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早 期 种 子 植 物2008040123约 旦 死 海 地 区 的 晚 二 叠 世 含 Dicroidium 植 物群 = A Late Permian flora with Dicroidium fromthe Dead Sea region, Jordan. ( 英 文 ). Hamad AA; Kerp H; Vörding B; Bandel K. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2008, 149(3-4): 85-130Three new species of Dicroidium, D. irnensis,D. jordanensis and D. robustum, are describedfrom the Um Irna Formation (Upper Permian) ofthe Dead Sea region, Jordan. The plant remainsare preserved as compressions with excellentcuticles. These are the earliest unequivocal recordsof Dicroidium, a genus that is typical forthe Triassic of Gondwana. It is also the northernmostoccurrence of this genus that apparentlyoriginated in the Permian in the palaeotropics.Middle and Late Permian floras from the ArabianPeninsula and adjacent regions show a remarkablemixture of elements from differentfloral provinces, i.e. Euramerica, Cathaysia andGondwana. The climatic amelioration in theEarly Triassic apparently enabled Dicroidium tomigrate southward and eventually colonise theentire Gondwana region. Dicroidium is one ofthe very few megaplant genera not affected bythe end-Permian biotic crisis, the largest Phanerozoicextinction event.2008040124有 关 劳 亚 大 陆 盔 籽 目 植 物 (corystosperms)的 新 证 据 : 华 北 上 三 叠 统 的 化 石 属Umkomasia = New evidence for laurasian corystosperms:Umkomasia from the Upper Triassicof Northern China. ( 英 文 ). Zan Shuqin; AxsmithB J; Fraser N C; Liu Fengxiang; Xing Dehe. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2008,149(3-4): 202-207Recent finds of remarkable fossil plants fromthe Upper Triassic Yangcaogou Formation inLiaoning Province, PR China include branched,cupule-bearing structures referable to the corystospermovulate organ Umkomasia. This materialis described and assigned to the proposednew species Umkomasia asiatica. The collectionincludes numerous isolated cupules and fragmentsof ultimate cupule-bearing axes. Twospecimens consisting of portions of the mainaxis with attached, cupulate lateral axes havealso been found. The main axis was at least6.5 cm long, with each lateral axis bearing one toat least three pairs of stalked, ovoid cupules. Thenew Umkomasia is similar to U. franconica fromthe Jurassic of Germany, which is the only otherknown laurasian species, but the cupules aresmaller and more elongated. It is also similar tomany gondwanan forms, including the type speciesU. macleanii. Leaves associated with theChinese Umkomasia species are tentatively referredto Thinnfeldia, and may have been producedby the same plant. Associated ovoid seedswith elongated, curved micropyles are similar tothose of gondwanan species of Umkomasia. Thefossils described here are, therefore, significantin representing the first report of corystospermreproductive structures from Asia, and only thesecond report of Umkomasia from the entirenorthern hemisphere. The new Chinese fossilsalso support leaf-based evidence that the Corystospermaleswere present in Laurasia as early asthe Late Triassic.2008040125比 利 时 中 吉 维 特 期 Runcaria heinzeliniiStockmans 1968 emend. Gerrienne et al., 2004的 原 胚 珠 : 概 念 与 附 加 模 式 指 定 = The protoovuleRuncaria heinzelinii Stockmans 1968emend. Gerrienne et al., 2004 (mid-Givetian,Belgium): Concept and epitypification. ( 英 文 ).Gerrienne P; Meyer-Berthaud B. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):321-323The proto-ovule Runcaria heinzelinii Stockmans1968 has been re-described and interpretedas a precursor of seed plants; its generico–specifica diagnosis has been emended [Gerrienne,P., Meyer-Berthaud, B., Fairon-Demaret,M., Streel, M., Steemans, P. 2004. Runcaria, aMiddle Devonian seed plant precursor. Science306, 856–858.]. Here we define the concept of“proto-ovule” and designate an epitype to supportthe uninformative and poorly preservedholotype [Stockmans, F., 1968. Végétauxmésodévoniens récoltés aux confins du Massifdu Brabant (Belgique). Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belg.Mém. 159, 1–49., Plate VII: 8a].2008040126阿 根 廷 三 叠 纪 新 归 入 盔 籽 科 的 一 个 硅 化 的 茎化 石 种 新 联 合 Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense =Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense (Menndez) comb.nov., a species of permineralized stems newlyassigned to the Corystospermaceae, from theTriassic of Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Bodnar J. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 171 - 190Anatomically preserved stems of Late Triassiccorystosperms from the upper Cortaderita Formationin San Juan province, Argentina are describedand assigned to Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense(Menndez) comb. nov. These specimenswere originally attributed to conifers, a groupnot closely related to corystosperms. The silicifiedaxes preserve features of the cortex, pith,and secondary vascular system. Like allRhexoxylon species, these axes have two discontinuouscambial rings that develop centrifugalsecondary xylem (normal secondary xylem) and38

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