Instructions for N-400, Application for Naturalization

Instructions for N-400, Application for Naturalization Instructions for N-400, Application for Naturalization
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B. If you live in the U.S. Virgin Islands and are filingyour petition there, make it payable toCommissioner of Finance of the Virgin Islands.NOTE: Please spell out U.S. Department of HomelandSecurity; do not use the initials "USDHS" or "DHS."Notice to Those Making Payment by Check. If you send usa check, it will be converted into an electronic funds transfer(EFT). This means we will copy your check and use theaccount information on it to electronically debit your accountfor the amount of the check. The debit from your account willusually take 24 hours, and will be shown on your regularaccount statement.You will not receive your original check back. We willdestroy your original check, but we will keep a copy of it. Ifthe EFT cannot be processed for technical reasons, youauthorize us to process the copy in place of your originalcheck. If the EFT cannot be completed because of insufficientfunds, we may try to make the transfer up to two times.How to Check If the Fees Are Correct.The form and biometric fees on this form are current as of theedition date appearing in the lower right corner of this page.However, because USCIS fees change periodically, you canverify if the fees are correct by following one of the stepsbelow:1. Visit our website at, select"Immigration Forms" and check the appropriate fee;2. Review the Fee Schedule included in your formpackage, if you called us to request the form; or3. Telephone our National Customer Service Center at1-800-375-5283 and ask for the fee information.NOTE: If your Form N-400 requires payment of a biometricservice fee for USCIS to take your fingerprints, photograph orsignature, you can use the same procedure to obtain the correctbiometric fee.Address Changes.If you change your address and you have an application orpetition pending with USCIS, you may change your addresson-line at, click on "Change your address withUSCIS" and follow the prompts. Or you may complete andmail a Form AR-11, Alien's Change of Address Card, to:U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesChange of AddressP.O. Box 7134London, KY 40742-7134For commercial overnight or fast freight services only, mail to:U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesChange of Address1084-I South Laurel RoadLondon, KY 40744Processing Information.Any Form N-400 that is not signed or accompanied by thecorrect fee will be rejected with a notice that the FormN-400 is deficient. You may correct the deficiency andresubmit the Form N-400. An application or petition is notconsidered properly filed until accepted by USCIS.Initial processing. Once a Form N-400 has been accepted, itwill be checked for completness, including submission of therequired initial evidence. If you do not completely fill out theform, or file it without required initial evidence, you will notestablish a basis for eligibility and we may deny your FormN-400.Requests for more information or interview. We mayrequest more information or evidence, or we may request thatyou appear at a USCIS office for an interview. We may alsorequest that you submit the originals of any copy. We willreturn these originals when they are no longer required.Decision. The decision on a Form N-400 involves adetermination of whether you have established eligiblity forthe requested benefit. You will be notified of the decision inwriting.USCIS Forms and Information.To order USCIS forms, call our toll-free number at1-800-870-3676. You can also get USCIS forms andinformation on immigration laws, regulations, and proceduresby telephoning our National Customer Service Center at1-800-375-5283 or visiting our internet website at an altenative to waiting in line for assistance at your localUSCIS office, you can now schedule an appointment throughour internet-based system, InfoPass. To access the system,visit our website. Use the InfoPass appointment scheduler andfollow the screen prompts to set up your appointment.InfoPass generates an electronic appointment notice thatappears on the screen.Form N-400 Instructions (Rev.10/15/07) Y Page 6

Penalties.If you knowingly and willfully falsify or conceal a materialfact or submit a false document with this Form N-400, we willdeny the Form N-400 and may deny any other immigrationbenefit.In addition, you will face severe penalties provided by law andmay be subject to criminal prosecution.Privacy Act Notice.We ask for the information on this form, and associatedevidence, to determine if you have established eligibility forthe immigration benefit for which you are filing. Our legalright to ask for this information can be found in theImmigration and Nationality Act, as amended. We mayprovide this information to other government agencies. Failureto provide this information, and any requested evidence, maydelay a final decision or result in denial of your Form N-400.Paperwork Reduction Act.An agency may not conduct or sponsor an informationcollection and a person is not required to respond to acollection of information unless it displays a currently validOMB control number. The public reporting burden for thiscollection of information is estimated at 6 hour and 8 minutesper response, including the time for reviewing instructions,completing, and submitting the form. Send commentsregarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of thiscollection of information, including suggestions for reducingthis burden, to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,Regulatory Management Division, 111 MassachusettsAvenue, N.W., 3rd Floor, Suite 3008, Washington, DC 20529.OMB No. 1615-0052. Do not mail your application to thisaddress.Form N-400 Instructions (Rev.10/15/07) Y Page 7

