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Range). ( 英 文 ). Baranov V V. Stratigraphy andGeological Correlation, 2007, 15(5): 470-484Data on Middle and Upper Devonian depositsstudied in southeastern flank of the Siberian platformare considered. A scheme of stratigraphiczoning in the study region is presented. Nineteensedimentological and biotic events, which arerecorded in the studied sections, are of the regional,interregional and global ranks. Theirconnection with eustatic sea-level fluctuations isestablished. Sections of the formation and regionalhorizon stratotypes and parastratotypesare described. The revision of species Mucrospirifernovosibiricus (Toll) is carried out.2008040515东 北 亚 鄂 霍 次 克 北 部 地 区 二 叠 纪 生 物 地 层 =Permian biostratigraphy of the northern Okhotskregion (Northeast Asia). ( 英 文 ). Biakov A S.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(2): 161-184Fossil biota and detailed biostratigraphy ofthe Permian northeastern Okhotsk and Ayan-Yuryakh sedimentary basins located in thenorthern Okhotsk region are characterized. Thebiota core is represented by bivalves associatedwith gastropods, brachiopods, and other faunalgroups. It is shown that a new regional stratigraphicscale of northeastern Russia based onbrachiopods and bivalves may be used for subdivisionof Permian sections in these basins.Fossil assemblages have many features in commonwith their counterparts from the Verkhoyanskregion; at the same time, there are endemicspecies and the big group of species characteristicof the Omolon basin. The upper part of theKhivach regional horizon is subdivided into subzonesbased on the evolutionary lineages of theMaitaia and Intomodesma genera. Changes inthe taxonomic composition of coeval communitiesin different basins are shown to be largelycontrolled by the basin depths and facies environments.Impoverished fauna of the Ayan-Yuryakh basin was less diverse in taxonomicaspect, represented almost entirely by bivalves(mostly Inoceramus-like) accompanied by raregastropods. The discovered taxa are figured inmajority, and table of their stratigraphic distributionis presented.2008040516从 美 国 亚 利 桑 那 州 - 新 墨 西 哥 州 Earp 组 和 相当 地 层 的 上 古 生 代 粉 砂 岩 的 古 气 候 推 断 =Palaeoclimatic inferences from upper Palaeozoicsiltstone of the Earp Formation and equivalents,Arizona-New Mexico (USA). ( 英 文 ). Gerilyn S;Soreghan G S; Moses A M; Soreghan M J; HamiltonM A; Fanning C M; Link P K. Sedimentology,2007, 54(3): 701-719The Late Palaeozoic configuration of Pangaeacontributed to a palaeoclimatic extreme that wascharacterized by both icehouse and monsoonalconditions. This study uses sedimentological,geochemical, and provenance data from siltyfacies of the Earp and equivalent Supai Formations(Arizona, New Mexico) to shed light onatmospheric circulation and glacial–interglacialclimate change in westernmost equatorial Pangaea.Five silt-rich facies comprise both loessiteand marine and fluvially reworked loessite. Aninitial aeolian origin for the silt is indicated bythe remarkably invariant grain size and the laterallycontinuous, sheet-like geometry of beds.The silt-rich facies occur in repetitive facies associations(1–20 m scale) that form mixed continental-marine(loess, marine-reworked loess),shallow-marine, and continental (loess, palaeosol)‘sequences’. Facies repetitions of bothmixed continental-marine and shallow-marinesequences reflect a linked glacioeustatic–glacioclimatic control, whereas the continental(loess–palaeosol) couplets reflect a primary glacial–interglacialclimatic cyclicity linked to glacioeustasy.Stratigraphic interpretations suggestthat aeolian silt flux maximized during glacial toincipient interglacial stages (lowstand to earlytransgression), and decreased significantly orceased during interglacials (highstand to earlyfalling stage). Detrital-zircon geochronologicaldata indicate a transition from dominantly northeasterlywinds during the Middle Pennsylvanianto north-westerly and south-easterly winds bythe Early Permian, which trend is inferred toreflect the onset of monsoonal circulation inwestern Pangaea. Relative grain-size data supportthe detrital-zircon data, and exhibit a significantdecrease from the Sedona arch/CentralArizona shelf (north) to the Pedregosa basin(south) sections. Whole-rock geochemical datasuggest a relatively unweathered source for thesilt in the north, and detrital-zircon data indicatesignificant silt was derived from the local basement.These large piles of silt(stone) preservevaluable information for reconstructing bothlong-term evolution in atmospheric circulationand short-term fluctuations in glacial–interglacial climate. Many such indicators forlong have been applied to ‘recent’ (Plio-Pleistocene) loess, but are equally applicable to‘deep-time’ strata.2008040517加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 西 部 中 奥 陶 世 Cape Cormorant组 上 部 几 丁 虫 、 牙 形 类 和 笔 石 综 合 生 物 地 层= Integrated chitinozoan, conodont, and graptolitebiostratigraphy from the upper part of theCape Cormorant Formation (Middle Ordovician),western Newfoundland. ( 英 文 ). Albani R; Bag-155

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