong>California</strong> (Del NorteCo.; Geiser et al. 2004; Glavich et al. 2005b). <strong>The</strong> Samoa Peninsuladune forest is the type locality and home to the largest known<strong>California</strong> population.5

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Glavich – Bryoria spiralifera SponsorshipSPECIFIC CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONSRecommended Global Rarity Rank: G2<strong>The</strong> two largest known populations occur on theSamoa Peninsula, Humboldt Co., CA and on theOregon Dunes near Coos Bay, OR. Both populationshave been assessed for those areas. Outside of thesetwo areas, the populations appear to be very small.Although this species may occur in other coastalhabitat types, its optimum habitat amplitude is verynarrow: coastal dune forests.Recommended Global Threat Rank: .1Until more is known about the populations other thanHumboldt Co., CA and Coos Bay, OR , it isreasonable to assume development and climatechange would have a strong negative affect on thisspecies.Recommended Local Rarity Rank: S1S2<strong>The</strong> bulk of thalli in <strong>California</strong> appear to occur on theSamoa Peninsula in Humboldt Co., CA, and all thepopulations appear to be disjunct.Recommended Local Threat Rank: .1Coastal development and climate change couldimpact this species.Recommended List: 1BUntil populations outside the Samoa Peninsula inHumboldt Co., CA, can be assessed for size, thisspecies should be considered rare.Recommended conservation/management actions:All sites, with the exception of the Samoa Peninsula,should be relocated and assessed for population size.More potential habitat should also be surveyedbetween sites do determine if populations are trulydisjunct. Small populations should be identified andprotected.RELEVANT EXPERTS AND KNOWLEDGEABLE BOTANISTSDoug Glavich, Ecologist/<strong>Lichen</strong>ologist20<strong>15</strong> NW Taylor Ave.Corvallis, OR 97330Bruce McCune, Professor of ecology and lichenologyDept. Botany and Plant PathologyCordley 2082Corvallis, OR 97331STAKEHOLDERS FOR NOTIFICATION OF COMMENT PERIODUSDI, Bureau of Land ManagementArcata Field Office1695 Heindon RoadArcata, <strong>California</strong> 95521US Fish & Wildlife ServiceHumboldt Bay National Refuge(Lanphere and Ma-le’l Dunes Units)6800 Lanphere Rd.Arcata, CA 95521Redwood National and State Parks1111 Second StreetCrescent City, CA 95531LITERATURE CitedBrodo, I. M. & D. L. Hawksworth. 1977. Alectoriaand allied genera in North America. OperaBotanica. 42: 1-164.Geiser, L.H., D.A. Glavich, A.G. Mikulin, A.R.Ingersoll, & M. Hutten. 2004. New records ofrare and unusual coastal lichens from the USPacific Northwest. Evansia 21(3): 104-110.Glavich, D.A. 2003. <strong>The</strong> distribution, ecology, andtaxonomy of Bryoria spiralifera and B.pseudocapillaris on the Samoa Peninsula,Humboldt Co., coastal northern <strong>California</strong>. <strong>The</strong>Bryologist 106(4): 588-595.Glavich, D.A., L.H. Geiser, & A.G. Mikulin. 2005a.Rare epiphytic coastal lichen habitats, modeling,and management in the Pacific Northwest. <strong>The</strong>Bryologist 108(3): 377-390.Glavich, D.A., L.H. Geiser, & A.G. Mikulin. 2005b.<strong>The</strong> distribution of some rare coastal lichens inthe Pacific Northwest and their association withlate-seral and federally-protected forests. <strong>The</strong>Bryologist 108(2): 241-254.Mote, P. W., E. A. Parson, A. F. Hamlet, W. S.Keeton, D. Lettenmaier, N. Mantua, E. L. Miles,D. W. Peterson, R. Slaughter & A. K. Snover.2003. Preparing for climatic change: the water,salmon, and forests of the Pacific Northwest.Climatic Change 61: 45–88.Riefner, R.E., P.A. Bowler, B.D. Ryan. 1995. Newand interesting records of lichens from<strong>California</strong>. Bulletin of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong><strong>Society</strong> 2(2): 1-11.6

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Cooley – <strong>Lichen</strong>s on BonsaiPreliminary Report: <strong>Lichen</strong> Transplantation Test on Bonsai BuckeyeHoward R. CooleyBelmont, <strong>California</strong>howcool101451 aol.comOne of my pastimes is growing trees from seed,including a number of <strong>California</strong> buckeye (Aesculuscalifornica), and training them as bonsai byinfrequent root trimming. As they've grown with theyears I often wondered if it would be possible tointroduce the orange lichen I had observed in the wildonto outdoor bonsai subjects of its associated speciesof buckeye. It would be interesting to see the resultsof this attempt, as growing lichen under cultivation isnot a well-developed practice.An experiment was undertaken to testachievement and potential success, or failure, with atransplanting method in getting native lichenfragments to adhere and grow in a controlledenvironment using bonsai native associated treespecies as host subjects. <strong>The</strong> experiment regards theability of tiny vegetative pieces (fragments andsoredia), including fungal hyphae to adhere, oranchor, to the surface substrate (in this case bark) andto grow into symbiotic lichens, including its layer ornetwork of algae, in a controlled environment, and toadhere long term. Furthermore, it involved the exactsame species of lichen and native tree that areassociated in the wild. <strong>The</strong> fact that the subject tree isa bonsai should make little or no difference inbiological factors. However, since the growth oflichen can be as little as a few millimeters in adecade, it would be interesting to see how long ittakes for testable adherence to occur. And then, howit spreads over time.Orange lichens occur on the branches of some<strong>California</strong> buckeye trees, particularly thoseindividuals exposed on sunny ridges above the shadywooded canopy of the ravines. In January <strong>2008</strong>, aninitial study was made of lichen adherence on a<strong>California</strong> buckeye tree in its native habitat in theEast Bay Hills (or Oakland-Berkeley Hills). <strong>The</strong>lichen was scraped from the branch with an edge andthe fragments gathered on a sheet of paper. Whateverlayers fell apart, the lichen never scraped completelyoff the bark, and a layer remained tightly adhered tothe stem surface. <strong>The</strong> scraped fragments ranged insize from small flakes to even smaller particles thesize of a period (Figure). I took the crushed sampleshome to the metro-flatlands, sprayed water on onebonsai <strong>California</strong> buckeye and sprinkled the finepowder on its branches. <strong>The</strong> fragments were pinchedwith fingers and sprinkled on the new substrate(bark). This is the same method applied to moss toget it to anchor in soil, rather than simply laying mosson top of soil. With mosses, the fresh spores andpowdered fragments, when moistened, grow andadhere to the substrate. Established research inlaboratory and in field experiments has revealed thecharacters of lichen rhizoids in anchoring thalli tobark and other substrates (Wikipedia <strong>2008</strong>).Identification of many lichen species is difficult.Hundreds of species of lichens produce severalsecondary compounds, some of which have beenused as dyes and antibiotics. Chemical tests and closeexamination of these compounds are required forspecific lichen identification to determine exactlywhich species one has collected. <strong>The</strong>re are at leastfour different species of crustose orange or yellowishlichen that occur on native buckeye trees in the SanFrancisco Bay Area, Xanthoria fallax, X. polycarpa,Candelariella concolor, and Chrysothrix candelaris.While these species may grow on many hardwoodspecies, they seem to be especially associated withbuckeye. All are far more tolerant of air pollutionthan most other lichens. In fact, the occurrence oflarge quantities of these lichens on trees in the hillsabove the Bay Area or elsewhere in <strong>California</strong> maybe an indication of high concentrations ofatmospheric nitrogen emissions from automobiles. Inthat case, for their nitrogen tolerance, I expected thatgrowing them in the midst of the metro area shouldpose no problem. Furthermore, in the San FranciscoBay Area, particularly in the East Bay, the generalclimate is not much different in the foothills and themetro flatlands around the bay – the elevation changeis only a few hundred feet. Since the fungal hyphaeof lichen include specialized cells which help preventwater loss, and since lichens are known for existingunder extreme environmental conditions and in agreat variety of habitats in nature, presumably thesefactors should also help to assure success in theexperiment.Many lichens grow as epiphytes on other plants,particularly on the trunks and branches of trees. Inscientific terms, when growing on other plants,lichens are not parasites; they do not consume anypart of the plant nor poison it, and are not known todirectly harm the trees they grow on. In the case of7

