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tion the ontogenetic stage of the plant. A gradualtransition from clearly segmented wood (innermostwood cylinder) to wood almost exclusivelyconsisting of large-diameter tracheids (outerwood cylinder) was observed in both radial andvertical directions. Furthermore, tracheid wallthickening/pitting, which has usually been usedfor species separation, proved to be highly variablequestioning the justification and significanceof further described species. Tracheid wallthickening/pitting reaches from scalariformthickenings with simple elongated pits to reticulatedthickenings with oval to circular pits.Calamitea differs from Arthropitys Goeppert andArthroxylon Reed in having different tracheidtypes composing the secondary xylem and thesmallest parenchyma proportion of the woodamong calamitean plants. A reconstruction of thegrowth habit of C. striata is proposed, and comparisonsare made with other calamitean speciesand other preservational forms.2008040117中 国 中 侏 罗 世 Millerocaulis (Osmundaceae,Filicales) 的 一 个 新 种 = A new species of Millerocaulis(Osmundaceae, Filicales) from the MiddleJurassic of China. ( 英 文 ). Cheng Ye-Ming;Li Cheng-Sen. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 144(3-4): 249-259A new species, Millerocaulis sinica, is establishedbased on a specimen collected from LanqiFormation (Middle Jurassic) near ChanggaoTown, Liaoning Province of China. The specimenrepresents a stem surrounded by a mantle ofstipular petiole bases and adventitious roots. Thestem, 11 × 12 mm in diameter, consists of ectophloicsiphonostele with rare complete leaf gapsand a two-layered cortex containing 31–35 leaftraces. The pith consists of homogeneous parenchyma.The outer cortex is composed of sclerenchyma,and is thicker than the parenchymatousinner cortex. When departing from the stem, theleaf traces are flattened C-shaped, with an endarchprotoxylem which bifurcates at the base ofpetiole. Sclerenchyma rings are heterogeneous.A crescent-shaped sclerenchymatous mass occursin the concavity of petiolar vascular strands.A large sclerenchymatous mass and severalsmall sclerenchymatous strands are aligned ineach stipular expansion at the periphery of thespecimen. M. sinica, which has thick band occupyingabaxial semicircle of sclerenchyma ringsas well as a heterogeneous sclerenchyma massand several sclerenchyma strands scattered in thestipular expansions, is much closer to these ofsubgenus Osmunda than subgenus Plenasiumand subgenus Osmundastrum in the genus Osmunda.Therefore, it is suggested that there is apossible phylogenetic relationship between M.sinica and subgenus Osmunda.2008040118无 叶 舌 的 草 本 石 松 类 在 石 炭 纪 的 地 层 中 就 出现 了 吗 ? 苏 格 兰 东 洛 锡 安 区 Oxroad 湾 密 西西 比 亚 纪 的 化 石 Hestia eremosa gen. et sp.nov. = Do eligulate herbaceous lycopsids occurin Carboniferous strata? Hestia eremosa gen. etsp. nov. from the Mississippian of Oxroad Bay,East Lothian, Scotland. ( 英 文 ). Bateman R M;Kenrick P; RothwelGar W l. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4):323-335A new lycopsid, Hestia eremosa R.M. Bateman,Kenrick and Rothwell gen. et sp. nov., isdescribed based on three fragmentary permineralisedaxes from separate horizons of the LowerCarboniferous (Tn3) sequence of tuffs and lacustrinedeposits at Oxroad Bay, East Lothian, Scotland.These stem fragments are used to test thefeasibility of employing pre-existing cladisticmatrices to determine the range of credible phylogeneticplacements of poorly known fossils.Hestia is unusual for a post-Devonian fossil lycopsidin being putatively herbaceous and phylogeneticallyprimitive. As currently understood,this stem-genus lacks autapomorphies, but canbe diagnosed by the combination of a stellatestele, scalariform xylem pits and perforate sheetsof wall material partially infilling the pits. Reviewin the context of previous morphologicaland molecular phylogenetic analyses of Lycopsidasuggests that Hestia bears a suite of vegetativeanatomical characters largely consistentwith Huperzia, the most plesiomorphic extantgenus of Lycopodiaceae; this observation is particularlynoteworthy as Lycopodiales appearsurprisingly under-represented in the fossil record.However, the limited number of charactersthat can be scored from these fragmentary fossilaxes cannot preclude placement of Hestia withinthe mono- or paraphyletic Drepanophycales s.l.,which are generally viewed as being exclusivelyDevonian. Taphonomic inference suggestsscorching (presumably volcanically induced)followed by medium-distance transport. Nonetheless,Hestia persisted on this volcanigeniclandscape throughout a series of substantial environmentalperturbations.2008040119对 “ 北 美 西 部 白 垩 纪 树 蕨 :Rickwoodopterhirsuta gen et sp. nov. (Cyatheaceae s.l.)”〔Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 132 (2004) 103–114〕 的 勘 误 = Erratum to “Cretaceous treeferns of western North America: Rickwoodopterhirsuta gen et sp. nov. (Cyatheaceae s.l.)” [Rev.Palaeobot. Palynol. 132 (2004) 103–114]. ( 英 文 ).Stockey R A; Rothwell G W. Review of Pa-36

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