B. If you live in the U.S. Virgin Islands and are filingyour petition there, make it payable toCommissioner of Finance of the Virgin Islands.NOTE: Please spell out U.S. Department of HomelandSecurity; do not use the initials "USDHS" or "DHS."Notice to Those Making Payment by Check. If you send usa check, it will be converted into an electronic funds transfer(EFT). This means we will copy your check and use theaccount in<strong>for</strong>mation on it to electronically debit your account<strong>for</strong> the amount of the check. The debit from your account willusually take 24 hours, and will be shown on your regularaccount statement.You will not receive your original check back. We willdestroy your original check, but we will keep a copy of it. Ifthe EFT cannot be processed <strong>for</strong> technical reasons, youauthorize us to process the copy in place of your originalcheck. If the EFT cannot be completed because of insufficientfunds, we may try to make the transfer up to two times.How to Check If the Fees Are Correct.The <strong>for</strong>m and biometric fees on this <strong>for</strong>m are current as of theedition date appearing in the lower right corner of this page.However, because USCIS fees change periodically, you canverify if the fees are correct by following one of the stepsbelow:1. Visit our website at, select"Immigration Forms" and check the appropriate fee;2. Review the Fee Schedule included in your <strong>for</strong>mpackage, if you called us to request the <strong>for</strong>m; or3. Telephone our National Customer Service Center at1-800-375-5283 and ask <strong>for</strong> the fee in<strong>for</strong>mation.NOTE: If your Form N-<strong>400</strong> requires payment of a biometricservice fee <strong>for</strong> USCIS to take your fingerprints, photograph orsignature, you can use the same procedure to obtain the correctbiometric fee.Address Changes.If you change your address and you have an application orpetition pending with USCIS, you may change your addresson-line at, click on "Change your address withUSCIS" and follow the prompts. Or you may complete andmail a Form AR-11, Alien's Change of Address Card, to:U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesChange of AddressP.O. Box 7134London, KY 40742-7134For commercial overnight or fast freight services only, mail to:U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesChange of Address1084-I South Laurel RoadLondon, KY 40744Processing In<strong>for</strong>mation.Any Form N-<strong>400</strong> that is not signed or accompanied by thecorrect fee will be rejected with a notice that the FormN-<strong>400</strong> is deficient. You may correct the deficiency andresubmit the Form N-<strong>400</strong>. An application or petition is notconsidered properly filed until accepted by USCIS.Initial processing. Once a Form N-<strong>400</strong> has been accepted, itwill be checked <strong>for</strong> completness, including submission of therequired initial evidence. If you do not completely fill out the<strong>for</strong>m, or file it without required initial evidence, you will notestablish a basis <strong>for</strong> eligibility and we may deny your FormN-<strong>400</strong>.Requests <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation or interview. We mayrequest more in<strong>for</strong>mation or evidence, or we may request thatyou appear at a USCIS office <strong>for</strong> an interview. We may alsorequest that you submit the originals of any copy. We willreturn these originals when they are no longer required.Decision. The decision on a Form N-<strong>400</strong> involves adetermination of whether you have established eligiblity <strong>for</strong>the requested benefit. You will be notified of the decision inwriting.USCIS Forms and In<strong>for</strong>mation.To order USCIS <strong>for</strong>ms, call our toll-free number at1-800-870-3676. You can also get USCIS <strong>for</strong>ms andin<strong>for</strong>mation on immigration laws, regulations, and proceduresby telephoning our National Customer Service Center at1-800-375-5283 or visiting our internet website at an altenative to waiting in line <strong>for</strong> assistance at your localUSCIS office, you can now schedule an appointment throughour internet-based system, InfoPass. To access the system,visit our website. Use the InfoPass appointment scheduler andfollow the screen prompts to set up your appointment.InfoPass generates an electronic appointment notice thatappears on the screen.Form N-<strong>400</strong> <strong>Instructions</strong> (Rev.10/15/07) Y Page 6

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