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Cooley – <strong>Lichen</strong>s on Bonsailichen growing on the bark of trees the lichentypically grows and functions so slowly over a longperiod of time that the surface layer of bark is likelyto chip away and fall off of its own accord before thelichen can be considered responsible for the barkchipping and falling off.<strong>The</strong> treated stems of the miniature buckeye werekept moist with daily misting with tap water to assistin adhering and anchoring the lichen fragments and /or spores and to help prevent potentially dry materialfrom falling or blowing away. <strong>The</strong> tree was broughtindoors during rain so as to prevent the fragmentsfrom washing away, and the misting continuedindoors. <strong>The</strong> buckeye was misted several times a day,but always dried. So the lichen was constantlyallowed to dry for a while and then moistened againas most lichens must dry out between wettings toachieve net positive photosynthesis. Falling orblowing away in the long run would be a failure. Thismoisture was to be applied vigilantly until the firstproof of adherence is observed. <strong>The</strong>se lichens remainviable on tree branches in the wild all year, even inthe driest months and in <strong>15</strong> hours of direct sunlightand drought. <strong>The</strong>re is no doubt the lichen can remaindormant when dry; the question is one of permanentadherence and growth.This brings up a delving question. Its settlementis likely a matter of chance by numbers. But, howand /or why does a particular species of lichen, whenhaving migrated as spores and fragments, grow onthe host? What is it in the buckeye bark that signalsthe lichen it’s found home? <strong>The</strong> topic is another studythat reveals some interesting natural history. It isknown that pH is a major factor. (MichaelWoerdehoff, personal communication) But wouldthis pH be the same on very young bark or even on abonsai subject? Anyway, one may conjecture that theby-products of lichen growth may also alter thedegree of alkalinity of the bark surface. Barkstructure is also a main factor and maybe evenspecific nutrients and environmental conditions underwhich the native tree host occurs.Since visibly detectable growth and spread of thelichen takes place so slowly over a long time span,presumably, once the lichen presents some adherenceon the subject bonsai buckeye, the test could then becalled a success. Ideally, test for adherence of thelichen fragments or new growth is to be recorded asclose as possible at the first sign of success, not somelater time. Since a visibly detectable spread of growthis out of the question, a rub test is the only option.Each test occurred at an interval twice as long as the8

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>previous; i.e., one month, two months, four months,if necessary.In the days following application, the lichenfragments on the bark of the buckeye, seen through alens, appeared to be adhering. However, they actuallywere still loose as they could be slid, and theadhesion was presumably due in great part to thepresence of moisture from the misting treatments,and the fragments just lying on the branches whendry. Admittedly, several of the original fragments hadfallen or blown away. In fact, nearly every time whenmisting there was enough water to run over and offthe bottom of the branches, yet looking immediatelywith a magnifying lens there were the samerecognizable fragments as always. When damp thesefragments turned a greenish-yellow; when dry, thefragments blended with the color of the bark. Eventhe largest fragment was about the size of a typedperiod. Several other tiny flecks also remained up anddown the length of the branch, about 4 ½ inches.Whenever the rains cleared the tree was placedoutside, and exposed to cold night temperatures,wind, sun, shade, and continued misting. Because thehost species is the same as that associated with thislichen in the wild, long term adherence and growthseems possible; but results must wait for theadherence testing to prove successful.After the first month, in February the lichen wasagain tested under a lens and it slid. <strong>The</strong>n I would testand examine the fragments again in two months, assupported by professional advice. Meanwhile,another stem sample with yellowish lichen, from aFremont cottonwood, a tree not occurring in the samewatershed basin as my buckeye, was studied whendamp. When wetted this lichen also turned green, andwhen picked at with an edge, fragments came easilyoff with a thin bottom layer of bark. This may nothave revealed the workings of thalli but it certainlyshowed the evidence for long-term adherence to asubstrate. And it revealed that my test of thetransplanted lichen should be done dry, not wet.On April 7, <strong>2008</strong> the lichen was twice spraytested, meaning it was sprayed both with more thanusual water pressure, as well as with an increasedCooley – <strong>Lichen</strong>s on Bonsaiamount of water to achieve a maximum of runoff.<strong>The</strong> fragments remained in place, but they were notrub tested since damp lichen is more likely to slideoff the bark, and adherence in dry lichen is the surestproof, because it would certainly slide if not adhered.But the fact that they remained in place when bothwet and dry led to a presumption that they may bedisplaying adherence to the bark. After that, on otherdays a single drop of water was allowed to hit thelargest fragment directly from above.In mid-April the largest lichen fragment wastested dry. It had not been rub tested in two months.Under the lens a toothpick was gently slid along thesurface of the bark to meet the edge of the lichenfragment, which slid. At this point, after two monthswithout testing, the experiment for adherence is acomplete failure. But not to be discouraged,regardless of the preliminary result in a limitedamount of time, it is still a worthy experiment, andneeds to be continued.With adherence taking place aftertransplantation, resistance to rubbing would provethat the lichen fragments and spores have recognizedits host species and, when moistened, began to growand adhere, that is, in a specified amount of time.And it would mark a successful attempt atintroducing lichen and attaining a homeostasis ofgrowth and adhesion of lichen under cultivation.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThanks to Dr. Michael Woerdehoff, German ForestEcologist, for valued scientific review and editorialadvice while I was in process of performing thislichen test and writing the report. Thanks to TomCarlberg, <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, for botanicaldata.CITATIONSWikipedia <strong>2008</strong>. Online at http://www.wikipedia.org.Woerderhoff, M. personal communication. [Inputfrom German Forest Ecologist Dr. MichaelWoerdehoff.]9

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Review – Macrolichens of New EnglandBook Review<strong>The</strong> Macrolichens of New Englandby James W. Hinds & Patricia L. HindsMemoirs of <strong>The</strong> New York Botanical Garden, <strong>Volume</strong> 96Reviewed by Cheryl BeyerSouth Lake Tahoe, <strong>California</strong>cbeyer fs.fed.usIt’s been an interest of mine to some day go backeast and check out the lichens. I had that opportunityrecently, sans airfare, car rental, and expensive motelreservations. James and Patricia Hinds recently(2007) published their inclusive book, <strong>The</strong>Macrolichens of New England. This 584-pagevolume covers all fruticose, foliose, umbilicate,squamulose, and filamentous lichen species currentlyknown in New England (461) plus an additional 41species found close enough to New England’sborders to warrant their inclusion.Although there is a growing number of up-todate,on-line keys, descriptions, and virtual floras oflichens in North America, a hardcopy flora for aspecific region, with keys, descriptions, and pictures,is still valuable and helpful, if not enjoyable, to taketo the field, or to flip through, peruse, dog-ear specialpages, and entice the uninitiated into lichen study.<strong>The</strong> book is meant to serve as a stand-alone fieldguide and reference manual for both beginners andexperienced lichenologists. A ‘Quick Key Index’ onthe inside of the front cover directs the reader to oneof the 50 short keys located further in the book. <strong>The</strong>yare based on discernible characters such as growthform, substrate (trees, rocks, soil), color, andpresence or absence of certain vegetativereproductive structures such as soredia and isidia.<strong>The</strong> book would also appeal to those who prefer to godirectly to the pictures, of which there are 308.Many, if not most, of the pictures were made at highmagnification so that the identifying features arereadily visible.Macrolichens of New England is looselyorganized into three main groupings of unnumberedchapters: general information, keys, and descriptions.<strong>The</strong> general information group covers 8 chapters :Morphology, Anatomy, and Reproduction; EcologicalRole; Human Uses; Biophysical Regions and <strong>The</strong>irFloras; Changes in Abundance and DistributionDuring the Last 100 Years; Rare or DecliningMacrolichens; How to Collect and IdentifyMacrolichens; and Crustose <strong>Lichen</strong>s – this lastchapter being very brief. <strong>The</strong> short treatment ofcrustose lichens is just to acknowledge that a wholeadditional group exists that is not covered in thisvolume. Most likely the number of crustose speciesare at least double the number representingmacrolichens, as currently 772 ‘microlichens’ areknown from New England – a challenge for anotherfuture publication. <strong>The</strong> sparing schematic drawings,created by Alison Dibble, and presented in thisgeneral information group, were prepared from freshspecimens. <strong>The</strong>y include a number of cross-sections,and side and surface views to illustrate variousstructures.Another feature of the book is a glossary, inwhich definitions can be found of terms that havebeen highlighted throughout the book. However,some of these definitions can be less than helpful,such as “Ciliate - having cilia.” However, a majorityof the terms give better, stand-alone explanations.<strong>The</strong> section Biophysical Regions of NewEngland and <strong>The</strong>ir Macrolichen Floras brieflydiscusses geography, geology, climate, and vegetationzones. This is helpful for those who are not familiarwith New England. Four major lichen biogeographicalzones are proposed: alpine or oroarctic,boreal, transitional, and temperate.<strong>The</strong> authors also provide information on changesin abundance and distribution of lichens within NewEngland, based on recent collecting efforts,herbarium specimens, and other unpublished data.<strong>The</strong>y then present lists of globally, then regionally,rare or declining macrolichens that occur or havebeen known to occur within New England, ranked bythe authors using Nature Serve codes. Identificationof rarity and the cause of rarity is important in theconservation of species. However, ‘red lists,’ that is,lists of rare species, can also be a point ofcontroversy. It's unclear what review process the listsin <strong>The</strong> Macrolichens of New England have gonethrough and if there is consensus within the lichen10

