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the Tetori Group in the Kuzuryu area, centralJapan. There is no obvious difference betweenthe assemblages from these two localities, althoughthese localities have been regarded asbelonging to different paleophytogeographicprovinces in East Asia on the basis of the plantmegafossils. This result is consistent with thesuggestion by the recent reconsideration on themegafossil flora from the Tetori Group that thepaleophytogeographic provincialism might haveweakened during middle to late Early Cretaceoustime.2008040060比 利 时 Bernissat 天 然 深 坑 含 恐 龙 化 石Wealden 相 中 的 孢 粉 学 = Palynology of thedinosaur-bearing Wealden facies in the naturalpit of Bernissart (Belgium). ( 英 文 ). Dejax J;Pons D; Yans J. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 144(1-2): 25-38A palynological study of the dinosaur-bearingWealden facies at a depth of 322 m in the “naturalpit with Iguanodons” of Bernissart (Belgium)is presented. The palynomorphs of 16 clay andsilt samples collected in 1878–1881 during thedinosaur excavations are of continental origin.The botanical affinities of the 85 palynologicaltaxa are mainly ferns, gymnosperms and freshwateralgae. Also encountered are pollen grainsof angiospermous affinity (biorecord Superretcroton)whose germinal apparatus is questioned.The distinction between the biorecord Hauterivian-cactisulcand Cerebropollenites mesozoicusis discussed. It is suggested that the vegetationwas distributed around the unstable lacustrineenvironment of the Bernissart area, in relationto the formation of the natural pit and localdissolution of deep anhydrites. Ferns, Taxodiaceae,freshwater algae and angiosperms livedclose to the lake though gymnosperms werethriving on neighbouring hills. The occurrenceof early angiosperms at Bernissart documentstheir development in disturbed and unstable environmentsduring the Barremian–Aptian.2008040061白 垩 纪 - 古 近 纪 界 线 植 被 的 绝 灭 和 复 苏 模式 —— 一 种 解 开 二 叠 纪 末 集 群 绝 灭 事 件 之 谜的 方 法 = Extinction and recovery patterns of thevegetation across the Cretaceous–Palaeogeneboundary — a tool for unravelling the causes ofthe end-Permian mass-extinction. ( 英 文 ). VajdaV; McLoughlin S. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 144(1-2): 99-112High-resolution palynofloral signaturesthrough the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundarysuccession show several features in commonwith the Permian–Triassic transition but thereare also important differences. Southern HemisphereCretaceous–Palaeogene successions, todate studied at high resolution only in New Zealand,reveal a diverse palynoflora abruptly replacedby fungi-dominated assemblages that arein turn succeeded by low diversity suites dominatedby fern spores, then gymnosperm- andangiosperm-dominated palynofloras of equivalentdiversity to those of the Late Cretaceous.This palynofloral signature is interpreted to representinstantaneous (days to months) destructionof diverse forest communities associatedwith the Chicxulub impact event. The pattern ofpalynofloral change suggests wholesale collapseof vascular plant communities and short-termproliferation of saprotrophs followed by relativelyrapid successional recovery of pteridophyteand seed–plant communities. The Permian–Triassictransition records global devastationof gymnosperm-dominated forests in a shortzone synchronous with one or more peaks of thefungal/algal palynomorph Reduviasporonites.This zone is typically succeeded by assemblagesrich in lycophyte spores and/or acritarchs.Higher in the succession, these assemblages giveway to diverse palynofloras dominated by newgroups of gymnosperms. Although differentplant families were involved in the massextinctions,the general pattern of extinction andrecovery is consistent between both events. Themajor difference is the longer duration for eachphase of the Triassic recovery vegetation comparedto that of the Paleocene. The protractedextinction-recovery succession at the Permian–Triassic boundary is incompatible with an instantaneouscausal mechanism such as an impactof a celestial body but is consistent with hypothesesinvoking extended environmental perturbationsthrough flood-basalt volcanism andrelease of methane from continental shelf sediments.2008040062阿 根 廷 禾 叶 蕨 科 (Grammitidacea) 孢 子 的形 态 和 超 微 结 构 特 征 = Morphology and ultrastructureof the spores of the Grammitidaceaefrom Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Ramos Giacosa J P;Morbelli M A; Giudice G E. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 143(3-4):155-166Spores of Grammitidaceae that grow in Argentinawere studied, including Grammitis magellanica,G. patagonica, G. poeppigiana, Lellingeriatungurahue, and Melpomene peruviana.The study was performed on herbarium materialwith a light microscope and scanning and transmissionelectron microscopes. The spores aretrilete with circular outline in polar view, theequatorial diameter is 30–83 μm and the polardiameter is 28–64 μm. The exospore is 0.3–1.44 μm thick, tuberculate–papillate, verrucate20

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