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and migration towards the sediment-water interfacewas observed. Other taxa (Caronia silvestrii,Epistominella vitrea, Acostata mariae) only reactedto a pulse of organic matter. These taxa arealso found in deeper infaunal habitats, but wereobserved to migrate towards shallower habitats.The quantity of organic matter appeared to be animportant factor: the highest dose resulted inhigher densities of certain taxa. Some taxa (H.pacifica, S. fusiformis) increased in abundanceunder anoxia when labile organic matter waspresent. A number of other taxa were not affectedby organic flux; perhaps one of these (N.turgida) depends on another food source, e.g.,bacteria, since it migrated to shallower depth inthe anoxic treatments. A last group (Bolivinaspp., Eggerella spp., Bulimina marginata) appearedto be less affected by or showed no clearresponse to the induced environmental changes.In total, five different groups of foraminiferaltaxa were distinguished, based on their responseto the treatments. Oxygen depletion inducedstrong changes in the vertical distribution anddensity of the foraminiferal taxa over a shorttermperiod (< 2 weeks). The addition of organicflux was more important in maintaining compositionand density of the assemblage over a longtermperiod (> 4 weeks).2008040157印 度 洋 26Ma 年 来 与 生 产 力 增 加 相 关 的 底 栖有 孔 虫 种 级 分 异 度 的 降 低 = Systematic declinein benthic foraminiferal species diversity linkedto productivity increases over the last 26 ma inthe Indian Ocean. ( 英 文 ). Singh R K; Gupta A K.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2005, 35(3):219-227Deep-sea benthic foraminferal species diversityfrom the late Oligocene-Holocene sequenceof Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 757, HoleB, southeastern Indian Ocean (1652 m waterdepth), is examined in terms of the informationfunction (H), equitability (E), number of species(S) and Sanders’ rarefied values. The values ofthese parameters reached their maximum about18–15 Ma, and thereafter had a continuousstepwise decrease. Productivity increased significantlyin the Indo-Pacific Ocean (the "biogenicbloom") and the oxygen minimum zone(OMZ) intensified over large parts of the IndianOcean beginning about 15 Ma. The diversityvalues show more abrupt changes since 10–8 Ma,when the strength of the Indian summer monsoonsubstantially increased and there were significantchanges in Southern Hemisphere (SH)and Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice volume. Diversityvalues decreased abruptly 8–6 Ma (theChron-6 negative Carbon Shift), 3.2–2.3 Ma(major NH glaciation) and 1.6–0.9 Ma, coincidingwith increased percentages of Uvigerinaproboscidea, a species indicative of high surfaceproductivity. Thus, we suggest that fluctuationsin species diversity at ODP Site 757 were relatedto changes in productivity during the studiedinterval.2008040158Kuroshio 暖 流 区 日 本 海 沟 沉 积 物 捕 集 结 果 —— 浮 游 有 孔 虫 通 量 的 季 节 性 变 迁 = Sedimenttrap results from the Japan trench in the Kuroshiodomain: seasonal variations in the plankticforaminiferal flux. ( 英 文 ). Oda M; YamasakiM. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2005,35(4): 315-326Time-series sediment traps were deployed attwo depths at Station JT (Japan Trench) alongthe northern margin of the Kuroshio current systemdomain from March 1991 to May 1992. Total(>125 µm) foraminiferal fluxes were 334–1028 shells/m2/day in the shallow trap (1200 m)and 657–2130 shells/m2/day in the deep trap(3700 m). A total of 35 planktic foraminiferalspecies belonging to 13 genera were identified.The assemblage was dominated by Globigerinabulloides, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinoidesruber and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei,whose fluxes varied seasonally. Globigerinabulloides and Globigerina quinqueloba occurredduring the early spring phytoplankton bloom.These taxa were replaced by Globigerinoidesruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer, N. dutertreiand Pulleniatina obliquiloculata during the latespring to early autumn, with the development ofa sharp thermocline and a deep chlorophyll amaximum just below the thermocline. Themaximum shell flux of Globigerinita glutinata,Globigerina falconensis, Globorotalia inflataand Globorotalia truncatulinoides occurred duringthe winter near the 18 °C isotherm in wellmixedsurface water that resulted from the extensivevertical mixing induced by the wintermonsoon. Temporal changes in the path of theKuroshio current system caused by its meanderingappeared to be the dominant flux controlfactor, based on the correlation between the meandertypes of the Kuroshio and the timing oflarge fluxes in the deep trap. During the trap experiments,major meanderings were observedfrom September to October 1991 and from mid-April to May 1992. During these two periods,prominent flux peaks of Globigerina bulloidesand Neogloboquadrina incompta were observedin both shallow and deep traps. The major meanderof the Kuroshio current system was nearStation JT during these periods, and the nearshoreside of the Kuroshio Front, which is characterizedby high productivity in the euphoticzone, was very close to Station JT. These resultssuggest that these two species were produced onthe nearshore side of the Kuroshio Front and48

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