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>community.<strong>The</strong> International Union for Conservation ofNature and Natural Resources, aka WorldConservation Union (IUCN), has produced an onlinered list with data that includes a thorough explanationof why a species is on their red list. For example, athttp://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/43995/allyou can read the assessment information forErioderma pedicellatum, “mouse ears.” <strong>The</strong> CALSConservation Committee (http://californialichens.org/) also is developing a list of <strong>California</strong> lichensthat are recommended for conservation, using asponsorship method. <strong>The</strong> completed sponsorships,which undergo a year of review, can be seen byfollowing links to the Conservation Committee.When one goes from the Quick Key on theinside of the front cover to one of the 50 short keys,the reader either successfully arrives at a speciesdetermination, which is usually the case, or is furtherdirected to a specific genus key, such as is the case ofBryoria (12 taxa), Cladonia (83 taxa), Peltigera (21taxa), Stereocaulon (14 taxa), Usnea (27 taxa) andUmbilicaria (13 taxa). Those keys are located withinthe third section of the book, next to that genus’description. It is suggested in the book that theintention in the development of the keys was to makethem as accessible as possible to a wide range ofusers, and thus rely as much as practicable on readilyobservable characters. As an added feature, commonspecies have been color-coded in the keys with paleyellow highlighting.<strong>The</strong> section on descriptions, arrangedalphabetically first by genus and then species,includes first a discussion of the genus: Description,Comments, Distribution, Etymology, Common Name,and References. A key to the species within thatgenus then follows, and, subsequently, the descriptionof the individual species. Taxa descriptions, closelysimilar to the format in <strong>Lichen</strong>s of North America(Brodo et al. 2001) include scientific name andauthority, English (common) name, figure number forthe photo, Synonym, Description, Chemistry, Range/Habitat with additional information for New England(NE), and Notes. For those species withoutillustrations in the book, there is a reference where anphoto can be found. For example, for Cladoniafloridana, the reader is referred to: Brodo et al. 2001,Fig. 236.<strong>The</strong> final sections of the book include LiteratureReview – Macrolichens of New EnglandCited, two pages of Abbreviations used in the text, aGlossary, two appendices (Key to the MajorPhotobionts in New England <strong>Lichen</strong>s, and ExcludedSpecies), an Index to Latin Names, and an Index ofEnglish [common] Names.This regional guide complements other regionalguides published for North America, such as <strong>Lichen</strong>sof <strong>California</strong> by Hale and Cole (badly out of date),the two volumes of American Arctic <strong>Lichen</strong>s byThomson, Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest byMcCune and Geiser, the three volumes of the <strong>Lichen</strong>Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, editedby Nash et al. Regional floras also focus attention ona small geographic region, which helps mobilizelocal people to get involved with the lichens in theirarea. Regional floras also help reduce the complexityof keying as the characters examined generally don’thave to be as obscure.With the smaller number ofspecies, regional floras help beginners learn thelichen flora more quickly as there are fewer speciesto sort out.I thought I had saved myself some airfare and atrip to New England, but having been introduced tothe macrolichens of New England, I will have tovisit Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont,or Connecticut, and check the fidelity of the keys –and see the macrolichens of New England for myself!LITERATURE CITEDBrodo, I.M., S.D. Sharnoff, S. Sharnoff. 2001.<strong>Lichen</strong>s of North America. Yale UniversityPress. 794 pp.Hale, M.E., M. Cole. 1988. <strong>Lichen</strong>s of <strong>California</strong>.University of <strong>California</strong> Press, Berkeley. 254 pp.McCune, B, L. Geiser.1997. Macrolichens of thePacific Northwest. Oregon State UniversityPress/U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Corvallis. 386 pp.Nash, TH, III, B.D. Ryan, C. Gries, F. Bungartz(eds.). 2002. <strong>Lichen</strong> Flora of the Greater SonoranDesert Region. <strong>Lichen</strong>s Unlimited, Arizona StateUniversity, Tempe, Arizona. 532 pp.Thomson, J.W. 1984. American Arctic <strong>Lichen</strong>s 1. <strong>The</strong>Macrolichens. Columbia University Press, NewYork. 504 pp.Thomson, J.W. 1997. American Arctic <strong>Lichen</strong>s. 2.<strong>The</strong> Microlichens. <strong>The</strong> University of WisconsinPress, Madison. 675 pp.11

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Richard DoellRichard Doell1923 – <strong>2008</strong>Born in Oakland in 1923, Richard Doell died in his sleep on March 6, <strong>2008</strong> at his home in Pt. Richmond, CA,following a series of serious illnesses.Richard grew up in Carpinteria, CA. After serving in the infantry in Europe during World War II, he resumedhis studies at Berkeley, married Ruth Jones, a fellow student, and earned his doctorate in geophysics in 1955.Following teaching positions at the University of Toronto and MIT he joined the U.S. Geological Survey in MenloPark, CA, in the Geophysics Branch. His team established atime scale of reversals of the earth's magnetic field, whichwas of critical importance to the acceptance of the theory ofplate tectonics. For this work Richard Doell received theprestigious Vetlesen Prize, which he shared with two of hiscolleagues, and was elected to the National Academy ofSciences.Richard retired from the Survey in 1978. Having built a38 foot sailboat, he began a series of long sailing cruises toAlaska, French Polynesia, and Northern Europe. In 1984 hemarried Janet Hoare who joined him on these voyages. Justas Richard introduced Janet to sailing, so she introduced himto lichens, and in 1987 during a break from cruising heaudited Dr. Harry Thiers' lichen course at San FranciscoState University. "In self-defense", according to Dr. Thiers.Always interested in photography, Richard found hereally enjoyed photographing lichens and after 1993 hedevoted much of his time to that activity as an active (as wellas a founding) member of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. Heprovided the photographs for the two Mini Guides to<strong>California</strong> lichens he and Janet produced, and was workingon a new edition of the first Mini Guide at the time of his death. He also served the <strong>Society</strong> as producer of theBulletin for six years.He is survived by his wife Janet Doell; daughters, Kerstin Doell of Seattle and Shirley Doell of PointRichmond, CA, and a large family of devoted stepchildren, as well as step grandchildren and great grandchildren.He will be greatly missed.12Left to Right: Allan V. Cox, Richard R. Doell StanleyKeith Runcorn and Maurice Ewing at 1971 AwardsDinner. Photo courtesy of the Vetlesin Foundation.

