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wide tooth crowns, a sub-rectangular axial neuralspine seen in lateral view, and large...2008040451辽 西 下 白 垩 统 九 佛 堂 组 珍 稀 化 石 层 = PreciousFossil-Bearing Beds of the Lower CretaceousJiufotang Formation in Western Liaoning Province,China. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Lijun; Yang Yajun;Zhang Lidong; Guo Shengzhe; Wang Wuli;Zheng Shaolin. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007,81(3): 357-364Based on the subdivision into three membersof the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation inwestern Liaoning, this paper deals mainly withthe division and correlation of precious fossilbird-and reptile-bearing beds of the formation inthe Dachengzi, Chaoyang, Dapingfang-Meileyingzi and Fuxin-Yixian basins. Amongthem, the precious fossil-bearing beds in theDachengzi Basin may be recognized as the XidagouBed of the second member and the YangcaogoudonggouBed of the third member; thosein the Chaoyang Basi...2008040452中 国 西 北 地 区 早 白 垩 世 的 巨 大Therizinosauroid ( 兽 脚 亚 目 恐 龙 ) = ALarge Therizinosauroid(Dinosauria:Theropoda)from the Early Cretaceous of NorthwesternChina. ( 英 文 ). Li Daqing; Peng Cuo; You Hailu;Lamanna M C; Harris J D; Lacovara K J; ZhangJianping. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(4):539-549We herein describe an associated partial postcranialskeleton of a theropod dinosaur discoveredin the Lower Cretaceous Xinminpu Groupof the Yujingzi Basin,in the Jiuquan area ofGansu Province,northwestern China.Features ofits humerus,such as strongly expanded proximaland distal ends,a well developed medial tuberosity,distalcondyles expressed on the humeral cranialsurface,and a hypertrophied entepicondyle,definitivelyestablish the therizinosauroidaffinities of the specimen.It differs fromother ther...2008040453中 国 南 方 的 第 一 只 鸭 嘴 龙 = The First HadrosauridDinosaur from Southern China. ( 英 文 ).Mo Jinyou; Zhao Zhongru; Wang Wei; Xu Xing.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(4): 550-554A new hadrosaurid dinosaur,Nanningosaurusdashiensis gen.et sp.nov.,is described based onan incomplete skeleton from the Late Cretaceousred beds of the Nalong Basin,Guangxi,southernChina.Diagnostic features for the new taxon includethe presence of a tall and sharply peakeddorsal process of the maxilla with reduced processof the jugai and a distinct lacrimalfacet,gracile humerus with low,rounded deltopectoralcrest,mandibular condyle of the quadratetransversly broad with reduced paraquadratenotch,de...2008040454摩 洛 哥 古 新 世 一 长 鼻 Dyrosaurid( 鳄 形 动物 , 中 真 鳄 类 ): 系 统 发 生 及 古 生 物 地 理 学意 义 = A long-snouted Dyrosaurid (Crocodyliformes,Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Paleoceneof Morocco: Phylogenetic and Palaeobiogeographicimplications. ( 英 文 ). Jouve S; BouyaB; Amaghzaz M. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2):281-294New material of a long-snouted dyrosauridhas been discovered in the Paleocene of Morocco.It consists of a well-preserved skull withembedded mandible and four dorsal vertebrae.The particularly elongate snout, proportionallythe longest of all known dyrosaurids, allows preciseidentification of this material as Atlantosuchuscoupatezi Buffetaut, 1979a, and presentationof an emended diagnosis for this speciespreviously known only from a mandibular symphysis.A phylogenetic analysis of the dyrosauridsindicates a close relationship between A.coupatezi and Rhabdognathus. It also confirms aprevious hypothesis that Congosaurus is distinctfrom Hyposaurus. It is more closely related toAtlantosuchus than Hyposaurus. The analysisalso allows palaeobiogeographic interpretationsto be made. Dyrosaurids ranged from North Africato other areas. They were rare during theMaastrichtian and endemic to each continent atthis time. Competition with large marine reptiles,such as mosasaurs, limited their dispersal duringthe Late Cretaceous. The disappearance of theserivals during the 'K-T crisis' enabled their diversificationand widespread dispersal during thePaleocene, with the same genera present on severalcontinents.2008040455联 合 王 国 牛 津 郡 中 侏 罗 世 MegalosaurusBucklandii( 恐 龙 , 兽 脚 亚 目 ) 的 分 类 位 置 =The taxonomic status of Megalosaurus Bucklandii(Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the MiddleJurassic of Oxfordshire, UK. ( 英 文 ). Benson R J;Barrett P M; Powell H P; Norman D B. Palaeontology,2008, 51(2): 419-424The lectotype of the Middle Jurassic theropoddinosaur Megalosaurus bucklandii, a right dentary,can be diagnosed on the basis of twounique characters: a longitudinal groove on theventral part of the lateral surface of the dentaryand a slit-like anterior Meckelian foramen. Thistaxon, the first dinosaur to be scientifically described,is therefore valid. Currently, however,no further material can be referred to this species138

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