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>California</strong> Page<strong>The</strong> <strong>California</strong> PageTom Carlbergtcarlberg7 yahoo.comIf you are interested in lichenologists andlichenology in <strong>California</strong>, and would like to take amore active interest in the <strong>Society</strong>, I have anopportunity for you. I would like someone to assumethe editorial duties associated with producing the<strong>California</strong> Page for the Bulletin. Kerry Knudsen hasdeclined to continue as Editor of this feature, and Iwant to offer this responsibility to one of our othermembers. <strong>The</strong> <strong>California</strong> Page is a forum for anymember to contribute lichen-related news &information, personal & otherwise, of interest to thegreater membership. <strong>The</strong> Editor of this page willwrite, solicit and review submissions, working todeadlines, to be included in future Bulletins. Fordetails, please email tcarlberg7@yahoo.com. Thiscan be an enjoyable way to get involved, and looksgood on a resume, too!Friends of the Dunes in Arcata, <strong>California</strong>, is aconservation organization dedicated to conserving thenatural diversity of coastal environments throughcommunity-supported education and stewardshipprograms. <strong>The</strong>y recruit & educate individuals tobecome naturalists who lead groups and interact withmembers of the general public in the Dunes in theHumboldt area. Areas of expertise acquired by thiscadre of naturalists include dune mat vegetation,snowy plover biology, native dune plants, dunegeology & deflation plains, the botany of the dunes,and surprisingly enough, the ecology of lichens inthis nutrient-poor habitat! In both April & May of thisyear, a dozen or so interested Friends spent part oftheir Saturday with Tom Carlberg, a coastallichenologist, asking tons of questions about thewhys & hows of lichens on the immediate coast. <strong>The</strong>number one question? “What happens when they dryup?” Number two? “What are the ones with the littlered tops?” (Cladonia transcendens). Everyone had tolearn to “think small”.13

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Under the LensUnder the LensMT. BURDELL OPEN SPACE, MARIN CO.FEBRARY 18, <strong>2008</strong>Mt. Burdell is one of the northern most OpenSpace districts in Marin County. <strong>The</strong> mountain rises<strong>15</strong>58 feet to a summit with breathtaking views of theentire Bay Area. <strong>The</strong> mountain was originally calledMt. Olompali. In the mid-1800’s Dr. Galen Burdell,a San Francisco dentist, acquired the land and Mt.Olompali became Mt. Burdell. Much of the area isoak woodland and open grassland. <strong>The</strong>re arespectacular displays of wildflowers in the spring andthere is a vernal pool, Hidden Lake, which is habitatfor 10 species of rare plants. <strong>The</strong> area is grazed bysmall herds of domestic cattle to help reduce the nonnativegrasses which have a tendency to overcrowdmany native species.On this day, 9 lichen enthusiasts met at the SanAndreas Trail head to explore the area for lichens.<strong>The</strong> Mt. Burdell trip was originally scheduled forJanuary 26 as part of the CALS annual Birthdaycelebration, but was canceled because of rain.February 18 turned out to be a very nice day for alichen hike. Morning fog dissipated to sunny skiesbefore noon. In the late afternoon, clouds started tomove in for predicted rain the following day.We were interested not only in the names of thelichens in the Open Space preserve, but we alsowanted to observe some lichen ecology. Right at thetrailhead was a non-native liquidamber tree(Liquidamber styraciflua). This was a great place tostart. Common on the trunk and branches wereFlavopunctelia flaventior (Stirton) Hale , Puncteliaperriticulata (Räsänen) G. Wilh. & Ladd, Ramalinafarinacea (L.) Ach. , Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. ,Xanthoria hasseana Räsänen, Physcia adscendens(Fr.) H. Olivier, Parmelia sulcata Taylor, and lots oflovely Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) Th. Fr.,Lecanora pacifica Tuck., Ochrolechia subpallescensVers. With this particular assemblage of lichens wetalked about the influence of bark pH on lichengrowth.Walking only 25 feet away, we investigated alive oak Quercus agrifolia. <strong>The</strong> lichens weredifferent here with a large growth of Hyperphysciaadglutinata (Flörke) H. Mayrh., Physcia tribacea(Ach.) Nyl. and Candelaria concolor (Dickson)Stein. <strong>The</strong> uncommon Physcia erumpens Mobergwith a black lower cortex was found on one of thelarge horizontal branches. We also observed the‘growth rings’ of Pertusaria amara (Ach.) Nyl. onthe smooth, tough oak bark.A few feet away, another live oak hosted avertical large swath of Waynea californica Mobergwith a few thalli of Normandina pulchella (Borrer).Ron Robertson, naturalist , dotted our trip with hisinteresting findings here and there. Under a rock inthis area were 2 slender salamanders, the snail-eaterScaphanotis beetle, and a large millipede.We then walked a short distance to a serpentinegrassland. Small outcrops of weathered serpentinewere common and thin, stable soil around themturned out to be rich with soil lichens and we foundPlacidium lacinulatum Breuss, Endocarpon sp.,Collema tenax (Sw.) Ach., Arthonia glebosa Tuck.,Psora pacifica Timdal.On the rocks we found Lecanora muralis(Schreber) Rabenh., Lecidea atrobrunnea group,<strong>The</strong>lomma mammosum (Hepp.) A. Massal, Caloplacabolacina (Tuck.) Herre with other Caloplaca species.Other crusts were observed but most spectacular onthe rocks were the squamulose lichens Peltulaeuploca (Ach.) Poelt , P. bolanderi (Tuck.) Wetmore,and Dermatocarpon americanum Vain. occurring inthe drainage areas. Physcia phaea (Tuck.) J.W.Thomson, P. dubia (Hoffm.) Lettau, P. tribacea(Ach.) Nyl., Xanthoparmelia species, Leptochidiumalbociliatum (Desmaz.) Choisy, Physconia isidiigera(Zahlbr.) Essl., Neofuscelia sp. were some of thefoliose lichens present. On the soil were Placidiumlacinulatum Breuss, Endocarpon sp., Collema tenax(Sw.) Ach., Arthonia glebosa Tuck., Psora pacificaTimdal.After lunch back by the parking area, we crossedthe fire road to see quite a few patches of Sphinctrinaturbinata (Pers.:Fr.) DeNot parasitizing thePertusaria amara (Ach.) Nyl. on small branches oflive oak.To observe lichens on more unusual habitats, wewalked up the fire road to a cement retaining wall.On the dirt that had solidified and flowed down fromthe top of the wall, we found Endocarpon locosiiMüll. Arg. Also on the wall were Sarcogyneregularis Korber, Lecania species, two Caloplacaspecies and a cyanolichen.Across from the wall was an old log where wefound Cyphelium tigillare (Ach.) Ach. with twoother pin lichens, Trapeliopsis flexuosa (Fr.) Coppins& P. James, T. granulosa (Hoffm.) Lumbsch,Cladonia macilenta Hoffm. var. macilenta, and asorediate Ochrolechia species. We headed for someold fence posts and found Xanthoria tenax L.14

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Lindblom, which is unusual in Marin and Sonomacounties, with <strong>The</strong>lomma occidentale (Herre) Tibell.We crossed to the western side of the Preserveand walked through live oak and bay woodland. Wecame upon a pile of old, cut oak trunks. Again, RonRobertson treated us to a very interesting diversionfrom our lichen walk. He found 5 different species ofslime molds, healthy and in different stages, underthe bark. He also found an arboreal salamander and a<strong>California</strong> newt.Our last stop of our day was at some valley oaksoverlooking Novato. With many of the familiarlichens we had seen that day we found some newones. <strong>The</strong> sorediate Caloplaca chrysophthalmaDegel., Physconia americana Essl., Leptogiumpseudofurfuraceum P.M. Jørg. <strong>The</strong> squamuloseCatapyrenium psoromoides (Borrer) Sant. nestled inthe grooves of the oak trunks.Participating were Ken Howe, Bill Hill, MichelleCaisse, Debbi Brusco, John Fedorcheck, HenrySchott, Vishnu, Judy and Ron Robertson.Additional species seen on the trip:Oak bay woodlandArthonia sp.Candelariella sp.Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) J.R.LaundonCollema furfuraceum (Arnold) DeRietzFlavoparmelia caperata (L.) HaleLecanora caesiorubella Ach. Subsp. merrilliiLecanora sp.Parmotrema chinense (Osbeck) Hale & AhtiPertusaria sp.Phaeophyscia hirsuta (Mereschk.) Essl.Physconia enteroxantha (Nyl.) PoeltRamalina leptocarpha Tuck.Ramalina menziesii TaylorRinodina sp.Xanthoria candelaria (L.) Th.Fr.Xanthoria polycarpa (Hoffm.) RieberSerpentine and other rock outcropsAcarospora sp.Aspicilia sp.Caloplaca citrina (Hoffm.) Th.Fr.Caloplaca sp.Candelariella vitellina (Hoffm.) Müll. Arg.Dimelaena radiata (Tuck.) Müll.Arg.Fuscopannaria sp.Lecidea tessellata FlörkeLecidella asema (Nyl.) Knoph & HertelNeofuscelia sp.Placidiopsis cinerascens (Nyl.) BreussSolenospora crenata (Herre) Zahlbr.Staurothele sp.Umbilicaria phaea (Tuck.)Xanthoria fallax (Hepp.) Arnold var. fallaxXanthoria elegans (Link.) Th.Fr.Under the LensChaparral areaCladonia chlorophaea (Flörke ex Sommerf.)SprengelCladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr.Cladonia furcata (Hudson) SchraderCladonia ochrochlora FlörkeCollema nigrescens (Hudson) DCDiploschistes scruposus (Schreber) NormanFuscopannaria cyanolepra (Tuck.) P.M. Jørg.Hypocenomyce scalaris (Ach.) ChoisyLecanora gangaleoides Nyl.Leptogium palmatum (Hoffm.) MinksLeptogium lichenoides (L.) Zahlbr.Letharia vulpina (L.) HueOphioparma rubricosa (Nüll. Arg.) S. EkmanParmeliella cyanolepra (Tuck.) HerrePhysconia perisidiosa (Erichsen) MogergPsora sp.Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC.Trapeliopsis glaucopholis (Nyl. ex Hasse) Printzen &McCuneList compiled by Ron and Judy RobertsonNEW AND INTERESTING RECORDS FOR CALIFORNIACOLLECTED BY RON AND JUDY ROBERTSON, OR TOMCARLBERGIonaspis alba Lutzoni: ID confirmed by IrwinBrodo.This lichen is quite common in counties north ofthe San Francisco Bay area. Most of our specimensare yellowish to brownish gray. <strong>The</strong> thallus is quitethin and easily mistaken for the rock surface. Closeexamination reveals the immersed apothecia. Wehave collected specimens from Marin to MendocinoCounty. It is usually found on rocks along shadedforest paths. We have also collected it in more openspots such as road-cuts and quarries where it appearsto be an early colonizer of fresh rock surfaces. <strong>The</strong>only record of Ionaspis alba in <strong>California</strong> was aHasse specimen collected in the Santa MonicaMountains and originally determined by Zahlbruckneras Lecanora lacustris.Ochrolechia gowardii Brodo: ID confirmed by Irwin<strong>15</strong>

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Brodo.This specimen came from the CALS field trip tothe Sierra Nevada Field Station in Yuba County. <strong>The</strong>sorediate Ochrolechia was collected on conifer bark.This is a new record for <strong>California</strong>.Peltigera pacifica Vitik.: ID confirmed by BruceMcCune.Bear Basin Butte, in the Siskiyou Mountains ofnorthern <strong>California</strong> and less than 13 miles from theOregon border, hosts an unusually large number ofcold-climate conifer species, and is considered arefugium for many species. On the same field tripthat P. pacifica was found, six other species in thatgenus were identified. <strong>The</strong> specimens are small, butthe combination of marginal lobules and somewhatdiffuse non-threadlike veins is diagnostic. Foundgrowing on mosses among boulders. Specimens fromOregon are larger, and might be merely uncommonwithin the appropriate habitat. This is a new recordfor <strong>California</strong>.References:Nash, T.H.III, C. Gries and F. Bungartz, <strong>Lichen</strong> Floraof the Greater Sonoran Desert Region Vol. 3.Brodo, Irwin M., Can. J. Bot. 69:733-772. Studies inthe lichen genus Ochrolechia.2. Corticolous species of North AmericaYANA TRAILFEBRUARY 17, <strong>2008</strong>On Sunday Feb. 17th, CALS and the ShastaChapter of the Native Plant <strong>Society</strong> hiked the YanaTrail along the Sacramento River. Our trip leaderswere Jay and Terri <strong>The</strong>sken and Erin Martin. About25 people attended, including several Shasta Collegestudents. We enjoyed warm temperatures and plentyof sunshine while hiking through oak woodlands,riparian areas, and volcanic outcrops. <strong>The</strong> groupenthusiastically searched for early bloomingwildflowers, lichens and bryophytes. We were a bitearly for the spring wildflowers, but we weredelighted to get a taste of the lichen diversity in thisarea. Our hike focused mainly on lichen biology andecology. Many folks in attendance were “new” tolichens, and thus this trip became a perfectintroduction to these fascinating creatures. We lookforward to more northern <strong>California</strong> hikes in thefuture.Reported by Erin P. Martin, PhDPEPPERWOOD PRESERVEMAY 25, <strong>2008</strong>Under the LensPepperwood is a beautiful 3,117 acre Preservelocated in Sonoma County northeast of Santa Rosa.Oak woodlands, Douglas fir forests, redwood stands,grasslands, chaparral, wetlands and ponds make upthe diverse habitats of the area. <strong>The</strong> preserve was agift to the <strong>California</strong> Academy of Sciences in 1979 byKenneth and Nancy Bechtol. In 2005, the Preservewas purchased by Herb and Jane Dwight, bothenvironmental enthusiasts. At the present timePepperwood is cooperatively managed by thePepperwood Preserve and the SRJC.Both Judy and Ron Robertson have fondmemories of Pepperwood. This was the first placewhere they found Hypotrachyna revoluta (Flörke)Hale and had sent the specimen to Bruce McCune foridentification. Also, the lovely, sorediate Caloplacademissa (Körb.) Arup & Grube which they had sentto Bruce Ryan for ID. Going back the Preserve forthem is always special.A few CALS members joined Ron and Judy atthe Preserve recently. Judy had compiled a list of thelichens present and a more complete article willfollow in another bulletin. Our highlights for the tripwere the few glimpses of Teleschistes exilis(Michaux) Vainio, common in other parts of SonomaCounty, but more rare at Pepperwood. Catapyreniumpsoromoides (Borrer) R. Sant. , also common on theoaks in So. Co. filled many of the crevices of the oaktrunks. Solenospora crenata (Herre) Zahlbr.displayed lovely greenish squamules on horizontalrock surfaces.On this trip, we had a new find – Endocarponlocosii Müll. Arg. growing on a Monterey cypresstrunk that had been planted many years ago at one ofthe old residences at Pepperwood.A group traveling from Oregon to IAL will bestaying at Pepperwood for a day. <strong>The</strong>y willconscientiously collect to add to the list developed byJudy and Ron Robertson so this Natural Preserve willremain a rich place for lichen exploration in thefuture.Photos from the trip are located on the CALSwebsite. <strong>The</strong> photos were taken by Michelle Caisseand the identifications by Judy Robertson.16

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>News and NotesField trip on the Yana Trail. Photography by CarrieDiamond and Tina Dishman. More photos on frontand back covers.Diploschistes scruposus and Ochrolechia sp. at the Pepperwood Preserve. Photography by Michelle Caisse.More photos on back cover and on the CALS website (http://californialichens.org).News and NotesCALS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONJANUARY 26, <strong>2008</strong>.We had originally planned a field trip to Mt.Burdell in Marin County, however, we cancelled thetrip due to rain. Instead, we went to the ThiersHerbarium at San Francisco State University to begincurating Darrell Wright’s lichen collection.<strong>The</strong> Thiers Herbarium is now equipped withcompactors and working stations along the outside.Darrell Wright’s collection has filled 2 tall herbariumcabinets. Tom Nash took a tray of Darrell’s lichensfrom New Zealand and made many identifications.Judy Robertson, Michelle Caisse, Tom Carlberg, BillHill, Cheryl Beyer, Charis Bratt and Russell Wagnerworked on <strong>California</strong> specimens. We enjoyed thetime spent together with the added plus of putting afew more identifications on Darrell’s specimens.Late in the afternoon, we drove to the BrickyardLanding clubhouse for our annual Pot Luck Dinner,General meeting and speaker. Our pot lucks arealways a delicious treat. Doris Baltzo was present tolead us singing Happy Birthday to CALS. <strong>The</strong>General Meeting was led by Vice President Michelle17

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Caisse. <strong>The</strong> highlight was the announcement of thenew CALS officers to serve for a 2 year term. <strong>The</strong>yare:Erin Martin – PresidentMichelle Caisse – Vice PresidentCheryl Beyer – TreasurerPatti Patterson – SecretaryTom Carlberg – Member at large.Retiring were Bill Hill – President, SaraBlauman – secretary and Kathy Faircloth – Treasurer.A hearty thanks was given to the retiring boardmembers for their great contributions to the <strong>Society</strong>.We were pleased to host Dr. Tom Nash fromArizona State University as our speaker for theevening. Dr. Nash is the organizer for the IALmeetings to take place July 13-18 in Asilomar thissummer. Tom outlined the planning for the meetings.<strong>The</strong>n he spoke about his work with pollutionmonitoring in Southern <strong>California</strong>.<strong>The</strong> evening was very enjoyable for all whoattended.CALS ANNUAL BOARD MEETING MINUTESJANUARY 26, <strong>2008</strong>Held at Richard and Janet Doell's condominiumcomplex, Brickyard Cove Rd., RichmondMeeting called to order at approximately 4:30.Those present for the Board Meeting were BoardMembers: Erin Martin, President (present by phone);Michele Caisse, Vice President; Cheryl Beyer,Treasurer; Tom Carlberg, Editor; Patti Patterson,Secretary. Non-Board Members present were BillHill, committee for database; Tom Nash; Janet Doell,report for miniguide.<strong>The</strong> New Board was recognized for the <strong>2008</strong>term, as provided by vote of membership. <strong>The</strong> boardvoted in favor of the following individuals: ErinMartin as President, term of office1/29/<strong>2008</strong>-1/29/2010, to replace Bill Hill, Presidentfor the term of 1/29/2002-1/29/<strong>2008</strong>; Cheryl Beyer asTreasurer, term of office 1/29/<strong>2008</strong>-1/29/2010, toreplace Kathy Faircloth, Treasurer for the term of1/29/2004 –1/29/<strong>2008</strong>; Patti Patterson as Secretary,for the term of 1/29/<strong>2008</strong>-1/29/2010, to replace SaraBlauman, Secretary from 1/29/2004-1/29/<strong>2008</strong>.Agenda Items Discussed:IAL – Tom Nash discussed CALS participationNews and Notesin the upcoming IAL sponsored event for the ABLSconference that will be held on Sunday, July 13through Saturday, July 19, at the AsilomarConference Grounds, Pacific Grove, <strong>California</strong>.Commitments discussed as follows:1) Poster for registration: Richard Doell hasdesigned a poster. Possibility to tie into themes ofconference—CA endemics may be a good topic.Richard and Janet Doell may be able to helpconstruct a history of the <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>. One largeroom, but only allowing 16 posters resulted in TomNash renting a separate room for just posters.2) Booth display: Richard Doell designed andbuilt freestanding display boards. Student grantinformation can be used in displays, and/or poster.3) Staffing: CALS attendees will considerstaffing. Need to establish a sign up list to scheduledays/times. <strong>The</strong>re are no concurrent sessions,therefore staffing volunteers would not missanything, and attendees can attend each presentation.4) Airport Greeting: Volunteers needed to mana greeting table at the airport. Tom Nash thought itmay be a good idea to have a greeting table set up atthe airport for the convenience of out-of-country andout-of-state travelers. <strong>The</strong> table would be set up onSunday the 13 th 10:00am to 5:30 pm to meet andgreet travelers attending conference.5) Hospitality: Tom Nash advocated for a leastone suite at Asilomar, and asked the Board to sponsorsuch a suite. It appears that the cost for a week longrental would be approximately $2,500, and wouldexceed CALS ability to pay.One idea would be to ask members to contributeto the cost of a suite during the time of theconference. <strong>The</strong> suite would be helpful for membersto take a break, and promote CALS products, andmembership, which we are unable to promote at thebooth. Tom Nash spoke of the possibility of matchingfunds from ABLS and/or IAL for the purpose ofpayment for suite.Those not renting a room at Asilomar need topay a $6.00 use fee at the conference center becauseit is a State Park.6) Assist presentation.Cost of Conference registration is $140.00 forstudents and $230.00 for non-students. Preregistrationon the ABLS website is requested. Areception on the first and last days of the event isplanned, as well as coffee breaks.Formulate Goals for New Board:<strong>The</strong> new board members addressed the board in18

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>regards to their goals for their term.Erin:• Increase participation in the northern part ofthe state, through connection with Nature<strong>Society</strong> and Botany Association of Chico.• Proposed field lichen workshops, and fieldtrips somewhere midpoint between BayArea and north.• Table at symposiums and conferences.• Education and grants. Need something todistribute.Patti:• Work on eTapestry and develop anddocument Secretary procedures.• Work with San Francisco State on theSpecify Database of Darrell Wrights lichens.Cheryl:• As a Forest Botanist would like to promotemore involvement through contacts withregional botanists through Forest Serviceannual and agency meetings to bringawareness of rare lichens in <strong>California</strong>.• Potential to pursue grants for lichen work asit pertains to air quality studies, amongothers.• Have lichen center in Northern <strong>California</strong>near Redding or Weaverville.In general, it was agree by all members that aposter and other promotional material should bedeveloped and organized to bring to events. Acommittee for such purpose was discussed, and alsoreaching out to our existing membership to findinterested parties without the formality of acommittee.Committee ReportsTreasurer Report: <strong>The</strong> Treasurer report wasdiscussed per agenda. An apparent loss of $2500.00was due to returning a portion of a grant. <strong>The</strong> $2500did not come out of the general budget, but was beingheld in CALS account, and carried forward as aliability.CALS Sales Report: Sales figures reviewed peragenda. Discussion followed regarding the remainingmini-guides. Mini-guide sales were down. <strong>The</strong>re isgenerally a surge of sales in Spring and fall. 68 miniguidesremained from the last issue. Janet reportedNews and Notesthat there are usually 20 left. It was acknowledgedthat the mini-guides are an important part of CALSoutreach. That Northern <strong>California</strong> mini-guides havea market whereas Southern <strong>California</strong> mini-guideshave less appeal, and Janet recommended not issuingS. <strong>California</strong> guides again.Money from the sales goes directly to the CALSTreasurer, and after printing costs are recovered, theprofit is split with one half going to the Doell's andone half going to CALS. <strong>The</strong> profit is $1.50 perbook. <strong>The</strong> cost per book is $6.50, and sales price is$10.00, and the wholesale price is $8.00.Docent of Big Basin State Park, Scott Peden,would like a copy, as he finds them useful for dayhikes.Discussion followed regarding how to distributethe remaining copies prior to printing a new addition.Ideas include: Offer for donations Discount salesBring to sell at Field Trips; Sociological vs.geographic distribution was discussed.Additional copies had sold since Janet'scalculation. It is estimated that <strong>15</strong> additional copieswere sold with a balance of 53. Printing cost wereincreased from $1,332.50 to $1,600.00 for the newaddition. <strong>The</strong> new issue has been designed andawaits approval before moving forward to print.It was decided that more information regardingcurrent CALS budget should be reviewed prior tomaking the printing commitment. <strong>The</strong> decision toprint the new guide will be carried over to June.Meeting adjourned.BEGINNING FOLIOSE AND FRUTICOSELICHEN WORKSHOPMERRITT COLLEGEFEBRUARY 16, <strong>2008</strong>Fourteen enthusiastic people participated in thisbeginning foliose and fruticose lichen workshop ledby Judy Robertson. We spent the morning using ateaching set of lichens to learn about basic lichenmorphology and reproduction. In the afternoon, Judyhad made a set of lichens for each participant to takehome and we identified each of the specimens,highlighting the morphology featured in the morning.This was a full day, but one filled with questions,delight and chalk dust.Special thanks to Hank Fabian, instructor atMerritt College in Oakland who invited us to use theclassroom, equipped with new dissecting scopes.Participating were Irene Winston, Katie Colbert,19

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Barb Byrne, Chris Alford, Jade Paget-Seakins, GregGallaugher, Hank Fabian, Debbi Brusco, JanHintermeister, Karen DeMello, Tim Milliken, BillLupfer, Leah Tangney, Henry Schott, Bill Hill.Dear <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>,FIELD TRIP CHAIRPERSON SOUGHTAfter four or more years of organizing field tripsacross <strong>California</strong>, Judy Robertson has decided todevote more of her efforts towards developing theflora of Marin County she and Ron have worked onfor so many years. As such, she has asked the Boardof Directors to locate someone willing to becomemore involved in this aspect of the <strong>Society</strong>’sactivities, so Judy can become less involved.Currently the tasks include finding interesting andlichenologically rich areas in the state, and makingthe necessary arrangements for <strong>Society</strong> members tovisit these areas. Part of the task involves contactingstate & federal agencies that might be administeringthese lands, and finding foray participants willing towrite a report of the trip. Interested persons areencouraged to contact Judy at jksrr aol.com, or theBoard at cals-board yahoogroups.com.Judy Robertson is past President and past Secretaryof the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, and Chair of theField Trips Committee. Many of the field trip reportsand lists of lichen species in the Bulletin over the pastfour years have resulted from Judy’s efforts,sometimes as author but almost certainly as initiator.EXSICCAT RECEIVED<strong>The</strong> <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong> has received fromthe Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, BrighamYoung University, Provo, Utah:Anderson and Shushan:<strong>Lichen</strong>s of Western North AmericaFascicle V Exsiccat seriesnumbers 101-125.News and Notes<strong>The</strong> preparation of specimens from the Bean LifeScience Museum are works of art. It is an honor tohave them in our CALS Collection. Thank you to Dr.Larry St. Clair.<strong>The</strong>re are 25 North American lichens: 20 arefrom Colorado, 2 from Idaho, 2 from Utah, and 1from Montana101. Kaernefeltia merrillii (Du Rietz) <strong>The</strong>ll &Goward102. Dermatocarpon reticulatum H. Magn103. Flavocetraria nivalis (L.) Kärnefelt & <strong>The</strong>ll104. Cetraria aculeata (Schreber) Fr.105. Diploschistes scruposus (Schreber) Norman106. Parmelia saxatilis (L.) Ach.107. Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Essl108. Physconia muscigena (Ach.) Poelt109. Ramalina pollinaria (Westr.) Ach.110. Umbilicaria hyperborea (Ach.) Hoffm.111. Umbilicaria hyperborea (Ach.) Hoffm.112. Umbilicaria hyperborea (Ach.) Hoffm.113. Umbilicaria hyperborea (Ach.) Hoffm.114. Umbilicaria torrefacta (Lightf.) Schrader1<strong>15</strong>. Xanthoparmelia chlorochroa (Tuck.) Hale116. Xanthoparmelia chlorochroa (Tuck.) Hale117. Cetraria ericetorum Opiz subsp. ericetorum118. Cetraria aculeata (Schreber) Fr.119. Cladonia ecmocyna Leighton subsp. exmocyna120. Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca (Sm.) Zopf.121. Xanthoparmelia chlorochroa (Tuck.) Hale122. Flavocetraria nivalis (L.) Kärnefelt & <strong>The</strong>ll123. Ochrolechia upsaliensis (L.) A. Massal.124. Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd.125. Pleopsidium chlorophanum (Wahlenb.) Zopf.20

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>News and Notes<strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Educational Grants ProgramCALS offers small academic grants to supportresearch pertaining to the lichens of <strong>California</strong>. Nogeographical constraints are placed on grantees ortheir associated institutions. <strong>The</strong> educational Grantscommittee administers the educational grantsprogram, with grants awarded to an individual onlyonce during the duration of a project.Grant Applicants should submit a proposalcontaining the following information:• Title of the project, applicant’s name,address, phone number, email address anddate submitted.• Estimated time frame for project• Description of the project: outline thepurposes, objectives, hypotheses whereappropriate, and methods of data collectionand analysis. Highlight aspects of the workthat you believe are particularly importantand creative. Discuss how the project willadvance knowledge of <strong>California</strong> lichens.• Description of the final product: We ask youto submit an article to the CALS Bulletin,based on dissertation, thesis, or other work.• Budget: summarize intended use of funds.If you received or expect to receive grants orother material support, show how these fitinto the overall budget.<strong>The</strong> following list gives examples of the kinds ofthings for which grant funds may be used ifappropriate to the objectives of the project:Expendable suppliesTransportationEquipment rental or purchase of inexpensiveequipmentLaboratory servicesSalariesLiving expensesSuppliesCALS does not approve grants for outrightpurchase of high-end items such as computers,software, machinery, or for clothing.• Academic status: state whether you are agraduate student or an undergraduatestudent. CALS grants are also available tonon-students conducting research on<strong>California</strong> lichens. CALS grants areavailable to individuals only and will not beissued to institutions.• Academic support: one letter of supportfrom a sponsor, such as an academicsupervisor, major professor, or colleagueshould accompany your application. <strong>The</strong>letter can be enclosed with the application,or mailed separately to the CALS GrantsCommittee Chair.• Your signature, as the person performing theproject and the one responsible fordispersing the funds.<strong>The</strong> proposal should be brief and concise.<strong>The</strong> education grants committee brings itsrecommendations for funding to the CALS Board ofDirectors, and will notify applicants as soon aspossible of approval or denial.Review: Members of the education committeereview grant proposals once a year based on:completeness, technical quality, consistency withCALS goals, intended use of funds, and likelihood ofcompletion. Grant proposals received by October 1,each year, will be considered for the current grantcycle. Award announcements will be made byDecember 1 of the same year, and will appear in theBulletin the following January.Grant Amounts: CALS has offered grants between$500 and $2500 annually. Typically two grants areawarded one of $500 and one of $750.Obligations of recipients:1. Acknowledge the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>in any reports, publications, or otherproducts resulting from the work supportedby CALS.2. Submit a short article to the CALS Bulletin.3. Submit any relevant rare lichen data to<strong>California</strong> Natural Diversity Data Baseusing NDDB’s field survey form(http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/pdfs/natspec.pdf).How to submit an application: Please email submissionsor questions to the committee chairpersonby October 1, <strong>2008</strong>. This year the committeechairperson is Erin Martin; her email isshastalichens gmail.com21

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>Upcoming EventsUpcoming EventsIAL 6 ABLS JOINT MEETINGMONTEREY PENINSULA, ASILOMAR CONFERENCEGROUNDSJULY 13-19, <strong>2008</strong>Join lichenologists and bryologists from aroundthe world. This is the first time the IAL is meeting inthe United States. See the IAL website: http://www.lichenology.org:8080/IAL6_ABLS/registration.jspONGOING LICHEN IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOPSMARIN COMMUNITY COLLEGETHE SCIENCE CENTER, ROOM 1912 ND AND 4 TH FRIDAYS, 5:30 TO 9:00 PMWe encourage you to attend these enjoyableworkshops at the Community College. Dr. PaulDiSilva has graciously allowed us to use theclassroom and scopes. Patti Patterson organizes thelogistics. We bring our own lichens and work witheach other to identify them. <strong>The</strong>re are usuallysnacks. Parking at the college is $3, however, thereoften is free parking on the side road next to thecampus.Look for CALS field trips for the fall listed onthe CALS website: http://www.californialichens.org.LICHEN WORKSHOPSPONSORED BY FRIENDS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESHERBARIUM, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CHICOOCTOBER 4, <strong>2008</strong>This will be an all-day lichen workshop at theChico State Herbarium, presented by Tom Carlbergand Erin Martin, of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>.<strong>The</strong> morning will be an interactive lecture-typeformat, with handouts, reference specimens, andvisual aids, and will cover vocabulary, morphology,anatomy, and reproduction. Part of the afternoon willbe spent at nearby Bidwell Park, the time devoted tolunch and observing lichens in the “wild.” <strong>The</strong> rest ofthe afternoon will be back in the lab, whereparticipants will spend self-guided time investigatinglichens, with the assistance of the presenters.<strong>The</strong>re will be a fee charged for attendance.Interested persons should check http://www.csuchico.edu/biol/Herb/Events.html for informationand updates, or contact Lawrence Janeway, WorkshopCoordinator at LJaneway@csuchico.edu.Life Members:Irene BrownStella YangStephen BuckhoutLori HubbartGreg JirakDr. Thorsten LumbschJacob SiggMrs. Ellen ThiersTrevor GowardKathy FairclothSara BlaumanSue WainscottA Special ThanksBenefactor:Boyd PoulsenDonors:Doris BaltzoLes BraundDana EricsonBill HillCurt SeeligerJames ShevockStein WeissenbergerKen HowardL David WilliamsSponsors:Dr <strong>The</strong>odore EsslingerElizabeth Rush22

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>President's MessagePresident's MessageDear fellow CALS members,This January three new board members assumedpositions as officers on the CALS board. Please joinme in welcoming Patty Patterson as our newsecretary and Cheryl Beyer as our new treasurer.Patty is a mother and fulltime student at the Collegeof Marin and at San Francisco State University. Sheis one of the organizers for our bimonthly lichenidentification workshops at the College of Marin andis also helping to curate the newly acquired DarrellWright collection. Patty brings incredible energy tothe board and has already tackled the organization ofthe CALS members database in our new format,eTapestry. Cheryl Beyer is a botanist for the USDAForest Service in Lake Tahoe and would like topromote the awareness of rare lichens in <strong>California</strong>through involvement at agency meetings, andthrough her involvement in the CALS ConservationCommittee. She brings an agency perspective to ourboard and great enthusiasm for lichens. Cheryl iscurrently hard at work tracking our finances andtending to accounting matters. I would also like tothank our former secretary Sara Blauman, andtreasurer Kathy Faircloth. Both of these women contributed countless hours of work to CALS, and havebeen instrumental in this transition of board members. Michelle Caisse and Tom Carlberg are continuingin their positions of Vice President and Editor. It is a great pleasure to work with both Michelle and Tom.Also this year, I have replaced Bill Hill as president. Bill has dedicated six years as president ofCALS and has helped us grow in many ways. I certainly have very large shoes to fill. Bill remains activein CALS and I am indebted to him for his guidance, advice, and countless hours of conversation. I firstjoined CALS as an undergraduate student in Boise, Idaho where I became intrigued by lichens whileworking with Roger Rosentreter. I then pursued my lichen passion and a Ph.D. in botany at Oregon StateUniversity with Bruce McCune. Currently, I am a fulltime instructor in the biological sciences at ShastaCollege in beautiful northern <strong>California</strong>. I look forward to serving CALS as president and being part ofour collaborative effort to promote the appreciation, conservation and study of lichens. Please contact meanytime with ideas and questions regarding the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>.At the January meeting of the board we discussed goals that the new board would like to accomplishin <strong>2008</strong> with the assistance of CALS members. We hope to increase our exposure at conferences andevents of others to promote an awareness of lichens in <strong>California</strong> and build our membership. Currently,many field trips occur in the Bay area and we plan to increase the frequency of field trips in other parts of<strong>California</strong> by targeting unsurveyed areas of our great state. Michelle Caisse has redesigned our CALSbrochure, which can be downloaded at http://<strong>California</strong><strong>Lichen</strong>s.org and brought along by any member tofield trips and meetings. In addition, the education outreach committee has reviewed our educationalgrants program, and we are offering several grants this year. Details on submission of proposals andguidelines can be found in this issue of the Bulletin. <strong>The</strong> conservation committee has been hard at workand two species of Bryoria are sponsored in this Bulletin, by Doug Glavich, a prominent northwestlichenologist. We hope that land managers will use this information as they consider decisions that may23

BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA LICHEN SOCIETY <strong>15</strong> (1), <strong>2008</strong>President's Messageaffect lichen species. Bill Hill is currently researching different database utilities that may help CALSdevelop a statewide master list of lichens for <strong>California</strong>.CALS members have participated in many exciting events so far this year. Judy Robertson continuesto organize participation in events, field trips, and workshops as head of this committee. Members meetbimonthly at the College of Marin to identify and share their lichen collections. CALS members also putup displays and participated in the San Francisco Mycological <strong>Society</strong>’s Fungus Fair, CalDay at the UCBerkeley Herbarium, and at the Northern <strong>California</strong> Botany Symposium. This year the InternationalAssociation of <strong>Lichen</strong>ologists and the American Bryological and <strong>Lichen</strong>ological <strong>Society</strong> are meeting atAsilomar in Pacific Grove, <strong>California</strong>. CALS will co-host this meeting, which takes place July 13 - 19,and includes presentations, workshops and numerous field trips. This is an amazing opportunity for<strong>California</strong>ns interested in lichens; both amateurs and academics are sure to have a great time. We hopethat you will join us for this conference. We currently need volunteers to staff the CALS booth, and togreet folks at the airport during the conference. We are also designing a six panel display, and welcomeany interested members to assist in this task. Please contact any board member or committee chair if youare willing to help out. Information on the conference can be found on the web athttp://www.lichenology.org:8080/IAL6_ABLS/.On a sadder note, this year brought the passing of Richard Doell, a founding member of CALS. Weare ever grateful for his dedication to our organization, his contributions to the production of the Bulletin,his excellent photographs, and we hold many fond memories of him. Our condolences reach out to Janet,his wife and CALS founder, who remains active in CALS. We will honor his life by continuing theefforts of CALS as our group grows and diversifies.Erin P. Martin, Ph.D., shastalichens gmail.com24

<strong>The</strong> Bulletin of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>Lichen</strong> <strong>Society</strong>Vol. <strong>15</strong>, No. 1 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2008</strong>ContentsBryoria pseudocapillaris, Sponsorship for the CALS Conservation Committee~ Doug Glavich 1Bryoria spiralifera, Sponsorship for the CALS Conservation Committee~ Doug Glavich 4Preliminary Report: <strong>Lichen</strong> Transplantation Test on Bonsai Buckeye~ Howard R. Cooley 7Book Review: <strong>The</strong> Macrolichens of New England (James W. Hinds & Patricia L. Hinds)~ Cheryl Beyer 10In Memory of Richard Doell 12<strong>The</strong> <strong>California</strong> Page 13Under the Lens 14News and Notes 17Upcoming Events 21President’s Message ~ Erin Martin 22<strong>The</strong> deadline for submitting material for the Winter <strong>2008</strong> CALS Bulletin is 31 October <strong>2008</strong>.Back cover:● Top two images: Yana Trail field trip. Images by Carrie Diamond and Tina Dishman.● Bottom two images: <strong>Lichen</strong>s (Caloplaca sp. and Teloschistes exilis) of the Pepperwood Preserve.Images by Michelle Caisse.See reports in the section Under the Lens.

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